School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Key Laboratory of Surface & Interface Science of Polymer Materials of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, 310018, P. R. China. E-mail: wxinping@zstu.edu.cn
First published on 27th November 2023
Herein, the adsorption of polystyrene (PS) on phenyl-modified SiO2–Si substrates was investigated. Different from those for PS adsorption on a neat SiO2–Si substrate, the growth rate (vads) in the linear regime and hads/Rg (hads, thickness of flattened and loosely adsorbed layers on the substrate; Rg, radius of gyration) declined with increasing molecular weight (Mw) of PS and the phenyl content on the modified substrates, while the thickness of the flattened layer (hflat) and its coverage increased with increasing phenyl content. The results indicated that the adsorption of loose chains was controlled by the adsorption of flattened chains, as it only occurred in the empty contact sites remaining after the adsorption of flattened chains. Before approaching quasi-equilibrium (t < tcross), the number of flattened chain contact sites increased due to an enthalpically favorable process and, correspondingly, their spatial positions dynamically changed, which perturbed the adsorption of loose chains. When the adsorption of flattened chains reached quasi-equilibrium (t > tcross), the adsorption of loose chains was determined by the empty contact sites. The coverage of flattened chains and time to reach quasi-equilibrium were increased with more phenyl groups on the substrate, enhancing π–π interfacial interactions and resulting in a decreased adsorption rate and fewer loosely adsorbed chains. Mw-dependent vads and hads/Rg differed on phenyl-modified substrates compared to the neat SiO2–Si substrate owing to fewer empty contact sites for loose chains. The study findings improve our understanding of the mechanism responsible for the formation and structure of the adsorbed layer on solid surfaces.
As for the architecture of the adsorbed PS layer on the surface of a silicon substrate at quasi-equilibrium, it was revealed42 that the adsorbed layer comprises two different structures: tightly flattened chains in the inner layer and loosely adsorbed chains in the outer layer. Loose chains adsorb after the formation of the tightly adsorbed layer (flattened adsorbed layer),43,51 having fewer contact sites with the substrate. In our previous reports,51,52,58 the structure of the adsorbed layer was greatly affected by interactions between chain segments and the substrate. The thickness and density of the flattened layer, as well as the thickness of the loose layer, within the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) adsorbed layer declined with decreasing hydroxyl content on the substrate, and the loosely adsorbed layer subsisted only when the –OH content was approximately 31%.44 Hong et al.45 found that flattened PS layer thickness increased with increasing phenyl content on the modified substrate. Investigating the adsorption of PS, PMMA, and poly(2-vinylpyridine) on silicon substrates, Jiang et al.46 reported that the thickness of the flattened adsorbed layer at quasi-equilibrium (hequflat) and the adsorption kinetics of the flattened layer were regulated by the strength of the interfacial interactions between the polymer and solid substrate.
Understanding the adsorption mechanism and kinetics of polymer chains is important for tuning the architecture of the adsorbed layer. O’Shaughnessy47 reported that the formation of adsorbed polymer chains on a solid substrate in dilute solutions was time-dependent. At the initial stage, only a small amount of chains reached the substrate surface, lying flat on the substrate. After a certain time, more chains adsorbed on the substrate, forming a dense adsorbed layer. Meanwhile, some polymer chains could not lie flat on the substrate and adopted a relatively vertical arrangement. Rotella et al.43 believed that this special double-layered structure was related to the formation mechanism of the adsorbed layer in the polymer melt. The molecular chains that first reached the substrate surface formed many contact sites and adopted a parallel arrangement, while those arriving later had fewer contact sites and formed a more perpendicular conformation to the substrate surface. Since the interfacial adsorbed layer is formed at the embedding interfacial region between the polymer and solid substrate, “Guiselin's approach” is a common method employed to unveil the architecture of the adsorbed polymer layer through the removal of unadsorbed molecular chains on the substrate via solvent elution.48 Durning et al.49 reported that the relationship between the thickness of the PMMA adsorption layer (hads(t)) on quartz, obtained by solvent leaching, and annealing time (t) could be described by eqn (1):
hads(t) = ht=0 + hmaxads[1 − exp(−t/τ)] | (1) |
On this basis, Housmans et al.50 believed that the formation process of adsorbed polymer chains on a solid substrate could be divided into two stages of linear and logarithmic growth. The experimental results of several studies6,46,51 have indicated that this adsorption kinetic process is consistent with actual measurements. As for the adsorption kinetics of the irreversible adsorption of PS chains on the SiO2 substrate with weak interaction,50 the linear growth rate (v) on a short time scale increased linearly with N1/2 and hads/radius of gyration (Rg) with annealing time (t) was independent of molecular weight (Mw), which was also observed in the bound layer of nanocomposites.52 It was assumed that the equilibrium adsorbed mass depended on the depth of the effective interfacial potential.13
The architecture of the adsorbed layer is known to be inevitably affected by differences in processing conditions, such as time and temperature, in the manufacturing process of polymer materials. Meanwhile, modification of the solid substrate is very popular in the materials field. Thus, investigating the effect of the solid substrate's surface chemistry on the structure and formation kinetics of the adsorbed layer is essential. Although great efforts have been undertaken to understand the effects of interfacial interactions theoretically and through modeling, experimental results regarding the formation kinetics and structure of the adsorbed layer are lacking. Herein, a series of silicon substrates with various phenyl contents were prepared and the effects of their surface chemistry on the formation kinetics and architecture of adsorbed PS layers were investigated. It was found that hflat and the density of the flattened layer increased with increasing phenyl content. Interestingly, different from the adsorption of PS on a neat SiO2 substrate, the growth rate (vads) over a short time and hads/Rg declined with increasing Mw of PS and phenyl content on the substrate. Furthermore, the adsorption of loose chains was dominated by the formation kinetics of flattened chains. The study findings will improve our understanding of the effect of the substrate's surface chemistry on the inner structure and formation kinetics of the adsorbed layer.
The adsorbed PS layer on the substrate was obtained using the solvent leaching method reported in the literature.46,48 PS films with a thickness of approximately 200 nm were prepared by spin coating 3 wt% PS toluene solution followed by solvent removal under vacuum at 393 K for 48 h. To obtain the adsorbed flattened layer and interfacial sublayer (including flattened and loosely adsorbed layers) on the substrates, the PS films were annealed at 423 K for various times, followed by leaching several times with toluene or CHCl3 until the residual thickness remained constant. The variation in residual film thickness with leaching time is shown in Fig. S2 (ESI†), indicating that the residual thickness of the film did not decrease further after 48 h of elution. Thus, the substrates were removed from toluene or CHCl3 after 48 h and dried at 393 K under vacuum for 48 h to eliminate small residual solvent molecules and obtain equilibrium morphologies of the adsorbed layer54 before the following tests were conducted.
To investigate the effect of the phenyl groups at the polymer/modified substrate interface on the adsorbed PS layer, the adsorption kinetics of the interfacial sublayer (consisting of flattened and loosely adsorbed layers) and flattened layer were explored on modified substrates with different phenyl contents. According to the reported method, the interfacial sublayer and flattened layer were obtained by solvent leaching with toluene and chloroform, respectively (Fig. S2, ESI†), until equilibrium was reached, which was confirmed by XR (Fig. S3, ESI†). The annealing time evolution of the interfacial sublayer on PTS-modified silicon, as shown in Fig. 1a, was similar to that reported in the study conducted by Napolitano.50 Two regimes were separated by the crossover time (tcross), with the thickness of the interfacial sublayer (hads) first increasing linearly (t < tcross) and then logarithmically (t > tcross) with increasing annealing time (t), as shown in eqn (2):44
![]() | (2) |
Meanwhile, tcross increased with increasing phenyl content, indicating that the adsorption rate decreased. As for the adsorption kinetics of the flattened chains (Fig. 1b), the thickness of the flattened layer (hflat) remained unchanged as the annealing time increased longer than tcross. The quasi-equilibrium thickness of the flattened chain (hequflat) and tflatcross increased with increasing phenyl content on the substrate surface. When the phenyl content on the surface of the PTS-modified substrates was approximately 75%, hequads obtained by toluene elution and hequflat obtained by chloroform elution were equivalent (approximately 4.7 nm). The results shown in Fig. 1c demonstrate that hequads decreased and hequflat increased with increasing phenyl content, approaching hequads = hequflat. To further understand the internal structure of the adsorbed layer, XR tests were conducted on the adsorbed layer on different PTS-modified substrates after reaching adsorption equilibrium obtained by toluene leaching. Fig. 2a shows the XR profiles of the PS interfacial sublayer on a representative PTS-modified substrate, while Fig. 2b shows the X-ray refractive index (δ) vs. the distance from the substrate profiles, which were obtained by fitting the XR data according to the multilayer model.22,61 Noteworthily, a distance of 0 nm was set at the middle of the transition region between the SiO2 layer and adsorbed PS layer. The corresponding best fits to the XR profiles were obtained using the X-ray Reflectivity program in the REFLEX software integrated with the Abeles matrix21,22,44,64 and employing a four-layer model (Si/SiO2/high density layer/low density layer) and a three-layer model (Si/SiO2/adsorbed layer) respectively. The bulk value of δ is 1.14 × 10−6 for PS.54 The fitting results presented in Tables S3 and S4 (ESI†) showed that the three-layer model was agreeable for the PTS-4 substrate, while the four-layer model was fit for PTS-0 and PTS-2 substrates. The δ values of the Si and SiO2 layers were fixed, while the thickness of the SiO2 layer and the thickness, δ, and roughness of the higher and lower density adsorbed layers were optimized to minimize the value of the coefficient of fitting error (χ) between the fitted line and raw data points.22,64 The results of best fitting revealed that the adsorbed layer on the PTS-modified substrates with <75% phenyl content (PTS-0 and PTS-2) exhibited a two-layered architecture, with the bottom PS layer having the higher density adjacent to the substrate and the bulk-like layer on top. With increasing phenyl content, the density and thickness of the inner layer on the substrate surface gradually increased, while the thickness of the loosely adsorbed layer decreased, and the adsorbed layer eventually changed from a two-layered structure to a single-layered structure (flattened layer) when the phenyl content was approximately 75%. This was consistent with the results shown in Fig. 1c, indicating that the structure of the adsorbed PS layer could be modulated by altering the phenyl content. At the same time, the relative high density of the inner layer was similar to the reported result according to which the density of the adsorbed layer is about 20–50% higher than the bulk.42,65,67 The reason may be attributed to strong π–π interfacial interactions. A “zipping-down” process of the transient flattened chains on planar solids happened in order to further increase the number of segment/substrate contact points (i.e. the number of phenyl groups), which is the driving force for a more dense packing and for overcoming the conformational entropy loss in the total free energy.46
The adsorption kinetics of the adsorbed PS layer with various Mw were investigated. Different from that on the neat SiO2 substrate,50 the variation of hads/Rg with annealing time showed Mw dependence (Fig. 3a), which was enhanced with increasing phenyl content on the substrates. The adsorption kinetics of the interfacial sublayer on PTS-1 and PTS-2 are shown in Fig. S5 (ESI†) and the relative parameters extracted from eqn (2) are presented in Fig. 3b and c. Interestingly, in contrast to the neat SiO2 substrate with vads close to Mw0.5 (related to the size of the polymer chain, Rg ∝ Mw0.5),66vads in the linear regime decreased with increasing Mw. Although hcross and Π showed similar trends to those on the neat SiO2–Si substrate,50 their Mw dependence was decreased on PTS-modified substrates. The above results indicated that the adsorption kinetics of the PS chains on the substrate were significantly influenced by the phenyl groups.
As shown in Fig. 3c, the adsorption rate (vads) in the first regime and Π in the second regime gradually decreased with increasing phenyl content. The extent of the reduction in vads was enhanced with higher Mw. When the phenyl content on the PTS-modified substrates was approximately 75%, the value of Π was close to 0 owing to the disappearance of loosely adsorbed chains at quasi-equilibrium. The larger slope of Π and lower slope of vads at relatively high Mw against the phenyl content on the substrate surface further indicated that these values were related to loose chain adsorption since hflat was independent of Mw (Fig. S6, ESI†), but dependent on the phenyl group content. According to the architecture of the adsorbed layer,42 the inner flattened chains near the polymer/substrate interface were closely combined with the substrate surface, while the outer loose chains had fewer “anchor points” on the substrate surface. To further understand the influence of the phenyl content on the internal structure of the adsorbed layer, the adsorption kinetics of the flattened layer were investigated, as shown in Fig. 1b. hflat at the final adsorption equilibrium (hequflat) did not change after tflatcross and increased with increasing phenyl content on the PTS-modified substrates. Additionally, tflatcross increased with increasing phenyl content and was equal to tadscross, as shown in Fig. 1b and d, regardless of the phenyl content on the PTS-modified substrates and the Mw of PS, which further suggested that the adsorption of flattened and loose chains occurred independently.50
Similarly, to quantitatively describe the effect of the phenyl content on the adsorption kinetic parameters of the flattened layer, the specific adsorption rate for the formation of the flattened layer (vflat) was obtained by fitting through eqn (2). The relationship between vflat and the phenyl content on the PTS-modified substrates is shown in Fig. 4a. vflat linearly declined with increasing phenyl content, and the extent of its reduction was enhanced with increasing Mw, which was the same as vads and similar to the results reported by Jiang.46 Although the quasi-equilibrium thickness of the flattened layer did not depend on Mw, the thickness of the entire adsorbed layer was positively correlated with Mw, similar to the results reported by Napolitano.50 To investigate the influence of the flattened chains on the whole adsorbed layer, the graph of vadsvs. vflat was considered, as shown in Fig. 4b, which showed a positive correlation. As the adsorption rate of the flattened chains increased, the adsorption rate of the loosely adsorbed chains synchronously increased. This result directly indicated that the growth rate of the flattened layer affected the growth rate of the loosely adsorbed chains in the first regime.
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Fig. 5 (a) Surface morphology of the (Mw = 225 kDa) flattened PS layer after tcross on various PTS-modified substrates. The scan sizes are 1 μm × 1 μm. The coverage is shown in the lower right inside graph using the bearing area analysis method reported in the literature.46 (b) Relationship between the coverage of the flattened layer and adsorption rate (Π) for the entire adsorbed PS layer in the second regime. |
Fig. 6a shows the thickness of the interfacial sublayer after adsorption quasi-equilibrium (hequads) as a function of hequflat for PS with different Mw. The results revealed that hads declined with increasing hflat, and this phenomenon was more obvious for PS with higher Mw. This finding indicated that the quantity of loosely adsorbed chains was enhanced with decreasing hflat. Fig. 6b shows that hequads/Rg was independent of Mw when hflat was approximately 2.0 nm on the neat SiO2–Si substrate. However, the extent of the reduction in hequads/Rg was enhanced for higher Mw with increasing hequflat. Since hequads/Rg was related to the amount of adsorbed chains, this result indicated that the amount of loosely adsorbed chains declined with increasing Mw of PS. The above evidence indicated that the adsorption of flattened chains controlled the adsorption of loose chains.
Fig. 5a shows the surface morphology of the flattened layer at equilibrium on different PTS-modified substrates and the surface coverage was calculated using the reported method.46 With increasing phenyl content on the PTS-modified substrates (<69%), the surface morphology of the flattened layer showed an obvious “island” shape with a gradually decreasing characteristic length, while the average height of the “island” gradually increased, which was consistent with the ellipsometry results (Fig. 1c). Fig. S7 (ESI†) shows the bearing analysis results, which corresponded to the AFM images presented in Fig. 5a. The surface coverage of the PS flattened layer on PTS-modified substrates was enhanced with increasing phenyl content. Until the phenyl content reached 75%, the flattened layer was homogeneous and almost covered the whole surface of the substrate, with coverage >90%.
The coverage of flattened chains at equilibrium as a function of the adsorption rate in the second regime for the entire adsorbed PS layer (Π) is shown in Fig. 5b. The value of Π decreased with increasing coverage of flattened chains and was zero when the substrate was completely covered by flattened chains. Meanwhile, the results shown in Fig. 1c and 6 also indicated that hequads showed the same trend as the coverage of flattened chains. These results further confirmed that the adsorption of loose chains was related to the empty sites remaining after the adsorption of the flattened chains on the substrate. When the phenyl content was sufficiently high, almost the entire surface of the PTS-modified substrate was occupied by flattened adsorbed chains. Thus, there were no vacancies on the surface of the substrate to which loose chains could attach, preventing them from contacting the substrate and thus resulting in the loss of the anchoring effect.
To deeply comprehend the effect of flattened layer formation on the interfacial sublayer, hads and hflat were assessed on the PTS-4 substrate against annealing time at 423 K. As shown in Fig. 7, hads was much larger than hflat, when the annealing time was <50 h. This result indicated that flattened and loosely adsorbed chains were both present on the substrate. When the annealing time was >50 h, the thickness of the whole adsorbed layer increased very little and was finally equal to that of the flattened chains, indicating that the amount of loosely adsorbed chains decreased and disappeared due to the increased amount of flattened chains adsorbed on the substrate surface. The above evidence further proved that the adsorption of flattened chains controlled the adsorption of loose chains.
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Fig. 7 Variation in the thicknesses of the PS (Mw = 225 kDa) interfacial sublayer and flattened layer on the PTS-4 substrate against annealing time at 423 K. |
According to the results shown in Fig. 1d, the annealing time to reach quasi-equilibrium for the flattened layer (tflatcross) on all substrates was equal to the crossover time of the adsorption kinetics for the whole adsorbed layer (tadscross). The molecular chains of the flattened layer were tightly packed with many contact sites on the substrate, while the loosely adsorbed layer was formed after the tightly adsorbed layer, with few contact sites on the substrate.42 We recently reported that flattened PS chains on SiO2 could be desorbed,73 but this was more difficult than the desorption of loosely adsorbed PS chains due to the presence of many more contact sites on the substrate. The flattened chains prior to tflatcross underwent a “collapse and zipping-down” procedure on the solid substrate toward a quasi-equilibrium state,47,74 which resulted from the increased quantity of contact sites between the substrate and chain segments overcoming the conformational entropy loss.42,46,75 Therefore, during the formation of the adsorbed layer, we hypothesize that loosely adsorbed chains exist in adsorption–desorption dynamic equilibrium due to the limited availability of contact sites on the substrate surface. However, this process does not occur for flattened chains during the annealing process, wherein the increased number of contact sites for flattened chains results in a more stretched chain conformation at higher “grafting density,” which is enthalpically favored and driven by π–π interactions.58 The distance between contact sites for these adsorbed chains becomes increasingly small, resulting in a thicker flattened layer and closer flattened chains with increasing annealing time until quasi-equilibrium is reached. In this process, the empty contact sites for the adsorption of loose chains decrease, and those adsorbed early are repelled when their contact sites become occupied during the densification process of the flattened layer. Molecular chains arriving later continue to adsorb at empty contact sites, forming loosely adsorbed chains. As for the weak interaction between PS and SiO2, it was clear that the time needed for PS flattened chains to reach quasi-equilibrium was very short (approximately 3 h). Since the quantity of anchoring sites increased with incremental phenyl content, the interfacial energy between PS molecular chains and the phenyl-modified substrate decreased and their π–π interactions increased.45 Therefore, the mobility of the adsorbed flattened chains was considerably suppressed, resulting in the decreasing densification rate of the flattened chains. Correspondingly, the empty sites remaining for loosely adsorbed chains generated slowly, causing a lower adsorption rate. This mechanism was responsible for the adsorption kinetics of the whole adsorbed layer being controlled by the formation of the flattened layer before tadscross. After tflatcross or tadscross, the adsorption of flattened chains on the substrate reached quasi-equilibrium, and the later arriving molecular chains formed the loosely adsorbed layer through the “reeling-in” process, which dominates the adsorption behavior of PS chains.46,76 Both the adsorption rate and amount of loosely adsorbed chains were determined by the empty contact sites remaining after the adsorption of flattened chains. Fewer empty sites resulted in a longer time for the loosely adsorbed chains to reach adsorption quasi-equilibrium and fewer adsorbed chains. Since excluded-volume repulsion by early adsorbed molecular chains and entanglement among adjoining polymer chains likely occurred, sufficient empty space was necessary to accommodate the adsorption of larger polymer chains (high Mw). Since the coverage of flattened chains on neat SiO2–Si was relatively low, vads increased with increasing Mw (vads ∝ Mw0.5) of PS and hequads/Rg was independent of Mw. Correspondingly, the different Mw dependence of the adsorption behavior on PTS-modified substrates (as shown in Fig. 3) was attributed to the reduction in empty space remaining after the adsorption of flattened chains and the increase of polymer/substrate interaction with increasing phenyl content.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sm01339a |
‡ J. X. and L. B. contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |