Matthew D.
Troy F.
Julian M.
Daniel E.
Rod M.
e and
Faith A.
aPort Stephens Fisheries Institute, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315, Australia. E-mail:
bSchool of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, New South Wales 2308, Australia
cBlue Carbon Lab, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, VIC 3125, Australia
dNew South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Chowder Bay Road, Mosman, New South Wales 2088, Australia
eCoastal and Marine Research Centre, School of Environment and Science, Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD 4222, Australia
First published on 2nd July 2024
Valuing the ecosystem services provided by nature is essential for estuarine habitat conservation and restoration. Recreational fisheries rely on fish stocks that are dependent on productivity derived from the plants that comprise estuarine habitats, however the value of these habitats to recreational fishing is rarely considered. Here, we consider expenditure on recreational fishing activities as an indicator of coastal wetland habitat value, by synthesising data on routinely collected recreational effort, catch, and expenditure from telephone surveys alongside trophic subsidy models within a simple framework. The approach is demonstrated for the Clarence River and the Hunter River estuaries (New South Wales, Australia). Expenditure on recreational fishing activities was apportioned to mangrove and saltmarsh habitats via the ‘trophic subsidy’ (or nutrition) originating from primary producers in these habitats that fuels the biomass of important recreational species. The values estimated exceeded that of similarly apportioned commercial fisheries revenue, with the biggest difference observed for saltmarsh in the Clarence River (∼$17 million AUD per annum [recreational expenditure] compared to ∼$8 million AUD per annum [commercial fisheries total output]). When considered in an additive fashion and standardised by habitat extent, the values attributable to coastal wetland productivity were as high as $86459 per hectare per annum for saltmarsh, and $20
611 per hectare per annum for mangroves. These values reflect the dependency of fisheries activities on the extent and condition of coastal wetland habitats, and the framework presented here is widely applicable for considering the economic value of these activities i.e., fishing) as an indicator of habitat value.
Environmental significanceEstimating the economic value associated with coastal wetland ecosystem services is essential for ensuring the conservation and restoration of these habitats. However, research on this topic that deals with recreational fisheries is almost non-existent, despite this sector being a potentially substantial beneficiary. We present a feasible, generalised approach to quantify expenditure on recreational fishing activities as an indicator of coastal wetland habitat value, by synthesising data on routinely collected recreational effort, catch, and expenditure alongside trophic subsidy models within a simple framework. This innovative approach employs easy-to-obtain data and straightforward calculations that will be immensely useful for scientists and practitioners, and aid development of the economic rationale supporting habitat repair and fisheries co-benefit estimation for blue carbon restoration projects. |
Appraising the economic value of ecosystem assets and the services they support is now an essential component of decision making in contemporary natural resource management.9 This is particularly the case where ecosystem assets may be threatened, or an economic case is required to support conservation and restoration against other competing uses.10 The advent of ocean accounting, and more generally environmental economic accounting and natural capital accounting,11 have embedded a need to examine the benefits that flow from aquatic ecosystem assets (such as coastal wetlands), and consider the resultant economic impacts. The comparatively recent spotlight on ‘blue carbon’ restoration has further enhanced the need to link coastal wetlands with the various ‘co-benefits’ that arise from conservation and restoration activities (e.g., see Hagger et al.12 and Rogers et al.13), and estimate associated economic value. Quantifying the linkages between coastal wetlands and fisheries activities allows the revenue generated from these activities to be considered as a monetary indicator of the habitats value or importance for these activities. Following this, aggregation of monetary values associated with different ecosystem functions can reflect the monetary value of the ecosystem as a whole,14 however consideration of value to different beneficiaries is essential to building this broader picture.
Linking the revenue generated from fisheries production with coastal wetlands in a quantitative way can be challenging.15 While various approaches to achieve this have been developed, there is often a focus on commercial fisheries harvest,16–18 likely because commercial fisheries generally provide accessible market-based measures of economic benefits (such as gross value of product, GVP). Recreational fisheries separately target the same stocks as commercial fisheries, and thus recreational fishers are also beneficiaries from the primary production originating in coastal wetland habitats that supports the biomass of captured animals. Due to the ‘recreational’ component, however, recreational fisheries are generally categorised as cultural services, as recreational fishing is motivated by both recreation and sustenance. Given the recreational component, the value of recreational fishing is sometimes approached through contingent valuation surveys,19 but these surveys can be costly,20 and are infrequently applied in the context of coastal wetlands and recreational fisheries. In contrast, off-site recreational fishing surveys (such as telephone recall or diary surveys21) provide a means to collect catch, effort, and economic data from comparatively large numbers of recreational fishers, and are conducted on an ongoing basis in many jurisdictions. The data from such surveys may be useful in appraising the value of recreational fishing activities that are supported by specific coastal wetland habitats, when framed within a novel method that models dependencies between such revenue generating activities and habitats within estuarine ecosystems. When attributed in this way, the revenue generated from recreational fishing can provide an indicator of the value or importance of particular habitats in monetary terms.
The ‘trophic subsidy’ method partitions revenue arising from fisheries activities through trophic pathways to the different primary producers (plants) that form coastal wetland habitats.17 The approach thus requires: (1) knowledge of the revenue generated through fisheries that exploit biomass that is dependent on coastal wetland habitats, quantified through fisheries catch metrics and/or associated economic data; and, (2) knowledge of the origin (i.e., primary production by the plants that form coastal wetland habitats) and flow of nutrition that supports the animals captured by fisheries (i.e., reflecting the ‘trophic subsidy’ from habitats that supports exploitable fish biomass), which is quantified through stable isotope mixing models.17 The extent of the coastal wetland habitats can be used to standardise the resultant estimates to an areal unit (i.e., per hectare of a particular habitat).
The trophic subsidy method has been applied to several estuaries in south-eastern Australia, to apportion commercial fisheries revenue as an indicator of seagrass and coastal wetland habitat value,3,22–24 and is currently being incorporated in broader frameworks for considering the value of fisheries co-benefits arising from habitat repair.25 The comparative simplicity of this method provides advantages for practitioners, particularly if appropriate data from the estuary under consideration are available to support calculations. Expenditure on recreational fishing activities is an indicator of the ‘value’ of recreational fishing, but this overall value is supported by the capture of a range of species that rely on primary production originating from different estuarine habitats to differing degrees. Apportioning this expenditure using the trophic subsidy method provides a pragmatic means to estimate the components of this overall value that are dependent on particular estuarine habitats. Here, we further develop and apply the trophic subsidy method in this fashion, and partition expenditure on recreational fishing activities (as an indicator of the value of recreational fishing) among coastal wetland habitats based on the nutritional contribution of primary productivity from plants within these habitats to the species that are captured. We use routinely collected recreational survey data to demonstrate this approach for coastal wetland habitats in two case study estuaries for which trophic linkage data are already available. Finally, we compare and combine these monetary values with those that reflect the value of commercial fishing in these estuaries, that have already been partitioned to wetland habitats using a similar approach.
The Hunter River and Clarence River support a similar suite of commercially exploited species, including Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus australis), Dusky Flathead (Platycephalus fuscus), Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus), Luderick (Girella tricuspidata), Sea Mullet (Mugil cephalus), Blue Swimmer Crab (Portunus armatus), Giant Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) and Eastern School Prawn (Metapenaeus macleayi), which are harvested by the Estuary General and Estuary Prawn Trawl fisheries. The Clarence River commercial fishery is much larger in volume than the Hunter River, and is important in supporting the local regional economy. Both estuaries also support recreational fisheries which heavily target a subset of these species (especially Yellowfin Bream and Dusky Flathead) through angling. Recreational harvest is managed under bag and size limits, whereas the main control on commercial fishing is limited entry and effort quota (within the Estuary General fishery). With the exception of Mulloway, which is currently listed as depleted, all the species listed above are assessed as sustainable under the current national status reporting framework (see
![]() | ||
Fig. 2 Conceptual summary of the trophic subsidy approach as applied to partition expenditure on recreational fishing activities, as an indicator of the value of recreational fishing, back to the specific coastal wetland habitats that support these activities. Various data sources employed in the calculations presented here are outlined in Table 1. Symbols were obtained from Integration and Application Network Image Library ( and from NSW Department of Primary Industries Image Library. |
Source | Summary | Data used from this source | Spatial context of data | Parameters informed from source |
Raoult et al.29 | Uses stable isotope data from primary producers and fisheries species (consumers) within a Bayesian mixing model framework to estimate the origin of nutrition from dominant primary producers in costal wetland habitats | Proportion of nutrition that was derived from dominant primary producers in mangrove and saltmarsh habitats for Yellowfin Bream, Dusky Flathead, Mulloway, Giant Mud Crab, Blue Swimmer Crab, and Eastern School Prawn | Data was available from both Clarence River and Hunter River for most species | Proportional nutrition derived from dominant primary producers in costal wetland habitats within each estuary (Cs,p) |
McIlgorm and Pepperell31 | Presents both trip-associated and annual expenditure data for saltwater and freshwater fishing for residents within coarse statistical subdivisions, estimated from a telephone recall survey | Annual total expenditure data associated with saltwater fishing activity aggregated to statistical subdivision | Data were aggregates for residents within Sydney, north coast, south coast, inland statistical division region, and interstate residents | Total per-annum expenditure on saltwater recreational fishing for each statistical division region (Er) |
Murphy et al.32 | Presents a summary of outcomes from a 12 months telephone diary survey collecting information on catch, effort, location, method and fishing platform, for long-term (1 year and 3 years) recreational fishing license holders and their households | Estuary-specific effort and catch (numbers of fish) | Effort and catch data were available for the entire jurisdiction (NSW), and separately for both Clarence River and Hunter River | Proportion of recreational fishing effort attributed to each estuary for residents within each statistical division region (Pr,e), and proportion-by-number of species caught in each estuary (Pe,s) |
Total expenditure on saltwater recreational fishing activities by residents in the above regional groupings was partitioned to the case study estuaries using the results from the most recent published recreational fishing telephone diary survey for NSW, which was for the period November 2019 to October 2020.34 The proportion of total effort expended by fishers residing within each statistical division region in each of the two case study estuaries, was used to partition the total expenditure that was applicable for each estuary e (Ee), using the formula (for i statistical regions): , where Er is the total expenditure on recreational fishing activities for residents within the statistical division region r, and Pr,e is the proportion of total saltwater fishing effort (days) expended by fishers residing within the statistical division region r for fishing in estuary e.
Recreational fishing expenditure at the estuary level was further partitioned to species and the source of the nutrition, for a set of key recreational taxa (s) for which trophic linkage data were available, using the proportional catch data for each estuary and the proportional contribution of nutrition from primary producers within different coastal wetland habitats (determined from the outcomes of Bayesian mixing modelling published in Raoult et al.;29Table 1). This was estimated for each species in each estuary separately using the equation Es,h = EePe,sCs,p, where Es,h is the expenditure associated with species s supported by nutrition derived from primary producers in habitat h, Pe,s is the proportion-by-number of species s caught in estuary e, and Cs,p is the proportional contribution of nutrition from primary producer p (in habitat h) for species s derived from stable isotope modelling, as described below. The numbers used to derive Pe,s included caught and released fish, as both contribute to the recreational fishing experience and thus are both a motivation for expenditure. Proportion-by-number was employed (as opposed to weight), as objectives for recreational fishers in south-eastern Australia and fishing experience primarily relate to the number of fish caught,35 and the off-site surveys do not collect information in the weight of fish captured. Embedded in this calculation is the assumption that the recreational expenditure associated with each primary species is reflected by the proportion of individuals of that species captured by recreational fishers. The numbers used to calculate proportions, however, excluded small-bodied invertebrate species such as prawns, which are caught in large quantities largely for direct consumption, and can distort estimates of proportion-by-number. These were dealt with as described below.
As noted above, the calculations in this study used the outcomes of Bayesian mixing modelling of stable isotope data collected in each of the case study estuaries, that was reported in Raoult et al.29 (see Table 1). Raoult et al.29 found that the saltmarsh grass Sporobolous virginicus was the major contributor (proportion of ∼0.5 or more) to the biomass of key species in both the Hunter River and Clarence River, and this was taken as the dominant primary producer supporting nutrition originating from saltmarsh habitats. In this dataset, however, the isotopic composition of mangroves was not significantly different from the epiphytic algae that grew on mangrove pneumatophores, and consequently these two producers were pooled in the analysis and both were considered to reflect the proportion of nutrition originating from mangrove habitats.
The outcomes from isotope modelling were applied to a subset of the most common recreational species/species groups that are well represented in the telephone diary survey within the case study estuaries: Yellowfin Bream, Dusky Flathead, Mulloway, Giant Mud Crab, Blue Swimmer Crab and Eastern School Prawn. Bream (Acanthopagrus spp.) are reported as a complex of Yellowfin Bream, Black Bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) and their hybrids in the telephone diary survey, however the estuaries examined in this case study primarily support Yellowfin Bream. Overall, this set of six species represented ∼70–90% of the total recreational harvest (by number) within these estuaries, however all species were not reported by survey diarists in both estuaries. As noted above, as a small-bodied invertebrate, Eastern School Prawn were not included in calculation of Pe,s, and were thus assigned a estimated nominal value of 0.05 for this parameter in both estuaries.
Calculations on this subset of key recreational species for which both species-specific isotope modelling and catch information was available were complemented by an extension of the analysis to incorporate other species for which isotope modelling was not available, to generate valuation estimates that more closely reflected all (100%) of the catch. This extension involved calculating the proportion of catch (Pe,s) not accounted for within the species set listed above, and using this alongside the average of Cs,p values for that estuary, to calculate Es,h for these ‘unaccounted species’. Embedded in this calculation is the assumption that the average producer trophic subsidy across the assemblage in the estuary for which stable isotope modelling was conducted, was representative of those less commonly caught species for which species-specific trophic linkage data was not available. Obviously, this would only be testable through the collection of species-specific stable isotope data for these taxa, and for this reason these ‘extended’ calculations of estimated value (EV, referenced as EVExtended) are presented as an alternate set of standalone values for consideration (if such estimates prove suitable for a particular application of this approach).
Following the calculations for recreational fisheries outlined above, the value of commercial fishing supported by coastal wetland habitats within these estuaries (previously estimated in Taylor et al.17) were adjusted from AUD2018 to AUD2021 using a CPI-conversion, and both (1) compared alongside the recreational estimates for each habitat; and, (2) added to recreational estimates to provide an estimate of the aggregate value of fishing supported by the coastal wetland habitats in the case study estuaries being considered.
Statistical division region | # interviewsa | Total expenditure (saltwater fishing) | Proportional effort (%) | ||
AUD2012 | AUD2021 | Clarence R. (%) | Hunter R. (%) | ||
a Total number of completed interviews summed across sample frames for each statistical division region, as reported in McIlgorm and Pepperell.31 | |||||
Sydney | 366 | 840![]() ![]() |
993![]() ![]() |
0.1 | 0.1 |
North coast | 407 | 267![]() ![]() |
316![]() ![]() |
5.1 | 1.1 |
South coast | 117 | 99![]() ![]() |
117![]() ![]() |
— | — |
Inland | 230 | 51![]() ![]() |
61![]() ![]() |
6.0 | 0.7 |
Interstate | 115 | 140![]() ![]() |
166![]() ![]() |
8.6 | — |
Species | Proportion recreational catch | Proportion nutritiona | ||||||
Clarence R. | Hunter R. | Clarence R.b | Hunter R. | |||||
n | Saltmarshc | Mangroved | n | Saltmarshc | Mangroved | |||
a Note that these proportions for saltmarsh and mangrove do not sum to 1 for each species within each estuary, because there are other sources of nutrition (other than plant species within the coastal wetland habitats considered here) that also support the biomass of these species (e.g., fine benthic organic matter, see Raoult et al.29). b Note that data for Clarence River site C4 in Raoult et al.29 was used here. c Parameter Cs,saltmarsh. d Parameter Cs,mangrove. e Contributions derived from isotope values from the Hunter River were used, as isotope modelling was not conducted for these species in the Clarence River. | ||||||||
Yellowfin Bream | 0.275 | 0.542 | 14 | 0.252 | 0.451 | 26 | 0.316 | 0.292 |
Dusky Flathead | 0.140 | 0.314 | 14 | 0.531 | 0.297 | 10 | 0.627 | 0.166 |
Mulloway | 0.012 | 0.016 | —e | 0.465e | 0.175e | 12 | 0.465 | 0.175 |
Giant Mud Crab | 0.086 | — | —e | 0.456e | 0.241e | 47 | 0.456 | 0.241 |
Blue Swimmer Crab | 0.102 | — | —e | 0.576e | 0.183e | 3 | 0.576 | 0.183 |
Eastern School Prawn | 0.050 | 0.050 | 17 | 0.952 | 0.030 | 11 | 0.474 | 0.208 |
Non-represented catch | 0.335 | 0.078 | — | 0.540 | 0.230 | — | 0.486 | 0.211 |
Species | Estimated value (per annum AUD2021) | |||
Clarence R. | Hunter R. | |||
Saltmarsh | Mangrove | Saltmarsh | Mangrove | |
Yellowfin Bream | 2![]() ![]() |
4![]() ![]() |
868![]() |
802![]() |
Dusky Flathead | 2![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
999![]() |
264![]() |
Mulloway | 195![]() |
73![]() |
37![]() |
14![]() |
Giant Mud Crab | 1![]() ![]() |
724![]() |
0 | 0 |
Blue Swimmer Crab | 2![]() ![]() |
652![]() |
0 | 0 |
Eastern School Prawn | 1![]() ![]() |
52![]() |
120![]() |
52![]() |
Non-represented catch | 6![]() ![]() |
2![]() ![]() |
193![]() |
519![]() |
Units | Clarence R. | Hunter R. | |||
Saltmarsh | Mangrove | Saltmarsh | Mangrove | ||
a From Taylor et al.17 b From Taylor et al.17 adjusted to 2021 Australian dollars. c Sum of Recreational EV and Commercial TO. d Sum of Recreational EVExtended and Commercial TO. | |||||
Habitat extenta | ha | 280 | 664 | 509 | 1908 |
Recreational EV | AUD2021 | 10![]() ![]() |
7![]() ![]() |
2![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
Recreational EVExtended | AUD2021 | 16![]() ![]() |
9![]() ![]() |
2![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
Commercial GVPa | AUD2018 | 1![]() ![]() |
595![]() |
222![]() |
102![]() |
Commercial TOa | AUD2018 | 7![]() ![]() |
3![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
604![]() |
Commercial GVPb | AUD2021 | 1![]() ![]() |
627![]() |
234![]() |
107![]() |
Commercial TOb | AUD2021 | 7![]() ![]() |
3![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
636![]() |
Total EVc | AUD2021 | 17![]() ![]() |
10![]() ![]() |
3![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() |
Total EVExtendedd | 24![]() ![]() |
13![]() ![]() |
3![]() ![]() |
2![]() ![]() |
Total EVc | AUD2021 ha−1 | 63![]() |
16![]() |
6698 | 928 |
Total EVExtendedd | AUD2021 ha−1 | 86![]() |
20![]() |
7078 | 1201 |
When monetary values were aggregated across species, estimated values attributed to primary production originating from coastal wetland habitats were as high as ∼AUD 16.6 million and ∼AUD 2.2 million for saltmarsh in the Clarence River and Hunter River (respectively), and up to ∼AUD 9.9 million and ∼AUD 1.6 million for mangroves in these two estuaries (respectively). In all cases these values exceeded CPI-corrected estimates of value for commercial fishing that were similarly estimated previously, ranging from 1.6× to 2.7× the commercial TO estimate (Table 5). These sets of estimates were summed to reveal an estimate of the aggregate value of fishing supported by primary production from each of these habitats across both sectors (commercial + recreational), which ranged between ∼AUD 2.3 million for mangroves in the Hunter River, to ∼AUD 24 million for saltmarsh in the Clarence River. Expressing these on an alternative per-hectare-of-habitat basis revealed these values to be as high as ∼AUD 87000 per hectare per year (extended value estimates, for saltmarsh in the Clarence River).
Inter-estuarine variation in partitioned recreational expenditure was influenced by a mix of estuary-specific attributes, such as the mix of species targeted in a particular estuary and their particular feeding habits, as well as the overall productivity of the estuary, and the magnitude of fishing effort that is expended within that estuary by both commercial and recreational fishers. For example, the lower Hunter River catchment, which includes substantial urban and industrial development,26 is subject to contamination36 and has substantial impoundment and extraction of freshwater from the major rivers that flow into the estuary. This is likely to influence recruitment processes for many of the species considered, as well as the recreational amenity and desirability of the estuary for fishers. The Clarence River, while subject to substantial floodplain management for agriculture,28 is not impounded, is not impacted by industrial contamination, and generally receives strong recruitment for key exploited fishery species (making it the largest estuarine commercial fishery within NSW). These structural and functional factors that influence the estuarine community are also important drivers of the fish populations (and their harvest levels) through which ecosystem services flow to beneficiaries.
In addition to support of fisheries, coastal wetland habitats provide substantial benefits to humans that are unrelated to extractive uses, and two of the most important include regulating and maintenance services. The overview of de Groot et al.4 shows that the monetary values for regulating and maintenance services provided by coastal wetlands can range from $65 ha−1 year−1 for climate regulation, $3929 ha−1 year−1 for erosion prevention, to as much as $162125 for waste treatment (values are 2007 Geary–Khamis dollars4). In comparison, food provisioning services and cultural services for coastal wetlands were valued at $1111 ha−1 year−1 and $2193 ha−1 year−1 respectively.4 Valuation of diverse ecosystem services inevitably incorporates varying approaches with variable levels of rigour and different assumptions, which mean that estimates may not always be directly comparable.10 Consequently, when framing the monetary values associated with ecosystem services, it is essential to present in detail the quantitative basis for the estimates, the data sources used, and assumptions of the approach employed, as demonstrated here for recreational fisheries. This ensures that differences can be accounted for when comparing or aggregating values associated with different ecosystem functions, or using different transfer methods.
As with any model, the estimates derived will only be as good as the data incorporated, and bias may be introduced through the various data sets employed and the way in which they were collected. McIlgorm and Pepperell31 used a defensible approach to the estimation of this data, drawing on a substantial (and statistically adequate) number of survey respondents. However, the recall survey method they used, where interviewees were asked to recall activities over the previous 6 months, can suffer from memory bias. This can be somewhat overcome by longitudinal telephone diary surveys with frequent call backs (monthly contact was used in Murphy et al.34), and an improved approach could involve incorporating expenditure-related questions into these telephone diary surveys where more frequent contact is made. This could probably be achieved with a comparatively modest increase in cost to these surveys, but would come with the added benefit of allowing expenditure to be directly mapped to spatial fishing habits on a fisher-by-fisher basis, prior to survey expansion. It is not clear if delving more deeply in this fashion would necessarily lead to better estimates, but we raise the issue here for future consideration by researchers or practitioners.
As expenditure is linked to effort, the application of these data therefore assumes that fishing effort levels have remained comparatively consistent since the expenditure survey was conducted (in 2012). Updated estimates of absolute fishing effort across the entire population would also be beneficial, however, the last survey of NSW fishers to use a sample frame encompassing the entire population was conducted in 2013.42 Unfortunately, such surveys are becoming increasingly difficult as the use of landlines and conventional phone books declines,43,44 and reliance on more modern digital platforms also comes with a new set of biases. Overall participation in recreational fishing is obviously an important factor that drives overall expenditure across the population, and this in turn directly impacts valuation using the methodology described here. Decreasing participation through time is expected in developed nations,45 and it follows that this will impact the expenditure on recreational fishing activities, which in turn impacts the monetary value that may be attributed in the fashion presented here.
Finally, the trophic subsidy method deals exclusively with attribution of economic data through trophic flows, but in doing so may not completely capture the ‘nursery function’ conferred through occupation of coastal wetland habitats46 and the value of this to either recreational or commercial fisheries. While there are other approaches that deal with recruitment subsidies accumulating from wetland nursery function (such as production enhancement modelling47), the trophic subsidy approach is likely to indirectly account for at least some of the benefits associated with this (i.e., the provisioning functions of the nursery). Furthermore, fisheries productivity will also benefit from other ecosystem functions that improve environmental condition, such as regulation of water quality48 and sediments,49 which are not directly addressed in the trophic subsidy method.
Recreational fishing expenditure data is most commonly collected and reported at broader spatial scales (i.e., the jurisdictional or national level), but may be available at the estuary level in some cases. Availability and use of estuary-specific data would further simplify application of this approach. The principles underlying our method are flexible in their nature, and consequently are readily adapted to different types and forms of recreational fisheries expenditure surveys and economic data. This is important, because as noted earlier, the expenditure data used here do not incorporate non-market benefits, but economic data derived from other valuation techniques at a later date could be attributed to different habitat types using this approach. The ability to incorporate different types of data largely supports broader application to other systems, either to incorporate an estimate of the value of coastal wetland habitats to recreational fishers into existing valuations, or support estimates in places where commercial fishing does not occur (such as recreational fishing havens in NSW50).
The Clarence River (and current and former wetlands therein) is frequently identified as a high priority blue carbon site, and recent assessments have identified significant opportunities for wetland restoration and highlighted the potential benefits for fisheries in the estuary.28,51 The most recent opportunity for habitat repair proposed in the Clarence River is Everlasting Swamp, a ∼1300 hectare former estuarine wetland of substantial blue carbon potential.52 It is unlikely that the value to commercial and/or recreational fishing will scale linearly and unbounded with habitat area for such a large site, as other factors may in turn limit fisheries productivity, such as juvenile recruitment. However, the size of this former wetland, considered alongside the estimated per-hectare value of habitats therein to fishers, does suggest that the value associated with fisheries-related co-benefits could be in the order of many millions of dollars per year, if the trophic subsidy and enhanced fish productivity lead to enhanced catch, effort, and tourism.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |