Christian C. M.
Justus Paul
José Augusto
*ae and
aAdolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Chemin des Verdiers 4, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. E-mail:;;
bDep. Enterprise Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
cDep. Electrical Engineering, Saint Louis University, 1 N Grand Blvd, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
dDep. of Chemistry, Catholic University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
eNational Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-inspired Materials, University of Fribourg, Chemin des Verdiers 4, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
fInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Av. Països Catalans, 16, Tarragona, E-43007, Spain
First published on 19th November 2024
Creatures such as torpedo rays and electric eels showcase the exceptional ability to convert ionic gradients inside their bodies into powerful electrical discharges. In the future, artificial power units capable of reproducing this intriguing biological phenomenon may be able to power active devices, such as pacemakers and prosthetics, directly from ion gradients present in the human body. The present work evaluates the use of proton-selective Nafion membranes to generate electric power from the pH gradient present in the human stomach. First, we characterize two different commercial Nafion membranes by focusing on their ion exchange performance. In particular, we quantify the perm-selectivity of these membranes for various hydrated ions relative to that of the hydronium ion. Our results indicate that the transport of ions in wet Nafion proceeds through water-filled nanochannels, and that proton selectivity can be explained simply by the much larger mobility of protons in water with respect to other ions. Subsequently, we demonstrate a Nafion-based artificial electric organ capable of generating electric power from gastric juices. This power unit is built according to the reverse electrodialysis (RED) scheme, with each cell stack in series capable of generating 134 mV of potential difference and 188 mW m−2 of power density.
Electric fish possess the remarkable ability to produce powerful electrical discharges through the manipulation of ion fluxes across ion-selective membranes within their bodies.5 Mimicking the bioelectric phenomena taking place in the electric organ of electric fish is a promising route to develop artificial electric organs.6,7 The mechanism underlying the production of electric power in electric fish resembles, under many aspects, the reverse electrodialysis (RED) process. In RED, an alternating stack of cation exchange membranes (CEM) and anion exchange membranes (AEM) separates alternating ion-poor and ion-rich solutions, as shown in Fig. 1A. This arrangement favors the displacement of positive charges toward one side and negative charges toward the opposite side of the system, leading to a net flux of charges and additive transmembrane potentials. A pair of electrodes is used to harness this ionic current.8–10
Membranes play a central role in RED as the energy conversion efficiency is linked to their ion- selectivity and permeability. Furthermore, the composition of the ion-rich and ion-poor solutions is critical and must be optimized to achieve the best tradeoff between electrical resistance (which limits current) and gradient of ions (which limits potential).11–14
Mayer's group at Adolphe Merkle Institute (Fribourg, Switzerland) has pioneered the realization of soft, hydrogel-based bioinspired power units6,7 and has developed RED systems capable of generating electric power from exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a metabolic byproduct.15 The applicability of these devices in the human body is limited because hydrogel power sources undergo degradation under physiological conditions and are difficult to recharge in vivo, while capturing CO2 from human breath requires the use of potentially harmful carbon-capturing agents such as ethanolamine.15
In this work, we evaluate the use of Nafion (Fig. 1B) as a proton exchange membrane (PEM) for the construction of artificial electric organs that convert the pH gradient of gastric solutions (Fig. 1C) into electric power. The pH gradient between gastric juices (pH ≈ 1.5)16 and gastric mucous (pH ≈ 7.5)17 is ideal for the development of an implantable electric organ because it is rather steep (i.e., six orders of magnitude in proton concentration), is continuously maintained by the metabolism, and is readily accessible.
Nafion,18 a sulfonated fluoropolymer, displays good proton exchange performance, and is widely applied in fuel cells for application in gas and liquid phases. The proton exchange properties of Nafion derive from its structure, which comprises a fluorinated backbone conferring hydrophobic properties, mechanical support and chemical stability, and sulfonated groups enabling selective cation exchange (Fig. 1B).19–22 Moreover, Nafion exhibits exceptional thermal and chemical stability, withstanding temperatures well beyond the internal human body temperature (up to 150 °C or higher)23 and remaining stable even in highly acidic conditions (10 M nitric acid for hours24 and 1 M HCl for months).18 These properties make it a compelling candidate for applications involving prolonged contact with the gastric juice-mimicking solution. One potential issue that could affect the performance of Nafion membranes is fouling. It is known that these membranes, when used in microbial fuel cell applications, can be passivated by a thin layer of bacteria after approximately six months of use.25
Despite recent environmental and biosafety guidelines discouraging the use of fluoropolymers in favor of more biodegradable and environmentally friendly alternatives,26–29 however, we focused on Nafion because it still represents the golden standard in PEM. The success of Nafion, especially in fuel cell applications, is justified by its excellent proton conductivity.30
First, we discuss the use of gastric juices and gastric mucous as ion-rich and ion-poor solutions for power generation in a Nafion-based RED setup. Subsequently, we provide a detailed characterization of the ion exchange performance of two different commercial Nafion membranes: Xion PEM-Nafion-1100 (5 μm thick), and Nafion® 115 perfluorinated membrane (127 μm thick). In particular, we (i) quantify the perm-selectivity of these membranes for various hydrated cations relative to that of the hydronium ion, (ii) correlate these results to the structure of the membranes and the hydrodynamic properties of the cations, and (iii) use the measured perm-selectivities to explain the potential generated by gastric juices and gastric mucous mimics across Nafion membranes.
Finally, we present an artificial electric organ that replaces gastric mucus with drinkable water as a low-salinity compartment to achieve a substantial increase in power output. Such a device represents the benchtop prototype of an implantable electric organ that can be recharged by simply drinking water to aliment low-power electronics and small prosthetics.
Fig. 2 (A) Schematic representation of the cell used to measure the voltage across Nafion membranes using gastric juices as ion-rich solution and gastric mucous as ion-poor solution. (B–D) Comparison of the (B) membrane potentials, (C) internal resistance, and (D) power density (from eqn (4)) obtained with Nafion® 115 and Xion with the setup reported in A. |
We placed an Ag/AgCl electrode in each chamber to measure both the open circuit voltage of the device (VOC) and the internal resistance of the cell r (see Methods for details). These two quantities enable to estimate the maximum achievable power density:31
(1) |
For a single-membrane device using Ag/AgCl electrodes, the value of VOC is the sum of a contribution from the membrane (VM) and a contribution from the electrodes (VEl):
VOC = VM + VEl | (2) |
In the case of Ag/AgCl electrodes, the contribution from the electrodes originates from the different chloride concentrations in the gastric mucus and gastric juices solutions and can be estimated using the Nernst equation:32
(3) |
The power density calculated using eqn (1) incorporates a contribution from VEl. The maximum power density attainable by a single Nafion membrane without the contribution of the electrodes is:
(4) |
We tested two commercial Nafion membranes, namely Xion PEM-Nafion-1100 (5 μm thick), and Nafion® 115 (127 μm thick). The values of VM, r and PDM obtained with these two membranes are plotted in Fig. 2B–D. For both membranes, the measured VOC values were approximately, in the order of 30 mV. Subtracting the calculated value of VEl, we estimated a transmembrane potential VM ≈ 20 mV, which is surprisingly low considering that the concentration gradient of hydronium ions across the membranes spans six orders of magnitudes. Such low VM values limit the maximum attainable power density (Fig. 2D) and suggest that Nafion is not very selective for hydronium ions over the other hydrated cations present in solution (K+ and Na+). We verify this hypothesis in the next section, where we present an extensive characterization of the ion exchange performance of Nafion in aqueous environment. Nonetheless, we conclude that Nafion membranes, despite being considered the gold standard in PEM, do not allow to harness electric power efficiently from the pH gradient between GJ and GM due to the presence of other interfering ions. Therefore, we propose an alternative approach that circumvents this limitation.
The electric potential across an ion-selective membrane is typically modeled by the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz (GHK) equation:33
(5) |
Eqn (5) is valid if only monovalent ions are present. If divalent ions are present in significant amounts, like in most body fluids, the GHK equation takes the extended form presented in Appendix A (eqn (A1)).35
We estimated the perm-selectivity values of the Nafion Xion and Nafion® 115 membranes for relevant monovalent (Cs+, K+, Na+, and Li+) and di-valent (Ca2+ and Mg2+) cations as follows. We used the simple cell presented in Fig. 2A, and we filled one compartment with an HCl solution and the other compartment with solutions of the chloride salts of the cation of interest. We chose the concentrations of these solutions to ensure the same chloride concentration in the two compartments (e.g., 1 M HCl versus 0.5 M MgCl2) to minimize the offset potential between the electrodes and the contribution of the chloride ions to VM. Then, we used the measured VM values to numerically solve the extended GHK equation and obtain the perm-selectivities of the various cations relative to that of the hydronium ion (see Methods for details).
These perm-selectivity values, listed in Table 1 (see Fig. S1†), provide crucial insights into the ion exchange capabilities of Nafion. Both Nafion membranes exhibit a larger selectivity for hydronium ions, as expected, followed by potassium, cesium, sodium, lithium, calcium, and magnesium ions. Both Nafion Xion and Nafion® 115 display significant selectivity for potassium and sodium ions, which explains why the transmembrane potentials generated by GJ and GM were low.
Perm-selectivities relative to the hydronium ion | |||||||
Membrane | p H3O+ | p Cs+ | p Na+ | p K+ | p Li+ | p Ca2+ | p Mg2+ |
Nafion XION | 1 | 0.44 ± 0.01 | 0.25 ± 0.01 | 0.58 ± 0.02 | 0.27 ± 0.01 | 0.13 ± 0.01 | 0.13 ± 0.01 |
Nafion® 115 | 1 | 0.58 ± 0.01 | 0.29 ± 0.02 | 0.74 ± 0.06 | 0.22 ± 0.01 | 0.14 ± 0.01 | 0.13 ± 0.01 |
In fact, when used in the extended GHK equation to predict the potential generated by GJ and GM solutions across Nafion membranes, the calculated perm-selectivities yield VM = 21.2 mV for Nafion® 115 and VM = 23.4 mV for Nafion Xion, which is in good agreement with the experimental data. Hence, while Nafion membranes are classified as proton exchange membranes, they display poor specificity for protons when employed in aqueous environment, particularly in comparison to potassium and sodium ions (with the term ‘proton’ we are referring to the hydronium ion H3O+, as we are always considering aqueous solutions).
To understand the origin of this lack of selectivity, we compared the dry and hydrated structures of the Nafion® 115 and Nafion® Xion using synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements (Fig. 3A and B, respectively). SAXS is a powerful technique that enables the investigation of the structure of materials from the atomic to the micron scale.36 While previous literature has explored the structure of Nafion membranes, our focus is on confirming the specific structural characteristics and transport behavior of Nafion® 115 and Xion in hydrated conditions, which have not been comprehensively examined in this context.
Fig. 3 (A and B) Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) characterization of (A) Nafion® 115 and (B) Nafion Xion. (C) Thermogravimetric analysis of two samples of Nafion® 115. Both samples were exposed to a conditioning cycle in distilled water for two hours and a drying cycle in the oven at 60 °C for two hours. Subsequently, one sample was rehydrated in deionized water (H2O) and the other sample was dried in a desiccator under vacuum (Dry) for two days. (D) Transmembrane current as a function of the applied potential (I–V curves) for Nafion® 115 membranes exposed to various salt solutions. The concentration of monovalent salts was 1 M, while the concentration of divalent salts was 0.5 M. (E and F) Resistivity values calculated from the I–V curves in D as a function to the apparent hydrodynamic radius for (E) Nafion® 115 and (F) Nafion Xion. The apparent hydrodynamic radii were calculated from the diffusion coefficients of the various ions in water.39,40 In both graphs, the solid lines are linear fitting. |
The scattering patterns reported in Fig. 3A and B plot the intensity of the scattered light as a function of the scattering vector q. The scattering vector depends on the angle at which light is scattered, and its magnitude is inversely proportional to the lengthscale of the features that are being observed (see Methods for details). For example, if structural features of a certain lengthscale d are repeated multiple times within a sample, a peak will be visible in the scattering pattern at approximately q = 2π/d.
The scattering pattern of dry Nafion® 115 (Fig. 3A) presents a peak at q ≈ 2 nm−1, indicating that a repeating lengthscale of approximately 3 nm is present within the sample. Previous literature37 attributes this peak to the formation of hydrated ion clusters of ∼3 nm size, which form a sort of nanochannel network within the membrane. Upon hydration, the peak shifts towards lower q values and increases in intensity (Fig. 3A), indicating that more clusters have formed while their average size has increased to approximately 3.6 nm. Interestingly, this structural feature is not visible in dry Xion membranes but appears upon hydration (Fig. 3B). The changes in the scattering pattern caused by the hydration of Xion membranes influence a large q-range (0.3 < q < 2.5), which might be an indication of the interconnected nature of these ion clusters.
The presence of water within the Nafion membranes was confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and contact angle measurements. The TGA profile (Fig. 3C, magenta curve) of a dry Nafion® 115 membrane displays a weight loss at 100 °C of approximately 3%, likely due to the presence of a small amount of entrapped water or moisture absorbed during sample preparation. This observation is consistent with the SAXS data, which also identifies the presence of clusters in the dry state (Fig. 3A). The weight loss becomes significantly larger (approximately 8% at 100 °C) when the membrane has been exposed to water for 48 h, as shown in Fig. 3C (blue curve). Contact angle measurements (Fig. S2†) show no significant difference between dry and hydrated Nafion, corroborating that the larger weight loss of hydrated Nafion is not caused by water adsorbed on the surface of the membrane but by water-rich domains or channels within the membrane.
These SAXS and TGA results explain why Nafion behaves like a CEM, and not as a PEM in aqueous media. Protons – as well as other cations – cross the membrane via water-filled channels and not via hopping between sulfonate groups, as observed in dry Nafion.38 To confirm this hypothesis, we recorded I–V curves (Fig. 3D and ESI Fig. S3, S4, S5, S6, Tables S2, S3†) and calculated the electrical resistivity of water-swollen Nafion membranes in contact with different electrolyte solutions (see Methods). The resistivity of Nafion membranes to the passage of cations depends linearly (Appendix B) on the apparent hydrodynamic size of the permeating ions (calculated from tabulated diffusion coefficients in water39,40). This linearity is consistent with the behavior expected for electrophoretic diffusion through aqueous channels, where the electrophoretic mobility scales linearly with the inverse of the hydrodynamic size of the ions.41
We note that the resistivity value measured at 1 M HCl follows the same linear trend of the other cations because we calculated the apparent hydrodynamic size of hydrated protons from their experimental diffusion coefficient, which incorporates contributions from both diffusion and hopping (Grotthuss mechanism).39 As shown in Fig. 3E and F, we demonstrate this linear relationship for both Nafion® 115 and Xion in the presence of various monovalent cations, including the hydronium ion, corroborating that proton/ion transport in wet Nafion occurs via water-filled channels.
Overall, the PDM values obtained with the potable water and gastric juices mimics significantly surpass those obtained with gastric mucous (see Fig. 2D). We also tested a commercial drinking water (Tavina S.p.A.; Rotatoria Cav. Tonoli Amos, 2; 25087 Salò (BS), Italy), and obtained comparable power densities (considering the offset potential of the electrodes VEL = 147 mV calculated using eqn (3), PDM = 35 ± 6 mW m−2 and VM = 154 ± 2 mV for Nafion® 115, and PDM = 15 ± 1 mW m−2 and VM = 101 ± 2 mV for Nafion Xion) (see Fig. S7†). Encouraged by these results, we assembled a RED cell stack under flow using Nafion® 115 as the CEM, commercial Fumasep® FAB-PK-130 μm as the AEM, the GJ mimic as ion-rich solution, and the potable water mimic as low-salt solution (Fig. 4D). We assembled the device as reported in Fig. 4E (see Methods for details). We tested RED stacks comprising 1, 2, and 3 cells. Fig. 4A–C and Fig. S8A–C† plot the obtained values of VOC, r and PDmax as a function of the number of stacked cells under flow.
Fig. 4 (A) Comparison of the open circuit potentials obtained with Nafion® 115 in a RED cell with the setup reported in (E) as a function of the number of cells stacked in series. (B) Comparison of the internal resistances of a single cell using different ion lean solutions. (C) Comparison of the power densities related to a single cell calculated from the internal resistances and potentials following eqn (6). (D) Schematic representation of the repetitive unit cell used to assemble a RED system. (E) Optimized device with multiple flow cells stacked in series. The arrows in red and blue refer to the path that ion-rich and ion-lean solutions follow inside the cell. |
Since VOC is proportional to the number of cells (ncell) and since the electrode potential offset is negligible in this setup, a linear fitting of the PDmax yields the maximum power density per cell of the device (PDcell):
(6) |
We obtained values of Vcell = 134 mV and PDcell = 188 mW m−2 when operating under continuous flow conditions with water as the ion-poor solution and gastric juices as the ion-rich solution. In theory, the power and voltage generated by stacking 23 cells in series should be sufficient to aliment a pacemaker, which typically requires approximately 3 V and 20 μW to function.
The power density values obtained with this device are approximately 10 times smaller than high-performance, RED-based hydrogel power units (PDcell = 1.8 W m−2).7 Hydrogel batteries, however, are prepared using high salt concentrations (6 M), significantly higher than typical physiologic ion concentrations, which are not available under physiologic conditions inside living organisms. Conventional reverse electrodialysis using river and sea water typically yields power densities around 4 W m−2.42 We expect that the system presented here can approach this performance by using membranes with improved proton selectivity and designing thinner compartments to reduce internal resistance. Compared to RED-based devices that convert physiologic byproducts (e.g. exhaled CO2 from breath, PDcell = 30 mW m−2),15 the device presented here displays significantly superior performance. Regarding absolute power output, the device presented here delivers approximately 19 μW per cell. Combining multiple cells, we can match or exceed the power output of several implantable energy harvesters, such as piezoelectric systems that capture kinetic energy and can achieve peak voltages around 8 V, with power densities of up to 12 mW m−2. Biofuel cells typically operate at 190 mV and 96 mW m−2. Thermal energy harvesters, which rely on temperature differences of approximately 40° C (a challenging condition to achieve within the human body), can reach power densities as high as 19 W m−2. On the other hand, radio frequency energy harvesting systems outperform the device presented here by delivering power densities on the order of 280 mW m−2. Implantable photovoltaic cells can generate up to 4 W m−2, but due to the implantation losses, they have low efficiencies (about 1%), and their effective power densities are typically around 40 mW m−2.2
The technology presented in this work holds significant promise for powering low-energy prosthetic devices like pacemakers. In the future, using fluorine-free membranes with superior proton selectivity and further optimization of the device geometry may afford significantly larger power outputs, potentially making electric power generation from physiologic ion gradients an attractive strategy to power active prosthetic devices.
• gastric mucus ([Na+] = 0.124 M; [K+] = 0.005 M; [Cl−] = 0.127 M; [HCO3−] = 0.002 M; [H3O+] = 2.2 × 10−8 M; [OH−] = 4.5 × 10−7 M; pH = 7.6).
• gastric juices ([Na+] = 0.149 M; [H3O+] = 0.047 M; [Cl−] = 0.196 M; [OH−] = 2.1 × 10−13 M; pH = 1.3).
• Tavina water – reported on the bottle ([Na+] = 8.3 × 10−4 M; [K+] = 5.1 × 10−5 M; [NO3−] = 4.8 × 10−5 M; [HCO3−] = 6.1 × 10−3 M; [H+] = 2.5 × 10−8 M; [Ca2+] = 1.8 × 10−3 M; [Mg2+] = 1.1 × 10−3 M); fixed residue = 0.363 g L−1 at 180 °C; pH = 7.6. From the difference between the reported concentrations of cations and anions, we estimated [Cl−] = 5.3 × 10−4 M.
• water ([Na+] = 2 × 10−3 M; [K+] = 5 × 10−5 M; [Cl−] = 5.05 × 10−3 M; [HCO3−] = 2 × 10−3 M; [H3O+] = 2.5 × 10−8 M; [Ca2+] = 2 × 10−3 M; [Mg2+] = 5 × 10−4 M; [OH−] = 4.0 × 10−7 M); fixed residue = 0.495 g L−1; pH = 7.6.
We recorded the I–V plots of the Nafion membranes using a Keithley 2400 Source Meter. We prepared Ag/AgCl plate electrodes just before the measurements. We used two pieces (2 × 2 cm2) of expanded Teflon (1 mm thick) with holes (0.5 cm Ø) in the centers to form gaskets. We cut a (1.2 × 1.2 cm2) piece of Nafion and sandwiched it between the two Teflon parts. We then assembled the 3D printed cell (see Fig. S10†) with the gaskets and the Nafion membrane separating the two chambers.
We recorded I–V relationships for both symmetric and asymmetric cases. Symmetric meaning that two compartments of the cell were filled with the same salt solution (i.e., HCl vs. HCl; CsCl vs. CsCl; KCl vs. KCl; NaCl vs. NaCl; LiCl vs. LiCl; CaCl2vs. CaCl2; MgCl2vs. MgCl2; all the monovalent salt solutions were 1 M in concentration, while the divalent salt solutions were 0.5 M in concentration). Asymmetric meaning that the two chambers were filled with two different salt solutions (i.e., HCl vs. KCl; HCl vs. NaCl; HCl vs. CaCl2; HCl vs. MgCl2; all the monovalent salt solutions were 1 M in concentration, while the divalent salt solutions were 0.5 M in concentration). We tested both cases for Nafion® 115 and Nafion Xion.
For the asymmetric I–V curves, we filled the compartment of the chamber with the anode using the salt solution of interest and inserted the electrode of the Mettler Toledo SevenCompact Duo pH meter into the solution. We monitored the pH during the measurement to ensure no significant changes occurred over time. We applied voltages ranging from −300 to 300 mV in steps of 20 mV (starting from 0 and then alternating the polarity for each value of voltage: −20, 20, −40, 40, …, −300, 300). Instead, for the symmetric I–V curves, we filled the two compartments of the cell with the same solution of interest.
We estimated the power density by measuring the open circuit voltage (VOC) and the voltage across a resistor (VLoad) using an electrical circuit (see Fig. S12†) with a switcher that allowed to measure the VOC and then the voltage through a 4700 Ω resistor (rLoad). The setup was the same as described in the section related to I–V plots, except for the cell (see Fig. S9†) and the gaskets, which had a hole (1 × 1 cm2) in the center. With these measured values, we calculated the internal resistance (r [Ω]) of the cell using the following equation:
(7) |
H2O: we placed the samples in MilliQ water, removed them just before measurement, and dried the residual water with a paper towel.
Dry: we dried the samples in a desiccator under vacuum and then tested them.
While the use of fluorinated polymers is being questioned due to environmental and health-related issues, the results reported in this work demonstrate the potential of reverse electrodialysis as a strategy to harvest metabolic energy. Moreover, this work suggests one possible strategy towards the realization of implantable power units that use biocompatible and sustainable charge-selective membranes to generate electric power from physiological ion gradients, with the ultimate goal of providing a continuous energy supply to implanted devices and prosthetics.
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
In which z is the valence of the ion, e is the elementary charge, E is the electric field strength in V m−1 and f is the frictional coefficient in kg s−1, a parameter that quantifies the drag resistance experienced by a particle that moves through a medium. The frictional coefficient of a sphere with a hydrodynamic radius RH in a fluid with dynamic viscosity η is:
f = 6πηRH | (15) |
Substituting eqn (14) and (15) in eqn (1), the electrophoretic mobility becomes:
(16) |
The electrical conductivity (σ) in S m−1, as a measure of the ability of a material to conduct an electric current, can be expressed as:
(17) |
(18) |
Using eqn (18), the resistivity (ρ) of a charge-selective membrane in the presence of a single electrolyte, can be approximated by:
(19) |
If we define an equivalent charge concentration as k = cz, we can write eqn (19) as:
(20) |
Hence, assuming that the stoichiometric coefficient ji of the dissociation reaction of ions, i and k are constant, the resistivity of the membrane should scale linearly with the hydrodynamic radius of the selected ion:
ρ ∼ RH. | (21) |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary Fig. S1–S13. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |