Frank Heinrich*ab and
John F. Nagle
aDepartment of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. E-mail:;
bCenter for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
First published on 19th February 2025
The effect of cholesterol on the bending modulus KC of DOPC lipid bilayers has been controversial. Previous analysis of dynamic neutron spin echo (NSE) data reported that 50% cholesterol increased KC by a factor of three in contrast to earlier studies using four different static methods that reported essentially no increase. We reanalyzed the previous NSE data using new developments in NSE analysis. We find that the same NSE data require non-zero viscosity in pure DOPC and they are consistent with no increases in KC with cholesterol. Instead, we find more than a five-fold increase in the membrane viscosity ηm. We have further added diffusional softening dynamical theory to the basic phenomenological model. This generally decreases the 5-fold increase in viscosity, but the NSE data are not sufficient to determine by how much.
In contrast, more recent work using neutron spin echo (NSE) reported that cholesterol increases KC of the di-unsaturated lipid DOPC substantially by a factor of three with 50% cholesterol.6 A new theoretical development in NSE data analysis provides the opportunity to address this discrepancy as it considers the influence of membrane viscosity ηm on the small vesicles employed in these studies.7 Using this updated model, we have re-analyzed the NSE data,6 also including the effect of vesicle diffusion that was previously neglected. Our re-analysis aligns with earlier findings2–5 indicating that KC of DOPC lipid bilayers does not increase with the addition of cholesterol. According to our phenomenological analysis, the slowing down of the NSE data with cholesterol is instead due to an increase in viscosity ηm.
The concept of diffusional softening is becoming central for discussing the bending modulus of lipid bilayers consisting of mixtures of lipids on a more fundamental level.8–12 Accordingly, we have extended our analysis to include a recent dynamical theory of diffusional softening,11 modified for NSE samples, and find that it readily fits the NSE data with no increase in KC with added cholesterol. However, the NSE data do not extend to long enough times to distinguish between different ways of incorporating diffusional softening.
Section 2 reviews the pertinent equations in the phenomenological model and how these parameters affect the underlying dynamics. Section 3 visualizes the data, which is important for applying a correction for the diffusion of the vesicles in the NSE sample. Section 4 presents the results of fitting the NSE data to the basic phenomenological model, and Section 5 extends the analysis to include diffusional softening. Discussion ensues in Section 6.
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The new development7 recognizes that, dynamically, the modal relaxation rates are affected by the membrane viscosity, according to
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〈hl(t)hl(0)〉 = 〈hl2〉e−ωlt | (4) |
A commonly used expression for the neutron spin echo intermediate structure factor S(q,t) is7,13
S(q,t)/S(q,0) ≃ exp[−q2〈Δh2(t)〉]exp(−q2Dt) | (5) |
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The first factor in eqn (5) is an approximation7 that could be improved upon, but with little numerical difference, as we have verified. We also note that eqn (5) assumes that the neutron beam is laterally coherent over the diameter of the vesicles. Corrections for typical coherence lengths of 20 nm or more are quite small for vesicles of radius 30 nm pertinent to this paper.
It is illuminating to look at calculations for pertinent values of the parameters. Calculations of S(q,t) are q dependent but
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Fig. 1 Dynamics from eqn (7) that illustrate the effect of viscosity (blue vs. green) and diffusion (solid vs. dash–dot–dot) for a fixed value of KC = 20 kT and 52 modes for R = 30 nm, compared to two power laws (dotted). The radius used for diffusion is 42 nm and the viscosity units are nPa![]() ![]() |
Fig. 1 also shows dash–dot–dot curves for the total displacements sensed by NSE by adding Dt for vesicle diffusion, where D in water was calculated from the Stokes–Einstein equation. The curve for ηm = 0 appears to follow the ZG t2/3 power law to much later times. However, by 100 ns, it has already reached a value that exceeds the saturation limit set by eqn (2). In contrast, the total NSE curve with non-zero viscosity never follows the t1/2 power law, but it could be construed to follow the ZG t2/3 power law in limited time ranges. In either case, these curves emphasize that diffusion has to be considered in analyzing data. The most direct way to do that is to correct for vesicle diffusion by dividing out the last factor in eqn (5) from S(q,t) data.
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Fig. 2 Log–log plot of the time dependence of NSE data6 binned into low q and high q ranges. No diffusion correction was made for the data labeled in the legend by D = 0. A diffusion correction using a radius of 42 nm was made for the same data and labeled D > 0 in the legend. The horizontal dashed line shows the value given by eqn (2) for KC = 20 kT. Uncertainties, here and throughout the manuscript, represent one standard deviation. |
To apply the diffusion correction, the coefficient of diffusion of the vesicles was calculated from the Stokes–Einstein equation using an appropriate vesicle radius. The vesicles were reported to have been extruded with a standard 50 nm diameter filter.6 Although no direct measurement of the actual size was reported,6 another recent study using the same filter size and extruder model reported 30 nm radii,7 and earlier studies have reported similar values.20 One expects a larger effective radius for vesicle diffusion that includes the edge of the outer monolayer and any immobilized water. Also, interactions between neighboring vesicles decrease their mobility,16 which is taken into account by increasing the radius. We used a diffusional radius of 42 nm that was also recently reported using dynamic light scattering while using the reported 30 nm from SANS analysis7 for the undulational radius for the theory in Section 2.
Fig. 2 reiterates the point in Fig. 1 that taking vesicle diffusion into account, as we do above makes a major difference. Doing so, Fig. 2 clearly indicates membrane viscosity in the data because the log–log slope is close to 1/2. On the other hand, if it is supposed that vesicle diffusion should not be taken into account, as appears to have been the case in the previous analysis,6 then extrapolation of the data to long times would exceed the level shown by the horizontal dashed curve in Fig. 2. That level is given by eqn (2) and the long-time, static, equilibrium value of KC. To raise that level sufficiently would require, noting that Fig. 2 is a log plot, using considerably smaller values of KC and/or larger values of R.
We finish this visualization of the data by comparing 50% cholesterol with 0% in Fig. 3. Although the high cholesterol data are much noisier, it is clear that the time course is slower, and it seems closer to a 1/2 power than to a 2/3 power.
What this section has done is to re-emphasize that a correction for vesicle diffusion is essential16,17 even for pure DOPC before any consideration of cholesterol. Furthermore, a correction based on a diffusion radius of 42 nm for the Stokes estimate of D is reasonable. We have also tried using the SANS radius of 30 nm for the diffusion correction, but it leads to these plots failing to approach saturation and even decreasing at the longest times, which is inconsistent with the relaxation of the undulation modes, as shown in Fig. S4 (ESI†). This preliminary analysis is, therefore, helpful to the detailed fitting of the S(q,t) data to which we turn next.
The data6 include uncertainties for each q and t, which were used to calculate the total reduced χ2 and χ2(q) for each q. A recent NSE analysis excluded low q data,7 but the χ2(q) values here were rather random for the different q and cholesterol concentrations, so we have included all twelve q values in our simultaneous fitting of the parameters. However, we have not included in our figures the results from the fits to the 40% cholesterol data because they had considerably larger χ2, the values of the parameters were out of line with the monotonic sequence of values from the other concentrations, and the 40% data had different time and q values.
Ideally, one would like to obtain both KC and ηm by fitting the data. Our attempt to do this is shown in Fig. 4. Although one might discern an increase in both KC and ηm, the uncertainties in the parameters are about as large as their best values. The underlying reason is that increases in both parameters have similar effects on S(q,t) as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, the uncertainties in these parameters are highly correlated, and it is essentially impossible to disentangle reliable values. Basically, the data are too noisy to obtain valid numbers for both parameters.
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Fig. 5 Comparison of the effect of increasing KC and ηm on S(q,t). For clarity only one q value is shown. |
However, the data are good enough to fit one parameter when the other is held fixed. Fig. 6 shows our results. The filled circles show the values for the bending modulus when the viscosity ηm was set to 0. This is labeled KCD in the legend because it is conceptually similar to what was done earlier,6 as explained in Section 6.1. Even with no cholesterol, this KCD is much larger than the static value of KC, and it increases by a factor of 2.5 for 50% cholesterol, similarly to what was earlier reported.6 In contrast, the black squares in Fig. 6 show the result of fitting the data when KC/kT was fixed to 20, consistent with the static value.2 In this case, the viscosity ηm increases by over a factor of 5 for 50% cholesterol. The χ2 plots in Fig. 6 show that the latter fit is better for all cholesterol concentrations, thereby suggesting that the better model for the effect of cholesterol on NSE data is a constant KC and increasing ηm. ESI† shows traditional S(q,t) figures with detailed statistics.
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Fig. 6 Filled symbols show results of fitting either to KCD (circles) with ηm fixed to 0 or to ηm (squares) with KC/kT fixed to 20. Open symbols show the corresponding reduced χ2. |
Fig. 7 compares the time evolution of 〈Δh2(t)〉 of the two models to each other and to the experimental NSE data. Both models fit the NSE data reasonably well in its available time window. NSE alone would be a better discriminator of the two models if it had a longer time window or if the lipid more quickly approached its long time limit. However, it is not necessary to use NSE alone because the long time limit in Fig. 7 is given by the equilibrium static bending modulus using eqn (2). The value KC/kT ≈ 20 that everyone agrees on when there is no cholesterol in DOPC gives the long time limit of the model with non-zero ηm in Fig. 7 whereas the ηm = 0 model shown by the red line has 〈Δh2(∞)〉 that is far smaller than what is required by eqn (2). Therefore, for the two extant models, only the one with viscosity accommodates the data for both time scales.
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Fig. 7 Comparison of the two salient models to the averaged experimental data in Fig. 3 for DOPC with no cholesterol. |
The difference between the 30 nm structural radius and the 42 nm diffusional radius seems rather large. Along with the 30 nm radius, a second structural radius of 40.3 nm has been given that used a different analysis.16 We have also fit the data with this larger structural radius. This does not change the main conclusions. In particular, the χ2 are almost unchanged. The fitted ηm and KCD/kT become larger. For no cholesterol, the 0.48 nPas
m in Fig. 7 becomes 0.88 nPa
m, and the 73 for KCD/kT becomes 116. Detailed results are given in Fig. S2(6) and S2(8) in ESI.†
Importantly, a dynamical theory of diffusional softening has been developed and applied to the dynamics of giant unilamellar vesicles of POPC/DOPE (GUVs) with radii of order 10 μm.11 Like cholesterol mixtures, that system also has no pure DOPE endpoint, so the dynamical theory was necessary to detect diffusional softening. Let us see how this theory might apply to the effect of cholesterol on much smaller NSE vesicles. The first difference compared to the theory in Section 2 is that the coupling of diffusion and undulations leads to two rate constants kl,± for the decay of each mode l of the autocorrelation function
〈hl(t)hl(0)〉 = (1 − α)·exp(−tkl,+) + α·exp(−tkl,−), | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
κ = KC/(1 − α). | (10) |
Adding cholesterol increases kl,+ (note the sign error in eqn (36) in that paper11) by α times D0l(l + 1)/R2; this latter diffusion factor for a typical coefficient of lipid, not vesicle, lateral diffusion21,22 D0 of 10−7 cm2 s−1 is only about (15000 ns)−1 for the largest l = 2 mode, so kl,+ in eqn (8) is hardly affected by the coupling to diffusion. The kl,− rate in eqn (8) is 1 − α times the same lateral diffusion factor; it is much slower than kl,+, so qualitatively, this slows down 〈Δh2(t)〉 as cholesterol is added. Most importantly, the increase in the amplitude of this slow rate and the decrease in the amplitude of the fast rate in eqn (8) slows down the overall decay of the autocorrelation function.
It is first important to appreciate that there is a problem with this theory, as written,11 that is revealed by applying it to zero cholesterol. Then, the kl,+ used in eqn (8) is the same as ωl in eqn (3) when ηm is set to zero and the slow term in eqn (8) doesn't matter because α is zero, so the fit to the NSE data gives the same result as our ηm = 0 model that gives the red curve in Fig. 7. There it was emphasized that this contradicts the static, equilibrium value of KC/kT ≈ 20 when there is no cholesterol. What appears to be missing from the diffusional softening dynamic theory is membrane viscosity. It is fine to ignore ηm in eqn (3) for GUVs until ηm becomes very large23 because the second term in the denominator of eqn (3) is small compared to the first term. For DOPC, the ratio of those terms is less than 0.1, even for the lowest l = 2 mode. But this is not so for smaller NSE vesicles.
We have taken diffusional softening into account in fitting the NSE data in two ways. Both ways use Achol = 0.35 nm2 and ADOPC = 0.70 nm2 to obtain the area fractions χ. Although the dominant mode is l = 2, we follow precedent by using the ratio of the l factors to be unity.11 We have also fixed the coefficient of lipid lateral diffusion D0 to 3 × 10−8 cm2 s−1 as a typical value from other experiments.21 Finally, we continue to fix KC/kT to 20 to match the long-time equilibrium value. In the first way, we have used an estimate of ΔC0 = 0.481 nm−1 (Alex Sodt, private communication) and a similar value of 0.401 nm−1 can be obtained from the literature.24 Combining eqn (10) with eqn (9) gives a quadratic equation that determines the α values shown by the upward pointing triangles in Fig. 8. Fitting used the autocorrelation functions in eqn (8) with kl,+ amended to include viscosity as in eqn (3). Fig. 8 shows that ηm increases with increasing cholesterol, but only about half as much compared to Fig. 6 where diffusional softening was not included. This comparison would imply that the effect of cholesterol on NSE dynamics is about half due to increasing viscosity and about half due to lipid diffusion.
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Fig. 8 Results that include dynamical diffusional softening theory in fits to the NSE data using an estimate ΔC0 = 0.481 nm−1 for the spontaneous curvature difference. The estimated values of α (times 10, upward triangles) were used to fit the data resulting in the membrane viscosity (circles) and the unsoftened κ obtained from eqn (10). |
In our second way to include diffusional softening, we fit the diffusional α parameter in eqn (9) while holding KC and ηm fixed. (As before, NSE data are only good enough to fit one parameter.) Results are shown in Fig. 9. The spontaneous curvature difference ΔC0 is larger than estimated in the first way above, and it decreases from 0.68 nm−1 to 0.57 nm−1 as cholesterol concentration increases from 20% to 50%. Importantly, χ2 is practically the same as it is in Fig. 8, and both are the same as for the case shown in Fig. 6 by black squares that has viscosity and no diffusional softening.
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Fig. 9 Results that include dynamical diffusional softening theory in fits that constrained ηm to its value with no cholesterol. The obtained values of α (times 10, upward triangles) were used to fit the data resulting in the membrane viscosity (circles) and the unsoftened κ obtained from eqn (10). |
The second foundation alleviated that problem by a theory26 that included membrane viscosity and found that what is measured in the NSE experimental regime was a dynamic KCD modulus which satisfied
KCD = KC + h2KA | (11) |
The third foundation was to employ the polymer brush relation
KA = 24KC/(2DC)2 | (12) |
That recent paper7 only presented results assuming ηm = 0, in order to focus on the shape issue by comparing to the original Zilman–Granek flat plaquette theory that also had no membrane viscosity.19 We have also analyzed the POPC/POPS data in that paper and, similar to our results for the DOPC/cholesterol data, we find smaller χ2 when KC is constrained to the experimental 26 kT of POPC34 and ηm is allowed to fit. We obtain 0.8 nPas
m, compared to our 0.48 nPa
m for DOPC with no cholesterol in Fig. 6.
The analysis for spherical vesicles outlined in Section 2 conceptually bypasses the second and third foundations of the original analysis6 discussed in the previous subsection. Although the data are not good enough to obtain both KC and ηm, we propose that the way forward is to constrain KC to values obtained from other experiments and use NSE to find the best value for the viscosity. It would be especially relevant to do NSE experiments on DMPC where the equilibrium values of KC increase dramatically with added cholesterol.2 We predict that the best fit would have an increase in both viscosity and KC.
However, a casualty of this proposal is that it loses the handle on the determination of the neutral surface h in bilayers via eqn (11). Since the χ2 values are not very much higher in Fig. 6, would it be legitimate to invoke eqn (11) as an alternative way to take into account the viscosity? If it were, then using the values of KCD in Fig. 6 and the values of KA and KC from the literature2 in eqn (11) gives values of h/DC to be 0.66, 0.65 and 0.57 for 0%, 30% and 50% cholesterol, respectively. The ratio for DOPC is close to the value 0.65 obtainable from a simulation that reported h at 0.94 nm (ref. 35) and the experimental DC at 1.44 nm.36 These values of h/D are rather smaller than the value of unity often assumed.6 Even if we use R = 40 nm, h/DC is only 0.88 for DOPC. The decrease in h/DC with cholesterol towards the center of its rigid rings also seems intuitively plausible. For comparison, our analysis of the POPC/POPS data7 gives h/DC = 0.75 for R = 30 nm. It might also be mentioned that a finite lateral compressibility 1/KA is central to this approach, whereas the theory in Section 2 assumes zero compressibility. Therefore, further theoretical development has been called for23 that might allow for using NSE to obtain the neutral surface and maybe provide better fits to NSE data.
The second perspective of the dynamical theory in Section 2 is that adding a single linear transport property, namely membrane viscosity ηm, suffices to describe undulational dynamics through the time-dependent relaxation of spontaneous or imposed fluctuations, such as for the autocorrelation function in eqn (4). Viscosity is a traditional quantity for characterizing time-dependent material properties of soft matter. Of course, this perspective recognizes that short-time, high-frequency responses are attenuated, such as in dielectrics. Likewise, for an overdamped spring, there is a single modulus, the spring constant, while the dynamics vary with the viscosity, both internal, analogous to ηm, and external, analogous to water viscosity ηw. It would seem that this latter perspective is more fundamental than just invoking a frequency/time-dependent modulus. It also allows for predictions for relaxation time regimes that have not yet been measured.
It may be interesting to speculate on why the viscosity might increase with cholesterol. Cholesterol increases the bilayer thickness and the lateral chain packing order parameter and decreases the area per lipid,2 Hence, the hydrocarbon chains pack more tightly, thereby providing more steric hindrance to their conformational dynamics. The tighter packing of both the chains and the headgroups would also impede the flow of lipids within the bilayer, making it less fluid. Such lateral fluidity could also be reduced by increased mini-interdigitation of chains near the bilayer center; this would be brought about because cholesterol is too short to reach the midplane, and chains from the other monolayer could fill the gap. In any case, more ordered structures are generally less fluid, which is typically described in soft matter physics as having higher viscosity. However, even though the zero cholesterol case requires viscosity, as emphasized in connection with Fig. 7, we do not necessarily believe that viscosity increases with cholesterol, as will be discussed next.
Table 1 also compares the results for the theoretical stiffened modulus κ that would pertain if lipid lateral diffusion could be frozen. This might also pertain to short-time NSE dynamics before lipid lateral diffusion occurs, although diffusion begins at time zero, and the early NSE relaxation is dominated by the shortest-length scale modes. Nevertheless, κ is easily obtained from the values of α and the equilibrium KC via eqn (10). A comparison is the inclusion of DOPE in POPC, where, like cholesterol, the small PE headgroup induces a large negative spontaneous curvature. In that case, adding 40% DOPE gave a ratio of about 1.3 for κ/KC,11 similar to what is obtained for cholesterol in case 2 in Table 1. Case 3 in Table 1 has a larger value of κ/KC that is suggestive of the three-fold increase in the bending modulus reported earlier.6 However, the intrinsic non-softened κ is not the same as the KCD obtained by setting ηm to zero because KCD/KC is a much larger 8.5 with the addition of 50% cholesterol One might consider using the polymer brush model to extract κ from KCD, but this step has no basis in the theory in Section 2, and it would involve the questionable use of eqn (12) in eqn (11).
It may be noted that a recent simulation shows diffusion of cholesterol that is coupled to undulations.12 That paper also shows that flip–flop is a parallel pathway to couple cholesterol concentration to undulations, and it reported that the kinetics are faster in DOPC bilayers than in DPPC bilayers, consistent with enabling greater diffusional softening. Incidentally, another recent simulation paper, although not reporting lateral diffusion, also found strongly non-universal effects of cholesterol on the static bending modulus with little change in KC when cholesterol was added to DOPC.39
It is also necessary to appreciate how it is possible that cholesterol increases KC for DMPC and DPPC, with saturated chains, and not for unsaturated DOPC even though, alone, these PC lipids likely have values of spontaneous curvature that are all small compared to cholesterol or to PE lipids. If diffusion could be suppressed, then cholesterol would increase KC for both DMPC and DOPC, but likely more for DMPC because cholesterol has a larger effect on the structure of saturated chains.1,2 Then, diffusional softening would decrease KC, but the amounts could also be different because it has been argued that the effective spontaneous curvature of lipids in a mixture are non-additive and therefore can be quite different depending upon the other lipid(s).40
While Fig. 10 emphasizes that the time regime available to NSE is unlikely to discriminate between the three cases, it suggests that they might be discriminated by their behavior at longer times. However, unsurprisingly, the coefficient of lateral diffusion D0 also affects the time course of 〈Δh2(t)〉 as shown for the three case 3 calculations with different values of D0. It should also be mentioned that the traditional inclusion of compression modes26,27,29 would also affect the dynamics at longer times, both for pure lipids and for mixtures. That would make it even more difficult to disentangle the parameters involved in diffusional softening. However, such a theory might justify providing experimental values of the neutral surface h if eqn (11) remains valid.
For the interesting case of cholesterol in DOPC bilayers, we find that the inclusion of viscosity fits the NSE data better while constraining KC to the value obtained from equilibrium measurements. This supports the perspective embedded in the phenomenological theory in Section 2 that a single time-independent bending modulus suffices. Our extension of that theory to include diffusional softening allows us to refine how membrane viscosity may change with the addition of cholesterol. While keeping the same equilibrium KC modulus that does not change when adding cholesterol to DOPC bilayers, the general diffusional softening theory generates a stiffened modulus that has a stiffening factor for 50% cholesterol ranging from 1 to 2.2 for different assumptions that fit the NSE data equally well. Dynamical data at longer times would be required to resolve this ambiguity and, more generally, to determine how much of the effect of cholesterol can be attributed to diffusional softening versus changes in membrane viscosity.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |