Issue 4, 2025

Molten salt electrolytes with enhanced Li+-transport kinetics for fast-cycling of high-temperature lithium metal batteries


Ideal high-temperature lithium metal battery (LMB) electrolytes should have good thermal stability and compatibility with highly reactive cathodes/anodes. Yet, conventional liquid electrolytes usually show severe degradation and substantial safety risks at high temperatures due to the presence of unstable organic solvents. Herein, we report a solvent-free molten salt electrolyte (SFMSE) composed solely of alkali bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide salts, enabling LMB's high thermal tolerance and fast-cycling ability. In addition to non-volatility and non-flammability, the designed Li–Cs electrolyte shows low activation energy and high Li+ conductivity owing to the strong cation–cation concerted effect, thus exhibiting fast Li+ transport kinetics and excellent electrochemical performance at practical capacities. The electrolyte/electrode interphases derived exclusively from anions are inorganic-rich with great robustness, as evidenced by the high Coulombic efficiency of 98.8% for Li plating/stripping and the stable cycling performance of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 (NCM811) cells. As a result, the Li–Cs electrolyte achieves a discharge capacity beyond 100 mA h g−1 for NCM811/Li half cells at 10C, and a record capacity retention of 75% for NCM811 (3 mA h cm−2)/Li (40 μm) full cells after 280 cycles at 80 °C. The proposed molten salt electrolyte could inspire further advancements in high-energy-density, high-safety, and high-temperature lithium metal batteries.

Graphical abstract: Molten salt electrolytes with enhanced Li+-transport kinetics for fast-cycling of high-temperature lithium metal batteries

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Article information

Article type
10 Oct 2024
06 Jan 2025
First published
07 Jan 2025

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025,18, 1696-1706

Molten salt electrolytes with enhanced Li+-transport kinetics for fast-cycling of high-temperature lithium metal batteries

S. Yan, N. Yao, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y. Lu, Z. Liu, W. Hou, P. Zhou, H. Zhou, X. Chen, K. Liu and Q. Zhang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, 18, 1696 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE04657A

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