Yuan Liua,
Jimin Zhanga,
Xianhong Wangb,
Yingchun Liuc,
Xiuli Hua,
Chaochao Cao*a,
Xiongwei Qu
*a and
Beckry Abdel-Magidd
aHebei Key Laboratory of Functional Polymers, School of Chemical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China. E-mail: xwqu@hebut.edu.cn; 2022911@hebut.edu.cn
bTianjin Key Laboratory of New Materials and Systems for HVAC Plumbing, Tianjin 300400, China
cJinghua Plastics Co. Ltd, Langfang 065800, China
dDepartment of Composite Materials Engineering, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987, USA
First published on 2nd September 2024
Exfoliated graphite platelets (EGPs) have attracted extensive attention owing to their exceptional combinations of thermal conductivity and mechanical properties. Mechanical exfoliation is a facile and high-throughput approach to produce single-layer or few-layer graphite platelets. Herein, octadecylamine (ODA)-grafted EGP (ODA@EGP) and subsequent polyethylene/ODA@EGP (PE/ODA@EGP) composites with different contents of ODA@EGPs were successfully prepared via ball-milling and melt-mixing methods, respectively. The thermal conductivity, crystallinity, and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated using tensile tests, the hot-wire method, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results demonstrated that the thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, and thermal stability of the composites can be improved by regulating the additive contents of ODA@EGPs. When the content of ODA@EGPs was 10 wt%, the thermal conductivity of the composite reached up to 1.276 W (m−1 K−1), which is 216% higher than that of bare PE, while the tensile strength of the composite was 38.4% higher than that of PE. Additionally, thermal decomposition temperature increased by 16.2 °C. Therefore, the PE/ODA@EGP nanocomposites have great application potential in thermal management.
To improve the heat conduction performance of PE through certain processes or methods, several strategies have been proposed, such as the incorporation of thermally conductive fillers. Common fillers include carbon materials (such as graphite,3,4 graphene,5 and carbon fibers6), inorganic thermal particles,7,8 and metal particles.9 Graphene is a two-dimensional nano-carbon material with excellent combination properties, such as an exceptional thermal conductivity of 5300 W (m−1 K−1), Young's modulus of 1000 GPa, and breaking strength of 130 GPa.10 However, the large-scale production of graphene at low cost and high quality is still challenging using conventional production technologies.11 Exfoliated graphite platelets (EGPs), formed by some graphene layers aggregated together through van der Waals forces, are a potential substitute for graphene because of their excellent physicochemical properties and low manufacturing cost.12 Adding EGPs as a thermal conducting filler to polymers can effectively improve the thermal and mechanical properties of the polymers. For example, Zhang13 et al. prepared an ionic liquid-functionalized EGP via a one-step ultrasonication process. The thermal conductivity of the composite was 0.18 W (m−1 K−1), which was 50.0% higher than that of pure PI when the amount of EGP was 0.3 wt%. In addition, it could maintain good mechanical properties, and its tensile strength (121.5 MPa) was 6.5% higher than that of pure PI. Lin14 et al. reported an improvement in the thermal conductivity of poly (lactic acid) (PLA)-based nanocomposites by doping tannic acid-functionalized nanographite flakes. When the filler content was increased to 20 wt%, the thermal conductivity of the TA-GNPs/PLA composites was improved by 188% over the PLA polymer matrix. Hazarika et al.15 fabricated a sulfonated polystyrene/EGP composite by a solution blending method. When the EGP mass fraction was 7%, the modulus of the composite was increased by 90%, and the thermodynamic stability of the composite was also improved. Ding et al.16 prepared a polystyrene/EGP composite by a hot-pressing method. When the EGP mass fraction was 10 wt%, the thermal conductivity of the polystyrene increased from 0.147 to 0.224 W (m−1 K−1). However, systematic studies on the mechanical and thermal properties of EGP-filled PE remain scarce.17 Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the effect of EGP on the mechanical and thermal properties of PE composites.
Based on the previous research results, there is no report on using octadecylamine (ODA) as a modifier to modify graphite. Consequently, we developed a method to prepare ODA@EGP by a ball-milling exfoliation of graphite (GP) with ODA as a modifier in a one-step process, and then prepared PE/ODA@EGP composites by a melt blending technique using ODA@EGP as a thermally conductive filler. The results showed that the lateral dimensions of the ODA@EGP decreased, the thickness became thinner, and more importantly, the thermal conductivity, tensile strength, and thermal stability of the PE/ODA@EGP composites increased with the increasing amount of filler. When the amount of filler was 10 wt%, the thermal conductivity could reach up to 1.276 W (m−1 K−1), which was 216% higher than that of pure PE, and the maximum tensile strength was 21.74 MPa, which was 38.4% higher than that of the pure PE matrix. Also, the thermal decomposition temperature increased from 425.6–441.8 °C. The findings demonstrate that the PE/ODA@EGP nanocomposites have great potential for use in thermal management applications.
Materials | Level | Usage |
Graphite platelet (GP) | AR | Use after drying |
Octadecylamine (ODA) | CP | Direct use |
Polyethylene (PE) | Industrial product | Use after drying |
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Experimentally, zirconia ball beads with different ball diameters were selected. The tangential friction and lateral self-lubrication of graphite were developed when the ball beads with different particle diameters were rotated at high speed. In the presence of ODA, the scaled GP was mechanically exfoliated by planetary ball-milling. In the process of GP flake peeling, the layers of GP and the transverse size were decreased. The chemical bonds between the carbon atoms on the cross-section of the newly formed GP were interrupted by the interaction between the ball-milled beads and GP to form active carbon atoms. The active carbon atoms interacted with ODA molecules in the system. The surface modification of the graphite flakes could prevent the newly peeled GP from repacking and could improve the interface interactions with the polymer matrix. The SEM micrographs of ODA@EGP and GP are presented in Fig. 1, showing the original GP had a large longitudinal size and staggered stacking of graphite particles with different particle sizes owing to their high surface energy.19 Moreover, it can be seen that the original GP had a compact lamellar structure and was an opaque and scaly solid. As shown in Fig. 1(b), a clear and transparent GP structure appeared after ball-milling the ODA@EGP samples, which was caused by the shear peeling effect on GP during collision with the high-speed ball-milling beads. The thinner GP showed a higher electronic transparency in the SEM image. In the presence of ODA, the ball-milling process leads to peeling of the GP, resulting in thinner and stable few-layer GP flakes.
To analyze the changes in the chemical compositions of GP caused by ball-milling, FTIR spectroscopy and synchronous thermal analysis were carried out. Fig. 2(a) shows the FTIR spectra of GP and ODA@EGP. From the FTIR spectrum of GP, a characteristic peak at 3400 cm−1 could be observed, attributed to O–H coupling stretching vibration; also, there was a peak at 1390 cm−1, ascribed to the bending vibrations of O–H bonds, and a peak at 3420 cm−1, attributed to the characteristic absorption of –NH2 groups on the edge or surfaces of ODA@EGP. Further, peaks could be observed at 1395 and 1581 cm−1, attributed to C–N stretching, and N–H vibrations assigned to the –NH2 groups of ODA,16 and a peak at approximately 2925 cm−1, which was due to alkyl (C–H) stretch vibrations. These results confirmed that the surface of ODA@EGP was grafted by ODA. Thermogravimetric analysis was next carried out to assess the content of ODA grafted on ODA@EGP. Fig. 2(b) shows the TGA curves of ODA@EGP in a N2 flow. It could be seen that the weight loss curve of GP remained unchanged with the increase in temperature, suggesting that the GP had high thermal stability and no obvious thermal decomposition occurred, even at 600 °C. However, the ODA@EGP sample showed a mass loss of about 2.7 wt% when the temperature reached 600 °C. This mass loss of ODA grafted on the GP was due to the decomposition of amino groups on the surface of the exfoliated GP. The results confirmed that ODA was chemically grafted onto the surface of GP.
Besides, Raman spectra were also recorded and analyzed. Fig. 3 presents the Raman spectra of GP and ODA@EGP under 532 nm laser excitation. The G band of the ODA@EGP at 1585 cm−1 corresponded to a symmetric vibration E2g phonon in the Brillouin zone center, while the D band at 1355 cm−1 was related to the breathing modes of the six-atom rings and requires defects for its activation.20 As shown in Fig. 3, the D band strength of the GP sample was relatively small, while the G band was strong and sharp, indicating that the ordered degree of GP was very high. After ball-milling and peeling, the intensity of the D band in the Raman spectrum of the ODA@EGP sample obviously increased, and a D′ band appears on the shoulder of the G band. Also, the D band and G band were obviously widened, indicating that the symmetry vibration of graphite carbon atom was affected, while the disorder degree of the graphite increased, and the defect and disorder degree of the ODA@EGP sample increased. These changes were mainly due to the decrease in thickness of the graphite sheet during ball-milling and the surface modification of the GP.
The crystal structures of the ODA@EGP, PE, and PE/ODA@EGP composites were studied. As shown in Fig. 4, the XRD pattern of ODA@EGP showed a graphite (002) diffraction peak at the 2θ value of 26.6°. The strong reflection peak at 26.6° indicated the good crystal structure, which could suggest its excellent thermal properties. The grain size of the (002) crystal plane was calculated according to Scherrer's equation,21 and the grain size perpendicular to the crystal plane was found to be 16.64 nm. In addition, two strong peaks at 2θ = 21.4° and 2θ = 23.8°, corresponding to the (110) and (200) reflection peaks of the orthorhombic phase of PE, could be clearly seen in the XRD pattern of PE. The peaks in the XRD pattern of the PE/ODA@EGP composites were superpositions of the peaks occurring in PE and ODA@EGP. The intensity of the peaks at (110) and (200) did not change much with the increase in ODA@EGP loading, while the intensity of the peak at (002) increased. A similar trend was observed by Wang22 and Sever,23 demonstrating that the crystal structure of the PE matrix was not affected by the addition of the ODA@EGP.
Sample | Tc (°C) | Tm (°C) | χc (%) | T5 (°C) | T50 (°C) |
PE | 110.67 | 132.41 | 40.96 | 425.6 | 466.8 |
PE/2 wt% ODA@EGP | 113.16 | 126.13 | 46.36 | 430.1 | 471.1 |
PE/4 wt% ODA@EGP | 113.24 | 126.19 | 46.84 | 436.9 | 474.6 |
PE/6 wt% ODA@EGP | 113.35 | 126.21 | 47.60 | 440.2 | 478.2 |
PE/8 wt% ODA@EGP | 113.51 | 126.46 | 46.75 | 440.6 | 481.7 |
PE/10 wt% ODA@EGP | 113.88 | 126.58 | 46.52 | 441.8 | 485.8 |
In practical applications, the thermal stability of polymer composites is another important factor. Increasing the heat-resistant temperature of a material is more conducive to expanding its use range. Fig. 6 shows the thermogravimetric analysis curves of the PE/ODA@EGP composites filled with different ODA@EGP mass fractions in a N2 atmosphere. As shown in Fig. 6, the carbon residual mass of the composite increased with the increase in ODA@EGP content. The corresponding TGA data, such as the temperature corresponding to a 5 wt% weight loss (T5) and 50 wt% weight loss (T50), are shown in Table 2. The T5 and T50 of the composite gradually increased with the increase in the ODA@EGP content. The same trend was observed for the T5 and T50 of the composites when GP was used as a filler (Fig. S3 and Table S1†). This phenomenon indicates that the two fillers could improve the thermal stability of the composites to a certain extent. Comparisons of Tables 2 and S1† show that the T5 and T50 of the PE/ODA@EGP composites were higher than those of PE/GP with the same filler amount. This was due to the high heat capacity of ODA@EGP, which stores heat and hinders the diffusion of decomposing materials in the composite.26 Furthermore, the surface modification of ODA@EGP increased the interface combination with the matrix, and the movement of PE molecular segments was limited during the heating process, improving the thermal stability of the composites.
Fig. 7 shows the curves for the thermal conductivity and thermal enhancement rate of PE/GP composites with different amounts of both fillers. It is easy to see that with the increase in filler content, the thermal conductivity of the composites was improved, and when the filler addition was less, the filler was in the form of “islands” dispersed in the matrix, which meant a favorable heat-transfer pathway could not be formed, and so the thermal conductivity was low. With the gradual increase in the addition of fillers, the fillers existing in isolation in the matrix gradually contact each other to form a thermally conductive chain and eventually form a relatively perfect heat-transfer network, so that the thermal conductivity of the composites is improved. When the content of ODA@EGP was 10%, the thermal conductivity of the composite was 1.276 W (m−1 K−1), which was 216% higher than that of the pure PE. While adding the same mass fraction of GP, the thermal conductivity of the composite was only 0.7126 W (m−1 K−1). At the same addition amount, the thermal conductivity of the ODA@EGP-filled composites was better than that of the GP-filled ones, which shows that the addition of ODA@EGP could more obviously improve the thermal conductivity of the PE composites, which was mainly due to the dispersion of fillers in the matrix and the compatibility of the fillers with the matrix. According to the theory of heat conduction paths,27 when heat flow propagates through composites, phonons will preferentially propagate in the heat conduction network with the lowest thermal resistance. In polymer composite systems, the large surface area of the particles maximizes the polymer/particle interfacial area. ODA@EGP showed improved compatibility with PE due to the surface grafting of the alkyl chain ODA, which has a similar structure to the PE molecular chain, thus hindering the agglomeration phenomenon that occurs when the filler is dispersed in the matrix. The filler can effectively reduce the interfacial thermal resistance and enhance the interfacial heat-transfer efficiency through filling the gaps on the contact surface of the polymer and thus increases the actual contact area.28,29 In addition, the number of contact points between the particles in the percolation network increases as the particle size decreases.30 The ODA@EGP obtained here by ball-milling treatment had a smaller particle size compared to the original GP, leading to an increase in the number of contact points between the particles, thus increasing the actual contact area and reducing the interfacial thermal resistance. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that the interfaces play an important role in the thermal conductivity of composites. Meanwhile, covalent bonds can benefit phonon transfer between the graphite and the polymer matrix,31,32 while the increase in the crystallinity of PE could also improve the thermal conductivity of the composites (Table 2).33 Therefore, the preferential conduction of thermal energy along the particles forming a percolating network is the basic idea behind the use of highly conductive and high aspect ratio particles such as ODA@EGPs. Effective phononic conduction requires geometrically regular and strong bonds, and a good crystallinity of macromolecules, i.e., the packing of polymer chains in crystal lattice structures. The presence and features of the crystalline structure could be expected to strongly influence heat transfer in both the polymer phase and at the interface between the ODA@EGPs and matrix polymer.34–36
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Fig. 7 (a) Thermal conductivity and (b) enhancement ratio of the PE/GP composites with different GP contents. |
Sample | Tensile strength/MPa | Elongation at break/% | Elastic modulus/×106 Pa |
PE | 15.90 ± 0.35 | 896 ± 25 | 68.7 |
PE/2 wt% ODA@EGP | 17.13 ± 0.45 | 782 ± 29 | 81.0 |
PE/4 wt% ODA@EGP | 19.29 ± 0.54 | 679 ± 38 | 93.6 |
PE/6 wt% ODA@EGP | 20.53 ± 0.27 | 548 ± 29 | 94.3 |
PE/8 wt% ODA@EGP | 21.37 ± 0.41 | 480 ± 40 | 98.3 |
PE/10 wt% ODA@EGP | 21.74 ± 0.38 | 390 ± 35 | 105.5 |
PE/2 wt% GP | 16.08 ± 0.23 | 726 ± 30 | 90.7 |
PE/4 wt% GP | 16.54 ± 0.42 | 648 ± 48 | 100.5 |
PE/6 wt% GP | 17.16 ± 0.26 | 517 ± 34 | 119.7 |
PE/8 wt% GP | 18.21 ± 0.33 | 435 ± 28 | 125.9 |
PE/10 wt% GP | 17.83 ± 0.22 | 343 ± 39 | 130.4 |
Additionally, the dispersion of ODA@EGP was an important factor affecting the properties of the PE/ODA@EGP composites. In order to observe the distribution of fillers in the PE matrix, the frozen fracture surfaces of the prepared composite samples were observed by SEM. Fig. 8 shows the microstructures of the low-temperature fracture surfaces of the PE and PE/ODA@EGP composites with different ODA@EGP contents. The surface of pure PE was smooth and free of impurities, as shown in Fig. 8. Since ODA@EGP has good electron transparency, it could be easily seen that the transparency of ODA@EGP in the PE matrix gradually increased with the increase in ODA@EGP content. At low filler levels, ODA@EGP was dispersed in the matrix in isolation and was not uniformly dispersed. With the increase in filler content, ODA@EGP gradually contacted each other to form a network structure and became dispersed more uniformly in PE, and the close bonding between ODA@EGP and the PE matrix showed good compatibility, which promoted an improvement in the thermal conductivity of the composites. Furthermore, due to the absorption of energy during the material deforming and breaking, the micro-surfaces of the frozen fracture surface of the composites were raised with increasing the ODA@EGP content, which is conducive to the improvement of the mechanical properties of the materials. The variation of torque with time also reflected the variation of the material homogeneity during the co-mingling process.41 In the plasticization curve, since the material had not reached the molten state for some time after the filler addition, the extrusion of the granular material against the rotor led to an initial rise in torque, which quickly reached its maximum value. With the prolongation of time, the material became in a molten state, so that the material torque decreased gradually, and finally reached the equilibrium torque. As can be seen in Fig. S5,† the PE/ODA@EGP composites were well-mixed after 2 min of raw material mixing, which is consistent with the results observed by SEM.
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Fig. 8 SEM images of the frozen fracture surfaces of the composites with different ODA@EGP contents: (a) 0 wt%, (b) 2 wt%, (c) 4 wt%, (d) 6 wt%, (e) 8 wt%, and (f) 10 wt%. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ra03653k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |