Mark T.
bc and
Nikhil V.
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia. E-mail: ziyuan.zhao@monash.edu; nikhil.medhekar@monash.edu
bARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies FLEET, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
cSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
First published on 7th August 2024
Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials offer a promising platform for nanoscale spintronics and for exploration of novel physical phenomena. Here, we predict a diverse range of magnetic orders in cobalt-based 2D single septuple layers CoX2Y4, namely, CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4, and CoSb2Te4. Notably, CoBi2Te4 presents intrinsic non-collinear antiferromagnetism (AFM), while the others display collinear AFM. The emergence of AFM in all CoX2Y4 materials is attributed to the antiferromagnetic 90° Co–Te(Se)–Co superexchange coupling. The origin of non-collinear/collinear orders lies in competing Heisenberg exchange interactions within the Co triangular lattice. A pivotal factor governing the non-collinear order of CoBi2Te4 is the vanishingly small ratio of exchange coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co and the nearest neighbour Co (J2/J1 ∼ 0.01). Furthermore, our investigation into strain effects on CoX2Y4 lattices demonstrates the tunability of the magnetic state of CoSb2Te4 from collinear to non-collinear. Our prediction of the unique non-collinear AFM in 2D suggests the potential for observing extraordinary magnetic phenomena in 2D, including non-collinear scattering and magnetic domain walls.
New conceptsSince the ground-breaking discovery of intrinsically magnetic two-dimensional (2D) materials, there's been an intense race to spotlight new physical phenomena inherent to these materials and leverage them for cutting-edge spintronic applications. By harnessing the predictive power of first principles calculations along with Monte Carlo simulations, we introduce an innovative class of 2D magnetic materials CoX2Y4 exhibiting a diverse set of magnetic orders. This Co-based material family, which includes CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4, and CoSb2Te4, represents a significant advance in our understanding of the intrinsically magnetic 2D materials: (i) in contrast to the typical collinear magnetic states prevalent in 2D materials, CoBi2Te4 exhibits an intrinsic non-collinear antiferromagnetic state. (ii) Antiferromagnetism in CoX2Y4 materials is induced by 90° superexchange interactions—historically correlated with ferromagnetism as in MnBi2Te4. This antiferromagnetism is attributed to the substantial π-bonding between Te(Se)-px and Co-dxy orbitals. (iii) While the non-collinear magnetism has been typically associated with the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction, we illustrate that in the CoX2Y4 it originates from the competing Heisenberg exchange interaction. Our investigation not only widens the scope of 2D magnetic materials but also establishes a robust foundation for the exploration of new physical phenomena and the potential novel non-collinear spintronics applications. |
The majority of existing 2D magnetic materials have collinear spin orders, with all the spins being either parallel or antiparallel [see for example, Fig. 1(a) and (b)]. In contrast, non-collinear configurations represent situations in which spin direction varies across positions, devoid of a specific orientation as schematically depicted in Fig. 1(c). Unlike collinear spin orders, non-collinear configurations feature more complex arrangements such as spin spirals, helical structures, or random orientations. These configurations introduce additional degrees of freedom and tunability, leading to enhanced control over magnetic properties and novel emergent phenomena.18–20 So far, non-collinear magnetism has mostly been observed in three-dimensional materials. For example, the kagome lattice in Mn3Ir shows intrinsic non-collinear antiferromagnetism (nclAFM) and can exhibit a large anomalous Hall conductivity.21,22 A recent work reported that the non-coplanar antiferromagnetism (ncpAFM) in triangular lattice compounds CoM3S6 (M = Nb, Ta) leads to a spontaneous topological Hall effect.23 However, intrinsic non-collinear magnetism is rarely observed in 2D materials, imposing constraints on the development of spintronics based on low-dimensional non-collinear magnetism.
Numerous studies have been dedicated to achieving non-collinear magnetism in 2D materials, primarily through the application of external perturbations, including strain,24,25 heterostructures,26,27 and external magnetic or electric field.28,29 For instance, 1T-CrTe2 film exhibits ferromagnetic behavior with a high Curie temperature of 200 K, yet it can transition to a non-collinear spin texture under the influence of external magnetic field.28 A recent theoretical study demonstrated that non-collinear magnetic states can be induced in various phases of 2D CrTe2 through structural distortions.30 Additionally, a 2D metal–organic framework can generate a non-collinear magnetic phase due to the dichotomy between frustrated local spins and conjugated electrons.31 Recent reports on non-collinear antiferromagnetism in vanadium-halide monolayers suggest they can serve as potential candidates for new multiferroic materials.32,33 Despite these advancements, 2D materials with intrinsic non-collinear antiferromagnetism still remain largely unexplored.
One of the prominent mechanisms driving non-collinear magnetism is the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI), an antisymmetric exchange coupling resulting from spin–orbital coupling (SOC).34,35 Crystal structures supporting DMI necessarily exhibit a broken inversion symmetry. In the realm of 2D magnetic materials, achieving intrinsically non-collinear magnetism through DMI without external perturbations poses a challenge, given that most 2D magnetic materials inherently maintain inversion symmetry. An alternative mechanism involves the competing Heisenberg interaction (J1–J2 model), which contains interactions not only between nearest neighbour spins (J1) but also between next-nearest neighbours (J2).36–38 The decisive factor determining collinear or non-collinear magnetic orders is the ratio between J2 and J1, denoted as J2/J1. The application of J1–J2 model has been primarily focused on theoretical studies.39–41 For instance, when examining a spin-½ state system on a triangular lattice, the nclAFM emerges as the magnetic ground state only when J2/J1 is less than 0.08. Within the range 0.08 ≲ J2/J1 ≲ 0.16, a quantum paramagnetic state prevails, and for larger values of J2/J1, a stripe collinear order is observed.42 Hence, small values of J2/J1 are pivotal in determining the non-collinear magnetic orders. However, the exploration of J1–J2 model within the realm of real materials has been relatively sparse. The competing Heisenberg interaction introduces an alternative strategy for investigating and discovering non-collinear magnetism in real 2D materials.
From the perspective of materials science, J1 and J2 originate from magnetic coupling between cations through superexchange and/or super–superexchange interactions.43 The values of J2/J1 can vary depending on the composition of elements involved in these superexchange and/or super–superexchange interactions, leading to the emergence of different magnetic orders, including both collinear and non-collinear. Recently, the discovery of van der Waals MnBi2Te4-family materials has garnered significant interest in both 2D magnetism and topology.12 This discovery provides a promising platform for exploring diverse magnetic orders arising from the exchange coupling between different transition metals. Here using a combination of first principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations, we systematically investigated a series of cobalt-based 2D materials family CoX2Y4, specifically, CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4. Our study reveals that CoBi2Te4 exhibits nclAFM with a Néel temperature of 10 K, which is associated with an antiferromagnetic J1 and a tiny J2/J1 of approximately 0.01. Conversely, the exchange coupling strength between next-nearest neighbour Co is enhanced in CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4, resulting in a large J2/J1 and a collinear antiferromagnetism (cAFM) as the ground magnetic state rather than nclAFM configurations. Additionally, through our study of the impact of strains, we can conclude that applying tensile strains on the CoSb2Te4 lattice not only leads to a magnetic phase transition from cAFM to nclAFM but it also allows for a higher Néel temperature of 23 K. This work unveils a series of collinear and non-collinear antiferromagnetic 2D Co-based materials, shedding light on the intricate balance within the competing Heisenberg interaction and highlighting the role of mechanical strain as a control knob to induce magnetic phase transitions with higher Néel temperatures.
The magnetism of transition metals is dominated by d-electrons occupancy. According to the crystal field theory,55 the d orbitals of the transition metal in octahedral coordination result in three triple-degenerate low energy t2g (dxz, dyz, dxy) orbitals and two double-degenerate high energy eg (dz2, dx2–y2) orbitals. Based on the chemical stoichiometry of all CoX2Y4 materials each Co has a valence of +2 by losing two s-electrons and remains seven electrons on d orbitals. The seven d-electrons can lead to a high-spin state of S = 3/2 or a low-spin state of S = 1/2 for Co in CoX2Y4. By comparing the total energies of high-spin and low-spin states, we found that high-spin states possess lower total energies in all cases (Table S3, ESI†), which is line with the high-spin state of Mn (i.e., S = 5/2) in MnBi2Te4. Hence, our focus for investigating the magnetism of the CoX2Y4 system lies on the ground spin state, specifically emphasizing the high-spin state of 3/2. In the high-spin state of Co, five d-electrons predominantly occupy the spin-up state of each d orbital, while the remaining two electrons occupy the spin-down state of the degenerate t2g orbitals with lower energy [refer to Fig. 2(d)]. The projected density of states (PDOS) supports the high-spin state for the Co atom in CoX2Y4 systems, as depicted in Fig. S1, ESI.† The calculated local magnetic moment on Co in CoX2Y4 is ∼2.8 μB, providing a strong magnetism in the materials. This is further supported by the spatial spin charge density distribution (Fig. S2, ESI†).
To assess the dynamical stability and feasibility of experimental synthesis of CoX2Y4 single layers, we evaluated their phonon dispersions and cohesive energies. In all cases without considering magnetism, the absence of any imaginary phonon modes across the entire Brillouin zone suggests their dynamical stability [see Fig. 2(e) for example, and Fig. S3 in the ESI†]. Given the collinear or non-collinear antiferromagnetic nature of the ground magnetic states of CoX2Y4, as discussed below, we also evaluated the dynamical stability under their ground magnetic states, as illustrated in Fig. S3, ESI.† The phonon dispersions of CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 SLs with collinear antiferromagnetic configuration showcase their robust dynamical stability. In the phonon dispersion of CoBi2Te4 SL under the consideration of non-collinear antiferromagnetic state, no significant imaginary mode was observed along the high-symmetry pathway, but with an increase in phonon softening of up to −0.19 THz around the Γ point. To mitigate these imaginary modes, larger supercells and enhanced computational precision are recommended. However, due to computational constraints related to non-collinear magnetism and the requirement of large supercells, achieving a more precise phonon dispersion for non-collinear antiferromagnetic CoBi2Te4 SL is beyond our current capability. To provide further information about this point, we also investigated the phonon dispersions of CoBi2Te4 SL in other magnetic orders including collinear ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states. Compared to non-magnetic phonon dispersion, neither magnetic state exhibits significant phonon softening. These results suggest that incorporating magnetism into the CoBi2Te4 lattice does not disturb its dynamical stability. Furthermore, we compared the cohesive energy of CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, and CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 SLs with that of MnBi2Te4, a well-known material in the MnBi2Te4 family, which has been synthesized successfully and been the subject of intense recent research efforts.56–58 The cohesive energies of CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4, and CoSb2Te4 SLs are 3.10, 3.26, 3.43, and 3.07 eV per atom respectively, significantly higher than that of MnBi2Te4 (2.77 eV per atom), indicating strong feasibility of being synthesized in experiments [Fig. 2(f)]. We also assessed the formation energies of these CoX2Y4 SLs relative to elemental solids. The phases of the elemental solids considered to assess the formation energies are Fmm Co, R
m Bi, R
m Sb, P3121 Te, and P3121 Se. Negative formation energies indicate thermodynamic stability of CoX2Y4 SLs, as summarized in Table S4 in ESI.†
We next investigated the ground state magnetic configuration of CoX2Y4 SLs by considering four distinct configurations as depicted in Fig. 1: (a) ferromagnetic (FM), (b) collinear antiferromagnetic (cAFM), (c) non-collinear antiferromagntic (nclAFM), and (d) non-coplanar antiferromagntic (ncpAFM). Upon comparing the total energies of all configurations, we found that cAFM [Fig. 1(b)] is the most stable magnetic state for CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 SLs, whereas the intralayer nclAFM is the magnetic ground state for CoBi2Te4 SL [Fig. 1(c)]. The energy differences among different magnetic configurations without considering spin–orbital coupling (SOC) among different magnetic configurations are presented in Table 1. We noted that the magnetic ground states for CoX2Y4 SLs remain unchanged when SOC is considered, indicating the stability of the magnetic configurations (see Table S5, ESI†). Thus, we excluded SOC in the subsequent discussion.
M (μB per atom) | ΔEcAFM (meV f.u.−1) | ΔEnclAFM (meV f.u.−1) | ΔEncpAFM (meV f.u.−1) | J 1 (meV) | J 2 (meV) | J 2/J1 | MAE (meV) | Easy axis | T N (K) | |
CoBi2Te4 | 2.76 | −7.39 | −8.21 | −6.59 | −0.82 | −0.01 | 0.01 | −0.18 | In-plane | 10 |
CoBi2Se2Te2 | 2.81 | −10.37 | −9.74 | −9.82 | −0.96 | −0.19 | 0.20 | 0.04 | Out-of-plane | 22 |
CoBi2Se4 | 2.82 | −6.25 | −5.91 | −5.64 | −0.58 | −0.11 | 0.19 | 0.08 | Out-of-plane | 13 |
CoSb2Te4 | 2.73 | −8.03 | −7.09 | −7.20 | −0.70 | −0.19 | 0.27 | −0.18 | In-plane | 19 |
The antiferromagnetic ordering in CoX2Y4 SLs results from the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between nearest neighbour Co cations. This interaction is dominated by the Co–Te(Se)–Co superexchange interaction, because the direct exchange coupling between Co is very weak due to a long distance between nearest neighbour Co ions (for example, the nearest Co–Co distance in CoBi2Te4 SL is 4.33 Å). The angles of the Co–Te(Se)–Co bridge in all CoX2Y4 SLs are close to the 90° (see Table S1 in the ESI†). According to Goodenough–Kanamori–Anderson rules,59–61 the 90° superexchange coupling typically contributes to a FM state. Two common explanations exist: in one scenario, illustrated in Fig. S4, ESI,† the px and py orbitals of the central anion engage in σ bonds with the d orbital of neighbouring cations, resulting in FM coupling due to the orthogonality between px and py and lack of overlap. Alternatively, another explanation posits that the px/py orbital forms a σ bond with one cation while being orthogonal to the other cation, also leading to FM coupling (see Fig. S4b and c, ESI†). Both explanations underscore the FM nature of the 90° superexchange arising from orbital orthogonality without overlap in the superexchange channel. However, an AFM behaviour can be induced through the superexchange channel with continuous orbital overlapping.
In the Co–Te(Se)–Co superexchange coupling, one electron of the Te(Se)-px/py orbital can hop over to the Co-dx2–y2 orbital, referred to as a σ bond. Due to the Pauli principle, only the spin-down electron can hop to the dx2–y2-orbital, because the dx2–y2-orbital is occupied by a spin-up electron. The remaining spin-up electron of the px/py orbital will then enter into a direct exchange with the other Co of the Co–Te(Se)–Co bridge. Although the Te(Se)-px/py orbital is orthogonal to the dx2–y2-orbital of the other Co, it can form a π bond with the dxy-orbital, which shifts the electron to be spin-down. Thus, the entire Co–Te(Se)–Co presents an antiferromagnetic superexchange coupling, as illustrated in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The superexchange pathways via Te(Se)-px or Te(Se)-py are equivalent (Fig. S4d and f, ESI†), thus we take the Te(Se)-px channel as an example for the further discussion.
The p–d orbital overlap between Co and Te(Se) referred to as the σ and π bonds can be calculated through the crystal orbital Hamiltonian populations (COHPs) of the Co–Te(Se) bonds. See Fig. 3(c) for the COHPs for the overlap between the Te-px–Co1-dx2–y2 and Te-px–Co2-dxy for the Co1–Te–Co2 bridge in CoBi2Te4 SL. Negative COHPs indicate the electrons at bonding energy level. The COHPs for the overlap between Te-px–Co1-dx2–y2 is relatively large, and the integrated bonding orbital is −0.22 eV, indicating a stronger σ bond. The COHPs for the overlap between Te-px–Co2-dxy is relatively weak, with the integrated value of −0.06 eV, which indicates the π bond. The appearance of the σ and π bond of Te-p–Co-d leads to the antiferromagnetic coupling. The σ and π bonds of Te(Se)-p–Co-d in CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4, and CoSb2Te4 SLs are also confirmed by COHPs calculations as shown in Fig. S5 (ESI†), resulting in an antiferromagnetic coupling in all cases.
Other transition metals in MnBi2Te4-family materials, e.g., V, Mn, and Ni, have a similar structure with CoBi2Te4.12,54,62 The angle of their superexchange bridge is also close to 90°, and they obey the same superexhange coupling rules; however, they present FM configuration as their ground state. To illustrate the role of superexchange interaction in determining the magnetic ground state in CoBi2Te4, we also calculated the COHPs of MnBi2Te4 to evaluate the strength of σ and π bonds. As illustrated in Fig. 3(d), the strength of the σ bond between Mn1-dx2–y2–Te-px is comparable to Co. However, the π bond in MnBi2Te4 is very weak with the total bonding level of −0.005 eV, an order of magnitude smaller than in CoBi2Te4. Such a weak π bond cannot invert the dxy-electron, thereby leading to a ferromagnetic superexchange coupling. In addition, the mechanism of the ferromagnetic superexchange coupling of V and Ni can be understood easily. The dx2–y2-orbital of V is empty, and dxy-orbital of Ni is fully filled, thus they cannot undergo the AFM coupling. Schematic diagrams for superexchange coupling for V and Ni are shown in Fig. S6 (ESI†).
Non-collinear magnetism can usually be explained by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI)34,63 or the double-exchange interaction (DE)64,65 or the competing Heisenberg exchange interaction. The DMI is associated with inversion symmetry breaking, and DE arises between ions in different oxidation states. In CoBi2Te4, the Rm crystal symmetry preserves the inversion symmetry, and all Co ions have the same valence/oxidation states. Thus, it can be anticipated that nclAFM in CoBi2Te4 arises from the competing Heisenberg exchange interaction. On the other hand, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 SLs present cAFM as the ground magnetic state, which is expected to exhibit a different magnitude of J2/J1 from that of CoBi2Te4. Therefore, we next explored the Heisenberg exchange model of these CoX2Y4 SLs for a comparison.
We calculated the exchange coupling parameters between nearest and next-nearest neighbour Co cations (J1 and J2) based on a Heisenberg model. In this model, the spin Hamiltonian is defined as
Looking at the structure of CoX2Y4 SLs, we observe that the exchange coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co can occur through multiple intermediate atoms, referred to as super–superexchange couplings. We analyzed two super–superexchange coupling channels: Co–Te(Se)–Bi(Sb)–Co and Co–Te(Se)–Te(Se)–Co, to compare the strength of exchange coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co within these CoX2Y4 SLs (Fig. 4(a)). Each super–superexchange coupling channel comprises three hopping fragments: Co–Te(Se), Te(Se)–Bi(Sb), and Bi(Sb)–Co in the Co–Te(Se)–Bi(Sb)–Co channel; and Co–Te(Se), Te(Se)–Te(Se), and Te(Se)–Co in the Co–Te(Se)–Te(Se)–Co channel. We calculated the hopping energies (τ) of each hopping fragment based on the tight-binding model (see Table S6, ESI†). The strength of the super–superexchange coupling can then be determined by the total hopping energy, which involves multiplying the energies of each fragment. The super–superexchange coupling emerges as the cumulative effect of these two channels (τeff).
τCo–Te(Se)–Bi(Sb)–Co = τCo–Te(Se)τTe(Se)–Bi(Sb)τBi(Sb)–Co |
τCo–Te(Se)–Te(Se)–Co = τCo–Te(Se)τTe(Se)–Te(Se)τTe(Se)–Co |
τeff = τCo–Te(Se)–Bi(Sb)–Co + τCo–Te(Se)–Te(Se)–Co |
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 The origin of the exchange coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co. (a) The Co–Te(Se)–Bi(Sb)–Co (pink dash line) and Co–Te(Se)–Te(Se)–Co (green dash line) super–superexchange channels. The super–superexchange channels with orbital shapes are depicted in Fig. S7, ESI.† (b) The correlation between the τeff and |J2| for CoX2Y4 SLs. |
The Néel temperature represents the critical point at which antiferromagnetic materials lose their permanent magnetism. To calculate the Néel temperatures of CoX2Y4 SLs, in addition to exchange coupling parameters, we need to consider the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). MAE calculations were performed for all CoX2Y4 SLs along three high-symmetry directions, i.e., [100], [010], and [001], by considering spin–orbital coupling. The MAE of CoBi2Te4 and CoSb2Te4 is −0.18 meV, suggesting an in-plane easy axis. CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4 exhibit an out-of-plane easy axis with positive MAE values of 0.04 and 0.08 meV, respectively. Using the MAE and exchange coupling parameters (J1 and J2), we estimated Néel temperatures through Monte Carlo simulations. The calculated Néel temperatures of CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 SLs are 10, 22, 13 and 19 K, respectively (see Fig. S8, ESI†), which are comparable to that of few-layered CrI3 (17 K)10,66 and MnBi2Te4 SL (12 K).54
Since the MAE values in the CoX2Y4 SLs are of small magnitude, and are usually sensitive to the J parameters,67 we tested the MAE under different J values (ranging from 0 to 1 eV) using the Liechtenstein approach. As shown in Fig. S9 (ESI†), with increasing J, the in-plane easy axis becomes energetically more favourable over out-of-plane axis. CoBi2Te4 and CoSb2Te4 retain an in-plane easy axis. CoBi2Se4 maintains an out-of-plane easy axis with reduced MAE, while the magnetic easy axis of CoBi2Se2Te2 changes from out-of-plane to in-plane above 0.5 eV of J. Another factor that can influence magnetic anisotropy is the magnetic dipole–dipole interactions.68–70 We examined the effect of dipole–dipole interactions on MAE. The dipole–dipole interaction energy is on the order of μeV; it does not alter the easy axes of CoX2Y4 SLs after dipole–dipole corrections. The MAE values with combined effects of SOC and dipole–dipole interactions of CoBi2Te4, CoSb2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4 are −0.17 meV, −0.17 meV, 0.05 meV, and 0.09 meV, respectively (see Table S7 in ESI† for more details).
Magnetic properties of 2D materials can often be tuned by applying strains.71–73 Given that the formation of collinear or non-collinear states in CoX2Y4 is linked to the strength of the exchange coupling, it is worthwhile to investigate the effect of strain on the magnetic orders of all CoX2Y4 lattices studied here. We considered in-plane biaxial strains in CoX2Y4 lattices in the range of −4% to 6%, see Fig. 5. The J1 values of CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4 undergo significant changes with strain, where compressing the lattice enhances the strength of exchange coupling and conversely, stretching the lattice weakens the coupling strength. The J2 values of CoBi2Te4, CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4 are not sensitive to strain, and J2/J1 ratio does not change significantly with strain [Fig. 5(a)–(c)]. Consequently, the nclAFM state of CoBi2Te4 and cAFM states of CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4 remain robust. On the other hand, for CoSb2Te4, compressive lattice strain enhances the exchange coupling, while the coupling remains relatively robust under tensile strain. Notably, the J2 parameter of CoSb2Te4 is sensitive to biaxial strain. As depicted in Fig. 5(d), positive tensile strain in the case where the lattice is stretched, it hugely weakens the AFM coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co atoms. Above 2% biaxial strain, J2 in CoSb2Te4 transitions to positive values, indicating a transition from AFM to FM coupling between next-nearest neighbour Co atoms. Above this strain, the nclAFM state becomes the ground magnetic state of CoSb2Te4 SL. This result highlights that the nclAFM state can also arise from a negative J2/J1, attributed to the competition between AFM J1 and FM J2. Among the three cAFM materials, i.e., CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4, only CoSb2Te4 demonstrates a strain-tuned magnetic phase transition from collinear to non-collinear configurations. The transition is attributed to the significant alterations in the J2 parameter of CoSb2Te4 under strain, distinguishing it from CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4. A possible factor driving the transformation of J2 from AFM to FM coupling in CoSb2Te4 is the domination of FM super–superexchange couplings between next-nearest neighbour Co under tensile strains. This coupling channel arises from the combination of two superexchange interactions: Co–Te(Se)–Co–Te(Se)–Co (Fig. S10, ESI†). In this channel, the FM super–superexchange coupling parameter JFM2 is proportional to J1, i.e., JFM2 ∼ J1. Examining the curvature of J1 in CoBi2Se2Te2, CoBi2Se4 and CoSb2Te4 reveals that CoSb2Te4 maintains large J1 values under positive strains, in contrast to the declining J1 observed in CoBi2Se2Te2 and CoBi2Se4. This robust J1 under strain can be attributed to the larger orbital radius of Te compared to Se, which fosters strong FM super–superexchange couplings in CoSb2Te4, hastening the transition of J2 from AFM to FM coupling. Furthermore, we evaluated the Néel temperatures of the nclAFM state of CoSb2Te4 SL under strains of 2%, 4% and 6%, which can reach approximately 8, 18 and 23 K, respectively, as shown in Fig. S11 (ESI†). The increase of the Néel temperatures lies on the enhanced exchange coupling parameters under the strains. Therefore, applying strain can be considered as an effective means to tune the Néel temperatures.
Subsequently, we conducted band structure calculations of these systems: nclAFM CoBi2Te4, cAFM CoBi2Se2Te2, cAFM CoBi2Se4, and cAFM CoSb2Te4 SLs. These analyses revealed that all of them exhibit characteristics of indirect insulators, displaying relatively large band gaps at the PBE level of theory (see Fig. S12, ESI†). Upon inclusion of SOC, noticeable changes occur in the band structures, resulting in a reduction of the band gap across all cases. Particularly noteworthy is a significant decrease observed in the band gap of CoBi2Te4, dropping from 0.96 eV without SOC to 0.31 eV with SOC. This drastic alteration is attributed to the pronounced effect of SOC on heavy atoms. In contrast to the cAFM configurations featuring doubly degenerate bands, the band structure of nclAFM CoBi2Te4 exhibits a more complex arrangement with non-degenerate bands.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Computational details; spin charge distribution of CoBi2Te4 SL; phonon spectra and COHPs of CoBi2Te2Se2, CoBi2Se4, and CoSb2Te4 SLs; schematics and further analysis of ferromagnetic superexchange interaction in VBi2Te4 and NiBi2Te4; PDOS and band structures of CoX2Y4 SLs; magnetic capacities of CoX2Y4; the change of Néel temperatures in the nclAFM state of CoSb2Te4 under strains; structural information. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4nh00103f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |