Karin J. Bichler‡
Bruno Jakobi
a and
Gerald J. Schneider
aLouisiana State University, Department of Chemistry, Baton Rouge, 70803 LA, USA. E-mail: bichlerkj@ornl.gov
bLouisiana State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Baton Rouge, 70803 LA, USA. E-mail: gjschneider@lsu.edu
First published on 10th February 2025
Star polymers are an interesting class of polymers to study based on their shape and dynamics. We use complementary techniques to study the polymer dynamics of star polymers with shorter side chains and compare them with linear counterparts. Using dielectric spectroscopy and rheology allows the extraction of the critical molecular weight using two different approaches. Furthermore, the reduction of the dielectric normal mode relaxation time shows a temperature as well as molecular weight dependent factor. Based on our dielectric spectroscopy results and taking as the limiting case based on theory, a temperature of T = 201.5 K is required which translates into a corresponding factor of
for low molecular weight, i.e., Mw < Mc. Fast field cycling NMR together with rheology allowed us to conclude that both techniques track the dynamics of the entire star polymer rather than the dynamics of single arm like dielectric spectroscopy. This is especially seen as the dynamic moduli of linPBO8.5 and starPBO3.7 overlap and therefore have the same relaxation time.
While linear polymers are known to have a random coil conformation, star polymers tend to have a more spherical appearance including a so called blob region, which describes the internal side chain conformation.7
Dynamically speaking, as soon as one end of a linear chain is fixed to a central point, as is the case in star polymers as well as in other graft systems, the polymer dynamics, as well as segmental relaxation, experiences changes. On the more local scale, a reduction in relaxation time, depending on the molecular weight is visible, which eventually levels off for sufficiently long chains.8 This has been investigated recently by neutron scattering experiments on poly(dimethylsiloxane) based bottlebrush polymers.8–10 Furthermore, this feature depends on the backbone and side chain chemistry and their combination.11 Having a rather stiff backbone combined with flexible side chains, i.e., a stiff-g-flexible system, the trend as seen for flexible-g-flexible systems is reversed.12 This has been investigated theoretically and experimentally.11,12
Going over to the large-scale polymer dynamics, theoretical reduction of the relaxation time by a factor of 4 is routed in the Rouse model calculation of a tethered chain compared to unconstrained relaxation.13,14 Experimentally, it is verified for high molecular weight star polymers, having side chains beyond the entanglement threshold.2,3,6 Also, this effect is reported to be independent of the number of side chains.2 However, for shorter side chains, i.e., below the entanglement molecular weight, Me, molecular weight dependent effects are more prominent, but dynamical studies and comparisons for that region are not available so far.
We used star polymers based on poly(butylene oxide), PBO, with four arms, covering side chain lengths across the entanglement molecular weight, Me, i.e., below and above Me. Using this polymer enables the capability to use dielectric spectroscopy for tracking the large-scale polymer dynamics describing the relaxation of the chain end-to-end vector, i.e., dielectric normal mode relaxation, due to parallel alignment of the permanent dipole moments, μ.15–17 Additionally, rheological measurements were performed using the zero-shear viscosity, η0, as a second quantity to quantify the changes associated with the grafting process. These measurements were compared with respective measurements of linear PBO over an extended molecular weight range.
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However, most of the experiments cover materials showing non-ideal relaxation behavior. This is also the case for polymer systems, except for those mentioned before. Under these conditions, the empirical Havriliak–Negami function is widely used, which is a generalized version of the Debye function, accounting for the asymmetric broadening of the relaxation peak by incorporating the shape parameters, β, and γ, with limitations such as 0 < β ≤ 1 and 0 < β·γ ≤ 1.18–20
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Based on the description with the Havriliak–Negami function, the relaxation time, τHN, is obtained, which is still influenced by the asymmetric broadening of the relaxation peak. Therefore, the following correction formula needs to be applied to account for β and γ. The obtained corrected relaxation time, τ, coincides with the peak maximum position of the relaxation process.
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The shape parameters themselves can be seen as a measure of the relaxation time distribution. With values of β = β·γ = 1 the Debye relaxation is recovered, whereas values <1 indicate broader distributed relaxation times.
Independent of the number of occurring relaxation processes, the temperature dependence has a certain behavior. In the case of dielectric normal mode and segmental relaxation, as covered in this publication, the temperature dependence can be well described using the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann equation, with τ∞ being the relaxation time for an infinitely high temperature, TVFT describing the ideal glass transition temperature which is usually assumed to be 70–100 K above the actual glass transition temperature and A describing a fitting parameter.8
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In the case of thermally activated processes, which would include secondary relaxation processes, occurring below Tg the Arrhenius equation will be used to describe the temperature behavior. Hereby, τ∞ has the same meaning as in the VFT equation, and the activation energy is described using Ea.21
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For the analysis of the dielectric spectra, in the case of the dielectric normal mode relaxation the real part of ε*(f) was taken whereas segmental relaxation was analyzed using the imaginary part. This allows consistency even at higher molecular weights, where conductivity contribution overwhelms the relaxation peak of the dielectric normal mode relaxation in the imaginary part.
For analyzing the dynamic moduli, the Rouse model is often used for low molecular weight polymers, M < Me. Besides that, for higher molecular weight polymers, M > Me, more complicated models considering the entanglement effect are used for describing the dynamical behavior. As seen in eqn (6) and (7), in the case of the Rouse model, the only parameters are the Rouse relaxation time, τR, describing the longest relaxation time in the system, which is obtained from the first relaxation mode, p = 1 via τp = τR/p2, and G0. The number of modes, N, depends on the molecular weight of the used samples and will be set for the fitting itself.
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Subsequently using the shift parameters, aT, from the FTS principle, segmental relaxation times of all measured temperatures can be retrieved.22–24 This opens the possibility of combining the relaxation times with those obtained by dielectric spectroscopy in order to increase the covered temperature range.
Furthermore, having the relaxation rate, R1(ω), at hand, allows us to extract the temperature dependent diffusion coefficient, D(T), by using the following relation.25,26
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To be precise, this relation is valid for the intermolecular interaction of the relaxation rate only. However, to eliminate purely the intermolecular contribution from the relaxation rate or susceptibility, dilution experiments are required which necessitates deuterated polymers in matching molecular weights which is not readily available. For our sake, we assume that intermolecular interaction contributions are the dominant part of the susceptibility master curve at low frequencies27 and in good approximation apply eqn (10) to our data.
Linear PBO polymers | |||
Name | Mw (kg mol−1) | Mn (kg mol−1) | PDI |
linPBO2.6 | 2.6 | 2.5 | 1.04 |
linPBO4.2 | 4.2 | 4.0 | 1.05 |
linPBO8.5 | 8.5 | 8.0 | 1.06 |
linPBO15.5 | 15.5 | 14.2 | 1.09 |
linPBO23.5 | 23.5 | 21.0 | 1.12 |
linPBO31.5 | 31.5 | 27.7 | 1.14 |
linPBO44.4 | 44.4 | 40.0 | 1.11 |
linPBO51.4 | 51.4 | 46.0 | 1.10 |
linPBO62.4 | 62.4 | 56.8 | 1.11 |
4-Arm PBO star polymers | |||
Name | Marmw (kg mol−1) | Mstarw (kg mol−1) | PDIstar |
starPBO3.7 | 3.7 | 14.6 | 1.11 |
starPBO6.7 | 6.7 | 26.8 | 1.14 |
starPBO11.7 | 11.7 | 46.8 | 1.13 |
starPBO19.3 | 19.3 | 77.3 | 1.15 |
Linear PBO: in a 20 mL vial, methanol (x eq.), butylene oxide (80 eq.), and triethyl borane (0.125 eq.) were mixed. After the addition of P2-tBu (0.05 eq.) the reaction mixture was stirred for 3 days at RT. The reaction is terminated via addition of acetic acid in pentane, filtered through basic alumina and dried under a N2 gas stream.
Precursor-star PBO: in a 20 mL vial, toluene, pentaerythritol (0.4 eq.), butylene oxide (80 eq.), and triethyl borane (0.8 eq.) were mixed. After the addition of P2-tBu (0.8 eq.) the reaction mixture was stirred for 3 days at RT. The reaction is terminated via addition of acetic acid in pentane, filtered through basic alumina and dried under a N2 gas stream.
Star-PBO: in a 20 mL vial the precursor polymer is dissolved in butylene oxide. After addition of P4-tBu the reaction is stirred for 3 days. The reaction is terminated via addition of acetic acid in pentane, filtered through basic alumina and dried under a N2 gas stream.
Both relaxations initially have the same temperature-dependent behavior. Once the temperature increases the relaxation peak shifts to higher frequencies which is equivalent to a lower relaxation time at higher temperatures. This is seen independent of the molecular weight and architecture. As the dielectric normal mode relaxation depends on the molecular weight for all investigated Mw's, the separation of both relaxations increases by increasing the molecular weight, which can be well seen in the temperature dependence of the relaxation times by comparing all used samples, illustrated for the linear PBO samples in Fig. 2a. (Data for the star polymers can be found in the ESI.†) While the dielectric normal mode relaxation is different for each molecular weight, the segmental relaxation saturates for sufficiently long polymer chains. This effect can also be seen in the molecular weight dependence of the glass transition temperature Tg, due to the connection to the segmental relaxation (Fig. 2b).
Taking the molecular weight dependence of the dielectric normal mode relaxation from linPBO allows us to experimentally determine the critical molecular weight, Mc. This quantity is polymer specific and gives information about the onset of entanglement effects. Usually, Mc ∼ 2·Me is a good approximation, whereas Me indicates the entanglement molecular weight.
Using the pure large scale polymer dynamics, τpol, which can be generated by removing the molecular weight dependence of the monomeric friction coefficient, the molecular weight dependence can be examined, leading to the experimental critical molecular weight, Mc. For that, the following correction was applied to the relaxation times of the dielectric normal mode, τNM.30
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Eventually, taking τpol as a function of Mw leads to a power law dependence with a slope change, indicating the transition from Rouse dynamics into an entanglement effect. The transition point itself determines Mc. For linear polymers a transition from τ ∝ M2.0 to τ ∝ M3.4 is reported based on theory.18,31 However, experimentally slightly different power laws are reported.24,32 This is argued by different dynamical contributions.33
For our samples, the observed power law exponents, b, averaged over all temperatures, lead to 〈b〉Rouse = 2.6 ± 0.1 for the low molecular weight region and 〈b〉ent = 3.3 ± 0.2 with entanglement effects present. Doing this analysis for each temperature allows us to extract the temperature dependence of the critical molecular weight. As illustrated by the red line in Fig. 3a, only a slight temperature dependence is visible. This was already indicated by the power law exponents. Hence, within the experimental accuracy we consider the changes to be insignificant. Therefore, the critical molecular weight of linear PBO averaged over all temperatures comes up as 〈Mlinc〉 = (17.1 ± 0.4) kg mol−1.
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Fig. 3 (a) Corrected dielectric normal mode relaxation time, τpol, as a function of weight average molecular weight, Mw, for linear PBO in the temperature range, T = 233–308 K as indicated. Dashed lines are the power law regions. The red solid line indicates the statistical fluctuations of the critical molecular weight, Mc (star symbols). (b) Corrected dielectric normal mode relaxation time, τpol, as a function of weight average molecular weight, Mw, for linear PBO together with literature data at Tref = 238 K.15,16,34 |
Gerstl et al. reported an entanglement molecular weight, Me, for PBO as Me = 8.8 kg mol−1, determined by using the number of entanglements, Z, and the Rouse, τR, as well as entanglement time, τe, obtained from rheology data.15 Considering Mc ∼ 2·Me, our result matches the literature value well. The consistency with literature data can further be confirmed by comparing the molecular weight dependence of the corrected dielectric normal mode relaxation times, τpol, at the same temperature, Tref = 238 K. For that, the correction factors obtained from the linear PBO samples (eqn (11)) were applied to all the respective molecular weights of the literature data. As shown in Fig. 3b, taking the correction into account, the literature data of linear PBO correspond well to our data of linear PBO.15,16,34
A similar analysis can be done for the star polymers. Only four different molecular weights were available. Within these limitations, we found that contrary to the linear PBO, the glass transition temperature of star PBO is almost constant over all four molecular weights. This can be translated to the segmental relaxation and indicates no molecular weight dependence, which leads to the conclusion that the correction factor, eqn (11), equals one and can therefore be omitted for the star PBO. As seen in Fig. 4, the reduction in relaxation time between linear and star polymers depends on temperature as well as on the molecular weight region.
While at low molecular weights, i.e., Mw < Mc, the relaxation time slows down by a factor of 1.6 for the lowest temperature T = 238 K, in the high molecular weight region, Mw > Mc, the slow down increases to a factor of 3.3. Comparing it with the highest temperature, T = 308 K, these factors come up to be 1.1 and 2.0 for the low and high molecular weight regions, respectively. What seems to be in common over all temperatures is the factor of roughly two between both molecular weight regions. This means that star polymers with an arm length below the critical molecular weight are reduced in relaxation time by only half compared to star polymers with arm lengths above Mc. Taking this into account, we can hypothesize that the factor of 4 can be seen as the limiting case at low temperatures for high molecular weights only, with a corresponding factor of roughly 2 for low molecular weights. Using a linear extrapolation allows us to extract the hypothetical temperature where the limits are reached (Fig. 5). Seeing as the limiting case based on theory, a temperature of T = 201.5 K is required which translates into a corresponding factor of
for Mw < Mc. This means that for the low molecular weight region, the theoretical factor of
cannot be reached, at least with our PBO star polymer.
In common over all temperatures is the constant power law exponent for the two different regions showing up as bRouse = 2.6 ± 0.1 and bent = 3.6 (no standard deviation is available due to the limited number of points in that region). These two match well with theoretical predictions for Rouse dynamics and entanglement effects and are also similar to those obtained for linear PBO. Furthermore, the critical molecular weight is almost constant over all temperatures and can be taken as Mstar-armc = (11.1 ± 0.2) kg mol−1 and is ∼5 kg mol−1 below the value for linear PBO.
Usually, branching shifts the entanglement molecular weight to higher values, considering the overall molecular weight of the polymer. The critical molecular weight determined here, corresponds to the Mc of the attached side chains only and not to the entire star polymer. However, by accounting for a four arm star, we can calculate the critical molecular weight for the entire star to be Mstarc = 44.4 kg mol−1, which translates into Mstare ≈ 22.2 kg mol−1 and is therefore around 4 times the value known for linear PBO.15
In addition to dielectric spectroscopy, rheological measurements were performed to get information on how viscoelastic properties change. This allows further to extract the critical molecular weight with a second method and gives information about the influence of the star architecture on the zero-sheer viscosity, η0.
Using the frequency temperature superposition principle leads to the master curves of storage, G′(ω), and loss moduli, G′′(ω), at a selected reference temperature. As seen in Fig. S2 (ESI†), it can be successfully applied to all investigated samples and results in an enlarged frequency range, which includes a transition from non-entangled to entangled dynamics with an increase in molecular weight. Herein, G′(ω) and G′′(ω) have the characteristic frequency dependencies of ∝ ω2 and ∝ ω1, indicating the terminal region.
As we cover non-entangled, i.e., Rouse dynamics, and entangled dynamics in both architectures, we can apply the Rouse model for low molecular weight samples allowing to extract the relaxation time. In contrast to dielectric spectroscopy, where in the case of star polymers the obtained relaxation time corresponds to the dynamics of an arm, in rheology we are tracking the dynamics of the entire star polymer. Fig. 6 shows the analysis approach for two selected samples, well within the Rouse regime. In both cases the description with eqn (6) and (7) works well and leads to the single adjustable fitting parameter, the Rouse relaxation time τR.
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Fig. 6 Storage, G′(ω), and loss moduli, G′′(ω), as a function of frequency, ω, for (a) linear PBO and (b) star PBO at the reference temperature, Tref = 248 K. Solid lines are the best description of the Rouse model, eqn (6) and (7). |
As stated earlier, we compare now the dynamics of a linear PBO with the dynamics of an entire PBO star, rather than of the single arm only. Interestingly, as seen in Fig. 6, the two selected samples, linPBO8.5 and starPBO3.7 have the same relaxation time. In this case, the linear PBO is roughly double the length of the single arm from the star PBO. Such a comparison of molecular weights can also be done for the other two star polymers investigated with rheology, i.e., starPBO11.7 vs. linPBO23.5 and starPBO19.3 vs. linPBO44.4 (Fig. 7). A comparison of those three linear and star PBOs shows similar relaxation times within each pair. This leads to the conclusion that the dynamics of a star polymer tracked by rheology, which is mostly the dynamics of the entire polymer, is similar to the dynamics of a linear polymer having double the length of a star arm.
This finding is contrary to the results of dielectric spectroscopy. In this case, the linear polymer would need to be 3.5–4 times faster in relaxation time in order to match the condition concluded from rheology. It can be illustrated by taking the molecular weight dependence of the relaxation times and representing it for the double arm length. As seen in Fig. 8, the generated relaxation times (grey star symbols), which would fulfill the find from rheology do not correspond to the experimentally determined relaxation times of the respective molecular weight. This supports the assumption that rheology does track different dynamics compared to dielectric spectroscopy, i.e. dynamics of the entire star polymer in the case of rheology and dynamics of the star arm in the case of dielectric spectroscopy.
Nevertheless, taking the zero-shear viscosity, η0, from the rheology data still allows us to determine the critical molecular weight with a second approach. Similar to dielectric spectroscopy, η0 vs. Mw shows up with two different power law regions which determine the different dynamical regimes, i.e., Rouse and entangled dynamics.
Viscosity is known to be related to segmental relaxation. Therefore, to correct for the molecular weight dependence of the monomeric friction coefficient, we used the same correction factor determined from the segmental relaxation times, as we used for correcting the relaxation times of dielectric spectroscopy. This is similar to a free volume correction, which mostly affects low molecular weights.
Based on theory, in terms of zero-shear viscosity, Rouse dynamics is characterized by η0 ∝ Mw while entanglement effects are indicated by η0 ∝ Mw3.4.31 Doing this analysis for all the samples leads to an averaged power law of η0 ∝ Mw〈1.6±0.01〉 at low molecular weights, followed by η0 ∝ Mw〈2.3±0.1〉 for high molecular weights (Fig. 9). Compared to theory, both regions do not directly match the expected values. However, taking the frequency dependence of G′(ω) and G′′(ω) into account we can safely say that we track different dynamical regions with our molecular weights, which can be attributed to Rouse like dynamics and dynamics influenced by entanglement effects. The same can be assumed for the star PBO samples.
The intersection between both regimes determines the critical molecular weight, Mc. As presented in Fig. 9a, a slight temperature dependent effect is visible for the critical molecular weight; however, we do not manifest it to any significant effects. Therefore, the temperature averaged critical molecular weight determined via rheology can be taken as 〈Mc〉 = (15.6 ± 1.7) kg mol−1. For the star polymer we can extract a value of Mc = 7.4 kg mol−1.
Within the rheology results, by comparing Mc from linear and star PBO, the factor of 2 is again resembled, similar to the results obtained based on the relaxation times. Taking dielectric spectroscopy into account for comparison leads to almost matching values of Mc in the case of linear PBO, while for the star PBO, a difference of around 4 kg mol−1 is noticeable. The biggest difference in the analysis between both techniques is that in the case of dielectric spectroscopy an averaged value over several temperatures is used, which is due to the limited temperatures measured at rheology, together with the reduced number of star polymers not possible. This might explain the large discrepancy in the critical molecular weight in the case of star PBO.
Previous analysis revealed that different parts of the dynamics can be tracked by different techniques. One technique at hand that can track both, i.e., segmental relaxation and large scale polymer dynamics, independent of the alignment of the permanent dipole moment, is fast field cycling (FFC) NMR. The obtained frequency dependent relaxation rates, R1(ω), at different temperatures can be transformed into the susceptibility, χ′′(ω) = ω·R1(ω), which allows the creation of master curves by using the frequency temperature superposition principle. This is shown for all linear PBO samples in Fig. 10a. Two features are prominent. At high frequencies, the relaxation peak is representative of rotational dynamics, and at lower frequencies, a power law region. Out of the relaxation peak, the relaxation time for the segmental relaxation can be extracted by applying eqn (8), which can further be used to calculate the relaxation times for each temperature and subsequentially to extend the temperature/time range accessible by dielectric spectroscopy (Fig. 10b).
With the power law at low frequencies, we can draw conclusions regarding the large-scale polymer dynamics. As seen for the lowest molecular weight of the linear PBO, a power law of χ′′ ∝ ω1 is present, indicating simple diffusional behavior, because of the low molecular weight. Increasing M changes the power law to χ′′ ∝ ω0.75 indicative of Rouse dynamics and additionally, the upswing at very low frequencies is a sign of entanglement effects. These observations support the results obtained by dielectric spectroscopy and rheology, i.e., with the molecular weight of the linear PBO we cover Rouse dynamics as well as dynamics influenced by entanglement effects.
Taking the results of rheology into account, i.e., the viscous flow of a star polymer has a similar behavior to a linear PBO with double the length of one arm, it seems to be the next step to compare the dynamical behavior, tracked by FFC across the star polymer and linear PBO with molecular weights roughly matching the single arm length, double arm length, and the entire star polymer. This is shown in Fig. 11a in the case of the susceptibility master curve. Similar to rheology, the relaxation data for the star PBO match well with those of linPBO8.5, which is roughly double the size of one single arm. Further support to this finding is given by extracting the diffusion coefficient from the relaxation rate via a linear fit of vs.
, (eqn (10)).
As seen in Fig. 11b, also the diffusion coefficient of the star PBO is similar to the values obtained for linPBO8.5 having Mw ∼ 2·Marmw. Based on that, we can assume that FFC NMR sees similar dynamics to rheology.
Earlier studies mostly focused on arm lengths beyond the entanglement molecular weight, Me, of a corresponding linear chain and confirmed the theoretical reduction factor of 4 with the experiment. We set the focus to lower molecular weight arms and found a lower reduction factor of the normal mode detected by dielectric spectroscopy, which additionally depends on temperature. Within a molecular weight series, the reduction factor is smaller for Marm < Me and eventually approximates 4 at low temperatures for Marm > Me. The determined critical molecular weight, Mc, separating non-entangled dynamics from dynamics influenced by entanglement effects, matches the reported literature values of Me by considering Mc ∼ 2·Me.
A similar comparison was done by rheology by using the frequency dependence of the zero-shear viscosity of the different architectures. Herein, higher values are reported for the star polymer, whereas the critical molecular weight comes back roughly at the same value as that for dielectric spectroscopy. Based on the relaxation behavior, we concluded that rheology detects the dynamics of the entire star polymer rather than of a single arm as in dielectric spectroscopy. Therefore, the dynamics of the star polymer in rheology is similar to those of a linear polymer with double the arm length of the star polymer. This finding is also present in fast field cycling measurements, confirmed by the frequency dependence of the susceptibility and the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sm01179a |
‡ Current address: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, 37831, TN, USA. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |