Mariya E.
a and
Norbert H.
aForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy Materials and Devices IMD-2: Materials Synthesis and Processing, 52425 Jülich, Germany. E-mail: y.zeng@fz-juelich.de
bDepartment of Ceramics and Refractory Materials, Institute of Mineral Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, 52064 Aachen, Germany
cForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C), 52425 Jülich, Germany
dInternational Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishiku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
eForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy Materials and Devices IMD-1: Microstructure and properties of Materials, 52425 Jülich, Germany
fJülich-Aachen Research Alliance: JARA-Energy, 52425 Jülich, Germany
First published on 3rd December 2024
Acceptor-substituted Ba(Zr,Ce)O3 proton conducting oxides have attracted significant attention due to their excellent proton conductivity at intermediate temperatures (400–600 °C). A high Zr/Ce ratio is crucial for maintaining stability in humid or other harsh atmospheres. Herein, a systematic study was conducted on the phase composition, microstructure, and the resulting hydration ability and electrochemical performance of high Zr/Ce ratio Ba(Zr,Ce)O3 solid solutions with different Y substitution levels (10 at% to 30 at%). In this substitution range, no apparent secondary phase can be found from XRD, leading to a continuous increase in hydration content. A Y-rich phase was observed in SEM for compositions with high levels of Y substitution. The impact of Y on proton conduction was examined using EIS, with particular attention on elucidating the effects of varying amounts of Y on bulk proton conduction. The increase of proton conductivity was primarily due to the increased charge carrier (proton) concentration caused by Y substitution. Different concentrations of Y have little effect on proton mobility, indicating a compromise between different mechanisms such as the Y trapping effect and the nano-percolation effect. Grain boundary proton conduction was discussed combining the TEM-EDS results to explain the space charge layer effect. Mechanical properties and thermo-chemical stability were also considered to pave the way for real applications.
Acceptor substitution is another crucial factor directly related to hydration properties and proton conductivity.14 The substitution of Zr or Ce with acceptor elements creates oxygen vacancies, which will be hydrated in a humid atmosphere to form proton defects that act as charge carriers. Protons can hop from one oxygen site to a neighbouring one to achieve electrical conduction according to the Grotthuss mechanism.15,16 In this process, the proton concentration and the ability of protons to migrate within the host material influence the final proton conductivity. These two aspects are directly affected by the type and concentration of the acceptor elements. Yttrium is currently the most popular among various trivalent acceptor elements. Compared to many trivalent lanthanide elements, Y substitutes very little at the A-site of the perovskite structure ABO3 in Ba(Zr,Ce)O3,17 allowing Y substitution to achieve the theoretical oxygen vacancy concentration and reach nearly the theoretical saturation hydration concentration in a humid atmosphere. Additionally, the hydration enthalpy and entropy determine the hydration capability of Ba(Zr,Ce)O3 at different temperatures. Kreuer et al.'s18 research shows that BaZrO3 doped with varying amounts of Y has almost constant hydration enthalpy and entropy, allowing Y-doped Ba(Zr,Ce)O3 to maintain a certain proton concentration even at relatively high temperatures, which is important in high-temperature electrochemical device applications. In their work, they also show that Y has the highest proton mobility compared to other dopants such as Gd, Sc and In. Although Sc substitution exhibits similar hydration capability to Y substitution, it has the lowest proton mobility. Because of the excellent hydration capability and high proton mobility demonstrated by Y substitution, almost all reports indicate that Y is one of the best acceptor elements regarding the proton conductivity among the other trivalent elements.19,20 Han et al.17 compared 14 dopants in the BaZrO3 system, including Sc, Y, In, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb, and concluded that only materials substituted with Tm and Ho exhibited conductivities comparable to the one with Y.
As aforementioned, the Zr/Ce ratio in Ba(Zr,Ce)O3 greatly influences its conductivity and stability. More than that, the crystal structure will transit from the more symmetrical cubic perovskite structure with high Zr content to structures with higher distortion such as pseudo cubic or orthorhombic perovskites with high Ce content.21,22 Acceptors may exhibit different behaviours under different chemical environments and crystal structure backgrounds influenced by the Zr/Ce ratio. Therefore, it is of great interest to investigate the effect of Y substitution on the hydration capability and proton mobility in high Zr/Ce ratio Ba(Zr,Ce)O3, especially considering the importance of such materials for multiple applications where high stability and durability are essentially required. Due to the high refractory properties resulting from the high Zr content, a sintering aid should be added to reduce the sintering temperature. After screening 16 elements, Nikodemski et al.23 found that NiO, CuO and CoO sintering aids have led to the best sintering effects. Currently, NiO is the most popular sintering aid, and it is also the primary component in the fuel electrode for fuel and electrolysis cells, making it a good choice of sintering additives. The work of Uda24et al. shows that adding 2 wt% NiO negatively affects hydration, which drastically reduces proton conductivity. However, Huang et al.25,26 showed that adding 0.5 wt% of NiO had good sintering aid effects without significantly affecting conductivity.
In this work, 20 mol% of Ce was introduced into the lattice of BaZrO3 to maintain certain stability, and also counteract with the low grain boundary conductivity. And 0.5 wt% of NiO was applied as a sintering aid. The substituent Y2O3 varies within the range of 10–30 mol%, in order to study the influence of Y on phase formation, microstructure, and electrical performance. The proton conductivity contributed by bulk and grain boundary is discussed separately to explore the effect of Y. In addition, mechanical performance and thermal-chemical stability are also taken into consideration to evaluate the suitability of this material for electrochemical devices.
The temperature dependence of proton concentration of the materials was evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA Netzsch STA449F3 Jupiter). The sintered pellets were ground into powder and sieved to obtain particles with a size ranging from 200 to 300 μm. The powder is initially heated to 1200 °C in dry N2 for 1 hour to achieve complete dehydration. Subsequently, the atmosphere is switched to a water-saturated nitrogen–argon mixture (1.9 vol% H2O–10% vol. N2–Ar) with a flow rate of 10 mL min−1 of dry protective gas through a balance and 50 mL min−1 of gas saturated with water in a bubbler at 17 °C. During the cooling process, the powder is stabilized for two hours at each 100 °C decrement. The mass changes of the powder between 1200 °C and 100 °C are continuously recorded. Finally, the buoyancy effect was corrected using data from a blank test. Then the proton concentration can be calculated according to the following equation:28
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The electrical characterization employs electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) over a temperature range of 150–700 °C using an Alpha-A frequency analyzer in the frequency range of 0.1–106 Hz. Within the temperature range of 150–250 °C, the testing temperature intervals are set at 25 K. Sputtered Au electrodes were utilized as the current collectors, which are conducive to deconvoluting grain boundary and polarization responses. At elevated temperatures (300–650 °C), the testing temperature intervals were extended to 50 K, and more stable Pt electrodes were employed. In order to make the Pt electrode, Pt paste (EVOCHEM Advanced Materials GmbH) was brushed on the surface of the sample, and then annealed at 900 °C for one hour to obtain stable Pt electrodes. The EIS results were collected from high to low temperatures. The equilibration time at each measurement temperature was set to 2 hours. The tests were conducted in wet air. The humidification of the gas was realized by bubbling the gas through water at RT resulting in ca. 3 vol% H2O saturation in the gas. The EIS data were finally analyzed using the RelaxIS commercial software.
The elastic modulus and hardness of the material were determined through the load-displacement curves29 obtained by the Vickers micro-indentation device HC100 (Fischer, Windsor, USA). 25 micro-indentation tests with 1 N load were conducted for each specimen. The specimens underwent grinding and polishing prior to testing. The thermo-chemical stability tests were carried out through high temperature exposure to various atmospheres and their reaction with the materials could be estimated by any phase composition changes. Three atmosphere conditions including Ar saturated with water vapor at 82 °C resulting in 50 vol% H2O, 50 vol% Ar + 50 vol% CO2, 96 vol% Ar + 4 vol% H2 were applied. In a typical experiment, the sintered pellet was ground into powder and heated up to 700 °C, then the powder was subjected to a 24-hours heat treatment under a specific gas atmosphere. After that, the phase composition of the powder was identified again using XRD and compared to a reference measurement.
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Fig. 1 (a) XRD patterns of the BaZr0.8−xCe0.2YxO3−δ ceramics. (b) Lattice parameters and relative density with the increase of Y content. (Fitting results are only for visual reference). |
All XRD patterns were refined in order to obtain more accurate analysis of the results as shown in Fig. S1 (ESI†), and the refinement results for all samples exhibited a low weighted profile R-factor (Rwp) and goodness of fit (Gof), indicating a good match between the calculated results and experimental data. The refinement results provided precise lattice parameters. As mentioned earlier, the ionic radius of Y3+ is larger than that of Zr4+, and substitution of Zr4+ with Y3+ ions will lead to an increase in the lattice parameters. Fig. 1b shows the changes in the lattice parameters with increasing Y2O3 concentration. The increase in lattice parameters with Y content exhibited a good linear relationship in accordance with Vegard's law30 and with single phase composition evidenced by qualitative XRD analysis, which means that even at high concentrations of Y2O3, Y3+ ions are possible to substitute into the perovskite structure at the given sintering temperature. Meanwhile, Fig. 1b also shows that with increasing Y content, the relative density decreased. The observed effect suggests that high concentration of Y2O3 had an inhibitory effect on the densification of BaZr0.8−xCe0.2YxO3−δ during sintering, which will be discussed further combined with the microstructural investigations.
The SEM images of polished BaZr0.8−xCe0.2YxO3−δ ceramics were obtained using a backscattered electron detector (BSD) as shown in Fig. 2. As it can be seen from the images, the number of pores increases as the Y content increase, which is consistent with the results of the relative density. Moreover, when the Y content is greater than 25%, secondary phase with different contrasts compared to the main phase can be found. In the BZCY-Y30 sample, two typical regions have been identified: one is a relatively dense region, and the other is a relatively porous region. The grain size analysis shown in Fig. 2f reveals that with increasing Y content, the average grain size initially increases and then decreases. In the BZCY-Y30 sample, the grains in the dense region are smaller compared to the grains in the relatively porous region.
EDS analysis was performed on the BZCY-Y30 sample to determine the composition of the secondary phase. Elemental mapping was applied on a typical area encompassing the relatively dense and relatively porous regions, as shown in Fig. 3. The spectrum results show that Ba, Zr, and Ce are uniformly distributed, but there are Y-rich areas. The enrichment observed in the relatively dense and relatively porous regions differs. As shown in Fig. 3, the Y-rich phases in the relatively dense region exhibit smaller grain sizes but higher density. Conversely, the Y-rich phases in the relatively porous region show the opposite trend. This non-uniform segregation is likely a result of insufficient homogeneity in the calcined powder before sintering. Additionally, the presence of secondary Y-rich phases is expected to impact mass transfer during the sintering process. This is manifested in the inhibition of grain growth, as observed in the relatively dense region. The Y-rich particles in the porous region have larger grain size and thus have less surface energy. Owning to the lower driving force for further growth, they tend to anchor between two matrix grains, affecting densification during sintering and preventing the elimination of pores. This can be observed in Fig. 3, where the porous region shows large pores always adjacent to the larger Y particles. Although no apparent secondary Y-rich phases were detected in samples with lower Y content, the possibility of trace Y precipitation at grain boundaries, inhibiting grain growth, cannot be ruled out. This also explains the gradual reduction in average grain size when Y content exceeds 15 mol%. However, note that no impurity peaks belonging to the secondary phase were found in the XRD results, indicating that the proportion of the secondary phase was very low (below the XRD detection limit). In addition, the linear relationship between the lattice parameters and Y concentration shown in Fig. 1b also indicated that most of the Y was substituted into the main perovskite phase, and only a small amount of Y aggregated to form Y-rich secondary phases.
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Therefore, the proton concentration is highly dependent on the concentration of oxygen vacancies, and the concentration of oxygen vacancies is determined by the content of acceptor Y. This formation of oxygen vacancy can be expressed using the following equation:
![]() | (3) |
Combining eqn (2) and (3), it can be noted that two Y atoms generate one oxygen vacancy, and during the hydration process, one oxygen vacancy produces two protons. Therefore, the proton concentration should be theoretically equal to the nominal Y concentration after complete hydration. Here, the proton concentration at 100 °C is considered as the effective acceptor concentration and is plotted against the nominal acceptor concentration as shown in Fig. 4b. The dashed line represents the theoretical maximum effective acceptor substituent concentration. It can be observed that the effective substituent concentration increases with an increase in Y content. This suggests that even at high Y concentrations, most of the Y can still effectively substitute into the B-site in the perovskite lattice, resulting in the generation of oxygen vacancies. However, it is worth noting that the effective acceptor concentration is still lower than the theoretical concentration. There are two possible reasons. First, SEM analysis indicates that a small amount of Y tends to segregate into a secondary Y-rich phase. Secondly, several studies suggest that the addition of NiO as a sintering aid leads to a lower proton uptake.26,31 Huang et al.25 discussed various reasons for NiO reducing proton concentration, with the most likely being the formation of a liquid phase of (Ba, Ni, Y)Ox during sintering, which consumes not only Y but also Ba at the A-site of the perovskite. This may lead to a small amount of Y substituting Ba, forming defects, thereby reducing the effective doping concentration of the substituent.
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BZCY-Y10 | BZCY-Y15 | BZCY-Y20 | BZCY-Y25 | BZCY-Y30 | |
Total conductivity at 600 °C (S cm−1) | 5.3 × 10−3 | 6.6 × 10−3 | 8.0 × 10−3 | 9.4 × 10−3 | N/A |
Activation energy (from 100–250 °C) of bulk (eV) | 0.54 | 0.54 | 0.56 | 0.57 | 0.63 |
Activation energy (from 100–250 °C) of grain boundary (eV) | 0.72 | 0.73 | 0.69 | 0.68 | 0.73 |
σ b at 250 °C (S cm−1) | 9.5 × 10−5 | 1.3 × 10−4 | 2.0 × 10−4 | 2.6 × 10−4 | 9.7 × 10−5 |
σ gb_ap at 250 °C (S cm−1) | 6.8 × 10−4 | 1.7 × 10−3 | 9.9 × 10−4 | 7.7 × 10−4 | 2.0 × 10−4 |
σ gb_sp at 250 °C (S cm−1) | 3.5 × 10−6 | 3.5 × 10−6 | 7.1 × 10−6 | 1.2 × 10−5 | 1.3 × 10−5 |
The conductivities of the bulk and grain boundary at temperatures below 250 °C were obtained by fitting EIS. Arrhenius plots of bulk conductivity and specific grain boundary conductivity are shown in Fig. 6b. By linear fitting, the activation energies of the bulk and grain boundary can be obtained as shown in Table 1. With increasing Y content, the activation energy of the bulk increases slightly, and the activation energy of BZCY-Y30 is significantly higher than that of the other low Y concentration samples. The variation in activation energy of the grain boundary shows no clear compositional trend. Furthermore, three of the BZCY-Y10 samples were selected to confirm the reproducibility of the experiment. This result is shown in Fig. S3 (ESI†). The variation of both σb and σgb_sp for these three samples is in an acceptable range.
In order to better understand the effect of the employed different Y contents on the conductivity of the studied BZCY samples, one should consider and analyze their bulk and grain boundary conductivities in detail as depicted in Fig. 6c.
σ = nqμ | (7) |
As suggested by eqn (6), apart from the concentration of charge carriers, their mobility also plays an essential role. In the literature, two mechanisms describing the influence of Y cations on proton mobility in the BZCY materials are discussed. The first one is the trapping effect of the dopant.36 In this concept, Y3+ acts as an aliovalent dopant on the Zr4+ site, for instance, thus forming a negative charge center. When a proton migrates to an O-site adjacent to a Y-site, it gets captured there because the energy required for this proton to rotate or migrate within the region is lower than the energy required to migrate out of it.37,38 This confinement restricts the long-range migration capability of protons. Therefore, Y substitution will be expected to decrease the proton mobility based on the trapping effect theory.
Another mechanism discusses an alternative effect of high Y concentrations on proton long-range migration, which is called the nanoscale percolation effect.39 The trapping effect of the individual Y cation on protons is also acknowledged in this theory. However, as the concentration of Y is high, there is a probability for Y cations to become adjacent to each other. When protons migrate within such regions formed by continuous Y-sites, the activation energy required is even lower than that for migration to other sites such as Zr-sites. This rapid pathway for protons formed by the continuous Y-site is termed as the nanoscale percolation effect. Such effect becomes more pronounced at higher Y concentrations. In other words, high concentrations of Y substitution facilitate an increase in proton mobility.
The competitive relationship between these two mechanisms for proton mobility, one having a negative impact and the other having a positive impact, collectively contributes to the effect of Y substitution on proton mobility. Considering the experimental results shown in Table 1, it is verified that the mobility of protons at 250 °C does not significantly change with increased Y content (from 10 at% to 0.25 at%). One may therefore speculate that these two effects have almost equal influence in the studied BZCY materials. The slight increase in bulk conductivity activation energy as shown in Table 1 also confirms this. In the computational work by Toyoura et al.,40 the degree of influence of the trapping effect and percolation effect of dopants on proton mobility was assessed. The authors similarly pointed out that the preferential conduction pathways formed by Y cations moderate the strong trapping effect, resulting in a minor reduction of proton diffusivity and mobility. Moreover, they also noted that interactions between protons could have a negative impact on their mobility,41 but this effect is also counteracted by the Y nanoscale percolation effect.
Most of the studies on the influence of Y on proton mobility are conducted using computational methods, for example density functional theory or molecular dynamics.38–40 In this work, this influence has been demonstrated from an experimental perspective. However, it should be noted that both mechanisms are temperature-dependent.36,39 This means that one effect may have a stronger influence than the other at different temperatures. Unfortunately, it is not possible to obtain solely bulk conductivity information from EIS at higher temperatures. It can only be demonstrated that at the relatively low temperature of 250 °C, there is a balancing among different mechanisms in this studied BZCY composition, resulting in minor changes in mobility with the increase of Y.
Investigating the proton conduction across the grain boundary is more complex due to the unique microstructure. To gain better insights into the grain boundary chemistry, the elemental composition of BZCY-Y10 was characterized using STEM-EDS analysis, as shown in Fig. 7. A characterization of the selected grain boundaries is performed here to compare the chemical composition of interfaces discussed in this study to other reports in the literature. The selected area of analysis is shown in Fig. 7a and b. As shown in Fig. 7c and d, Ba, Zr, Ce and O are relatively homogeneously distributed in the adjacent grains with a slight deficiency for Zr and O in the grain boundary areas analyzed. However, the EDS results clearly illustrate the segregation of Y and Ni to the grain boundary that can be explained using the grain boundary space charge layer model.42 During sintering, positive charge point defects such as oxygen vacancies segregate to the grain boundary due to energetic effects induced by the structural change of the crystal lattice, forming positive charge grain boundary cores.43 Consequently, negative charge defects such as and
segregate to the grain boundary to compensate the positive grain boundary core charge, thus forming an acceptor concentration gradient. Similar segregation effects have been observed in different BaZrO3-based compositions mainly by using atom probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy techniques.43–50 The electrostatic driving force is also the reason why the cations of Zr and Ce did not show obvious segregation at the grain boundaries. The same phenomenon was also confirmed for the high Y concentration sample BZCY-Y30 by STEM-EDS as shown in Fig. S4 (ESI†). However, due to the higher bulk concentration of Y on the B-site in this composition, the ratio between Y segregation and bulk concentration is lower.
Fig. 8b illustrates how such a space charge layer affects proton conduction at the grain boundaries. The positively charged grain boundary core leads to an electrostatic potential difference from the grain boundary core to the bulk, as indicated by the red curve. Under this electrostatic driving force, a depletion of protonic defects occurs within the space charge layer, as shown by the dashed blue curve. This directly leads to a decrease in grain boundary conductivity. Fortunately, the segregation of Y as shown by the solid blue line partially compensates the electrostatic potential, mitigating proton depletion at the grain boundary. This is also the reason why with increasing Y substitution content, the conductivity at grain boundaries gradually increases as shown in Fig. 6c.
The proton conductivity of similar composition from the literature is plotted in Fig. S5 (ESI†) to compare the conductivity in this work. For bulk conductivity, our results are within the same order of magnitude as those reported in the literature. However, for grain boundary conductivity, both our results and those from the literature exhibit a wider range. This is because grain boundaries are more significantly affected by the ceramics processing conditions than bulk conductivity.
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Fig. 9 Compositional dependence of the micro-indentation hardness and the elastic modulus within the series BaZr0.8−xCe0.2YxO3−δ. (Fitting results are only for visual reference). |
Next to mechanical properties, the chemical stability of BZCY materials in water and CO2 containing atmospheres is of significant concern for the durable operation of electrochemical devices based on BZCY ceramics. The element Ba readily reacts with water to form Ba(OH)2,56 and Ba(OH)2 can easily convert to BaCO3 upon exposure to CO2 containing atmosphere. Ba can also react directly with CO2 to form BaCO3.6Fig. 10 shows the XRD patterns recorded for BZCY-Y20 exposed to different atmospheres at 700 °C. To better observe potential minor peaks indicating phase instabilities, the intensity is displayed on a logarithmic scale. As expected, BZCY samples with a high Zr/Ce ratio maintain their original perovskite structure after exposure to various atmospheres, with no significant secondary phases detected. Fig. S6 (ESI†) presents the XRD patterns of the other compositions exposed to different atmospheres. Only the BZCY-Y30 sample exposed to water vapor showed a small amount of BaCO3 phase. As observed from SEM-EDS, the Y-rich secondary phase is present in the BZCY-30 composition, which disbalances the stoichiometry. This increases the A/B ratio in the perovskite structure of ABO3, making the main perovskite phase BZCY to be Ba over-stoichiometric. The Ba over-stoichiometry makes BZCY more prone to degradation reactions.57,58 Nevertheless, the studied compositions in the high Zr/Ce ratio series BaZr0.8−xCe0.2YxO3−δ are proven to have high resistance to H2, H2O, and CO2.
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Fig. 10 XRD patterns of BZCY-Y20 after exposure to H2, water vapor and CO2 containing atmospheres at 700 °C. Peak intensity is amplified by![]() ![]() |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4cp04384g |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2025 |