Corinna L.
Jack W.
Dimitar D.
a and
aDepartment of Astronomy, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
cHoward Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Molecular Biology and Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA
dDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
eInstitute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Královopolská 135, 61200 Brno, Czech Republic
fRegional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN), Palacky University Olomouc, Slechtitelu 241/27, 783 71, Olomouc – Holice, Czech Republic
gHoward Hughes Medical Institute, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
hDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
iInstitute of Advanced Materials, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, Wrocław, 50-370, Poland. E-mail:
First published on 28th December 2023
Charge separation is one of the most common consequences of the absorption of UV light by DNA. Recently, it has been shown that this process can enable efficient self-repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in specific short DNA oligomers such as the GATT sequence. The mechanism was characterized as sequential electron transfer through the nucleobase stack which is controlled by the redox potentials of nucleobases and their sequence. Here, we demonstrate that the inverse sequence T
TAG promotes self-repair with higher quantum yields (0.58 ± 0.23%) than GAT
T (0.44 ± 0.18%) in a comparative study involving UV-irradiation experiments. After extended exposure to UV irradiation, a photostationary equilibrium between self-repair and damage formation is reached at 33 ± 13% for GAT
T and at 40 ± 16% for T
TAG, which corresponds to the maximum total yield of self-repair. Molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulations allowed us to assign this disparity to better stacking overlap between the G and A bases, which lowers the energies of the key A−˙G+˙ charge transfer state in the dominant conformers of the T
TAG tetramer. These conformational differences also hinder alternative photorelaxation pathways of the T
TAG tetranucleotide, which otherwise compete with the sequential electron transfer mechanism responsible for CPD self-repair. Overall, we demonstrate that photoinduced electron transfer is strongly dependent on conformation and the availability of alternative photodeactivation mechanisms. This knowledge can be used in the identification and prediction of canonical and modified DNA sequences exhibiting efficient electron transfer. It also further contributes to our understanding of DNA self-repair and its potential role in the photochemical selection of the most photostable sequences on the early Earth.
Among different processes that can be triggered by charge separation in DNA, self-repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) attracted substantial attention, recently.15,16 CPDs are the most frequently formed photolesions during the exposure of DNA to ultraviolet light and their most characteristic structural element is the cyclobutane ring formed between two adjacent pyrimidine bases.17–21 Formation of this cyclobutane ring affects the structure of the sugar–phosphate backbone and precludes biochemical activity such as DNA replication and transcription.21,22 In biology, CPD repairing enzymes, such as photolyases, repair the lesions through the injection of an electron from the flavin adenine co-factor, after the absorption of visible light.23–27 Similarly, specific DNA sequences or alternative nucleobases were shown to trigger nonenzymatic DNA self-repair via photoinduced electron transfer.16,28–30 The most prominent examples of DNA self-repair were demonstrated for the damaged GATT sequence (“
” representing the CPD) and for 2,6-diaminopurine (D) and 8-oxoguanine (O) nucleobases located in the vicinity of CPDs.31,32 In particular, the GAT
T sequence was described to undergo sequential electron transfer from guanine upon its photoexcitation.33–35 In other words, the yields of nonenzymatic DNA self-repair are a manifestation of how efficiently photoinduced charge separation can occur in specific DNA sequences and whether lifetimes of the CT states are sufficiently long to invoke a photochemical reaction.
It is worth emphasizing that highly efficient self-repair of CPDs greatly improves the photostability of specific sequences and was also suggested as a possible selection factor for primordial RNA and DNA oligomers from the rich pool of random sequences.1,15,36,37 More importantly, UV light has been proposed as one of the key sources of energy for selective prebiotic syntheses of nucleotides.38–46 This resulted in the consideration of the above mentioned D and O nucleobases as potential components of first informational polymers owing to their improved electron-donating and CPD-repairing properties when compared to canonical nucleobases.31,32,47 In particular, DNA trinucleotides containing a D nucleobase and a TT dimer were shown to repair the CPD with yields reaching up to 92% when irradiated at 280 nm and, thus, D could protect DNA oligomers from photodamage under prebiotic conditions.31
As shown by Bucher et al.1 the direction of charge transfer in stacked DNA is controlled by the oxidation potentials of the nucleobases. However, the efficiency with which excited CT states are populated seems to depend on much more subtle aspects related to the local environment of the sequence of stacked bases.2 This could be either governed by the spatial overlap of the neighbouring stacked bases as well as by the lifetimes of the different electronic states involved in photoinduced charge separation.31,48 More specifically, as suggested for DTT and T
TD trimers, a possible factor which could enable funneling the excited-state population to a CT state is the inacessibility of efficient direct photorelaxation channels of the locally excited (LE) state on D via an S1/S0 conical intersection.31 Here, we present a surprising example of the damaged T
TAG oligomer (5′-end denoted first), which exhibits self-repair quantum yields which are higher by ∼30% than in the case of the equivalent GAT
T oligomer with opposite sequence direction when exposed to UV irradiation at 285 nm. Since this difference cannot be explained by the ordering and oxidation potentials of nucleobases, we provide a mechanistic rationale for this process based on molecular dynamics simulations, quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations and explorations of excited-state potential energy surfaces using the algebraic diagrammatic construction to the second order method [ADC(2)].49,50 We show that in contrast to GAT
T, direct photorelaxation of the LE and CT intermediate states of the photoexcited T
TAG tetramer is substantially hindered, which enhances sequential electron transfer between stacked bases and enables efficient and selective CPD self-repair.
The increase in absorbance at 266 nm due to the recovery of undamaged TTAG from TTAG (black arrow in Fig. 1B) can be plotted as a function of the photon dose absorbed by the molecules (Fig. 3). At low irradiation doses, the increase in absorbance at 266 nm is linear. The data in this range can be fitted with a linear trendline (red). The slope of the initial absorbance increase is linearly proportional to the quantum yield of the CPD self-repair (see ESI† for details). The quantum yield of CPD self-repair was found to be 0.44 ± 0.18% for GAT
T (blue) and 0.58 ± 0.23% for T
TAG (black), respectively. At higher absorbed doses, the slope of both plots decreases. This is largely the result of approaching the photostationary state of equilibrium, but can be also attributed to the formation of secondary products, which lower the yield of the net reaction. After absorption of high irradiation doses, a photostationary equilibrium between net damage formation and self-repair can be reached (Fig. 4). In case of the sequence GAT
T, the equilibrium is reached after the absorption of 3.5 J at a level of 33 ± 13% self-repair. This result is higher than the previously reported 25% at 290 nm irradiation as well as the corresponding quantum yields.33,53 The differences can be attributed to the 15 nm broad LED light source, in comparison to the previously used narrowband (3 nm broad) 290 nm excitation, as self-repair quantum yields and direct photoreversal may be higher at lower wavelengths. In case of T
TAG, the equilibrium is reached only after absorption of 2.5 J at a higher level of 40 ± 16%. The error bars were estimated to 40% of the provided values according to the previous work by some of us were an analogous experimental setup was used.54 These results indicate that the ratio of the self-repair vs. the net rate of CPD formation is higher in case of T
TAG when compared to GAT
T. The photostationary equilibrium indicates the maximum total yield of the repair in UV-rich environments, under persistent exposure to irradiation.
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Fig. 4 Concentration of the undamaged sequence GATT (top) and TTAG (bottom) divided by the initial concentration of the damaged sequence GAT![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 5 Averaged structures of the major stacked conformers obtained from the classical MD simulations of T![]() ![]() |
Notably, as shown in Fig. 5, the highest populated stacked conformers of TTAG and GAT
T differ by the relative spatial orientation of the nucleobases and the stacking patterns. The positioning of the G and A bases at the 3′-end of the T
TAG tetramer results in the two nucleobases predominantly populating the anti orientations with respect to the sugar scaffold. This entails a very good overlap of the six-membered counterparts of the purine rings and partial overlap of the five-membered subunits for most of the populated conformers. While the T
TAG conformer presented in Fig. 5 was populated in 9% of the simulation time, we also observed this AG-anti arrangement for conformers with partially unstacked or overhanging T
T dimer. Overall, the AG-anti arrangement was present in >50% of sampled conformations of T
TAG (see Fig. S4 in the ESI† to this article). In contrast, the G base of the GAT
T tetramer prefers to form a hydrogen bond between its N3 atom and the free 5′-OH group of the sugar, which is accompanied by the syn orientation of the nucleobase with respect to the sugar ring.35 As observed previously, the neighbouring adenine of GAT
T also prefers the syn orientation to maintain better stacking and the resulting GA-syn stacked conformer was determined to be dominant (populated in over >30% of conformations).35 It is worth noting though that the G and A bases of this conformer are somewhat displaced with respect to one another and less favorably stacked, having only the five- and six-membered counterparts of G and A bases stacked. As previously indicated for long-range electron transport in DNA, the degree of stacking and conformational arrangement could strongly affect the rate and yield of CT along the stack.2 Therefore, these structural differences are the first indication that disparities between the photochemistry of the two tetranucleotides should be expected.
We previously identified another CT excitation in the Franck–Condon region of the GATT tetramer, namely the
CT state associated with an electron transferred between the A base and the T
T dimer. In fact, this excitation is the lowest energy CT state found for the ground-state geometry of the GA-anti conformer of GAT
T, and was identified as the S10 state with the excitation energy of 5.81 eV. In the case of the GA-syn conformer of the GAT
T tetranucleotide, the
CT state was found to be the S7 state with the vertical excitation energy of 5.32 eV. Nevertheless, we did not find this electronic state among the ten lowest vertical excitations of the T
TAG tetranucleotide. Furthermore, low self-repair yields of canonical trinucleotides containing CPDs was ascribed to the limited accessibility of the
CT state.30,31 Therefore, as proposed for the GAT
T tetranucleotide, we postulate that the initial photoinduced charge separation event in T
TAG is initiated with the population of the
state outside of the Franck–Condon region. The details of this mechanism are discussed in the following section.
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Fig. 6 Energy diagram showing the sequential electron transfer mechanism initiated with the photoexcitation of the guanine base of the T![]() ![]() ![]() |
Initial vibrational relaxation of the state results in modest puckering of the aromatic ring of guanine and reaching the vicinity of the first S1 minimum that participates in the SET mechanism. This minimum is denoted as G* in Fig. 6 and lies 4.27 eV above the ground-state structure of the AG-anti conformer of T
TAG. Similarly as in the case of GAT
T, ring puckering is most pronounced at the C4 and C5 atoms and greater out of plane distortion of the C4 and N3 atoms and rotation about the C4
N3 bond leads to the S1(
)/S0 minimum-energy crossing point (MECP) lying ∼0.75 eV above the G* S1 minimum (see Fig. 6 and 7). Considerably sloped topography of this state crossing and the associated energy barrier hinder the direct photorelaxation of the G base. We anticipate that this will increase the importance of the competitive forward electron transfer process from the G base to the neighbouring A base. It is worth noting that the analogous S1(
)/S0 MECP of the of GAT
T tetranucleotide was reported to lie only 0.15 eV and 0.50 eV above the S1(G*) minima for the GA-syn and GA-anti conformers, respectively. This indicates that direct photorelaxation of the G base should be more efficient in the GAT
T tetranucleotide, whereas UV-excited T
TAG tetramer should more easily undergo charge separation.
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Fig. 7 Geometries of the G and A bases located for the intermediate excited-state (S1) G* and A−˙G+˙ minima (top) and the geometries of the corresponding S1/S0 MECPs. The presented geometries and energies were obtained with the QMbases/MM setup at the ADC(2)/def2-SVP level of theory (see the Computational Methods section in the ESI† for more details). |
Subsequent excited-state electron transfer from the G base may allow to reach the vicinity of the A−˙G+˙ S1 minimum. This entails structural changes in the ring-puckering pattern of the G base, with most pronounced pyramidalization of the C2 atom and additional pyramidalization of the C6 atom of A. Consequently, the two pyramidalized C atoms create the main contact between these purine bases in the A−˙G+˙ CT minimum. This S1 minimum lies merely 0.12 eV below the G* minimum of TTAG AG-anti conformer, which implies a weaker driving force for e− transfer than in the case of the GAT
T tetramer (ΔE = −0.9 eV for the GA-anti conformer). While driving force is an important component of the electron rate within the Marcus model, the efficiency of photoinduced CT between stacked nucleobases is also dependent on the excited-state lifetime of the donor state. Given that, the direct photorelaxation of the G base is hindered in major conformers of T
TAG, we expect the G to A electron transfer process to be an important contributor to the photochemistry of this tetranucleotide.
Similarly as in the case of the state, the direct photorelaxation from the A−˙G+˙ minimum is hindered owing to very high energy of the S1(
)/S0 state crossing, which lies 1.18 eV above the corresponding S1 minimum. The energy of this state crossing is even higher than the vertical excitation energy of lowest optically bright state of the G base. This state crossing involves formation of a (transient) covalent bond between the C2 atom of G and C6 atom of A. Consequently, the second electron transfer event from the radical anion of the A base to the T
T dimer should be the preferred event occurring after the population of the
of the T
TAG tetranucleotide. In contrast, direct photorelaxation of GAT
T from its
state is again more efficient than for T
TAG, since the analogous S1(
)/S0 state crossing lies 0.42 eV above and 0.25 eV below the G+˙A−˙ minimum located for the GA-syn and GA-anti conformers, respectively.
The above interpretation is further supported by the recent investigation of the photodynamics of the GA and AG dinucleotides with transient absorption spectroscopy, which showed that the yield of excited-state interbase charge transfer is higher by ∼75% for GA than for AG. Similarly the GA dinucleotide was reported to exhibit a longer lifetime of the CT state (170 ± 10 ps) than the AG dinucleotide (112 ± 12 ps).55 While in the case of these dinucleotides the trend is clearly opposite than for the damaged GATT and T
TAG tetranucleotides, dinucleotides are characterized by very different conformational spaces than longer oligomers owing to both purine bases being located at the termini of the mini-strands. Consequently, the results of Petropoulos et al.55 are consistent with the picture emerging from our QM/MM calculations, that is, that the population of DNA excited CT states is strongly affected by the interbase stacking pattern.
The second excited-state e− transfer allows the tetranucleotide to reach the TT−˙AG+˙ electronic configuration that enables direct photoreversal of the CPD. This CT event is associated with much stronger driving force for electron transfer as the T
T−˙AG+˙ S1 minimum lies 1.22 eV below the A−˙G+˙ minimum. Similarly as in the case of the GAT
T tetranucleotide as well as damaged trimers containing 2,6-diaminopurine, a very modest barrier (<0.1 eV) separates the final S1 CT minimum of T
TAG from the S1(
)/S0 state crossing responsible for CPD repair (see the PES presented in Fig. S10 in the ESI†). Beyond this barrier, the C5–C5 bond breaking process can occur spontaneously and the S1(
)/S0 conical intersection has a peaked topography (see Fig. S10 in the ESI†). This geometry of the T
T dimer in this MECP is characterized by the C5⋯C5 distance (between constituent T bases) equal to 2.55 Å, which means that this covalent bond of the CPD is completely broken at the point of conical intersection. The remaining C6–C6 bond of the CPD maintains its length of 1.56 Å at the S1/S0 state crossing, but can be subsequently broken in the hot electronic ground state, which completes the CPD self-repair process.35,56,57 In other words, CPD reversal is a stepwise process and as reported previously for enzymatic repair of thymine dimers, the barrier associated with C6–C6 bond breaking does not exceed 0.15 eV (3.1 kcal mol−1).56,57
We emphasize, that reaching this S1()/S0 state crossing does not ensure CPD self-repair, since the C5–C5 bond may still be reformed after non-radiative transition to the S0 state. Therefore, the experimentally measured self-repair quantum yield cannot be directly associated with the quantum yield of the SET process in T
TAG. However, the peaked topography of this state crossing indicates that C5–C5 bond rupture involves relatively high momentum, which should generally drive the C5 atoms of the T bases towards greater separation, which can be subsequently followed by C6–C6 bond breaking.31,35
We ascribe this phenomenon to the differences in the conformational ensembles between the two tetranucleotides. Firstly, for the major conformers of the TTAG tetramer (AG-anti), we observe much higher degree of stacking between the G and A bases than in the case of the GAT
T tetranucleotide. Better stacking overlap lowers the energy of
CT state in the Franck–Condon region. This electronic CT state is responsible for the first electron transfer event in the CPD self-repair process. Secondly, the S1/S0 minimum-energy crossing points (MECPs) responsible for the direct photorelaxation of the intermediate
LE and
CT states are practically energetically inaccessible in the T
TAG tetramer. As a result, excited-state electron transfer process is a much more competitive and favorable photorelaxation mechanism for T
TAG than in the case of the GAT
T tetranucleotide. Even though many more photorelaxation mechanisms are usually available in DNA strands, involving e.g. locally-excited nπ* or πσ* states, our calculations demonstrate that the well-stacked conformation of the T
TAG tetramer can effectively restrain some of these channels and promote interbase electron transfer.
We anticipate that these alternative photorelaxation mechanisms are the main reason for the modest self-repair quantum yields resulting from our measurements. Here, we were able to identify two other photorelaxation pathways of the intermediate LE and
CT electronic states with our static excited-state PES explorations. However, in a dynamic picture higher electronic states can easily interchange their order with the S1 state and lead to other S1/S0 state crossings, which are more challenging to grasp with the static QM/MM approach. These state crossings can potentially enable back-electron transfer which was observed for polyadenosine sequences.58 Furthermore, as discussed above, reaching the key S1(
)/S0 state crossing which entails C5–C5 bond breaking may still be followed by CPD reformation. Nevertheless, the quantum yields are sufficiently high to enable the accumulation of high quantities of repaired material during continuous irradiation (∼33% for GAT
T and ∼40% for T
Overall, we show that photoinduced electron transfer in DNA and the associated CPD self-repair process are strongly dependent on conformation and the availability of alternative (direct) photorelaxation channels of the intermediate states. This demonstrates that the efficiency of electron transfer cannot be simply predicted based on sequence. However, prior computational exploration of the conformational spaces of DNA sequences and their associated photochemical properties (including the energetics of CT states and S1/S0 state crossings) can offer valuable predictive capacity for the identification of DNA oligomers that can undergo efficient charge separation upon UV absorption.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental procedures, theoretical methods and additional results. Computational data, including geometries and results can be found under See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |