A. Kamal
Nilanka M.
Ajay Kumar
b and
aUniv. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, ISM, UMR 5255, Groupe Analyse du Cycle de Vie et Chimie Durable (CyVi), 351 Cours de la Libération, F-33405 Talence, France. E-mail: ahmad-kamal.kamali@u-bordeaux.fr; guido.sonnemann@u-bordeaux.fr
bUniv. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, ISM, UMR 5255, Groupe Chimie Moléculaire et Matériaux (C2M), 351 Cours de la Libération, F-33405 Talence, France. E-mail: nilanka.keppetipola@college-de-france.fr; cojocaru@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp; thierry.toupance@u-bordeaux.fr
cThe University of Tokyo, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan. E-mail: yoshihara_y@chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
dThe University of Tokyo, Komaba Institute for Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan. E-mail: ajayjena@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp; cojocaru@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
eThe University of Tokyo, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, 4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan. E-mail: uchida@rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp
fThe University of Tokyo, Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan. E-mail: csegawa@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
First published on 16th September 2024
Technological development is increasingly driven by environmental sustainability, with labels like ‘green’ gaining traction. However, the complex interactions in a product's life cycle make the environmental impact of materials and chemicals highly context-dependent, highlighting the need for context-specific environmental assessments. Anisole has been popularly used as a “green” alternative to chlorobenzene for perovskite solar cell (PSC) fabrication. This work validates the technical and environmental performance of anisole in the fabrication of PSCs. PSCs exhibiting conversion efficiencies exceeding 22% can be attained by using anisole as an antisolvent. Moreover, around 50% reduction in the potential toxicity is obtained when substituting chlorobenzene for anisole embodied in the carcinogenic human and ecosystem toxicity impact categories. Nonetheless, anisole embodies higher impact in all 14 remaining impact categories. This is due to anisole's multistep synthesis procedure that contributes to more than double the climate change impact of chlorobenzene, synthesized by a single-step method. To reduce the emissions several recommendations and strategies are proposed. Ultimately, it has been proved that context-specific and transparent environmental assessments are needed to make informed decisions in research and development leading to environmentally sustainable solutions.
Sustainability spotlightPerovskite solar cells have rapidly emerged as promising alternatives to other established solar cell technologies and as they are currently at the trial stage of commercial development it is essential to verify and propose sustainable practices that ensure their widespread adoption without compromising the environment. In the antisolvent treatment of the perovskite layer, anisole has been proposed as a green alternative to chlorobenzene. Efficiencies over 22% and halved carcinogenic toxicity have been achieved by substituting chlorobenzene for anisole according to life cycle assessment. However, other environmental impacts have doubled, such as climate change impact. This highlights the need for transparent, context-specific environmental assessments. This work contributes to access to clean energy (SDG 7), industry innovation (SDG 9), and climate action (SDG 13) by contributing to the development of environmentally sustainable commercializable solar cell technology. Ultimately, anisole use in antisolvent treatment is one of many optimizations needed in PSC development. |
Researchers worldwide are working on developing photovoltaic cells exhibiting high power conversion efficiency (PCE) and low environmental footprint. Generally, PCE is defined as the ratio of energy output from solar cells (Pmax) to the energy input (Pin) of sunlight and is defined as:
PSCs have emerged as promising alternatives to other established solar cell technologies.7 The efficiency of PSCs has now reached 26.1% in single junction and 33.9% in tandem configuration with Si-solar cells.8 A major contribution to such a fast rise in PCE was the development of methods producing high-quality perovskite films exhibiting a pinholes-free and flat surface.9–12 As the morphology of the perovskite film influences the performance of devices significantly a lot of efforts during the initial days have been devoted to controlling the crystallization of perovskite.13 Several techniques such as sequential deposition,14 antisolvent methods,15 solvent-assisted crystallization,16 additives included in the precursors, and co-evaporation,17 have been developed to enhance the quality of the perovskite film. The community's dedication to advancing the environmental sustainability of PSCs is apparent through environmental assessment studies published.18,19 These studies evaluate the environmental impact of PSCs across diverse fabrication methods and configurations, while also considering variations in PCEs. Furthermore, decent efficiencies have been achieved by integrating a variety of “green” solvents into the fabrication process of solar cells.20–30
The solvent-engineering method employing antisolvent treatment is one of the most popular and commonly used perovskite deposition methods,9,31 leads to high efficiencies but faces environmental challenges. A one-step solvent-assisted deposition approach for producing uniform CH3NH3PbI3 thin films through rapid crystallization was developed.15 In this process, chlorobenzene, the antisolvent employed, is promptly introduced after applying a perovskite precursor solution in dimethylformamide (DMF) during spin coating. The role of chlorobenzene is to rapidly reduce the solubility of perovskite in mixed solvent and promote fast nucleation of the crystals in the film. During this antisolvent treatment, the density of nuclei increases resulting in a uniform and pinhole-free film with large perovskite grains up to a size of microns.32 The antisolvent step significantly improves solar cell efficiency, reduces hysteresis, and enhances the stability of the devices. However, chlorobenzene, widely used as an antisolvent, is known to be a toxic substance with suppressive and anesthetic impacts on the human central nervous system.33 Owing to its high toxicity, the use of chlorobenzene constitutes a major concern28 for industrial-scale manufacturing. Thus, alternative solvents have been explored to not only reduce toxicity but also achieve high solar cell efficiency. For example, claimed to be “green” antisolvents such as ethanol,25 tetraethyl orthocarbonate,34 anisole,24,35etc., have been studied and applied as antisolvents to obtain high-efficiency PSCs. Nonetheless, the actual “greenness” of these solvents has yet to be verified using standardized environmental assessment methods.
In this work, we employ the solvent-engineering technique to fabricate PSCs, comparing the use of chlorobenzene and anisole as antisolvents. Our investigation delves into the technical and performance aspects of the fabrication of PSCs, focusing on the morphology, crystallography, and surface composition of the perovskite film. Additionally, we apply the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to uncover the environmental implications of substituting chlorobenzene for anisole during the antisolvent treatment phase of PSC production. In this context, various characterization techniques are employed to ensure that PSCs fabricated using antisolvents have the same characteristics and offer identical performance of over 22% with excellent reproducibility. The conducted experiments and detailed characterization are paramount for a valid LCA comparison, as they demonstrate that the PSCs fabricated using the two antisolvents are identical in structure and performance. Our objective is to ascertain whether adopting anisole compared to alternative antisolvents can reduce the environmental footprint attributed to the antisolvent treatment step. In accordance with the study objective, the LCA boundary focuses solely on the chemicals used in the antisolvent treatments, i.e., anisole and chlorobenzene. It does not assess any components of the PSC, as these components have been proven to be identical in both performance and composition, regardless of whether anisole or chlorobenzene is used in the antisolvent treatment step.
This case study shows the importance of conducting lab-scale LCAs to validate the potential positive impact associated with the adoption of “green” materials and processes. Our motivation stems from recognizing that the environmental footprint of materials can vary depending on their utilization and end-of-life management. Hence, while the integration of “green” materials holds promise for reducing environmental impact in emerging technologies, it does not inherently guarantee such an outcome. Moreover, several ideas are explored and discussed such as material efficiency, bio-based synthesis routes, and solvent recovery demonstrating the relative “greenness” of solvents.
The goal of this LCA was to evaluate the environmental performance of anisole and compare it to chlorobenzene, thereby verifying whether the substitution of chlorobenzene for anisole can reduce the environmental impact of the antisolvent treatment step. This analysis focuses on the use of these two chemicals as antisolvents in the laboratory production process of PSCs. The functional unit selected is carrying an antisolvent treatment on the perovskite layer, resulting in a PSC with a PCE of 22%. For this goal, chlorobenzene and anisole were compared on a 1-to-1 basis, given that equal volumes of these two solvents are used to obtain identical results. The absolute environmental results correspond to 1 kg of chemicals. This mass-based functional unit is justified because both chemicals are used in equal quantities and produce PSCs of similar characteristics and efficiencies.
The scope of this LCA encompasses the entire life cycle of the antisolvents (anisole and chlorobenzene) noted as a cradle-to-grave study. It considers impacts arising from material extraction, chemical synthesis, transportation, use, and end-of-life stages. Notably, there are no impacts associated with the use phase, as the antisolvents evaporate during the thermal treatment of the perovskite layer. It is assumed that the entire amount of anisole or chlorobenzene is evaporated into the atmosphere. The LCA boundary focuses solely on the chemicals used in the antisolvent treatments. It does not assess any components of the PSC, as these components have been proven to be identical in both performance and composition, regardless of whether anisole or chlorobenzene is used in the antisolvent treatment step. The geographical scope of the study has been set to solvent production outside of Europe, and their use in southern France. Additionally, this is a contemporary study, where background and foreground data have been sourced from the latest available version of the ecoinvent database at the time of conducting the research. Life cycle inventories have been developed for anisole's most common production route, which relies on petrochemicals.40 The foreground subsystem representing anisole40,41 and chlorobenzene production has been constructed based on the following chemical reactions.
The synthetic reactions of phenol, used as a precursor for anisole, is available in ESI† along with the LCI in Table S1.† The synthesis route has been optimized and scaled up to emulate industrial production conditions, by assuming that 80% of benzene is recycled and calculating the heating and distillation energy necessary during anisole production based on engineering equations.42 The energy calculation has been carried out according to eqn (S1) and (S2)† and according to information disclosed in Tables S2–S4.† The background subsystem including raw material acquisition and chlorobenzene production has been modelled based on generic datasets. An LCI has been also built to account for the impacts arising during the chlorobenzene life cycle (Table S5†).
The life cycle impact assessment method used to conduct this analysis is the environmental footprint method version 3.1 (adapted).43 This LCIA method has been selected due to its wide coverage of chemical toxicity embodied in three impact categories namely, human carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic toxicity as well as ecotoxicity.44 The ecoinvent version 3.9.1 APOS was used to model background inventory processes.45 Modeling was carried out using SimaPro 9.5 software.
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Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the processing method of K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 layer using chlorobenzene and anisole as antisolvents. |
As shown in Fig. 2 the surface morphology of the untreated films (without antisolvent, Fig. 2a and d) shows uneven surfaces with aggregated particles and poor coverage while antisolvent-treated chlorobenzene (Fig. 2b and e) and anisole (Fig. 2c and f) films show homogeneous smooth surfaces with well-defined perovskite grain. It has been established that the antisolvent nature governs the perovskite crystallization, and thus the grain size and surface roughness of the perovskite films.46 A similar trend was observed in our experiments.
According to SEM images, the average grain size was estimated to be 574 ± 131 nm for chlorobenzene-treated film while that for the anisole-treated film was found to be 649 ± 177 nm. Larger grains in the case of anisole can be ascribed to its higher boiling point, i.e. 153.8 °C, and higher viscosity, leading to slower crystallization resulting in larger grains. It has been also reported that anisole forms intermolecular interaction with DMF and DMSO via hydrogen bonding that can play a role in the formation of perovskite films.47 According to the X-ray diffraction analysis (Fig. S1†), both prepared films show the expected diffraction lines for quasi-cubic structure K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 perovskite films. The surface composition of perovskite films after each antisolvent step was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. As depicted in Fig. S2(a) and (b),† the expected core level emission lines for Cs, C, N, Pb, and I elements were clearly detected. Moreover, a surface composition of K0(Cs0.12FA0.88)1PbI2.88 and K0.04(Cs0.18FA0.81)0.95PbI2.94 was determined for anisole and chlorobenzene-treated films, respectively (Table S6†). These compositions are not far behind the K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 perovskite nominal composition introduced by Mariotti et al.36
Before assessing the environmental and technical impacts of the antisolvents used for fabrication of perovskite solar cells the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells which is crucial parameter for demonstrating comparable or superior efficiencies using anisole, a proposed green solvent, compared to the toxic chlorobenzene. In this context, the devices with perovskite layer treated with chlorobenzene and anisole, planar n-i-p devices with ITO/SnO2/K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Au structure were fabricated. Fig. 3 and Table 1. display the statistical distribution of photovoltaic parameters for both cases. The J–V curves, incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE), and cross-section SEM images of the best-efficient devices for chlorobenzene and anisole-treated perovskite films are shown in Fig. 4a–d. Devices made using chlorobenzene as antisolvent exhibited a PCE of 22.6% with an open circuit voltage (Voc) of 1.12 V, a short circuit current (Jsc) of 24.9 mA cm−2, and a fill factor (FF) of 0.81 under reverse scan and a PCE of 22.4% with a Voc of 1.12 V, Jsc of 25.0 mA cm−2 and FF of 0.80 under forward scan (Table 1). The PSCs with K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 layer prepared using anisole as antisolvent yielded similar photovoltaic responses, PCE of 22.5% with a Voc of 1.12 V, Jsc of 25.1 mA cm−2, and FF of 0.80 under reverse scan and PCE of 22.1% with Voc of 1.11 V, Jsc of 25.2 mA cm−2, and FF of 0.79 under forward scan, but in average with smaller hysteresis index and narrow distribution of data. The integrated photocurrent values (from IPCE), were 23.6 and 24.0 mA cm−2 for the devices using chlorobenzene and anisole, respectively, showing quite a close match with the Jsc values extracted from J–V curves shown. We found that the efficiency of over 22%, obtained in the present work, is higher than others reported for slightly different perovskite absorbers and device architectures. Besides, IV hysteresis is minimal compared to others which can be related to the device structure.24,35 The efficiencies of 20.01% (18.95%) and 19.0% (18.1%) reported by Wei et al.,24 and 20.4% (19.04%) and 20.53% (19.11) reported by Saliba et al.35 for chlorobenzene and anisole, respectively.
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Fig. 3 Statistics of photovoltaic parameters (reverse scan full dots, forward scan open dots) of the perovskite solar cells, K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 layer treated with chlorobenzene and anisole. |
Antisolvent | Scan direction | J (mA cm−2) | V (V) | FF | PCE (average) (%) |
Chlorobenzene | Reverse | 24.9 (24.5 ± 0.6) | 1.12 (1.06 ± 0.03) | 0.81 (0.72 ± 0.06) | 22.6 (19.0 ± 2.1) |
Forward | 25.0 (24.6 ± 0.7) | 1.12 (1.06 ± 0.03) | 0.80 (0.67 ± 0.08) | 22.4 (17.9 ± 2.7) | |
Anisole | Reverse | 25.1 (24.5 ± 0.4) | 1.12 (1.07 ± 0.03) | 0.80 (0.75 ± 0.04) | 22.5 (19.8 ± 1.7) |
Forward | 25.2 (24.6 ± 0.4) | 1.11 (1.06 ± 0.03) | 0.79 (0.70 ± 0.07) | 22.1 (19.7 ± 2.2) |
Impact category | Anisole | Chlorobenzene | Unit |
Human toxicity, cancer | 1.85 × 10−8 | 4.17 × 10−8 | CTUh |
Human toxicity, non-cancer | 1.15 × 10−7 | 1.00 × 10−7 | CTUh |
Ecotoxicity, freshwater | 2.13 × 102 | 3.74 × 102 | CTUe |
Climate change | 6.20 × 100 | 2.83 × 100 | kg CO2 eq. |
Ionizing radiation | 3.16 × 10−1 | 1.23 × 10−1 | kBq U-235 eq. |
Ozone depletion | 6.93 × 10−7 | 5.91 × 10−7 | kg CFC11 eq. |
Particulate matter | 3.56 × 10−7 | 1.83 × 10−7 | Disease inc. |
Photochemical ozone formation | 2.78 × 10−2 | 2.22 × 10−2 | kg NMVOC eq. |
Water use | 4.27 × 100 | 3.04 × 100 | m3 depriv. |
Acidification | 4.13 × 10−2 | 1.81 × 10−2 | mol H+ eq. |
Eutrophication, marine | 6.72 × 10−3 | 3.52 × 10−3 | kg N eq. |
Eutrophication, freshwater | 1.71 × 10−3 | 7.00 × 10−4 | kg P eq. |
Eutrophication, terrestrial | 7.09 × 10−2 | 3.72 × 10−2 | mol N eq. |
Land use | 1.47 × 101 | 4.80 × 100 | Pt |
Resource use, fossils | 1.37 × 102 | 6.84 × 101 | MJ |
Resource use, minerals and metals | 1.38 × 10−4 | 1.25 × 10−5 | kg Sb eq. |
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Fig. 5 Comparative and contribution analysis of the potential toxicity and other environmental impacts of anisole (A) and chlorobenzene (C). |
It is obvious that compared to chlorobenzene, anisole has reduced potential toxicity on human health and the environment. Expressed in comparative toxic units, anisole is responsible for carcinogenic human toxicity of 1.85 × 10−8 CTUh kg−1 compared to 4.17 × 10−8 CTUh kg−1 for chlorobenzene. Similarly, ecotoxicity of anisole was estimated to be 2.13 × 102 CTUe kg−1 whereas the same for chlorobenzene was 3.74 × 102 CTUe kg−1. Moreover, both chemicals have similar non-carcinogenic toxicity with chlorobenzene having a slight edge over anisole embodied in a 13.19% reduced non-carcinogenic toxicity. However, the impact of anisole on climate change was found to be substantially higher than that of chlorobenzene, emitting 6.20 kg CO2 equivalent per kg of solvent, which was about twice the amount released for chlorobenzene (2.83 kg CO2 equivalent per kg of solvent). All the remaining categories such as ionizing radiation, ozone depletion, particulate matter, photochemical ozone formation, and water use, that have an indirect effect on human health follow the trend of climate change.48 A comparative chart with an embedded contribution analysis (Fig. 5) demonstrates the potential toxicity effects, both direct and indirect, of the two antisolvents. This pinpoints toxicity and environmental hotspots, including potential toxicity hotspots in the life cycle of anisole and chlorobenzene used for laboratory-scale PSC fabrication.
In the following sections, several ideas are explored to reduce the environmental impact of anisole: material efficiency, alternative synthetic routes (bio-sourced precursors), and antisolvent recovery.
As shown in Fig. 6, decreasing the amount of anisole from 500 μL to 100 μL led to comparable performances, an average PCE of 20.1 ± 0.5% with Jsc of 25.6 ± 0.2 mA cm−2, Voc of 1.06 ± 0.01 V, and FF of 0.74 ± 0.02 and average PCE of 20.0 ± 0.3% with Jsc of 25.9 ± 0.1 mA cm−2, Voc of 1.06 ± 0.01 V, and FF of 0.73 ± 0.01, respectively (Table S7†). However, at 50 μL, the efficiency of the solar cells collapsed, and reproducibility became poor, resulting in a wide distribution of efficiencies (9.8 ± 8.5%). This volume was insufficient to cover the entire perovskite surface, leading to poor morphology on the 25 mm × 25 mm substrate. For chlorobenzene, lower-performing solar cells were obtained when the quantity was reduced to 300 μL, an average PCE of 17.1 ± 3.8% with Jsc of 24.9 ± 0.1 mA cm−2, Voc of 1.02 ± 0.12 V, and FF of 0.66 ± 0.1 were registered. A more significant distribution of data was observed with 100 μL (average PCE of 12.2 ± 8.6%) and 50 μL of chlorobenzene (average PCE of 13.3 ± 6.4%), likely due to its faster evaporation compared to anisole (Fig. 6, Table S7†). These results demonstrate that lower amounts of anisole (to 100 μL) can be used to obtain higher-quality perovskite compared to chlorobenzene.
A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental impact of variations in the use of chlorobenzene and anisole, as shown in Fig. 6. Initially, a 1-to-1 comparison was made using 500 μL of each solvent. However, data displayed in Fig. 6 suggest that the amount of anisole can be reduced significantly, either by half or even to one-fifth of the volume of chlorobenzene. Consequently, comparisons were also made on 1-to-2 and 1-to-5 bases. The results, presented in Fig. 7 and Table S8,† demonstrate that reducing the amount of anisole by half makes it more advantageous than chlorobenzene in 9 out of 16 environmental indicators. However, anisole's impact on climate change remains higher compared to chlorobenzene. When the anisole volume is reduced to one-fifth, anisole becomes less environmentally impactful than chlorobenzene across all assessed indicators except for the resource use in the minerals and metals category (1.38 × 10−4 kg Sb eq. for anisole versus 6.24 × 10−5 kg Sb eq. for chlorobenzene), as shown in Table S7.†
Although the bio-based synthesis of anisole holds promise for reducing environmental impact, it remains an unexplored domain. As of the time of writing, no research articles have been published on the bio-based synthesis of anisole. However, some publications have investigated the bio-based synthesis of phenol,52–54 which is a key precursor for anisole production. Presently, bio-oil can be utilized to produce renewable phenol,52 but the process is highly inefficient. According to our calculations, 263.15 grams of bio-oil extracted from approximately 1.253 kilograms of corn cobs are required to produce just 1 gram of phenol. Aside from economic concerns, scaling this process to an industrial level could have severe environmental implications, especially in terms of land use. Additionally, the energy-intensive pyrolysis process reaches temperatures of up to 800 °C,52 and catalysis further contributes to the environmental impact of this bio-based synthesis route. Another approach involves synthesizing anisole from lignin, but this method yields only 5% and relies on a ZrO2-FeOx catalyst.53 It's evident that the synthesis of anisole from biomass still requires significant optimization to become a viable substitute for the petroleum route.
The use of anisole as a less toxic alternative to chlorobenzene in the processing of PSCs based on K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3 was assessed by comparison of solar cell performance. PSCs (ITO/SnO2/K0.025(Cs0.1FA0.9)0.975PbI3/spiro-OMeTAD/Au) made using anisole led to slightly better performances, showing an efficiency over 22% with improved reproducibility and minimum hysteresis, than those fabricated with chlorobenzene. Performance improvement in the case of anisole was related to a quasi-cubic crystallite, larger grain sizes, i.e. 649 ± 177 nm, smooth even surface, resulting in higher Voc and FF. Furthermore, experiments were conducted to determine if smaller volumes of anisole and chlorobenzene could achieve high-performance PSC. The results showed that the volume of anisole could be reduced by up to five times compared to chlorobenzene, while still producing high-performance PSC with excellent reproducibility.
A cradle-to-grave LCA study of anisole and chlorobenzene shows that anisole is less ecotoxic (2.13 × 102 CTUe kg−1) than chlorobenzene (3.74 × 102 CTUe kg−1). Anisole demonstrates significantly low carcinogenic human toxicity, (1.85 × 10−8 CTUh kg−1) in comparison to chlorobenzene (4.17 × 10−8 CTUh kg−1). However, the LCA results revealed other environmental impacts of anisole to be higher than chlorobenzene's, arising from anisole's multi-step production process which is more complex than chlorobenzene. Nonetheless, the ability to use lower quantities of anisole than chlorobenzene in the fabrication of PSC can lower its environmental impact. A sensitivity analysis shows that anisole amount should be lowered by fivefold to provide a higher environmental performance than chlorobenzene, with reservation to the resource use impact category.
This study illustrates that context-specific and transparent environmental assessments are needed to make informed decisions in research and development leading to environmentally sustainable solutions. The environmental friendliness or so-called “greenness” of anisole is investigated. As PSCs are currently at a trial stage of commercial development, we believe that this work of addressing the solvent potential toxicity during perovskite film fabrication contributes to the development of environmentally conscious industrial production.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4su00361f |
‡ Current position: Chimie du solide et de l'énergie (CSE), UMR 8260, Collège de France, 05, Paris 75231 CEDEX, France. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |