Shirin Gholamia,
Tillmann Buttersack
Clemens Richter
Florian Trinter
Rémi Dupuyb,
Louisa Cablitza,
Qi Zhou
Christophe Nicolasc,
Andrey Shavorskiyd,
Dian Diamane,
Uwe Hergenhahn
Bernd Winter
a and
Hendrik Bluhm
aFritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:
bSorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique—Matière et Rayonnement, LCPMR, F-75005 Paris Cedex 05, France
cSynchrotron SOLEIL, L'Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128, 91190 Saint-Aubin, France
dMAX IV Laboratory, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund, Sweden
eDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
First published on 3rd February 2025
The interface of the oceans and aqueous aerosols with air drives many important physical and chemical processes in the environment, including the uptake of CO2 by the oceans. Transport across and reactions at the ocean–air boundary are in large part determined by the chemical composition of the interface, i.e., the first few nanometers into the ocean. The main constituents of the interface, besides water molecules, are dissolved ions and amphiphilic surfactants, which are ubiquitous in nature. We have used a combination of surface tension measurements and liquid-jet X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to investigate model seawater solutions at realistic ocean-water ion concentrations in the absence and in the presence of model surfactants. Our investigations provide a quantitative picture of the enhancement or reduction of the concentration of ions due to the presence of charged surfactants at the interface. We have also directly determined the concentration of surfactants at the interface, which is related to the ionic strength of the solution (i.e., the “salting out” effect). Our results show that the interaction of ions and surfactants can strongly change the concentration of both classes of species at aqueous solution–air interfaces, with direct consequences for heterogeneous reactions as well as gas uptake and release at ocean–air interfaces.
Environmental significanceThe ocean–air interface is the largest contiguous liquid–vapor interface on Earth and drives many important processes with relevance to the atmosphere and environment, including the uptake of CO2 and the formation of aerosols. Using liquid jet X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we have quantitatively determined changes in the concentration of the most abundant ions in seawater at their relevant concentration in response to the presence of positively and negatively charged surfactants. Our results show that the presence of even small amounts of a charged surfactant at concentrations of a fraction of a monolayer can change the concentration of, e.g., sulfate at the interface by an order of magnitude, which has consequences for the availability of solvated species for interface reactions. |
In all of these processes, the chemical composition of the seawater–air interface has a direct impact on the reaction mechanisms and rates.11 For instance, if ions are residing at the interface, they can directly react with gas-phase molecules along reaction pathways that differ from that of an ion in the bulk of the solution.12–14 The reaction rate is potentially also much faster for interface-bound ions due to the absence of diffusion to and from the interface, respectively, which is necessary for reactions with ions in the bulk.15 The precise determination of the propensity of ions for the interface, which is an active field of research,12,16–18 is thus of importance for a better understanding of the rates and mechanisms of heterogeneous reactions at liquid–vapor interfaces, including those of aqueous aerosol particles.
In addition to dissolved ions, surfactants are ubiquitous constituents of any aqueous solution–air interface in nature.19 Amphiphilic surfactants can be of natural or anthropogenic origin. They can significantly influence many physical and chemical processes of importance to the global ecosystem, such as the exchange of trace gases and heat as well as the generation of aerosol particles.9,13,20,21 Many common surfactants have a charged functional group at the oceans' pH of currently about 8.1,22 and thus it is likely that the presence of surfactants alters the propensity of dissolved ions, such as Cl−, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and SO42−, for the ocean–air interface3 via attractive or repulsive electrostatic interactions between the surfactant functional groups (e.g., –COO− and –CNH3+) and the ions. This interaction therefore influences the availability of ions as reactants in heterogeneous reactions with trace gases, with direct consequences for the reaction rates and mechanisms.23
On the other hand, it is well known that the presence of ions in solution has an effect on the surface concentration of surfactants by either enhancing (“salting out”) or decreasing (“salting in”)13,24–30 the presence of surfactants at the solution–vapor interface. Surfactants at the interface can both increase and decrease the interaction of gas-phase species with the solution.31 From all of these interlocking factors, it is clear that ions and surfactants at aqueous solution–air interfaces form a complex system, especially in the case of the ocean–air interface, where a large variety of ions and surfactants are present at the same time.
The goal of the present investigation is to quantify the cooperative interaction between ions and surfactants at model seawater–vapor interfaces at realistic ion concentrations, with an emphasis on the enhancement or reduction in the concentration of ions and surfactants as a function of their chemical nature and charge. To this end, we are using a combination of surface tension measurements32 and liquid-jet X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (LJ-XPS).16,33 Information from surface tension data has been used for more than a century to determine the concentration of ions and surfactants at the liquid–vapor interface (“surface excess”) for a large number of different species and concentrations.34,35
For simple systems, such as the solution of just one alkali-halide species or a specific surfactant in neat water, surface tension measurements can provide surface concentrations and adsorption energies with high fidelity. For complex mixes of different species, it is difficult to discern from just surface tension measurements alone which solution species are adsorbed at the interface and in what concentration. Among the methods that can provide some or all of this information are ion-scattering spectroscopy,36,37 X-ray reflectivity,38 optical sum-frequency generation,39,40 and neutron scattering41 as well as molecular dynamics simulations.42 XPS is element and chemically sensitive and – due to the small escape depth of electrons with typical kinetic energies of a few 100 eV in LJ-XPS – also surface sensitive, with an information depth of just a few nm into the solution.43 In addition, it can also probe the charge state of the constituents of the interface and can thus distinguish, e.g., between protonated and deprotonated acid groups.
In the past, LJ-XPS has already been used to study the surface composition of aqueous model systems comprising both organic surfactants and inorganic salts. Werner et al.44 studied aqueous systems with succinic acid and either sodium chloride or ammonium sulfate. They found that the propensity of succinic acid for the interface is enhanced by inorganic salts, while the ion distribution remains unchanged from the pure electrolyte solution. Lee et al.45 studied bromide and iodide ions at the solution–air interface in the presence of butanol and butyric acid, reporting propensity changes influenced by these surfactants compared to pure halide solutions. Similarly, Gopakumar et al.46 explored the surface concentration of potassium chloride in the presence of amino acids and demonstrated that the surface propensity of halides is influenced by the solution pH and thus the charge state of the amino acids. Unger et al.47 demonstrated that the surface composition of dry sea spray aerosol particles can be described by a core–shell structure, influenced by the efflorescence points of salts rather than ion pairing between carboxylate groups and Ca2+ in liquid droplets. In a related study, Patanen et al.48 used XPS to analyze the surface composition of pure sea salt aerosols and those containing organic amino acids and carboxylic groups. Their findings showed that Mg2+ surface enrichment is influenced by the presence of surfactants. Pelimanni et al.49 studied the surface composition of submicron MgCl2/CaCl2 and MgBr2/NaBr particles from aqueous and organic solutions. While MgCl2/CaCl2 did not show a preferential surface enrichment, MgBr2 was the dominant species at the surface of mixed aqueous solution MgBr2/NaBr particles.
Here, we use LJ-XPS to investigate the interplay between a mix of several cations and anions with surfactants at the liquid–vapor interface of artificial seawater (ASW) solutions. These solutions contain all ions with a concentration of >10 mM in the standard definition of seawater,50,51 i.e., Cl− (558 mM), Na+ (484 mM), Mg2+ (55 mM), SO42− (29 mM), and Ca2+ (11 mM). As model surfactants, we chose negatively charged sodium octanoate (NaOc, Na+ + C7H15COO−) and positively charged octyl ammonium chloride (OACl, C7H15CNH3+ + Cl−), which are representatives of two important classes of surfactant molecules in nature, namely fatty acids and amines52,53 and have the same number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Since the pKa values of octanoate and octylamine are 5.19 (ref. 54) and 10.8 (ref. 55 and 56), respectively, both species are predominantly in their charged state well below and above neutral pH.
In our investigations, we have systematically determined the effect of the presence of charged surfactants on the enhancement or reduction of the ion concentration at the liquid–vapor interface in artificial seawater. We have also monitored the increase of the surfactant coverage at the interface as a function of the ionic strength of the solution. While in most cases the enhancement or reduction of the ion propensity for the interface can be qualitatively explained by simple electrostatic arguments, specific effects are also observed for, e.g., sulfate ions, which are due to interactions with doubly charged Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. These observations underline the importance of investigations of solution–vapor interfaces with elemental and chemical sensitivity, as afforded by liquid-jet XPS.
Some of the measurements were performed at the PLÉIADES beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron facility in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, using the beamline's LJ-XPS setup with a jet diameter of approximately 40 μm and a flow rate of 2.7 ml min−1. At PLÉIADES, the liquid-jet, the propagation direction of the incident X-rays, and the electron detection direction are perpendicular to each other, with the electric-field vector of the linearly polarized X-rays under 55° (the ”magic angle”)59,62 to the electron detection direction.
Photoelectron spectra were recorded for the core levels of the constituents of ASW at a kinetic energy of ∼200 eV, corresponding to a probing depth of ∼2 nm (ref. 33): Na 1s (hν = 1277 eV), Cl 2p (hν = 404 eV), Mg 2p (hν = 256 eV), S 2p (hν = 377 eV), Ca 2p (hν = 557 eV), and C 1s (hν = 495 eV). O 1s (hν = 738 eV) spectra were taken regularly between the other core-level spectra to check for reproducibility and the stability of the relative alignment of incident X-rays, liquid-jet, and photoelectron spectrometer.
The core levels of the dissolved ions show one species in each case, with the expected spin–orbit splitting and ratio for the 2p peaks of Cl, S, Ca, and Mg, and a single peak in the case of Na 1s. The O 1s spectra show peaks from liquid water (H2O(l)), water vapor (H2O(g), due to evaporation from the liquid-jet), and – in the case of ASW with the NaOc surfactant – also a peak stemming from the COO− functional group of octanoate. The reduced intensity of the H2O(l) peak in the presence of surfactants is due to the increased scattering of O 1s photoelectrons from water by the surfactants.
In the following, we first discuss the effect of surfactants on the propensity of the ions for the interface and afterward the effect of the ions on the propensity of surfactants for the interface. These two topics are of course inseparable in nature, but for the sake of streamlining the presentation, they are separately discussed here, before a comprehensive picture of the interface processes is presented in the final part of the paper.
The exception to this straightforward electrostatic explanation is SO42−, which shows enhancement not only in the presence of positively charged OACl, but also in the case of negatively charged NaOc, most likely due to a cooperative effect with other ions in the solution. To investigate the unexpected behavior of sulfate ions in artificial seawater, we performed a series of measurements with various combinations of 29 mM Na2SO4 (the concentration in ASW) with other salts present in ASW. The specific combinations used in these experiments are shown in Table 1.
SO42− | Na+ | Cl− | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | Ionic strength | |
(a) | 29 | 58 | — | — | — | 87 |
(b1) | 29 | 58 | 40 | 20 | — | 147 |
(b2) | 29 | 58 | 40 | — | 20 | 147 |
(c) | 29 | 484 | 426 | — | — | 516 |
(d) | 29 | 484 | 448 | 11 | — | 546 |
(e) | 29 | 484 | 536 | — | 55 | 678 |
(f) | 29 | 484 | 558 | 11 | 55 | 711 |
Fig. 4 shows the enhancement or reduction of sulfate ions as a function of the type and concentration of other ions in solution in the presence of the NaOc and OACl surfactants. The enhancement factors are plotted as a function of the total ionic strength of the solution, which reflects both the charge and concentration of the ions in solution: , with mi as the ionic concentration and zi the charge of the ion.67
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 Surface propensity of 29 mM sulfate ions as a function of ionic strength, adjusted by the addition of other seawater ions, in the presence of 0.12 ML of NaOc (red) or OACl (blue). The composition of the different solutions is shown in Table 1. The data points are averages over two separate measurements. The error bars are similar to those shown in Fig. 3. Please note the splits in the horizontal axis. |
In the absence of other salts (29 mM Na2SO4, data points (a)), SO42− shows the expected behavior for a negative ion, i.e., enhancement in the presence of OACl and depletion in the case of NaOc. Adding the major component of seawater, NaCl, at its relevant concentration (426 mM, data points (c)) weakens the electrostatic interaction of sulfate with the surfactants, due to, e.g., site competition in the presence of an increased number of anions and the partial screening of the positive charge of OACl by the Cl− ions. When either one of the divalent cations in ASW is added to the 29 mM Na2SO4 + 426 mM NaCl solution (11 mM CaCl2, data points (d); 55 mM MgCl2, data points (e)), the repulsive interaction between the negatively charged octanoate and sulfate is either canceled (Ca2+) or reversed (Mg2+), with a stronger effect in the case of Mg2+ due to its higher concentration. Data points (b1) and (b2) compare the effect of the divalent cations on sulfate in the absence of NaCl and for an equal concentration of 20 mM of either Ca2+ or Mg2+, added to 29 mM Na2SO4 solutions. Here, the repulsive interaction of sulfate with octanoate is canceled in the case of Mg2+ and reversed in the presence of Ca2+.
Fig. 4 shows that the addition of other salts does not have any specific effect on the attractive interaction between the positively charged OACl and sulfate (blue symbols). The enhancement of sulfate monotonically decreases with increasing ionic strength of the solution, regardless of the chemical nature of the ion, due to increased site competition and screening by the other ions. This trend is broken, however, for the ASW solution (data points (f), as previously shown in Fig. 3 for sulfate ion enhancement), where sulfate is more strongly enhanced than in the case of just 426 mM NaCl with either 11 mM CaCl2 (d) or 55 mM MgCl2 (e).
In the case of the negatively charged NaOc (red data points in Fig. 4), one observes a monotonic trend of decreasing repulsion and eventual attraction of the sulfate to the interface for the full range of ionic strength, except for the solutions where only CaCl2 or MgCl2 was added (Fig. 4, data points (b1) and (b2), respectively). From the core-level spectra in Fig. 2, we cannot determine the mechanism of the specific interaction between Mg2+ and Ca2+ with sulfate; the shapes, positions, and widths of the core-level peaks do not show any changes across the whole data set. The existence of a specific interaction between these ions is, however, also supported by the behavior of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the presence of sulfate, as shown in the ESI in Fig. S3.† There, a cancellation or even reversal of the repulsive interaction between positively charged OACl and Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the presence of sulfate ions is clearly observed. It would thus be reasonable to assume that SO42− forms ion pairs with both Mg2+ and Ca2+, with the ion pair being overall charge neutral and thus less subject to the electrostatic interactions with the charged functional group of the surfactants.
Fig. 5(a) shows the C 1s spectra of pure 10 mM NaOc and 3.5 mM OACl, without additional salts, as already displayed in Fig. 1. Fig. 5(b)–(d) display the C 1s spectra of the surfactants for the cases of added salts to the solution: (b) 50 mM NaCl, (c) 426 mM NaCl, and (d) 520 mM ASW. Note that the C 1s intensities in Fig. 5 are to scale, and thus a strong increase of the C/O ratio is observed upon the addition of ions to the solution, indicating ”salting out” of the surfactants. At higher salt concentrations, a stronger effect on the enhancement of NaOc compared to OACl is clearly visible.
In Fig. 6, the ratio of the C 1s peak area of the surfactants to the O 1s peak area of the H2O(l) peak is shown. This quantity is a measure of the surface excess of the surfactants and here plotted as a function of ionic strength of the solution. The C/O ratio in Fig. 6 has been normalized for the photoelectron cross-section and the photon flux and can thus be directly compared to the expected C/O ratio, which can be obtained using a model that assumes an even coverage of the surface of the solution by the surfactants, as was recently done for stearic-acid surfactant layers in XPS measurements using a Langmuir trough.68
For the case of the surfactants in pure water (Fig. 6(a)), a C/O ratio of 0.03 is observed for both surfactants. Assuming an inelastic mean free path of the electrons at 200 eV kinetic energy of 1.1 nm for octanoate68 and 2.0 nm for water,33 and an effective thickness of 0.13 nm for 0.12 ML of octanoate (calculated from the fractional coverage multiplied by the length of the extended molecule, i.e., 1.1 nm in the case of both surfactants), we expect a C/O ratio of about 0.1. The observed C/O ratio of 0.03 for the neat surfactant solutions corresponds to a true octanoate coverage of about 0.05 ML (see Fig. S8 in the ESI†). The reduced coverage in the jet experiments compared to what is expected based on surface tension measurements is most likely due to the short time between the formation of the jet and the XPS measurement, which is <0.1 ms for typical flow speeds of >20 m s−1 and a distance of ∼2 mm between the jet orifice and the XPS measurement position.
The characteristic time scale for the transport of surfactants to the interface is defined by the characteristic length scale across which diffusion occurs and by the diffusion coefficient.69,70 For 10 mM octanoate, this time scale is estimated to be ∼1.5 ms, i.e., considerably longer than the travel time between jet formation and measurement. Test experiments as a function of distance between the jet nozzle and the measurement position have indeed shown that the surfactant coverage increases with the time between the formation of the jet and the measurement (see Fig. S9 in the ESI†). All results shown in this report were obtained using the same flow rates and measurement positions so that the results for the different ion and surfactant compositions and concentrations can be compared to each other. We also note that the ion concentrations determined from the XPS data of the ion core levels and the O 1s peak of liquid water in the absence of the surfactants correspond to the expected values for the as-prepared ASW solution, i.e., the equilibrium ion concentration at the solution–vapor interface is present.
The experimental measurement of C/O intensity ratios and the modeling of the actual coverage of the surfactants based on these values are thus essential for the correct interpretation of the interaction of surfactants with ions and comparison with surface tension data, which are obtained under quasi-static conditions. In the present case, the actual coverage of the surfactants is about 0.05 ML for the neat surfactant solutions and a maximum of 0.4 ML for the case of NaOc on ASW in the LJ-XPS measurements.
Fig. 6 shows that the enhancement of the surface concentrations of the surfactants as a function of ionic strength of the solution is greater for 10 mM NaOc compared to the 3.5 mM OACl solutions. This is most likely due to the lower bulk concentration of OACl, which limits the number of OACl molecules that are available for surface adsorption. In a separate series of measurements on 10 mM OACl solutions (i.e., at the same bulk concentration as NaOc in Fig. 6), the same enhancement of OACl as a function of ionic strength is observed as for NaOc, as shown in Fig. S7 in the ESI.†
The results presented above show that the presence of surfactants has a profound effect on the absolute and relative concentrations of the main ions in seawater. This is demonstrated, for instance, for the case of octanoate with a coverage of 0.05 ML (as determined from XPS data), which enhances the concentration of Na+ ions by a factor of ∼1.5, while the concentration of Mg2+ increases by a factor of ∼6. This then means that the effective concentration of these species in the approximately 2 nm thick interfacial layer (corresponding to the LJ-XPS probing depth for 100 eV KE electrons) is ∼730 mM for Na+ (compared to 485 mM in the bulk) and ∼330 mM for Mg2+ (55 mM in the bulk). Likewise, the effective concentration of the ions with particular relevance to atmospheric chemistry, namely SO42−, is enhanced by a factor of ∼2 in the presence of 0.05 ML OACl. Similar effects are also expected for other atmospherically relevant species, such as I− and Br−.
From the results shown in Fig. 3, we can calculate the total enhancement of anions and cations in the interface region in the presence of OACl and NaOc, compared to their concentration in pure ASW samples. The results are shown in Table 2.
The enhancement or reduction of the propensity of the ions for the interface in the presence of the charged surfactants in this study can generally be understood based on simple electrostatic attraction or repulsion, which depends, e.g., on the charge of the ion and the ionic strength of the solution, with the latter governing site competition and screening at the interface. However, there can be deviations from this general trend, as observed here for the doubly charged ions, which is most likely due to their cooperative interactions.
We have also directly observed the ”salting out” effect of model surfactants as a function of the concentration of ions in solutions at the ASW–vapor interface, where an increase of the coverage of, e.g., octanoate by a factor of 5 is observed for the ionic strength of ASW compared to neat water. The results presented here underline the strength of interface-sensitive XPS measurements that provide quantitative information on the propensity, chemical nature, and charge state of surfactants and ions in the interfacial region, which are important input parameters for models of heterogeneous reactions in the environment and atmosphere.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |