ter Mors‡
Marc D.
*bf and
aInstitute for Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, DE-97074 Würzburg, Germany. E-mail:
bInstitute for Molecular Medicine I, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, DE-40225 Duesseldorf, Germany
cDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Würzburg, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany
dDepartment of Pathology, University of Würzburg, DE-97080 Würzburg, Germany
eDepartment of Dermatology and Venerology, University of Cologne, DE-50937, Cologne, Germany
fDepartment for Oral and Craniomaxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Cologne and Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne, DE-50937, Cologne, Germany. E-mail:
gHelmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI), Helmholtz Institute for RNA-Based Infection Research (HIRI), DE-97080 Würzburg, Germany
First published on 17th July 2024
Accurately identifying tumor tissue is crucial during surgery, especially when removing head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Our tumor-responsive probes are tailored for ex vivo diagnostics, streamlining today's complex surgical workflows and potentially enabling pathologists and surgeons to rapidly and objectively distinguish between healthy and tumor tissue. Designed based on insights from biological furin substrates and cleavage site screening, the probes detect HNSCC-associated protease activity. Within ten minutes of incubation, tumor tissue is differentiated from healthy tissue by visible fluorescence in biopsy supernatant.
Where fluorescence guided surgery would clearly mark tumor margins, it also requires injection or oral administration of the probes before surgery as well as to allow some time for the probes to accumulate in the tumor tissue.15,16 The multiplexable ex vivo approach shown here, requires no preliminary preparation of the patient and can in theory be expanded to include potential risk factors present in the surrounding tissue (inflammation, pre-cancerous tissue alteration, etc.) that cannot be detected or targeted through common guided surgery approaches.
In the present study, we introduce diagnostic probes targeting the altered protease activity in HNSCC tissue based on furin as a surrogate marker. Furin is upregulated in several tumor types, and increased levels of furin have been linked to greater malignancy and poorer prognosis in head and neck cancer.17–20 When exposed to tissue samples, the probes are susceptible to multiple proteases, including proteases that share common substrate motifs or are highly specific for distinct amino acids.21,22 The broad spectrum of specificities in biological samples makes it unlikely to design a probe that is sensitive and specific to a single present protease. In consequence, probe design must strike a balance between sensitivity for the target protease and specificity in context of competitive proteases in the patients' sample. Therefore, we present two probes: the first probe (Probe a) exhibits rapid cleavage in tumor tissue but is also susceptible to some cleavage in healthy tissue, while the second probe (Probe 1) is less accessible to healthy tissue, but also less responsive to furin (Fig. 1). For probe design, we leveraged insights from the well-described furin substrates, the common cleavage motif RXXR↓ (with a preference for positively charged or small amino acids at X sites (the downward arrow↓ indicates the cleavage sites), as well as from furin cleavage site profiling.23 The derived furin-sensitive peptides were evaluated for their cleavage efficiency, and the two most effective peptides were transformed into fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes. Both probes were verified ex vivo on tissue samples, successfully differentiating HNSCC tissue from healthy tissue in the tissue supernatant.
A routine histopathological assessment confirmed the diagnosis in every case (dissection margins, tumor stage etc.). Subsequently the specimens were fixated in formalin overnight for histopathological assessment the next day. The following day, the specimens were paraffin-embedded, sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. HE sections were scanned using a Pannoramic Scan II slide scanner from 3DHistech® and were displayed with CaseViewer Software from 3DHistech®. In addition to tumor resection, a small amount of corresponding healthy oral mucosa of about 5 mm (clinically non-suspicious and at a sufficient distance from the primary tumor resection to ensure safety) was excised separately. The resected tumor tissue and healthy oral mucosa were placed in RPMI-1640 (Dutch modification, 10% FCS, 1% penicillin/streptomycin, nystatin). For further experiments, the tissue samples were cut into smaller specimens and incubated in RPMI-1640 overnight at 37 °C.
Visual detection was proved by probe cleavage and illumination. 22 ± 3.1 mg of tissue specimens were incubated in a 500 μl reaction buffer containing 10 μM of Probe a or Probe 1. The reaction was performed at 37 °C for 1 h. Illumination was induced via an LED unit (16 × 60 mm) with three 3× Luminus SST-10 UV 365–370 nm on a SYSTEM Slider ( controlled by an SLT6 – 350 IFG (self-electronics) control unit using 365 nm and 350 mA as control settings. Pictures were taken with a Sony Alpha 58 camera and an 18-55 SAM II objective.
Specificity is shown as amino acid preference at each position ranging from P4 to P4′, referred to as the MEROPS specificity matrix.27 We used an in-house programmed extension (Prot-Agonist) that deciphers the proteases (output) that cleave any desired set of primary amino acid sequences (input variable).14
MEROPS provides a specificity matrix ranging from P4 to P4′ when the exact cleavage site of at least ten substrates is known. The database displays how often each amino acid occurs at each position in the documented substrates of the enzyme. Every peptide bond of the linker is defined once as the scissile bond. The four residues before and after this scissile bond are used to estimate the cleavage likelihood. The algorithm initially sets the first N-terminal amino acid at P4′. The resulting first segment for Sequence a (RRARSVAS, identical to the positioning code P4–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–P3′–P4′, ↓ indicating the cleavage site) is consequently P4–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–P3′–R. The number that indicates how often this amino acid occurs at P4′ in the substrates documented in MEROPS for each MEROPS listed protease is then checked in the matrix, with a value of 0 being assigned to empty slots. The resulting counts for this iterative process are plotted as a cumulative score for all eight positions (P4–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–P3′–P4′). As these absolute counts depend on the number of substrates listed in MEROPS, each retrieved matrix entry is normalized by dividing the counts by the sum of its column. Columns are defined as follows and using the example P4–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–P3′–R again: To normalize the R in P4′, the app counts the sum of substrates for which the amino acid is known in P4′. In the next step, when going for P3′, the app repeats the process. Typically, the number of substrates with known amino acids in P3′ is higher than in P4′; hence, the value in the denominator for normalization is higher for P3′ than P4′. The sum results in the normalized score (norm score). Next, the large 8-residue window is shifted one position further (i.e., P4–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–R–R for Sequence a). The first amino acid is in P3′, the second is in P4′, and the rest of the cleavage site is empty. The scores are calculated, and the procedure is repeated until the final amino acid is in position P4 (i.e., S–P3–P2–P1↓P1′–P2′–P3′–P4′ for Sequence a). This procedure is repeated for all proteases in MEROPS with an available specificity matrix.
Finally, a plausibility check is (manually) conducted based on literature research, evaluating the relevance of proteases identified by the app. Potentially relevant proteases were defined as those with differential expression in HNSCC tissue and localization at the plasma membrane or secretion.
PICS, to some extent, causes chemical modification of the amino acids lysine and cysteine (methylation, alkylation).14,24 We mitigated a potential impact on our study, by incorporating several controls. On the one hand, we controlled our peptide libraries for off-target alkylation or missed cleavages (data not shown). Furthermore, the outcome was congruent with previously published furin specificities, suggesting that chemical modification of lysines and methionines during PICS did not jeopardize the ability to successfully identify cleavage sites. Furin is reported to cleave C-terminal to Arg (RXKR or RXRR), with a preference for Arg at P1′ (Fig. 2A and Table S1†).28–31 Arg was found as the preferred amino acid in positions P4 to P1 and P1′ showed a strong preference for Arg with an high occurrence of 49%. At P2, Ala had the same occurrence as Arg, and in P1 Lys was also found but with lower occurrence. At P2′ and P3′ Ala was preferred. These findings resulted in a GluC-derived furin specificity motif of XRR/AR↓RAAX. Next, we tested furin on the trypsin pre-processed PICS library, distinct from the GluC library in its peptide composition. Trypsin cleaves next to Arg and Lys. Thus, furin motifs with Arg at the cleavage sites – preferentially seen with the GluC pre-processed library – cannot be found with the trypsin-generated library. Due to the variance, there is potential for the discovery of additional furin-specific sequences within this data set. Using the trypsin-generated libraries with furin resulted in more than 560 identified peptides (Fig. 2B and Table S2†). In the absence of internal Lys and Arg, we identified Met as preferred P1 amino acid at the furin cleavage site (Fig. 2B). In position P1′, Thr had the highest relative occurrence, followed by Ser, Ala and Gly, respectively. Position P2′ had Ala, Val, Leu, and Pro, in descending order of occurrence. Therefore, we observed a novel furin specificity motif of XXXM↓S/TAXX.
Based on the insights of the PICS screens and known cleavage sites, we selected potential peptide core sequences for further characterization, namely the SARS-COV-2 spike protein cleavage site RRAR↓SVAS (referred to as “a”) and a recently described mutated site, that was reported to show no processing by furin as a negative control (SSARSVAS, referred to as “b”; Fig. 2C and Table S3†).32 Furthermore, three alternative peptide core sequences were derived from the peptide library screens (referred to as “1” and “3”; Fig. 2C and Table S3), which in turn were modified in specific core positions, to determine the validity of the PICS findings (“4” to “7”; Fig. 2C; Table S3). The Sequences 1 and 2 were designed as follows: The trypsin PICS library suggested a furin mitigated preference for M↓T/SA in P1 to P2′ (Fig. 2B and C, blue). In the remaining positions, the trypsin PICS results were less specific (Fig. 2B). Therefore, we also considered natural furin substrates (grey) and knowledge obtained from our GluC library outcomes (orange; Fig. 2A): P4 was filled with Arg because it had a high occurrence in the GluC library and was known from most furin cleavage sites (Fig. 2C, orange). In the trypsin library, the highest occurrences at P3 were Ala, Thr, and Val, but we selected Thr because the MEROPS database indicated that polar amino acids are favored at P3 (Fig. 2C, grey).29 P2 was filled with Ala, as suggested by the trypsin PICS library and as known from other substrates (Fig. 2C, grey). For P3′ to P4′, the trypsin and the GluC library had little information aside from a general trend toward non-polar, small amino acids, such as Ala, Val, Leu, and Gly. We chose Gly in P3′ and Ala in P4′ to avoid immediate amino acid repeats (e.g., GG or AA; Fig. 2C, grey). Because of the high occurrence of P1′: Arg in the GluC PICS, we also considered Arg instead of Ser and Thr, resulting in Sequence 3 (Fig. 2C and Table S1†).
These potential core sequences (“a, b” and “1” to “3”, Fig. 2C) were synthesized, characterized by HPLC and LC-MS, and tested for cleavage by recombinant furin (Fig. 2C, S2 and S3 and Table S3†). Cleavage is shown as a percentage decrease in the signal for the respective intact peptide on HPLC (Fig. 2C, right). The same furin activity, peptide concentrations and reaction conditions were used for all peptides and allow direct comparison of cleavage efficiency within the selected peptides. Within 15 minutes, Sequence a was the most efficiently cleaved sequence with a cleavage of 77 ± 2%, followed by 1 and 2 with 26 ± 2% and 27 ± 3%, respectively. (Fig. 2C).
Sequence 3 was a poor furin substrate compared to the other sequences and was not considered further. As expected, Sequence b showed virtually no cleavage and is referred to as the non-cleaving control.
To test the positional significance of the PICS-derived selection at P4, P1 and P1′, further sequences were synthesized and analyzed as described before (“4” to “7”; Fig. 2C and S3 and Table S3†). Here, a replacement with Gly (Fig. 2C, pink) caused a clear reduction in cleavage efficiency and confirms a positional preference for P4: Arg (see 1vs.6 & 7), P1: Met (see 2vs.4) and P1′: Ser or Thr (see 1 & 2vs.5 & 7). We selected peptide core Sequences a and 1 for further probe development (Fig. 1 and S1†).
The peptide core sequences were transformed into FRET turn-on/off probes by attaching DABCYL and EDANS (Fig. 2D and E and Table S3†). One challenge was the solubility of Probe 1, which was met by extending the probe terminally with Gly and Glu (Fig. 1 and S1†). The resulting probes – Probe a and Probe 1 – were characterized by HPLC and LC-MS (Fig. S4†).
Again, both probes were exposed to the same activity of recombinant furin to compare cleavage efficiency. As expected, Probe a was more rapidly cleaved by furin, resulting in 13 ± 1% digestion at the first measurement time point (which was defined as t = 0; Fig. 2D and S5†). Digestion increased to about 40 ± 2% within 40 min. When irradiated after 60 min of incubation, Probe a fluorescence was visually detectable under UV light (Fig. 3A). Probe 1 was more stable, reaching the cleavage rate of 13 ± 2% after 12 h (Fig. 2E and S5†).
We next evaluated the probe performances with patient biopsies (Fig. S6 and Table S4†).
Tumor tissue from HNSCC patients – but not specimens from healthy tissues – were furin-positive (Fig. 3B and S7†).18 Healthy tissue and the diagnosis of HNSCC were confirmed via pathological evaluation, with the tumor tissue being characterized by irregular squamous epithelial proliferations with variable and irregular keratinization (Fig. 3C and D and S6†). Within 10 min, Probe a fluorescence was sufficient to distinguish tumor tissue (FRET-on) from healthy tissue (FRET-off) under UV light by eye (Fig. 3E and S8†). The same differentiation by eye was possible for Probe 1, but after 40 min.
Tumor-driven cleavage was confirmed by a plate reader in three additional patients for Probe a (all within 5 min, Fig. 3F and S9†) and Probe 1 (within 10, 20, 40 min, Fig. 3G and S10†). Here, tissue specimens were incubated with the respective probes in reaction buffer. At various time points, a fixed volume of supernatant was briefly removed and analyzed separately from the tissue for fluorescence. This procedure was chosen to make our analysis independent of tissue autofluorescence.
We further corroborated these findings via cross-over incubation to remove possible idiosyncratic effects. To that end, tissue specimens from one patient were first incubated with Probe a, followed by a second incubation with Probe 1 and a third incubation, again with Probe a (Fig. S11†). Each incubation lasted 30 min and was followed by extensive washing. This “bracketing” approach was successful, leading to comparable results for the first and last incubation with Probe a. In addition, we repeatedly incubated two specimens with Probe a for 30 min (four times), and no statistical differences in cleavage rates were observed (Fig. S12†). This paired approach confirmed the faster cleavage of Probe a compared with Probe 1.
We then addressed the furin-specificity of the probes. Although cleavage of Probe a was primarily driven by furin, specific inhibition of furin only reduced cleavage to healthy control results (off-target cleavage). Still, some cleavage occurred over time in healthy tissue, which we will refer to as “off-target cleavage” (Fig. 3F). Therefore, we tested Probe a with a broad-range protease inhibitor, which reduced overall cleavage with tumor tissue or with healthy tissue (Fig. S13†). These results suggested that the off-target cleavage in healthy tissue had been caused by proteolytic cleavage, most likely by proteases other than furin. Cleavage by competitive proteases is referred to as “non-specific” cleavage in this manuscript. The response of Probe 1 to furin inhibition during incubation with tumor tissue showed high variability across replicates with almost no inhibition of Probe 1 cleavage in Fig. 3G, partial inhibition in Fig. S10† (left), and complete inhibition in Fig. S10† (right). The observed variances stem from inherent differences among tissue samples obtained from different patients and suggest that Probe 1 is more susceptible to non-specific cleavage than Probe a. However, the off-target cleavage by healthy tissue was negligible (Fig. 3G and S10†) and we assume that the non-specific cleavage by HSCC tissue is caused by other tumor-related proteases. These findings suggested that Probe a is more susceptible to off-target cleavage by healthy tissue than Probe 1.
Further research needs to be conducted to reveal the identity and impact of competitive proteases, which is beyond the scope of this study. As first approach, we aimed to identify the proteases involved in non-specific probe cleavage to understand whether they were tumor-related. To do so, we programmed a search algorithm for the MEROPS database, which we named Prot-Agonist.14 MEROPS holds experimental information on more than 3000 proteases.29,33 Prot-Agonist was developed on the basis of another app that Ferrall-Fairbanks had coded.27 The Ferrall-Fairbanks app probes the cleavage of one peptide sequence by one protease. Prot-Agonist was coded for automated searches to simultaneously run one peptide or protein of any length against all proteases listed in the MEROPS database, while the app by Ferrall-Fairbanks does not run automated searches across the whole set of MEROPS proteases. Our app can perform a screening of long proteins as substrates (not only peptides) against all MEROPS proteases simultaneously.14 The resulting app suggested a set of other proteases that could potentially recognize core Sequences a and 1. These raw data were checked for relevance (e.g., some “hits” for intracellular proteases were irrelevant for our purposes) for the 18 highest-ranking proteases (Table S5 and S6†). Prot-Agonist suggested that Sequence a may be cleaved by other HNSCC-related proteases in addition to furin, including proprotein convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 6 (PCSK6), matriptase (ST14)), and proteinases that are present in the healthy oral mucosa (e.g., hepsin (HPN), transmembrane protease serine 11E (TMPRSS11E), and kallikrein-13 (KLK13); Table S5†). This finding explains why Probe a is also processed by healthy tissue (Fig. 3F, S9, S11 and S13†). Derived from Prot-Agonist, the likelihood of Sequence 1 cleavage by proteases other than furin was much lower (based on the comparison of norm scores) and included the HNSCC-related proteases PCSK6, ubiquitin-specific peptidase 4 (USP4), and methionine aminopeptidase 2 (METAP2) (Table S6†). The identified HNSCC-related proteases support the observation that Probe 1 is still processed despite furin inhibition, and the low norm scores generally fit well with our experimental result, which showed almost no cleavage by healthy tissue (Fig. 3G and S10†).
Therefore, using furin as a surrogate marker for tumor tissue, we successfully developed probes that could differentiate between tumor tissue and healthy tissue. Future studies might combine multiple probes. For example, Probe a (faster cleavage, limited by off-target cleavage) could be multiplexed with Probe 1 (lower off-target cleavage, limited by non-furin-specific cleavage and slower cleavage), or different proteases could be addressed simultaneously by a set of probes that are developed for use with other proteases related to HNSCC (e.g., matrix metalloproteinases or dipeptidyl peptidase IV).34,35 In general, our approach of combining information gained from biological substrates (which usually stem from the interaction of proteases with full-length proteins) and from peptide-library-based analyses of cleavage sites (i.e., less constrained, shorter sequences) proved useful. Even for a comparably long and well-studied protease such as furin, we found a novel cleavage specificity (M↓S/TA). While Probe 1 is not cleaved as fast as the natural sequence-based Probe a, we are able to address a new specificity of the same protease with less off-target cleavage by healthy tissue, as discussed above.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Materials and methods, PICS results from P6 to P6′ as a table, peptide and probe characterization via HPLC and LC-MS, concentration series of cleaved Probe a, Ponceau S staining of furin western blot, microscopy images of collected tissues, probe-cleavage experiments, stability of Probe a cleavage, cleavage experiment in the presence of a broad-range inhibitor, and potential competitive proteases identified by Prot-Agonist (PDF). See DOI: |
‡ D. R., B. t. M., and M. D. contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |