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Polyoxometalates as advanced-performance anions for ∼D5h Dy(III) single-ion magnets

Ethan Lowe , Claire Wilson , Angelos B. Canaj * and Mark Murrie *
School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. E-mail:;

Received 14th October 2024 , Accepted 29th November 2024

First published on 10th December 2024


We enhance single-ion magnet (SIM) magnetisation reversal barriers by engineering the second coordination sphere, substituting conventional small monoanions with a bulky polyoxometalate (POM) trianion. Importantly, our approach serves as a model for creating new high-performance multifunctional hybrid materials.

Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) exhibit slow relaxation and retention of their magnetisation in the absence of a magnetic field.1–3 Monometallic SMMs (or Single-Ion Magnets (SIMs)) can be designed by controlling the metal ion coordination environment to maximise the axial magnetic anisotropy.4–6 The complexes with the highest energy barriers to magnetisation reversal (Ueff) and blocking temperatures contain lanthanide ions, in particular Dy(III).7–10 Metallocene-based complexes have the highest blocking temperatures, although from a synthetic viewpoint the need for dry and inert atmospheres imposes more challenges on their crystal field engineering.9,11–13 Therefore, when looking to enhance the performance of SIMs through synthetic modification, complex stability and synthetic flexibility are also highly desirable properties. The functionalisation and substitution of coordinating ligands have been shown to drastically change the magnetic properties of SIMs.14,15 However, due to the fundamental importance of the lanthanide crystal field, changes to peripheral ligands, anions and non-coordinating solvents/ligands have a significant effect on the magnetic properties of SIMs.16–19

Previous work, in collaboration with Rajaraman's group, highlighted the potential to target the second coordination sphere to increase SIM magnetisation reversal barriers (Ueff).19 This was done by using in silico models to remove the chloride anions, non-coordinating ligands and solvent from the crystal lattice of the pseudo-D5h SIM [Dy(H2Oeq)5(HMPAax)2]Cl3·HMPA·H2O {eq = equatorial; ax = axial; HMPA = hexamethylphosphoramide}.19 The chloride anions are located in the ∼D5h equatorial plane, hydrogen-bonded to the equatorial H2O ligands and hence, they contribute to the transverse crystal field. In other words, they have a detrimental effect on the magnetic properties. Clearly, complete removal of the anions is impossible synthetically due to the disruption of the charge balance. Therefore, our idea was to substitute the three small chloride anions for a large, bulky trianionic polyoxometalate (POM) anion, to target (i) distancing the negative charge from the lanthanide centre; (ii) moving the negative charge out of the equatorial plane; (iii) increasing the distance between lanthanide centres and (iv) exploring the connection between the SIM properties and the surrounding environment.20 Importantly, although the incorporation of polyoxometalates as anions has been proposed previously, all published compounds exclusively exhibit no appreciable Ueff barrier under zero applied magnetic field.21

Our first efforts to do this using our [Dy(H2O)5(HMPA)2]3+ complexes and phosphotungstic acid were hampered by synthetic issues, where we obtained either structural data that we couldn't fully refine or complexes with coordination of more than two HMPA ligands. Undeterred, we investigated a similar pseudo-D5h complex containing axial P[double bond, length as m-dash]O ligands [Dy(H2Oeq)5(Cy3POax)2]3+ {Cy3PO = tricyclohexylphosphine oxide}.22 We found that this complex, which contains a bulkier axial ligand, was stable in the presence of a POM anion and herein we report, for the first time, the synthesis, structural and magnetic characterisation of [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2][W12PO40]·2(Cy3PO)·5THF·H2O (1). Importantly, we show that this new air-stable compound, containing a trianionic α-Keggin polyoxometalate, not only has the largest Ueff value in the [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+ family, but our approach opens the door to creating high-performance multifunctional hybrid compounds.

Compound 1 was synthesised using [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2](CF3SO3)3·2(Cy3PO) (P1) as the precursor in an anion substitution reaction.18 A THF solution of P1 along with H3[W12PO40], dissolved in a small amount of water, was heated and after workup, vapour diffusion using Et2O yielded crystals of [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2][W12PO40]·2(Cy3PO)·5THF·H2O (1) where the three triflate anions in P1 are replaced by a bulkier trianionic polyoxometalate (POM) anion (see ESI for synthesis and characterisation (Fig. S1)). Importantly, we are the first to co-crystallise a high performance ∼D5h Dy(III) SIM with a POM anion whilst keeping the {Dy(H2Oeq)5(Lax)2} unit intact. Compound 1 crystallises in the triclinic space group P[1 with combining macron] (Fig. 1). The Dy(III) centre exhibits a pentagonal bipyramidal geometry (∼D5h) as confirmed by continuous shape measures analysis (CShM = 0.204).23 The axial Dy–O bond lengths are 2.208(9) and 2.210(10) Å, with the equatorial Dy–O bonds averaging 2.362(10) Å. The axial O–Dy–O angle of 176.3° and average equatorial O–Dy–O angle of 72.05° are close to the ideal values of 180° and 72°, respectively. The equatorial plane of [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+ is hydrogen bonded to four THF and one H2O lattice solvents, two co-crystallised Cy3PO molecules and two [W12PO40]3− anions (Fig. S2). By replacing three small anions in P1 with the large bulky POM trianion, the shortest intermolecular Dy⋯Dy distance increases from 12.6 Å in P1 to 14.9 Å in 1, leading to a better isolation of Dy(III) centres. The centre of the closest POM trianion lies 27.87° out of the {Dy(H2O)5} equatorial plane and 9.83 Å away from the Dy(III) centre (see Fig. 1).

image file: d4dt02877e-f1.tif
Fig. 1 The relative position of the POM anions to the Dy complex in [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2][W12PO40] with solvent, co-crystalised Cy3PO and H atoms omitted for clarity (only one POM anion is present within the asymmetric unit). C, grey; Dy, cyan; O, red; P, orange; W, blue.

The magnetic properties of 1 constrained in eicosane were measured in an applied dc field of 1000 Oe from 280–2 K (Fig. S3). Upon cooling χMT decreases steadily from 13.8 cm3 mol−1 K to 12.4 cm3 mol−1 K at 7 K, which precedes a sharp drop to 7.8 cm3 mol−1 K at 2 K. The χMT value at 280 K is slightly lower than expected for a free Dy(III) ion (14.17 cm3 mol−1 K), which can be attributed to ligand field effects.24,25 The sharp decrease in χMT at low temperatures is characteristic of a large magnetic anisotropy.19 The zero-field cooled and field cooled magnetic susceptibility of 1 diverges at 8 K, with a clear maximum observed at 4.5 K (Fig. S5). Hysteresis measurements at a sweep rate of 200 Oe s−1 show open, waist-restricted, loops at zero field. This is a common feature amongst ∼D5h SIMs due to the presence of unsuppressed quantum tunnelling of the magnetisation (QTM), which arises due to distortions from D5h symmetry, introducing non-axial crystal field terms.26–28 Compound 1 exhibits a blocking temperature (TB(Hyst)) of 12 K (Fig. 2).

image file: d4dt02877e-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Magnetic hysteresis measurements for 1 with a sweep rate of 200 Oe s−1.

Alternating current (ac) magnetic susceptibility measurements show well-defined maxima in image file: d4dt02877e-t1.tifvs. T up to 35 K for 1 (Fig. S6). Large increases in image file: d4dt02877e-t2.tif are observed at low temperatures, further indicating efficient QTM, which has been observed for a number of pseudo-D5h complexes of general formula [Dy(H2Oeq)5(Lax)2]3+ (Fig. 3).18,19,27 The relaxation times τ were determined using the Cole–Cole plots of image file: d4dt02877e-t3.tifvs. image file: d4dt02877e-t4.tifvia CCFIT2, using a generalized Debye model29,30 (see Fig. S8 and S11). In plotting τ−1vs. temperature, relaxation parameters were obtained by fitting the data using the equation image file: d4dt02877e-t5.tif for 1, at zero applied field (Fig. 4) and image file: d4dt02877e-t6.tif under a 1000 Oe applied field (see Fig. S11).

image file: d4dt02877e-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Frequency dependence of the out-of-phase image file: d4dt02877e-t10.tif magnetic susceptibility, under zero dc field, for 1 from 35–3 K.

image file: d4dt02877e-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Temperature dependence of the relaxation rate for 1 without an applied dc field. The solid line represents the best fit to Orbach, Raman and QTM relaxation (see text for details). Black vertical bars are estimated standard deviations in the relaxation times derived from Debye fits according to ref. 29.

Under zero applied dc field, the τ values for 1 were fitted over the temperature range 3–35 K giving Ueff = 625(1) K, τ0 = 4.6(5) × 10−12 s, C = 2.9(13) × 10−4 Kn s−1, n = 3.4(1) and τQTM−1 = 8.9(6) s−1. The Orbach parameters obtained are consistent with those obtained under a 1000 Oe applied field where Ueff = 621(6) K, τ0 = 5.0(8) × 10−12 s (Fig. S11). The Ueff observed for 1 (625 K) is the highest magnetisation reversal barrier observed within the [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+ family (see Table 1) indicating that the incorporation of the polyoxometalate has a significant effect on the magnetic behaviour. At this time, we are unable to carry out CASSCF calculations on 1 due to the large size and nature of this system, as also noted recently by Kong et al.21

Table 1 A comparison of Ueff, τ0 and TB(Hyst) for 1 and other [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+ SIMs
Complex U eff (K) τ 0 (s) T B(Hyst) (K) (200 Oe s−1)
[Dy(Cy3PO)2(H2O)5]Cl3 (Cy3PO)·H2O·EtOH C1[thin space (1/6-em)]21 472(7) 8.7 × 10−12 11
[Dy(Cy3PO)2(H2O)5]Br3 ·2(Cy3PO)·2H2O·2EtOH C2[thin space (1/6-em)]21 543(2) 2.0 × 10−11 20
[Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2](CF3SO3)3 ·2(Cy3PO) P1[thin space (1/6-em)]18 562(7) 1.7(5) × 10−11 n/a
1 This work 625(1) 4.6(5) × 10−12 12

In order to investigate the effects of incorporating the POM anion, 1 has been compared to other [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]X3 compounds, with different axial O–image file: d4dt02877e-t7.tif–O angles and pentagonal bipyramidal CShM values (see Table 2). Between all complexes, the axial and equatorial Dy–ligand bonds vary by only 0.032 Å and 0.010 Å, respectively, allowing us to disregard this as a reason for the increase in Ueff. A comparison of 1 to compound C1, which has similar axial O–image file: d4dt02877e-t8.tif–O angles (176.3° vs. 175.8°) and CShM values (0.204 vs. 0.239), allows us to focus on the large increase in the Dy–anion distance (4.59 vs. 9.83 Å) and the increased {Dy(H2O)5} plane–anion angle (4.22 vs. 27.87°). These increases will result in a decrease in the transverse field contribution19 by the POM anion and are accompanied by a large increase in Ueff (of 153 K). Whilst a change in hydrogen bonding is expected to alter the relaxation dynamics, rationalisation of the effects is not trivial. A full comparison with the other compounds offers no correlation with Ueff or TB(Hyst) and can be found in Table S2.19,31 We note that an increase in Ueff has also been observed upon diamagnetic dilution in another ∼D5h system.32 Remarkably, the large Ueff observed in 1 exceeds that of C2 (543 K) which has near linear axial O–image file: d4dt02877e-t9.tif–O angle of 179° and a CShM of 0.142. However, the large Ueff associated with 1 does not translate to the persistence of hysteresis loops above temperatures reported for C2, highlighting the necessity to consider through the barrier mechanisms such as Raman and QTM, noting that the Lax–Dy–Lax linearity is an integral factor in designing high performance SIMs.6,33

Table 2 A comparison of selected bond lengths, angles and CshMs values for 1 and other [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+ SIMs in the literature
Compound Dy–Oax (Å) Average Dy–Oeq (Å) CShM PBPY-7 (D5h) O–

image file: d4dt02877e-t11.tif

–O angle (°)
Dy⋯Dy intermolecular distance (Å) Dy–anion distance (Å) {Dy(H2O)5} plane–anion angle (°)
a S atoms of the triflate anion used. b Centre of the polyoxometalate anion used.
[Dy(Cy3PO)2(H2O)5]Cl3·(Cy3PO)·H2O·EtOH C1[thin space (1/6-em)]21 2.217(4), 2.221(4) 2.359(5) 0.239 175.8(1) 8.420 4.59 4.22
[Dy(Cy3PO)2(H2O)5]Br3·2(Cy3PO)·2H2O·2EtOH C2[thin space (1/6-em)]21 2.189(3), 2.210(3) 2.352(3) 0.142 179.0(1) 11.23 4.77 4.42
[Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2](CF3SO3)3·2(Cy3PO) P1[thin space (1/6-em)]18 2.202(2), 2.203(2) 2.362(3) 0.639 173.4(1) 12.64 5.38a 1.48a
1 This work 2.208(9), 2.210(10) 2.362(10) 0.204 176.3(4) 14.89 9.83b 27.87b

When measuring slow magnetic relaxation, the primary method for the separation of Ln(III) SIMs focusses on doping the paramagnetic complex into a diamagnetic host. Here we demonstrate an alternative strategy for designing better separated Dy(III) systems by focussing on the anions present. Importantly, this approach may be especially relevant when doping into a diamagnetic host is too complicated or even impossible. By engineering the secondary coordination sphere of [Dy(H2O)5(Cy3PO)2]3+, replacing three small anionic ligands with a large bulky trianion, we have successfully implemented the design criteria previously laid out,19 to improve the Ueff energy barrier in this ∼D5h system. Specifically, by incorporating a polyoxometalate anion we have designed a new hybrid compound achieving both the largest Ueff barrier and TB(Hyst) of any POM containing SIM. Several compounds have been synthesised in recent years with POMs as anions (see Table S3) or ligands (see Table S4). However, the landmark compound 1 exhibits a Ueff over six times larger than any compound containing a POM anion, which opens up the possibility of new high-performance hybrid compounds. Considering the numerous applications and fascinating properties of POMs, this research also opens the door to a vast array of new multifunctional materials.

Data availability

Crystallographic data for 1 have been deposited under CCDC 2378028 and can be obtained from

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


We thank EPSRC UK (EP/T517896/1) for funding and the EPSRC UK National Crystallography Service at the University of Southampton for the collection of the crystallographic data.34 We thank Professor Gopalan Rajaraman for helpful discussions. For the purpose of open access, the authors have applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section, crystallographic details and magnetic studies. CCDC 2378028. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI:

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