Le Tonquesse
*bg and
aLaboratoire CRISMAT, ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, CNRS Normandie Univ. (UMR 6508), Caen, France
bCNRS–Saint-Gobain–NIMS, IRL 3629, Laboratory for Innovative Key Materials and Structures (LINK), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 305–0044, Tsukuba, Japan
cUniv Rennes, CNRS, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, ISCR-UMR6226, F–35000, Rennes, France
dSaint-Cyr Coëtquidan Military Academy, CReC, F–56380, Guer, France
eGraduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 305–8671, Tsukuba, Japan
fNational Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), WPI-MANA, University of Tsukuba, 305–0044, Tsukuba, Japan
gNantes Université, CNRS, Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel, IMN, Nantes F–44000, France
First published on 21st December 2023
This article reports and discusses the synthesis and the transport properties of the binary rare-earth antimonide Yb4Sb3 and some of its substituted derivatives. Specifically, co-substitution of La on the Yb site and Bi on the Sb site was attempted to further improve its thermoelectric properties. The solubility limit of the LaxYb4−xSb2.8Bi0.2 solid solution was established to be x = 0.3. Subsequent synthesis of x = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 compositions at a larger scale enabled their transport property evaluation and the comparison with Yb4Sb3. The Seebeck coefficient of the substituted compounds was found to be similar to the pristine material from 373 to 1273 K, while an increase in resistivity was observed. Detailed DFT calculations confirmed that the Seebeck coefficient may not be significantly improved by La substitutions and explained the p-type conducting behavior at high temperatures of the title compounds. The thermal conductivity of La0.2Yb3.8Sb2.8Bi0.2 was found to be reduced by about 30% compared to that of the binary Yb4Sb3. The figure of merit zT of the parent Yb4Sb3 compound reaches 0.5 at 1273 K. While dual substitutions have not permitted a significant improvement in the figure of merit mostly due to a resistivity increase, this study provides a stepping stone for further optimization.
La3−xTe4 is a promising n-type material that exhibits a zT above unity around 1300 K.17 This compound crystallizes in the Th3P4 structure type, wherein vacancies are accommodated on the rare-earth sites. Rare-earth antimonides of typical formula RE4Sb3 (RE = Yb, La, Sm, Ce) are presenting the anti-Th3P4 crystal structure.18 In this cubic structural arrangement (space group I3d), rare-earth atoms occupy P sites (Wyckoff position 16c) at the center of a distorted octahedron, while antimony atoms occupy Th sites (12a), forming a bis-disphenoid environment shaped by two interpenetrated Yb tetrahedra (Fig. 1). As it turns out, La4Sb3, Sm4Sb3 and Ce4Sb3 all exhibit n-type metallic conductive behavior with low Seebeck values in the 300–1300 K temperature range.19 Yb4Sb3, on the other hand, present a quite different behavior: while the Seebeck coefficient is negative at room temperature (around −20 μV K−1), it then increases linearly with temperature, reaching 70 μV K−1 at 1300 K according to previous studies.19,20 Meanwhile, the resistivity remain consistently low, as expected for metallic conductive behavior, with values of about 1.2 mΩ cm at 1300 K,20 leading to a decent power factor around 4 μW cm−1 K−2 at this temperature.21 For this reason, Yb4Sb3 was investigated for possible thermoelectric applications at very high temperature as a p-type counterpart of n-type La3−xTe4. An intriguing aspect of Yb4Sb3 is its p-type conduction, dominated by hole carriers above 600 K. This is notable since other rare-earth antimonides consistently exhibit n-type behavior across all temperatures. This peculiarity arises from Yb's mixed valency, switching between 2+ and 3+ oxidation states. However, magnetic studies have shown that the oxidation state of Yb atoms was predominantly 2+, not 3+.19 This suggests, based on the Zintl formalism, that Yb atoms donate only 8 electrons per formula unit to the anionic framework, which is comprised of Sb atoms able to accept 9 electrons overall per formula unit. This electron deficiency might explain the p-type conductive behavior in Yb4Sb3 above 600 K, but this needs to be confirmed by further theoretical investigations.
Efforts to enhance transport properties have been pursued through various strategies. Initially, substituting La for Yb was explored to lower the concentration of charge carriers, specifically holes, present in Yb4Sb3 at high temperatures. This exchange of Yb2+/3+ atoms with La3+ atoms aimed to enhance the Seebeck coefficient through the reduction of available holes. Several compositions were investigated and it was shown that La0.5Yb3.5Sb3 exhibited the best performance with an improvement of the power factor up to 10 μW cm−1 K−2 at 1300 K.19 Associated to a significantly reduced thermal conductivity of 1.7 W m−1 K−1 at 1300 K, La0.5Yb3.5Sb3 displayed a promising zT value of 0.75.19 Furthermore, substituting a small amount of Sb by Bi also yield positive results. The Yb4Sb2.8Bi0.2 composition, for instance, shows an enhanced power factor of approximately 8 μW cm−1 K−2 at 1300 K.20
Building upon prior research efforts, the main objective of this study was to investigate the outcomes of a dual substitution, involving the replacement of both La on Yb sites and Bi on Sb sites. The aim was to potentially harness synergetic effects in order to further enhance the thermoelectric properties of the parent material. The Bi substitution level was set at y = 0.2, guided by the promising outcomes observed for the Yb4Sb2.8Bi0.2 composition's transport properties. Very recently, we used a similar strategy with partial Bi substitution on Sb sites while a partial amount of Yb atoms were replaced by Ce atoms.22 Findings from this study demonstrated a significant enhancement in the thermoelectric properties of the Ce-substituted solid solution, motivating further exploration into the transport properties of the La-substituted solid solution.
To explore the limits of solubility within the LaxYb4−xSb2.8Bi0.2 solid solution, the La substitution level was progressively increased from x = 0.1 to 1. Notably, the replacement of Sb with the larger-radius Bi may allow a broader solubility range in regard to the substitution of La for Yb, eventually leading to a reduction in charge carrier concentration by introducing a greater amount of La into the structure. Upon establishing the solubility limit, the synthesis and preparation of homogeneous LaxYb4−xSb2.8Bi0.2 compositions were undertaken to characterize their transport properties. Additionally, a theoretical analysis was conducted to explore the influence of both La and Bi substitution on the electronic structure of Yb4Sb3 and better understand the transport properties of the solid solution. We thus report in this article an unprecedented combined experimental and theoretical investigation on this chemical system which shows great promise for thermoelectric applications in the very high temperature range.
Electronic transport coefficients were calculated within the Boltzmann Transport Equation. A constant relaxation time τ for the electrons was assumed as well as a rigid band structure,29,30 as implemented in the BoltzTrap2 code.31 A 11 × 11 × 11 k-point grid was used to compute the band derivatives for transport calculations.
The results sketched in Fig. 3 indicate that starting from the nominal composition La0.6Yb3.4Sb2.8Bi0.2, the presence of LaSb is detected in the bulk. This is due to the pronounced incorporation of La, resulting in a biphasic domain under the specific synthesis temperature and pressure conditions. This assumption is supported by the correlation which is observed: higher La amount corresponds to an elevated intensity of LaSb reflections (Fig. 3). In the case of La0.4Yb3.6Sb2.8Bi0.2, despite the absence of the LaSb phase, some reflections exhibit distortion, implying that the substitution level is still somewhat excessive, hindering complete integration of La and Bi atoms within the parent structure. However, compositions with x ≤ 0.3 display no LaSb impurities and exhibit undistorted peaks, signifying successful substitution of La and Bi for Yb and Sb, respectively, in the structure. This solubility limit is slightly lower than that observed in the Ce-inserted CexYb4−xSb2.8Bi0.2 solid solution (x = 0.5),22 mainly owing to the higher atomic radius of La atoms (1.95 Å) compared with Ce atoms (1.85 Å). The refined cell parameters are displayed in Fig. 4. Based on this investigation, compositions with x = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 have been selected for further synthesis at larger scales, targeting subsequent transport property measurements.
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Fig. 5 Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy characterization of the La0.3Yb3.7Sb2.8Bi0.2 compound. The presence of all elements was confirmed with a good homogeneity. |
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Fig. 6 Thermoelectric properties of Yb4Sb3 and LaxYb4−xSb2.8Bi0.2 (x = 0.1 and 0.2) solid solution. (a) Seebeck coefficient, (b) resistivity, (c) thermal conductivity, and (d) figure of merit zT. |
The Seebeck coefficient of all compositions maintains its positive trend above 500 K, consistent with previous studies, indicating a conductive behavior dominated by holes at elevated temperatures. It can be noted that Yb4Sb3 presents a higher Seebeck coefficient at 1273 K compared to previous reports (100 μV K−1versus 65 μV K−1),19,20 leading to improved thermoelectric performance. This difference is probably due to the distinct synthesis and shaping routes that might significantly influence the transport properties. Indeed, the co-substitution of Yb by La and Sb by Bi have a relatively modest effect on the Seebeck values. However, a noteworthy enhancement was observed in the case of La0.2Yb3.8Sb2.8Bi0.2 with values around 110 μV K−1 at 1273 K, possibly stemming from a reduction in hole concentration due to the substantial Yb substitution amount with La atoms (see theoretical section below).
The resistivity trends confirm the characteristic metallic conductive behavior, with values increasing as temperature rises, ranging from 0.3 to 1.1 mΩ cm between 373 and 1273 K for the binary compound Yb4Sb3. Substituted compounds exhibit analogous conductive behavior, yet with higher resistivity values compared to the parent Yb4Sb3 compound, spanning from 0.8 to 2.2 mΩ cm between 373 and 1273 K for the x = 0.2 composition. This observation is consistent with the anticipated reduction in hole concentration due to La substitution at the Yb site. As the charge carrier concentration could not be measured in this temperature range, this point was assessed via theoretical calculations (vide infra). That being said, the evolution of the electronic transport properties is similar to that encountered in comparable systems such as Yb21Mn4Sb18 where the substitution of Yb for Na did not change much the Seebeck coefficient while the resistivity was significantly modified.13
Thermal conductivities measurements are displayed in Fig. 6c. Yb4Sb3 and La0.1Yb3.9Sb2.8Bi0.2 exhibit analogous behavior, maintaining a relatively constant value of 3.20 W m−1 K−1 up to 600 K, followed by a gradual decrease with temperature to 2.65 W m−1 K−1 at 1273 K for both compounds. The substituted La0.2Yb3.8Sb2.8Bi0.2 compound shows lower values, ranging from 2.3 W m−1 K−1 at lower temperatures down to about 1.9 W m−1 K−1 at 1173 K. This is in agreement with values already reported for LaxYb4−xSb3 where thermal conductivities of substituted compounds were decreased by the local mass fluctuation on the Yb site, contributing to enhanced phonon scattering in substituted compounds.33 While not being pronounced for the La0.1Yb3.9Sb2.8Bi0.2 composition, the phenomenon seems accentuated in the La0.2Yb3.8Sb2.8Bi0.2 compound, although it doesn't entirely account for the significant reduction in thermal conductivity observed in this particular case. The substantial increase in resistivity also plays an important role according to the Wiedemann–Franz law in diminishing the electronic contribution to thermal conductivity. This might thus explain why the thermal conductivity experiences a notable reduction (about 30%) in the case of the x = 0.2 composition, although this effect seems limited for La0.1Yb3.9Sb2.8Bi0.2 as its thermal conductivity was measured to be similar to that of the parent material within a relatively large uncertainty range.
The thermoelectric figure of merit zT of the investigated compounds demonstrates a reasonable performance at elevated temperatures (Fig. 6d). Yb4Sb3 achieves a zT value of approximately 0.5 at 1273 K, representing a notable outcome for the pristine compound. The substituted La0.1Yb3.9Sb2.8Bi0.2 and La0.2Yb3.8Sb2.8Bi0.2 compounds exhibit zT values of 0.32 and 0.38 at 1273 K, respectively, although slightly lower than that of the pure Yb4Sb3 compound. The difference can be attributed primarily to higher resistivities associated with weakly affected Seebeck coefficients in the substituted compounds. The relatively lower thermal conductivity measured for the x = 0.2 composition, while not fully compensated with the rise in resistivity, leaves room for further optimization within this family of compounds.
We ourselves first performed DFT geometry optimization of the cell parameters and atomic positions of the binary compound Yb4Sb3. As often observed in the literature, the volume of the PBE-DFT optimized unit cell is slightly larger (less than 2%) than the one obtained from X-ray diffraction studies (824.8 Å3vs. 810.1 Å3). Optimized Yb–Sb bond distances compare very well with the X-ray measured ones: 3.14 Å vs. 3.12 Å and 3.36 Å vs. 3.32 Å. The spin-polarized band structure of Yb4Sb3 is sketched in Fig. 7. It compares quite well with the LDA ones previously reported in the literature. Small differences between up and down band structures suggest weak spin-polarization. This band structure strongly differs from the one reported for the isostructural La4Sb3 compound: while the Fermi level crosses the top of the valence band in Yb4Sb3, it is located in the bottom of the conduction band in La4Sb3.37 This agrees with the lowest electronic transfer from the metal atoms towards the antimonide network in the case of the ytterbium compound, resulting in a formal Yb(II) oxidation state and p-type character of the compound. This is at the origin of the difference in the transport behavior of Yb4Sb3 with regard to other RE4Sb3 compounds where RE is a trivalent rare-earth atom.19 A full theoretical analysis of the electronic structure of both compounds will be further discussed in an upcoming study. The band structure of Yb4Sb3 shows that the bands located in the vicinity of the Fermi level are rather flat in the N → P and H → N directions and more dispersive along the Γ → N and P → Γ → H symmetry lines. Such a situation encourages higher Seebeck coefficient as well as good electronic conductivity. Electronic transport properties of the binary were simulated using a semi-classical approach assuming the constant relaxation time approximation. Fig. 8 displays the computed thermopower of Yb4Sb3 at 300 and 1300 K as a function of the chemical potential μ. It is noteworthy to mention that the Seebeck coefficient is computed to be negative for μ ∼ 0 eV. Even if the band structure suggests that several bands are involved in the conduction, this shows that electrons dominate the conduction at low temperature as observed experimentally. At higher temperature, holes dominate the conduction as expected from the previously published DOS34 and the band structure sketched in Fig. 7.
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Fig. 7 PBE-DFT spin-up (blue dotted lines) and spin-down (orange solid lines) band structures of Yb4Sb3. |
As massively exemplified in the literature, the thermopower can be tuned with the variation of the carrier concentration. This can be achieved in particular via doping. In order to assess the effect of doping Yb4Sb3 with La and Bi, two model compounds were computed: La0.25Yb3.75Sb3 and Yb4Sb2.75Bi0.25. Since Z equals 4 in the crystal structure of the binary compound, the computed models were obtained from the substitution of one Yb atom out of 16 by one La in the case of La0.25Yb3.75Sb3, and of one Sb atom out of 12 by one Bi for Yb4Sb2.75Bi0.25. Cell parameters and atomic positions were relaxed without any symmetry constraints. The DFT-optimized volumes of La0.25Yb3.75Sb3 and Yb4Sb2.75Bi0.25 are larger than the optimized one of Yb4Sb3 by ca. 4%. Such an increase is consistent with the larger size of La and Bi compared to Yb and Sb, respectively.
Total and atom-projected DOS are sketched in Fig. 9. It is obvious that La and Bi substitutions have different impacts on the electronic structure. Bi substitution hardly modifies the electronic structure of Yb4Sb3; this is consistent with the isovalent character of both pnictogens. Therefore, assuming similar carrier concentrations, the electronic transport properties of Bi-doped Yb4Sb3 are not expected to change significantly as shown in Fig. 8 for the Seebeck coefficient. Indeed, as previously observed experimentally,21 the Bi-doped Yb4Sb3 compound only exhibits a slightly enhanced thermopower irrespective of the chemical potential. On the other hand, the substitution of one Yb(II) atom by one La(III) atom alters much more the electronic structure and the computed electronic transport properties. One can note that spin polarization decreases in the La-doped model compound whereas it hardly changes in the Bi-doped model compound. The additional electrons brought by the lanthanum atoms contribute to fill the valence band in La0.25Yb3.75Sb3, making the compound less electron conductive. This also favours a p-type conduction and explains why the Seebeck coefficient turns positive at the Fermi level at both simulated temperatures. The thermopower is computed lower than that of the parent compound, regardless of the chemical potential. Assuming a rigid band model, the extra electron provided by La implies an increase in the Fermi level that crosses mainly dispersive bands in the Γ → N and P → Γ → H directions (see Fig. 7), which is consistent with a Seebeck coefficient reduction.
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Fig. 9 PBE-DFT total and atom projected DOS computed for La0.25Yb3.75Sb3 (left) and Yb4Sb2.75Bi0.25 (right). |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |