Zinash A. Belay*ab,
Mbukeni Nkomob,
Gadija Mohamedbc,
Makgafele L. Ntsoaned and
Oluwafemi James Caleb
aDepartment of Food Science, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602, South Africa. E-mail: caleboj@sun.ac.za
bPost-Harvest and Agro-Processing Technologies (PHATs), Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag X5026, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa. E-mail: BelayZ@arc.agric.za
cDepartment of Biotechnology, Life Science Building, University of the Western Cape, Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7530, South Africa
dPostharvest Technology, Agricultural Research Council, Tropical and Subtropical Crops, Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit 1200, South Africa
eAgriFood BioSystems and Technovation Research Group, African Institute for Postharvest Technology, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602, South Africa
First published on 8th January 2025
Electrolyzed water (EW) has shown potential to decontaminate and maintain the quality of fresh-cut apple; however, the underlying response of the product to this treatment remains unclear. Thus, this study aims to identify the possible quality regulation mechanisms of acidic electrolyzed water (AEW) and alkaline electrolyzed water (ALEW) treatments on fresh-cut ‘Granny Smith’ apples via volatile organic compound (VOC) and qualitative proteomics analysis during storage at 2 °C for 10 days. The results identified 43 VOCs, including 10 esters, 9 alcohols, 9 alkanes, 8 carboxylic acids, 6 ketones, and 1 aldehyde. The distribution of VOCs was significantly affected by the pretreatment conditions; fresh-cut apple treated with AEW was characterised by the highest number of esters, alcohols, and carboxylic acids, whereas samples treated with ALEW exhibited predominantly carboxylic acids, alcohols, and alkanes in comparison to control (untreated) samples. Ethyl dodecanoate, which was identified only in the ALEW samples on each sampling day, had the highest concentration among all the individual VOCs. The proteomics results showed that a total of 3434, 3401, and 3313 proteins were identified on day 3, 6, and 10, respectively, across all samples. Until day 6 of storage, no significant differences were observed among the samples. Notably, on day 6, “M16C_associated domain-containing protein” was shown to be unique to the control samples. KH type-2 domain-containing protein, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme were unique proteins identified after AEW treatment at day 6 and 10 of storage. No unique protein was identified for the ALEW samples. These results provide the first report of the proteomic and volatilomic changes associated with EW-treated fresh-cut apple during storage. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD056621.
Sustainability spotlightElectrolyzed water (EW) treatment has emerged as a novel decontaminating washing step for fresh and fresh-cut horticultural produce and an effective alternative to chlorine-based solutions. Compared to conventional chemical sanitizing agents, electrolyzed water is considered to be an environmentally friendly, efficacious antimicrobial agent that is safe and capable of extending the storability or shelf-life of fresh and fresh-cut horticultural produce. These are critical factors that make a case for the sustainability of EW and its application, which ensures extended access to safe and nutritious ready-to-eat produce, thereby contributing to SDG #2 Zero Hunger. Therefore, understanding the underlying responses of fresh-cut apples to EW treatment as a case study will be critical to further optimization strategies for other fresh-cut produce. |
Various studies have demonstrated the potential of different EWs as an alternative to sodium hypochlorite for treatment of fresh-cut apple. Gao et al.3 demonstrated the strong bactericidal effects and quality retention effects of 5 min of treatment with slightly acidic electrolyzed water (ACC = 21 mg L−1, pH = 6) on fresh-cut apple during storage at 4 °C. Similarly, Graça et al.4 reported the inactivation potential of AEW and NEW against various yeasts (Candida sake, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Pichia fermentation, and Hanseniaspora uvarum) on fresh-cut apple (cv. Royal Gala) stored at 4 °C for 9 days. Furthermore, Plesoianu et al.5 demonstrated significant retention of firmness, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity as well as reduced browning for fresh-cut apple (cv. Florina and Ionathan) treated with AEW during 14 days of storage at 8 °C. The preparation of fresh-cut apple impacts the structural integrity of the apple cells, resulting in the intercellular disruption that can lead to loss of nutrients and water, softening, and acceleration of decay and deterioration.5,6 Furthermore, both postharvest treatments and minimal processing of the fruit can induce the production of secondary metabolites and disrupt the biological, physiological responses and defence systems in fruit.7,8
Volatile compounds in apples mostly include esters, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and ethers. The concentrations and compositions of these VOCs differ in different cultivars; their production is also affected by several pre- and postharvest factors. Moreover, the biosynthesis of these compounds involves various metabolic pathways, and they are the main products of fatty acids and amino acids.9 Similarly, proteomic tools are efficient to understand structural and quantitative information related to the dynamics of all cellular proteins and the functional state of the cell. Available literature on proteomic studies for apples have mainly focused on the changes in the apples (cv. Ambrosia) due to delayed cooling during storage, changes associated with pre- and postharvest 1-MCP treatment on the quality of apple (cv. Honeycrisp), and the anti-browning mechanism of selenium in fresh-cut apple (cv. Fiji).10–12 In addition, studies of the EW treatment of apple have mainly focused on whole fruit,1,13 in addition to recent studies on the hurdle effect of EW on fresh-cut apple to preserve their quality.3,5,14 Despite these research efforts, more studies of the fundamental basis of EW treatments are required to provide an in-depth understanding of its potential to maintain quality. This study aims to investigate the effects of acidic and alkaline electrolyzed water treatments and storage duration on the changes in the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and quantitative protein response. The goal is to identify significantly regulated proteins and metabolic pathways.
The oven temperature program was set as follows: 40 °C for 6 min, thereafter ramped to 260 °C at a rate of 8 °C min−1, and held for 3 min. The MSD was operated in full scan mode, and the ion source as well as the quadrupole temperature were maintained at 230 °C and 150 °C, respectively. The transfer line temperature was maintained at 250 °C. The mass spectrometer was operated in electron impact (EI) mode at an ionization energy of 70 eV, scanning from 30 to 700 m/z. Compounds were identified by comparison of their retention time (RT) and retention index (RI) with those registered in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST v.05, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and the WHILEY 275 mass spectral libraries with similarity above 90%. Only compounds that were consistently identified in all treated and control samples were considered for analysis.
The final pellet was partially air-dried and redissolved in 30 μL protein solubilization buffer (4 M urea, 2% SDS, 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0). Samples were thoroughly vortexed for 15 min at RT prior to centrifugation at 16000×g for 5 min at 4 °C. The protein concentration of the resultant supernatant (total soluble proteins) was determined using the Pierce microplate BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions with bovine serum albumin used as a standard.
The protein samples (50 μg) were resuspended in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) before reduction with 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) (Sigma) for 30 min at room temperature. The reduced proteins were further alkylated with 30 mM iodoacetamide at room temperature in the dark for 30 min and diluted with an equal volume of binding buffer (200 mM ammonium acetate, pH 4.5, 30% acetonitrile). The protein solution was added to pre-equilibrated MagResyn HILIC magnetic beads (Resyn Biosciences (Pty), Ltd Gauteng, South Africa) prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions and incubated for 16 h at 4 °C. The magnetic beads (with bound protein) were then placed in a magnetic rack and the supernatant was removed. The protein-bound magnetic beads were then washed two times with 200 μL of 95% acetonitrile before resuspension in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate containing sequencing-grade modified trypsin (New England Biolabs®, Ipswich, UK) to a final enzyme–substrate ratio of 1:
50. Following digestion at 37 °C for 16 h, the beads were placed in a magnetic rack, and the supernatants containing tryptic peptides were transferred to new tubes and acidified at a final concentration of 0.5% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). Residual digestion reagents were removed from the peptide samples using custom laboratory-made StageTips prepared from Octadecyl C18 solid-phase extraction disks (Empore™, 66883-U). Eluted peptides were evaporated to dryness in a speed vacuum and conserved at −20 °C until further processing.
Peptide and protein validation were carried out using the Peptide and Protein Prophet algorithms. Protein fold changes between the experimental conditions and the baseline were calculated using Student's t-test. Proteins were deemed significant if they exhibited a fold change greater than 2 or a p-value of <0.05. Significant proteins were highlighted to differentiate between upregulated and downregulated features, and the plot was annotated to emphasize key significant proteins, aiding in their biological interpretation and subsequent analysis. For positive protein identification, a minimum of two unique peptides, a protein identification probability of at least 95%, and a percentage sequence coverage greater than zero was used. The proteins identified under each condition were compiled using the FunRich Multi-Analysis software package (version 3.1.3) to identify common and unique proteins for each treatment.
Venn diagrams and volcano plots were employed to visualize and interpret complex proteomics data. For positive protein identification, we established the following criteria: a minimum of two unique peptides, a protein identification probability of at least 95%, and greater than zero percentage sequence coverage. These criteria facilitated the elucidation of relationships between protein sets by highlighting overlaps among significantly altered proteins under various experimental conditions compared to baseline samples. Proteins identified across conditions (base, control, KCN treatment, and NaCl treatment) were compiled using the FunRich Multi-Analysis software package (version 3.1.3) to identify common and unique proteins for each treatment, resulting in distinct lists for base vs. control, base vs. KCN, and base vs. NaCl. For the volcano plot analysis, we normalized proteomics data from baseline and experimental conditions to correct for systematic biases. We calculated the fold change of each protein between the experimental conditions (control, KCN treatment, and NaCl treatment) and the baseline, assessing statistical significance using Student's t-test, which provided p-values for each protein. The volcano plot was generated using the latest version of the software package Prism (version 10), displaying log2-transformed fold change on the x-axis and negative log
10-transformed p-values on the y-axis. This transformation enabled clear visualization of both the magnitude and significance of changes. Proteins were considered significant if they exhibited a fold change greater than 2 or less than 0.5, with a p-value below 0.05. Significant proteins were highlighted to distinguish between upregulated and downregulated features, and the plot was annotated to emphasize key significant proteins, aiding in their biological interpretation and subsequent analysis.
However, a significant number of VOCs were identified with continued storage at day 3, with 25 compounds being identified in the control and AEW samples and 22 compounds being identified for the ALEW samples. On day 6, the AEW samples had the highest number of ester compounds (33%) compared to the control and ALEW samples. In fact, the number of esters in the AEW samples was consistently higher on each sampling day. Similarly, AEW had the highest count (28%) of alcohols on day 10, whereas the control samples had the highest number of alkanes throughout the study. By the end of storage on day 10, the number of identified VOCs compounds had decreased slightly, reaching 18 in the control samples, 22 in the AEW samples and 21 in the ALEW samples. Relatively, dodecanoic acid (lauric acid) consistently had the highest concentration among all the identified VOCs, being present in all treated and control samples throughout the storage period. However, ethyl dodecanoate, which was identified only in the ALEW samples on each sampling day, had the highest concentration of all the VOCs. In general, for the control samples, the dominant VOCs at the end of storage were alkanes, whereas the treated samples exhibited more alcohols and esters. Under normal maturity and ripening conditions, the profile of apple volatile compounds at the beginning is predominated by aldehydes and with increasing maturation the profile changes to alcohols, whereas esters predominate at end.17 In the current study, the trend in the normal synthesis of volatile organic compounds was observed in the fruit treated with AEW.
Principal component analysis was used to demonstrate the relationship between the volatile organic compounds and the treatment conditions in fresh-cut apple fruit (Fig. 2). As presented in the score plot (Fig. 2A), the AEW samples moved negatively along the PC2 axis and positively along the PC1 axis with longer storage, whereas the ALEW samples moved positively along the PC2 axis and negatively along the PC1 axis with longer storage duration.
Fig. 2B presents the biplot for the first two principal components, which demonstrates that the EW treatments influenced the emission of diverse VOCs. The PCA accounts for 33% of the total variance in the dataset; specifically, PC1 explained 12.5% and PC2 explained 19.3% of the variance. As can be seen in Fig. 2A, for the first component, the baseline and control samples (on day 3), and for the second component, the AEW samples (day 3 and day 6), were distributed in the positive region. For the first component, the control (day 6) and ALEW (day 6) samples, and for the second component, the ALEW (day 10) and (AEW day 10) samples were distributed in the negative region. According to the biplot result (Fig. 2B), the VOCs in the positive region of the first component were mostly alkanes (docosane, cyclododecane), an alcohol (1-octen-3-ol), esters (n-octyl acetate, heptyl acetate), aldehyde and ketones (β-damascenone) that can be related to the VOCs in the baseline and control samples.
Comparing the concentrations of the emitted VOCs, overall, carboxylic acids and alcohols predominated, while aldehydes and ketones remained very low throughout storage in all samples. In general, the control fruit was characterized by the highest concentration of alkanes, followed by carboxylic acids, alcohols and a lower number of esters and ketones. In contrast, the fruit treated with AEW showed the highest number of esters, alcohols, and carboxylic acids but the lowest number of alkane VOCs (Fig. 3A and B). One the other hand, fruit treated with ALEW exhibited a relatively average number of VOCs, predominantly carboxylic acids, alcohols, and alkanes (Fig. 3C). The observed VOC profile corresponds to the microbial growth pattern in different samples (data not shown). Higher microbial growth is evident in the control samples due to the presence of high alkanes in the control sample, as alkanes are indicative of an active microbial community involved in the breakdown of complex substrates that increase microbial biomass. In contrast, AEW resulted in significantly lower microbial counts, which correlates with the greater presence of ester, alcohol, and carboxylic acid VOCs. These VOCs could have exhibited antimicrobial properties, contributing to the reduction in yeast, mold, and aerobic mesophilic bacteria counts in the AEW-treated samples.
The positive region of the second component contains compounds such as 2-nonanone, hexadecanol, ethyl-9-hexadecanoate and ethyl linoleate, which are associated with esters and alcohols.18 In general, the compounds presented in the biplot are closely related to the treatment condition applied and could be used as VOC biomarkers for discriminating among the treatment conditions and storage time in fresh-cut apple. Moreover, PLS-DA calculations were performed on the secondary metabolite data between the control and treated fruit during storage, as shown in Fig. 3D; PCA1 accounted for 15% of the variance and PCA2 accounted for 15%. Separation between samples over the course of storage was observed, with slight overlapping between the VOCs on day 3 and 6, showing the influence of the storage duration on the emission of different VOCs in addition to the treatments. The VOC heat map (Fig. 3E) for the treatment and control samples during storage was obtained after normalization in the program MetaboAnalyst (ESI Fig. 1†).
Ester VOCs such as isoamylacetate, hexyl acetate and ethyl laurate were the most abundant esters in all treated and controlled samples during storage. Other VOCs, such as heptyl acetate and n-octyl acetate, were only identified in the control samples at day 3, whereas ethyl 9-hexadecenoate and ethyl linoleate were only identified in AEW samples throughout storage. On the other hand, hexyl ester was only emitted for the ALEW samples on day 3. Hexyl acetate is an important volatile organic compound that gives apples their characteristic flavor. It is emitted though the LOX pathway from hexanol by the enzyme alcohol acyltransferase (AAT).19 Alcohol acyltransferase (AAT) catalyzes the last step of volatile ester biosynthesis. In this study, considerably high concentrations of hexyl acetate were observed for both control and treated fresh-cut apple during storage; however, its concentration was below the detection limit for the control samples at the end of storage. In general, the lowest concentration of ester was observed for the control samples throughout storage compared with the treated samples, which could be due to low activity of AAT in the control samples. According to Defilippi et al.,20 AAT catalyzes the final linkage of an acyl moiety and an alcohol to form esters and is thus directly responsible for producing esters.
The ALEW treatment significantly inhibited the emission of benzyl acetate throughout the storage. Benzyl acetate is responsible for the sweet and pleasant aroma of the fruit. Its disappearance after ALEW treatment could affect the aroma of the fruit. However, a high concentration of benzyl acetate was observed for the AEW samples during storage. Furthermore, of all ester compounds, the highest concentration was observed for dodecanoic acid, ethyl ester (ethyl dodecanoate), and it was identified only under ALEW for all sampling days. Ethyl dodecanoate, also known as ethyl laurate, is a fatty acid ethyl ester of lauric acid formed by esterification between ethanol and laurate and has a role as a metabolite. It can be found in many fruits including apples, apricot, guava and lemon and provides a fruity flavor.9,19
Principal component analysis using multiple factor analysis was performed to demonstrate the correlation between the treatment types and the emitted ester VOCs. The PCA analysis resulted in a clear separation among the different VOCs emitted across the different treatments (ESI Fig. 2†) accounting for 47% of total variance, with components one and two accounting for 26% and 20% of the variance, respectively. In the biplot results, ethyl linoleate and ethyl 9-hexadeconate are found in the positive PC1 region, and heptyl and n-octyl acetate are observed in the positive PC2 region.
The high concentrations of 1-hexanol are associated with the high enzyme activity of ADH, which can be related to increased self-defense mechanisms of the fruit induced by the treatment.19 Alcohol VOCs are formed by the reduction of the corresponding aldehydes through the action of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH);20 this was evident in the treated samples, in which the occurrence of aldehydes was completely inhibited while higher alcohol VOCs were dominant at the end of storage. Based on the biplot result (ESI Fig. 3†), most of the alcohol VOCs were present in the positive region of the first component, which corresponds to the control and ALEW samples, whereas the samples treated with AEW were found in the negative region for both components.
Unlike the other VOCs, alkane compounds were the most abundant in the baseline analysis, and their concentration was significantly reduced during storage for all samples. Among the alkane groups, octadecane was not identified initially and was only emitted by the control fruit during storage. Heneicosane was only identified in the baseline and control samples during storage, whereas cyclohexadecane and pentacosane were only significantly emitted by the ALEW and CO samples. The significant effects of the treatments on the emission of alkane VOCs were also shown by the PCA analysis, in which the PCA accounted for 59.95% of the variance, indicating a clear separation (ESI Fig. 5†).
Although 2-nonanone, 3-octanone and β-damascenone were predominant on day 3 in the control samples, their concentrations dropped below the detection limit as the storage duration progressed, except in the case of 2-nonanone, which was emitted continuously throughout the storage period. In contrast, when comparing all ketones, a significantly higher concentration of 3-octanone was identified only for the treated samples. Notably, most of the alkane groups were predominant across all treatment types and storage conditions. However, β-damascenone was only detected in the control fruit, and geranyl acetone was exclusively identified under AEW conditions. Additionally, 5,9-undecadien-2-one, 6,10-dimethyl-, (E)- was identified solely under ALEW conditions.
The proteomics results showed that there were differences between the protein expression levels of the different treatments and the baseline samples for day 6. When comparing the control, AEW, and ALEW samples individually to the baseline samples for day 6 (Fig. 5A–C), the Venn diagrams show that baseline vs. control had more conserved proteins (691) compared to baseline vs. AEW (605) and baseline vs. ALEW (597). Comparing all four treatments, a total of 538 conserved proteins were found, with 115 unique proteins only present for the baseline group, and 36 and 31 unique proteins in the control and AEW groups, respectively.
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Fig. 5 Venn diagrams and a heatmap depicting the differential protein analysis on day 6 after treatment with ALEW and AEW compared to their respective control and baseline samples. (A)–(C) Venn diagrams representing the number of proteins identified in baseline samples compared to the (A) control, (B) ALEW, and (C) AEW treatments. (D) Venn diagram illustrating the numbers of conserved and differential unique proteins induced by the control, ALEW, and AEW treatments compared to the baseline group. (E) Total number of differential proteins identified in baseline samples compared to the control, ALEW, and AEW samples. (F) Heatmap showing the relative expression levels (fold change after log![]() |
Further analysis of the protein expression levels for proteins (Fig. 5A–C) showed that there were more upregulated proteins than downregulated proteins in all the comparisons. For baseline vs. control, 701 proteins were upregulated and 481 were downregulated, while for baseline vs. AEW, 605 were upregulated and 491 were downregulated. Similarly, for baseline vs. ALEW, 603 proteins were upregulated and 501 were downregulated.
Volcano plots were used as a visualization tool to present the findings for the various storage durations (3, 6 and 10). Volcano plot selection criteria for assessing DEPs were defined as those with a −log10 (p-value) of ≥2 and a fold change (FC) of ≥1 or ≤−1, with a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.01. Proteins meeting these criteria were categorized as upregulated for those with FC ≥1 or downregulated for FC ≤−1. Fig. 6 shows a total of 4355 proteins that were identified in all treatments after 3 days of exposure to AEW and ALEW. However, comparing the protein expression changes for baseline vs. control, baseline vs. AEW, and baseline vs. ALEW, none of the 4355 proteins exhibited significant upregulation or downregulation relative to their baseline samples (Fig. 6A–C).
At the day 6 time point, a total of 4332 proteins were identified in the three samples (control, AEW and ALEW). Among these, when comparing baseline vs. control, 4317 proteins showed no significant differences, while the remaining 15 exhibited upregulation (Fig. 7A). In the comparison of baseline vs. AEW, 4318 proteins were identified, with 13 being upregulated and 1 downregulated (Fig. 7B).
A similar pattern was observed in the comparison of baseline vs. ALEW, with 1 downregulated protein and 14 upregulated proteins, while a larger number (4317 proteins) displayed no significant response (Fig. 7C). Overall, 41 proteins were upregulated at the 6th day after treatment comparing the baseline samples to the control, AEW and ALEW samples after 6 days. Of these, 41 proteins that were upregulated 68.8% (11) were shown to be conserved across all treatments (baseline vs. control, baseline vs. AEW and baseline vs. ALEW, respectively); of those 11 proteins that were upregulated, 3 of the proteins were classified as uncharacterised while the remaining 8 were classified (Fig. 7D). The “M16C_associated domain-containing protein” was shown to be unique to baseline vs. control on day 6.
Baseline vs. AEW also had 1 unique protein, “KH type-2 domain-containing protein,” which was found on day 6 after treatment, while baseline vs. ALEW had no unique protein. For the day 10 time point, a total of 4353 proteins were identified in the three samples (control, AEW, and ALEW). Among these, when comparing baseline vs. control, 4339 proteins showed no significant differences, while the remaining 14 showed significant changes (Fig. 8A). Of the 14 proteins that showed significant changes, 2 were significantly downregulated, while the remaining 12 were significantly upregulated (Fig. 8A). In the comparison of baseline vs. AEW, 4353 proteins showed no significant difference, with 12 being upregulated and 3 downregulated (Fig. 8B). For baseline vs. ALEW, only 4 upregulated proteins were identified, while a larger number (4349 proteins) displayed no significant response (Fig. 8C).
Overall, 14 proteins were upregulated at the 10th day after treatment when comparing the baseline samples to the control, AEW and ALEW samples after 10 days. Out of these 14 proteins that were upregulated, 57.1% (8) were shown to be conserved across all treatments. Baseline vs. AEW had 2 unique proteins (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme), baseline vs. control had 1 unique protein (diadenosine tetraphosphate synthetase), and baseline vs. ALEW had one unique protein that was classified as uncharacterised.
Using the VOC data, variable importance in the projection (VIP) was generated; the higher VIP score generated from the PLS-DA model ranked individual compounds for their potential to discriminate VOCs of importance (Fig. 9A). On day 10, AEW had 2 unique proteins; methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme were identified only for the AEW samples. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) catalyses the reduction of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate using flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as a cofactor.24 According to the literature, MTHFR is the least-understood enzyme involved in folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism in plants.25 It is clear from this figure that dodecanonic acid, hexyl acetate, isopentanol, decanoic acid, 3-octanone, 1-hexanol, ethyl laurate, tetracosane, and tricosane were the main contributors to the metabolic differences between the control and treated samples (VIP >1.5). The differences in the metabolic activities were identified using the software Funrich for analysis of the 24 identified upregulated proteins; upon removal of redundant proteins, these 24 upregulated proteins were clustered by biological process and molecular functions using the software ShinyGo 0.77 (Fig. 9B). The biological processes contained 13 top pathways and molecular functions presented 18 pathways. The highest rich factor corresponded to isoprenoid, abscisic acid, and alcohol binding pathways associated with molecular function. Moreover, the two top DEPs with lowest reach factor and the highest protein counts corresponded to pyrophosphate and hydrolase activity related pathways. There is no existing study with which to compare the findings of the current study; however, according to He et al.,26 combined metabolome and volatilome analysis demonstrated that slightly acidic EW ice maintained the contents of umami- and sweetness-related amino acids while inhibiting the accumulation of undesirable spoilage-related biomarkers such as lactic acid, 2,3-butanediol, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 2-methyl-butanal in shrimp. It is important to note that the studies differed in the biological materials used, as well as the type of EW applied.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4fb00318g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |