a and
aThe School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, National Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology, Chongqing University, 174 Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing City, 400044, P. R. China. E-mail: wangy@cqu.edu.cn
bCollege of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhehaote, 010022, P. R. China
First published on 6th November 2023
Efficient carrier separation is important for improving photoelectrochemical water splitting. Here, the morphology modification and band structure engineering of Ta3N5 are accomplished by doping it with Cu and Zr using a two-step method for the first time. The initially interstitially-doped Cu atoms act as anchors to interact with subsequently doped Zr atoms under the influence of differences in electronegativity. This interaction results in Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 having a dense morphology and higher crystallinity, which helps to reduce carrier recombination at grain boundaries. Furthermore, the gradient doping of Zr generates a band edge energy gradient, which significantly enhances bulk charge separation efficiency. Therefore, a photoanode based on Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 delivers an onset potential of 0.38 VRHE and a photocurrent density of 8.9 mA cm−2 at 1.23 VRHE. Among all the Ta3N5-based photoanodes deposited on FTO, a Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5-based photoanode has the lowest onset potential and highest photocurrent. The novel material morphology regulation and band edge position engineering strategies described herein provide new ideas for the preparation of other semiconductor nanoparticles to improve the photoelectrochemical water splitting performance.
Photoelectrodes for PEC water splitting should possess several important properties, including a small band gap to guarantee long-wavelength light absorption, efficient charge separation and catalytic activity. Tantalum nitride (Ta3N5), an n-type semiconductor material, is one of the most promising photoanode materials for PEC water splitting.16–18 However, pure Ta3N5 exhibits inferior PEC water splitting performance, although theoretically it can produce a maximum photocurrent density of 12.9 mA cm−2 under standard sunlight irradiation.19–21 Some effective strategies, such as foreign atom doping,22,23 morphological modification24,25 or interface engineering,26–28 have been developed to optimize the performance of PEC water splitting, but the photocurrent of the photoelectrode deposited on FTO is far below the theoretical value.29–33 This phenomenon is primarily related to poor carrier transport and severe trap states at grain boundaries. In particular, when operating at a low bias potential, carrier transport is highly susceptible to potential barriers within the conduction path and easy recombination at grain boundaries. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on improving the separation efficiency of the carriers. Constructing a built-in electric field is an effective way to improve charge separation.34,35 In the conventional built-in electric field construction, heterojunctions or homojunctions are mostly effective for enhancing carrier separation. However, there are still some conceivable deficiencies that need to be properly considered.36,37 On the one hand, it is difficult to create an effective heterojunction due to the mismatched energy levels between two semiconductors without generating a low interface defect density. Although Ta3N5 heterojunctions have been reported in the literature, the processes used to synthesize these materials are cumbersome and the inhibition of deep level defects is limited.26 On the other hand, most synthesis methods for doping a material with foreign atoms to obtain homogeneous junctions, such as the dual-source electron-beam evaporation deposit method and nitriding at a high temperature,34,38 require intricate experimental conditions, which increase costs and the difficulty of synthesis. Additionally, heteroatom doping results in the lattice expansion of the pristine semiconductor, creating lower crystallinity and a smaller grain size, which leads to carrier recombination at grain boundaries.12 As a consequence, a new strategy needs to be proposed to prevent the grain boundaries from influencing the charge transfer properties and to improve the bulk carrier separation efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report on modifying the morphology and bandgap structure of a semiconductor through dual-heteroatom doping.
Herein, we report for the first time the preparation of Cu and gradient Zr co-doped Ta3N5 (Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5) using a two-step synthesis strategy. Due to the electronegativity difference between Cu and Zr, the interstitially doped Cu serves as an anchor site for subsequent interaction with Zr, which modifies the morphology of Ta3N5. Additionally, the incorporation of Zr affects the bandgap position. Therefore, a simplified linear pressure-assisted method is used to achieve gradient Zr doping, which bends the band structure of Ta3N5 to form a built-in electric field. Experimental results reveal that the doping of Cu and gradient Zr suppresses the intrinsic defect-related and grain boundary recombination of Ta3N5. Additionally, the gradient Zr doping allows electrons to rapid transfer to the surface of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5, resulting in an onset potential of 0.38 VRHE, which is approximately 0.27 VRHE lower than the onset potential of pristine Ta3N5 (∼0.65 VRHE). The photocurrent density at 1.23 VRHE is 8.9 mA cm−2, which exceeds that of all Ta3N5-based photoanodes deposited on FTO. These results demonstrate that the sequential doping of two types of atoms can change the morphology of the base material, and that gradient doping can alter the bandgap structure and improve the performance of the photoanode.
The mixture was placed in a simplified linear pressure-assisted reactor under an NH3 atmosphere. Firstly, the temperature was increased to 900 °C (10 °C min−1), and then linearly pressurized from 0.12 MPa at a rate of 0.01 MPa every 10 min for 280 min, resulting in the formation of Cu,Zrg-doped Ta3N5. After being allowed to cool to room temperature naturally, the sample was rinsed with water at 65 °C and dried under vacuum at 40 °C for 5 h. Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 was synthesized in the same way, but not under simplified linear pressure, and under an NH3 flow of 120 sccm at 900 °C for 15 h at a ramping rate of 10 °C min−1.
As shown in Fig. 1c, the crystal structures of the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 nanoparticles and control samples (pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5) were characterized by X-ray diffractometry. All the samples show diffraction patterns consistent with a single phase of Ta3N5 (JCPDF no. 79-1533), which indicates that the crystal structure was not changed by Cu or Cu,Zr co-doping. More importantly, Cu2O, ZrO2, ZrON2 and NaTaO3 impurity phases were not observed in our sample. Furthermore, carefully examining the magnified diffraction peaks of the (110) facet (Fig. 1d) reveals a shift in the diffraction peaks to lower angles for all samples. The shifts in the (110) XRD peak positions of the various Ta3N5 are ascribed to the substitution of Ta5+ (radius: 64 pm6) by Ta3+ (72 pm6)/Cu2+ (73 pm6)/Zr4+ (72 pm6) as well as the substitution of N3− (146 pm6) by O2− (140 pm6). Substitutions of atoms with a larger ionic radius would shift the XRD peak position to a lower angle, while a smaller radius would result in a shift to a higher angle, respectively. The lower angle of the (110) peak generated by the pristine Ta3N5 compared with that of the standard is primarily due to the presence of Ta3+ ions. A shift in the (110) peak to lower angle presented in Cu–Ta3N5 compared with pristine Ta3N5 is due to the foreign cations (i.e., Cu2+ ions) incorporated into Cu–Ta3N5. However, the angle shift of Cu–Ta3N5 is very small compared to that of pristine Ta3N5, which may be due to Cu–Ta3N5 containing more ON defects compared to pristine Ta3N5. Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 displays the same (110) peak position as pristine Ta3N5, most probably as a result of the formation of a greater number of ON defects in the former (Tables S1 and S3†). In addition, studies in the literature have proven that ON can increase the carrier concentration and promote carrier transfer,3,39 thus more ON in samples will improve PEC performance. Meanwhile, the diffraction peaks of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 become narrower and of higher intensity than both those of Cu–Ta3N5 and pristine Ta3N5, suggesting that the gradient incorporation of Zr enhanced crystallinity. The grain size obtained by applying the Scherrer equation to the (110) peak of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 is the largest of all the samples (Table S4†).42 Studies in the literature have confirmed that the grain size of thin films affects PEC properties.43 However, subsequent PEC testing in this study confirmed that the grain size of nanoparticles also affects the performance. The XPS wide-scan spectrum shows the apparent signals of the elemental Cu and Zr (Fig. 1f). The presence of Cu and Zr ions was verified from the high-resolution XPS spectra of samples (Fig. S4 and S5†). The presence of Ta3+ ions was verified from the Ta 4f XPS spectrum of pristine Ta3N5 (Fig. S7†).
We synthesized Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 nanoparticles using a simplified linear pressure-assisted method. The Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 nanoparticles exhibited a distinct morphology compared to pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5, Zr–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5. As presented in Fig. 2a–e, pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5, Zr–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 show porous structures compared to Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5. It is worth noting that the morphologies of Zr–Ta3N5 and Cu–Ta3N5 are similar to that of pristine Ta3N5, indicating that doping Cu or Zr alone do not change the morphology of Ta3N5. The morphology of Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5, however, is different to those of pristine Ta3N5 and Ta3N5 doped with Cu or Zr alone, and it can be seen that the number of holes decreases (Fig. 2e). This is because interstitially doped Cu acts as an anchor point, and after Zr doping, interaction between Cu and Zr occurs due to the difference in electronegativity.44 Nevertheless, the morphology of Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 is also different from that of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5. The morphology disparity observed between Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 particles can be attributed to the gradient doping of Zr, which gradually enhances the interaction between Zr and Cu from the outside in. This results in Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 exhibiting a denser morphology compared to the other samples. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) test results further corroborate that Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 has fewer pores and its morphology is different from the other samples (Fig. 2f).
High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data were employed to elucidate the valence states and chemical environment of the as-synthesized materials. The high-resolution Cu 2p spectra are exhibited in Fig. S4.† Notably, Fig. S4† reveals an interesting finding that Cu is present in the sample not only in the form of Cu2+, but also as Cu+. The presence of Cu+ in all Cu-doped Ta3N5 can be explained by the oxidation of Ta3+ ions by Cu2+, which is why Ta3+ disappears when Ta3N5 is doped with Cu. However, the content of Cu+ is reduced and Cu2+ increased when Zr is incorporated into Cu–Ta3N5, regardless of uniform or gradient doping. This phenomenon can be explained by the difference in electronegativity, which causes electrons to transfer from Cu+ (1.163) to Zr4+ (1.610).45 Electron transfer was further confirmed by the presence of Zr3+ in the Zr 3d XPS spectrum etched for 0 s (Fig. S5a†). We further performed XPS depth-profile analysis of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 by means of argon sputtering, as shown in Fig. S5b and S6.† With an extension in the sputtering time, the peak area ratio of Zr3+ first increases and then decreases, while the peak area of Zr3+ in Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 remains almost unchanged (Fig. S8†). This proves that the interaction between Cu and Zr is continuously enhanced. The O 1s XPS spectra in Fig. S7a† show two typical peaks at approximately 530.2 and 531.4 eV, which are attributed to lattice oxygen (TaOx species) and a surface-absorbed oxygen species, respectively.34 The Ta 4f peak could be fitted to three doublets (Ta 4f7/2–Ta 4f5/2) with a spin–orbit splitting of 1.9 eV and a fixed area ratio of 4:
3 (Fig. S7b†). The binding energy of the Ta 4f7/2 components were 23.6, 24.5, 26.0 eV, corresponding to Ta3+, Ta3N5 and tantalum oxynitride (TaOxNy).46 The proportions of Ta3+, Ta3N5 and TaOxNy among the total Ta species in pristine Ta3N5 were estimated to be 12.5%, 85.8% and 1.7%, respectively. However, with Cu or Cu/Zr doping, the Ta3+ completely disappears, and the proportion of Ta3N5 is considerably increased (Table S3†). The N 1s peak at ∼396.6 eV in Fig. S7c† corresponds to Ta–N binding. Additionally, a shift in the peaks of Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 is observed, demonstrating Cu or Cu/Zr have successfully doped.
To investigate the impact of Cu or Cu/Zr doping on the band gap structure, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy were conducted to manifest the band edge positions of pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5. By subtracting the cut-off energies for the secondary electrons from the He I excitation energy (21.22 eV), the Fermi levels (EF) of pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 are −3.92, −4.10 and −4.37 eV, respectively (Fig. 3a). The UPS spectra reveal that the valence bands of pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 are 2.05, 1.89 and 1.94 eV below their Fermi levels, respectively (Fig. 3b). The UV-vis results show that the absorption of Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 is weaker than that of pristine Ta3N5 when the wavelength exceeds 600 nm (Fig. 3c). This is indicative of a lower density of defects caused by the reduced Ta5+ species or nitrogen vacancies.47 The Tauc plots of the UV-vis spectra in Fig. 3d manifest that the optical band gaps of the pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 are 2.06, 2.08 and 2.10 eV, respectively. The low-valence cations (Cu2+ and Zr4+) doped in Ta3N5 would require the formation of VN and/or ON (Table S1†) to compensate for the imbalanced charge.48,49 Therefore, the valence band may partially be hybridized with O 2p orbitals with a lower electronic potential, leading to the enlarged band gap after Cu or Cu/Zr doping.50 Combined with the UV-vis, UPS and Tauc data, the energy band positions of the pristine-Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 are shown in Fig. 3e, which are consistent with the M–S plot results (Fig. S9†). Detailed values are summarized in Table S2.† As shown in Fig. 3e, the Fermi energy level of Cu, Zrh–Ta3N5 is much lower than those of pristine Ta3N5 and Cu–Ta3N5. This finding confirms that gradient doping can tailor the band structure, thereby enhancing carrier separation.34,35 The photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra of pristine Ta3N5, Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 are shown in Fig. 3f. The pristine Ta3N5 exhibits a quenched characteristic PL peak between 700 and 850, which is attributed to a strong defect-related recombination.29 Notably, the disappearance of defect-related recombination in Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 confirms the positive effect of the Cu/Zr doping. The intensity of the PL emission spectrum, however, is significantly reduced after Zr gradient doping, indicating that the gradient Zr bends the band structure to facilitate the separation of photogenerated charges. Time-resolved PL (TRPL) spectroscopy was performed to study the carrier kinetics in various photoanodes (Fig. 3g). The fitted parameters for different Ta3N5 samples are listed in Table S5,† where τ1 and τ2 are the defect-related photogenerated carrier trapping and electron–hole recombination from the conduction band to the valence band, respectively.51 As shown in Table S5,† the PL decay of the pristine Ta3N5 is mainly caused by defect-related recombination, while the defect-related recombination is slightly suppressed in Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5. In contrast, both the τ1 and τ2 values of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 are greater than those of pristine Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5. Importantly, the decreased τ1 ratio of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 implies that gradient-doping of Zr further inhibits the defect-related recombination. In addition, the electron–hole recombination lifetime of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 is much longer than that of pristine Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5, suggesting that gradient doping with Zr improves carrier separation capability. We also used surface photovoltaic (SPV) spectral data to advance the understanding of the surface separation/transfer ability of carriers for different samples (Fig. 3h). The signal of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 is markedly enhanced relative to those of Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 and pristine Ta3N5, indicating accelerated carrier separation/transfer of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5. The rapid carrier separation and transfer is conducive to the negative shift in the onset potential, which was confirmed in the subsequent PEC tests.
In response to the issue of the sluggish oxygen evolution kinetics of Ta3N5, a NiCoFe–Bi oxygen evolution co-catalyst layer was deposited on the surface of the photoelectrodes.39,52 We deposited pure NiCoFe–Bi on FTO to demonstrate its excellent oxygen evolution reaction (OER) properties. As shown in Fig. S10,† NiCoFe–Bi/FTO exhibits excellent OER performance and stability. To advance our understanding of the importance of NiCoFe–Bi in the enhanced OER performance of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5, electrochemical-impedance-spectroscopy (EIS) and chopped I–T tests at 1.0 VRHE were carried out. Obviously lower resistance between photoanode and electrolyte was observed, indicating that co-catalyst modification is necessary to enhance the charge transfer kinetics between the photoanode and electrolyte (Fig. S11†). Furthermore, the greatly enhanced photocurrent demonstrates the importance of NiCoFe–Bi in improving this property (Fig. S12†).53,54 The SEM images of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 deposited on FTO and NiCoFe–Bi adhering to Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 are shown in Fig. S13.† It can be seen that Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 is uniformly deposited on FTO, while NiCoFe–Bi is also uniformly adhered to Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5. Due to the gradient bandgap structure resulting from the gradient doping of Zr in Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5, electrons are able to transfer quickly to the surface of the photoanode to generate a photocurrent at a low bias (depicted in Fig. 4a). Steady-state photocurrent testing under low bias conditions was conducted (Fig. 4b). A steady photocurrent density of ∼20 μA cm−2 was generated at 0.38 VRHE, demonstrating a low onset potential for the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 photoanode. To the best of our knowledge, this is better than the results of other Ta3N5-based photoanodes deposited on FTO (Fig. 4f). Linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV) was employed to study the PEC activity of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5, and the corresponding control sample results are also shown in Fig. 4c and S14a.† Apparently, the doping of foreign elements enhances the photocurrent density of Ta3N5. The fill factor of the J–V curves was also substantially improved. This phenomenon indicates that foreign ion doping significantly inhibits defect-related recombination, which is consistent with the PL and TRPL results. Compared to pristine Ta3N5 with a value of ∼2.2 mA cm−2, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 exhibit values of ∼6.5 mA cm−2 and ∼6.7 mA cm−2, respectively; however, Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 achieves the highest photocurrent density of ∼8.9 mA cm−2 at 1.23 VRHE. To the best of our knowledge, a photocurrent density of ∼8.9 mA cm−2 is the highest value reported upon depositing Ta3N5 on FTO (Fig. 4f). Additionally, as shown in Fig. 4c and S14a,† compared to pristine Ta3N5, Ta3N5 doped with foreign ions exhibits a lower onset potential. The onset potential of Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 (∼0.43 VRHE) is negatively shifted compared to Cu–Ta3N5 (∼0.5 VRHE), which is due to the incorporation of Zr.49 Notably, when Zr is gradient-doped into Cu–Ta3N5, not only is there a cathodic shift in the onset potential, but also the photocurrent density is significantly enhanced relative to that of Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5. This can be ascribed to the gradient doping of Zr forming a gradient bend band structure that enhances carrier separation. Owing to the high photocurrent density, low onset potential and high fill factor, the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 photoanodes reached a maximum ABPE of 3.5% (Fig. 4d and S14b†), which compares favorably with the previous literature on Ta3N5-based photoanodes, to the best of our knowledge.34,55,56 This demonstrates the exceptional performance of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 for PEC applications. Fig. S15† shows the IPCEs of pristine Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5. The IPCE onset wavelength of pristine Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 are around 600 nm, corresponding to a band gap of ∼2.1 eV. The value of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 (maximum value 72%) is significantly higher than that of pristine Ta3N5, implying that gradient Zr doping enhances the charge carrier separation/transfer efficiency. The oxygen production of the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 photoanode at 1.0 VRHE under AM 1.5 G was determined by gas chromatography (Fig. 4e). The continuous evolution of oxygen with a faradaic efficiency (FE) of close to 100% manifests that the high and stable photocurrent is primarily used for oxygen production rather than for other side reactions.
Photoanode stability is another crucial criterion by which to evaluate the PEC performance. The stability of the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 photoanode in 1 M KOH was tested under 1 sun at 1.0 VRHE (Fig. 4g and S14c†). The steady-state photocurrent density was stable for 180 min for Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5, which is consistent with the J–V curve at 1.0 VRHE shown in Fig. 4c. The photocurrent density of Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 still remained at 86% of the initial value after 10 h (Fig. S16†). Although pristine Ta3N5, Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 demonstrated stable currents initially, their performance was not sustainable over time. After only 30 min, the photocurrent of pristine Ta3N5 abruptly dropped, while the stabilities of Cu–Ta3N5 and Cu,Zrh–Ta3N5 were also limited to just 67 and 88 min, respectively. The stability of the Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 photoanodes after 3 h was studied in more detail. As shown in Fig. S17a,† there was no obvious change in XRD patterns, indicating that Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 exhibits excellent stability. The SEM image illustrates that Cu,Zrg–Ta3N5 retains its morphology after stability testing (Fig. S17b†). The XPS results after the durability tests were not significantly different from those before the reaction, which also provided strong evidence for the stability of the photoanode (Fig. S18†). The outstanding structural stability of the Cu,Zr–Ta3N5 photoanodes may be attributed to two reasons: (1) Zr is co-doped with ON;44 (2) gradient doped Zr and interstitial doped Cu generate a gradually increasing interaction. Contrastingly, the XPS and SEM results of pristine Ta3N5 exhibit a clear chemical state change and structural collapse (Fig. S19 and S20†).
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc05420a |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |