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aDivision of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Department of Life Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden. E-mail:;
bEnergy and Materials division, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
cQuantum Device Physics Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience-MC2, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
dThe Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
First published on 15th December 2023
Graphene, a single layer, hexagonally packed two-dimensional carbon sheet is an attractive candidate for diverse applications including antibacterial potential and drug delivery. One of the knowledge gaps in biomedical application of graphene is the interaction of these materials with the cells. To address this, we investigated the interaction between graphene materials (graphene and graphene oxide) and plasma membranes of cells (bacterial and mammalian cells). The interactions of four of the most abundant phospholipids in bacteria and mammalian plasma membranes with graphene materials were studied using density functional theory (DFT) at the atomic level. The calculations showed that the mammalian phospholipids have stronger bonding to each other compared to bacterial phospholipids. When the graphene/graphene oxide sheet is approaching the phospholipid pairs, the bacterial pairs exhibit less repulsive interactions, thereby a more stable system with the sheets was found. We also assembled bacterial and mammalian phospholipids into liposomes. We further observed that the bacterial liposomes and cells let the graphene flakes penetrate the membrane. The differential scanning calorimetry measurements of liposomes revealed that the bacterial liposomes have the lowest heat capacity; this strengthens the theoretical predictions of weaker interaction between the bacterial phospholipids compared to the mammalian phospholipids. We further demonstrated that graphene oxide could be internalized into the mammalian liposomes without disrupting the membrane integrity. The results suggest that the weak bonding among bacteria phospholipids and less repulsive force when graphene materials approach, result in graphene materials interacting differently with the bacteria compared to mammalian cells.
We recently reviewed the proposed interaction mechanisms between graphene materials and bacteria including mechanical damage, electron transfer, insertion, lipid extraction, pore formation, and wrapping.5 Molecular dynamics simulations showed the adsorption and insertion as the interaction modes of graphene and membrane lipids. Graphene can be transiently adsorbed onto the membrane. In the adsorption interaction mode, the lipids locally splay and twist thereby providing a hydrophobic environment for the graphene contact. However, the most favourable interaction mode is the insertion mode: graphene can also be inserted in the membrane hydrophobic region preferably in the perpendicular orientation to the membrane surface.6
Feng et al., (2021) investigated the interactions of GO with the eukaryotic cell membrane model containing zwitterionic and anionic lipids, and cholesterol using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) system. The efficiency of GO attachment to the membrane was reduced by increasing the content of anionic lipids in the membrane, indicating the essential role of electrostatic interactions in deposition of GO.7
Although molecular dynamics simulations were previously used to study the interactions between graphene materials and cell membranes,8–11 none of these studies investigated the differences in the interaction of these materials with the bacteria and mammalian membranes.
Given that the plasma membrane is the first part of a cell interacting with graphene materials, it is important to investigate the interaction of the plasma membrane with the graphene materials. The key component of the plasma membrane is phospholipids, which represents the most extensive and structurally significant component in the lipid bilayer composition.
In this study, we first investigate the interaction of graphene materials with phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and cardiolipin (CL), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM), the dominant phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the bacteria and mammalian membranes, respectively. The purpose is to investigate if the different constituents in head-group of phospholipids affect the interactions with graphene materials. Density functional theory (DFT) was utilized to study the interaction of phospholipids with graphene materials at a quantum level. Phospholipids were simulated as the single molecules as well as in pairs, in combinations that are relevant for the membranes. When the G sheets were approaching the phospholipid pairs perpendicular to the membrane surface, the bacterial lipids exhibited less repulsion towards G than their mammalian counterparts. This is expected to facilitate the penetration of graphene materials in the bacterial membrane, verified experimentally on Staphylococcus aureus and bacterial liposomes. We hypothesized that stronger repulsion by mammalian lipids prevents destructive interaction with the mammalian membrane, and favors non-destructive interactions. To verify this, we assembled mammalian phospholipids into liposomes, mimicking a cell membrane. GO interacts with the mammalian liposomes without disrupting the membrane integrity.
Fig. 1B shows the energy change by pairing the phospholipids in vacuum or in water, and for two relative orientations of each phospholipid pair, termed y- and z-stacking, relative to the energy of the two phospholipids isolated. Negative values indicate binding. We find that as the number of legs interacting between the phospholipids increases, the absolute value of the energy increases. An interesting finding is how the hydroxides (OH) in the PG/PG molecules arrange into H-bonds within each molecule (ESI Fig. 3†), instead of between the molecules, as in the other phospholipid pairs. This could explain why the distance between two PG molecules is more open and less robust than in the other combinations studied here.
Interaction energies between phospholipids of mammalian cells are more negative (bind stronger) than in bacterial phospholipids. The presence of SM seems to lower the energy, and SM/SM shows the strongest interaction in the mammalian pairs. For the PC/SM pair, an overlap in the hydrocarbon tails takes place, allowing for a denser stacking. The heads of PC/PC and PC/SM have more H-atoms and higher competition to available O-atoms of the same molecule, and thus tilt towards their neighbors for higher availability of interactions.
Overall, the calculations suggest that the intermolecular attraction between the bacterial PG phospholipid pair is weaker than that of other phospholipid pairs in most of the tested conditions (vacuum y-stacking, environ y/z stacking).
To verify experimentally the results found by DFT calculations, we assembled CL and PG, PC and SM phospholipids into liposomes representing bacteria and mammalian membranes, respectively. The differential scanning calorimetric analysis (DSC) was performed for the liposomes to reveal if the constituents of phospholipids affect the heat capacity of the liposomes (Fig. 1C).
In case of bacterial liposomes, the endothermic peak takes place at a lower temperature (29.2 °C, 0.036 μV mg−1) for PG compared to the other liposomes, which indicates that the amount of heat needed for the endothermic reaction is lower.
By calculating the integral for each endothermic peak, with respect to time (not temperature), we obtained the heat capacity as μV s mg−1 (Table 1). The bacterial liposomes display the lowest heat capacity, while the mammalian liposomes have the highest heat capacity. Next, the values from the calculated heat capacities were converted from μV s mg−1 to μV s mol−1 and plotted against the theoretical calculations and they follow the same pattern and range (ESI Fig. 4†). This supports the theoretical predictions of weaker interaction between the bacterial phospholipids compared to the mammalian phospholipids.
Organisms | Phospholipid | Heat capacity [μV s mg−1] |
Bacteria liposome | CL/CL | 0.176 |
PG/PG | 0.093 | |
CL/PG | — | |
Mammalian liposome | PC | 0.229 |
SM | 0.301 | |
PC/SM | 0.279 |
It was previously demonstrated that GO and chemically reduced GO disrupt 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) vesicles through a lipid-extraction mechanism.15 Molecular dynamics simulations showed that GO can be embedded in the membrane, and pull out membrane lipids to the surface of GO, resulting in pore formation and water molecules flowing into the membrane.16 It was previously discussed that under moderate attraction between the lipid headgroup and GO, the appropriate degree of rotational freedom for GO is favorable to the hydrogen-bonding interaction between GO and the CO group in the phosphatide hydrophobic region, thereby triggering the insertion of GO into the lipid alkyl chain region and leading to the extraction of lipids.17 Based on our results, we propose that the weak intermolecular interaction among bacterial lipids may help in the extraction of lipids by G/GO.
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Fig. 2 Graphene/graphene oxide interaction with the bacteria membrane. (A) Interaction energy when graphene/graphene oxide approaches paired bacteria phospholipids. The distance is defined as the x-component of the shortest path between any atom on the phospholipid pair and on G/GO. (B) Energy landscape of the interaction energy when graphene/graphene oxide is inserted between paired phospholipids, color scale as indicated by the right-hand bars in eV units. The white and black colors represent the strongest repulsion of and strongest attraction to insertion of graphene/graphene oxide between the phospholipids, with the lowest energy indicated by Emin in the headers. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. |
To further test this hypothesis, we produced a surface coated with vertically aligned G flakes. We used a simple experimental setup different from previous studies, coating a polymers surface with the graphene in sonication water bath. The polymer surface coated with G was incubated in the presence of S. aureus at 37 °C for 24 h and further imaged by SEM (ESI Fig. 5A†). Compared to control, where abundant bacterial growth was obvious, on G-coated surfaces there were few surviving bacteria, we found evidence of the bacteria cells interacting closely with the graphene flakes. Interestingly, the G-coated polymer did not affect the viability of breast epithelial cells when compared to the cells grown on medium only (ESI Fig. 5B†).
Based on our DFT calculations, we find that the G sheets are more suitable for antibacterial application than GO sheets, a result that is in line with our previous study that indicates that Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria can grow on GO integrated solid agar-based nutrient plates.18 However, this study investigated the growth of bacteria on GO-supplemented medium and did not assess the interaction of GO with the bacterial membrane.
A theoretically calculated analysis of G and GO penetrating paired phospholipids was performed with the phospholipids at different separation distances (Fig. 2B and 3B). This gave us an energy landscape for each of the phospholipid pairs, with the penetration depth of the G/GO and the separation distance between the phospholipids as the two variables.
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Fig. 3 Graphene/graphene oxide interaction with mammalian membrane. (A) Interaction energy when graphene/graphene oxide approaches paired mammalian phospholipids. (B) Interaction energy when graphene/graphene oxide is inserted between paired mammalian phospholipids. Color coding as in Fig. 2B, abbreviations as in Fig. 1. |
The PG/PG pair shows the most dramatic response to the G/GO flakes compared to other phospholipid pairs. We find that once the G/GO has started entering between the PG/PG pair and the pair has been separated a few Å from their original binding distance, the PG/PG pair still repels G/GO in some distance combinations (white and orange regions of the plots) but now also exhibits attraction at other distance combinations (dark regions). The repulsion regions are more pronounced in other pairs than PG/PG, while attraction only exists for the PG/PG pair. This indicates that the phospholipid pair PG/PG needs less separation to be stable when G/GO is penetrating. The PG/PG pair even shows a small attraction to G/GO (Emin = −0.511 eV for G and Emin = −0.637 eV for GO). Based on a previous simulation study,19 the penetration probability of graphene into the PG bilayer is 80%, which is consistent with our theoretical calculations.
We also find some differences in the interaction of bacterial phospholipids with GO compared with that of G. As indicated (Fig. 2A and B), there is a repulsion while GO is approaching PG/PG and the repulsion is more pronounced when GO penetrates the CL/CL pair. These results are similar to previous results in a study by Romero-Vargas Castrillón et al. (2015). They investigated the interaction of GO and the Escherichia coli cell membrane using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The interaction was predominantly repulsive, and it was a result of the repulsion between the outer cell membrane and hydrophilic GO.20
While PG is the major component of bacterial membranes, it is not widely found in animal cells, which makes it a potential candidate for bacterial targeting. A small synthetic receptor that specifically targets anionic PG head groups recently showed a broad antibacterial activity.21 In our study, the weaker mutual bonding and lower heat capacity of PG pairs, as well as attraction of graphene materials proposes the PG as the potential candidate for graphene-based targeted antibacterial drug delivery to the pathogenetic bacteria that have PG in their membrane.
Fig. 3B presents the results of the G/GO penetration and mammalian phospholipids separation. All the mammalian pairs have more white regions at a lower penetration depth, and thus, are more repulsive to G/GO when G/GO intercalates. When comparing G with GO, in case of mammalian phospholipids the smaller repulsion of G/GO (dark orange region) is more pronounced in SM/SM when G is penetrating, although attraction is not found (Emin has a small, positive value). This is different from penetration by GO in SM/SM, where stronger repulsion of GO (white region) is more pronounced. These results are consistent with previous simulation study showed that GO sheets with hydrophilic corners (owing to carboxylic, hydroxyl, and epoxide functional groups of GO) do not undergo cell uptake.22 This is further evidence for suitability of GO as a nano-carrier for drug delivery to human cells. GO does not disrupt the mammalian membrane and thereby the membrane integrity can be maintained during uptake of GO, carrying drugs.
To verify the non-destructive interactions of GO with mammalian liposomes, we also covalently functionalized GO with fluorescein (F) to track the GO localization. The successful functionalization of GO was confirmed by increment in size and fluorescence intensity of GO-F after functionalization (ESI Fig. 6†). The mammalian liposomes were exposed to the GO-F for 6 h and they were subsequently collected by solvent-based precipitation and analyzed (Fig. 4C). The fluorescent signal from the mammalian liposomes was significantly higher than the control liposomes without any treatment, which indicates the interaction of GO-F with the liposomes while keeping the liposomes still intact. Fluorescent microscopic observation of GO-F treated mammalian liposomes showed the intact liposomes with fluorescent signal (ESI Fig. 7†). The result is in line with our theoretical simulation and calcein release experiment that GO interacts with the mammalian membrane without disrupting the integrity. Our group previously investigated the interaction of GO with plasma membrane of mammalian cells.3 We treated liver cells with GO, and after 6 h the cells were imaged by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We found that the internalization of GO took place at the cell membrane. Santiago and Reigada (2019) also indicated the three interaction modes of adsorption, insertion and fusion between graphene and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol liposome membranes using molecular dynamics study.23 Based on their study, graphene can be adsorbed onto the liposome membrane and/or inserted in its hydrophobic region preferentially in a perpendicular orientation to maximize the contact with phospholipid tails.
Overall, we conclude that the mammalian phospholipids show repulsion against graphene materials, making them less sensitive to rupture. However, GO can be transported across the mammalian membrane without causing membrane disruption, which is a very interesting property for drug delivery.
Certain limitations to our study should be pointed out. Calculations in this study are done only between two phospholipids, which represent a small part of the outer leaf of the membrane. Phospholipids interact with multiple neighbors in a real membrane, and they also interact with membrane proteins, which profoundly affect membrane structure and function. For example, proteins are key drivers in the process of endocytosis.24 Therefore, investigation of more diverse phospholipids is needed in future studies, comprising a larger area of the membrane, and possibly membrane proteins. However, despite these limitations, our results show that DFT has managed to correctly capture some features of graphene/membrane interaction which were not fully predicted by other modelling approaches.8–11
The models of G and GO flakes (ESI Fig. 1A†) were periodically repeated in one in-plane direction (z-direction), and cut in the other in-plane direction (x-direction) to obtain a ribbon of width ∼22 Å with zig-zag edges passivated by H atoms.25 Our choice of distribution of functional groups on the GO layers was influenced by the well-known model by Lerf and Klinowski.26,27 The constituents of the GO layer for the experiments were obtained from the Graphene Supermarket ( with composition specified as 79% of weight of C and 20% of weight of O. According to the Lerf-Klinowski model, most of the oxygen atoms are attached as epoxy- (–O–) and alcohol groups (–OH).27 It was therefore assumed that the rest (1%) of the weight is from H atoms.
The calculations were carried out with Quantum ESPRESSO,28,29 an open-source planewave implementation of DFT, using the exchange correlation functional vdW-DF-cx.30–33 We used ultra-soft,34 PBE-based35 pseudopotentials from the GBRV36 package, with recommended cutoff kinetic energies 40 Ry and 200 Ry for the wavefunctions and charge densities, and a 2 × 2 × 1 Monkhorst–Pack37k-point sampling. All convergence threshold values for the energy, force and electron density changes were optimized in an initial study of the systems, and were then scaled for system size. For some of the calculations the Environ module38 was used with Quantum Espresso to model a water environment. Environ module introduces environmental effects on the explicitly calculated molecules by using an implicit description of the environment (here: water), as implemented in the self-consistent continuum solvation (SCCS) model.38 In the SCCS model, the interface between solvent and molecule is defined from a threshold value of the electron density of the molecules and the interface self-consistently changes position when the electron density of the molecules changes.
All calculations were carried out with periodically repeated orthogonal unit cells. In some of the systems periodicity is desired, such as the periodicity of the G and GO ribbons along the ribbons. In all other directions and calculations, we isolated the system from interactions with the neighboring periodic images of the unit cells by using sufficiently large side lengths of the unit cell. The unit cell sizes were tailored to fit each system, by converging relevant energy differences with unit cell size, yielding unit cell side lengths in the range from 15 to 40 Å.
In almost all calculations, the atom positions were optimized by minimizing the Hellmann–Feynman forces on the atoms after each self-consistent-field (SCF) calculation of the electron distribution. The exceptions are in calculations of G or GO at fixed distance to pairs of phospholipids, where we keep the atomic positions fixed to map the interactions, and thus carried out only a SCF calculation without force optimization. The interaction energies were calculated to relaxation in both vacuum and a water environment, using the default room temperature water setting of Environ module38 with the static permittivity 78.3.
The structures for each of the phospholipids were collected from the PubChem website ( where molecular structures are provided in two dimensions, ESI Fig. 1B.† We optimized the positions of the atoms to obtain their three-dimensional structure in isolation (illustrated in ESI Fig. 2†) or in water, before using the molecules in our calculations of interactions.
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was performed with a ZETASIZER Nano series from MALVERN instruments with DTS0012 disposable cuvettes. 1 mL of sample was analyzed to determine the size distribution after synthesis. The refractive index (RI) for the liposomes was 1.45. 1% EtOH in water was set as dispersant, with a viscosity of 1.0193 cP and RI of 1.330. The temperature was set to 21 °C, with an equilibration time of 10 s. The measurement angle was set to default (173° Backscatter). Three measurements were performed for each sample, with three runs and a run duration of 10 s for each measurement. Delay between measurements was set to 0. After size measurement of liposomes, it was concluded that 10 mg mL−1 and 1:
1 (H2O
EtOH) ratio gave the largest particle sizes. Since the purpose of liposome preparation is to mimic the cell membranes, large particle sizes are aspired. Therefore, liposomes synthesized from a phospholipid concentration in ethanol solution of 10 mg mL−1, and 1
1 (H2O
EtOH) ratio were used for further experiments. We assembled CL and PG phospholipids into three types of liposomes (i) CL (100%), (ii) PG (100%), (iii) CL/PG (50%/50%) representing bacteria membranes. We also assembled PC and SM phospholipids into three types of liposomes (i) PC (100%), (ii) SM (100%), and (iii) PC/SM (50%/50%) representing mammalian cell membranes.
Calcein loaded bacteria liposomes were prepared by the thin-film hydration method according to the literature.43 Firstly, PG and CL were dissolved in chloroform to yield a 10 mg mL−1 stock solution. Then, to a 50 mL eggplant-shaped flask, 800 μL PG and 200 μL CL were added. After completely removing solvent by a rotary evaporator, a thin white phospholipid film was obtained, followed by hydration in 2 mL 100 mM calcein solution for 2 h at room temperature for the formation of bacteria liposomes. The mixture was sonicated for 10 min to get liposomes of uniform size. The mammalian liposomes were also purified using Sepharose CL2B size-extrusion column and exposed to GO and analyzed under same condition as the mammalian liposomes.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ Equally contributed. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |