Yuen Xiu
Yick Eu
Dominic C. Y.
Bing Shen
a and
aResearch Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, Jalan Simpang Tiga, Kuching, Sarawak 93350, Malaysia. E-mail: 101225820@students.swinburne.edu.my; yechew@swinburne.edu.my; BSHow@swinburne.edu.my; vmurugappan@swinburne.edu.my
bDepartment of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Centre for Green Technologies, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Broga Road, Semenyih, 43500 Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: Dominic.Foo@nottingham.edu.my
First published on 18th December 2024
In recent years, the imperative to minimise carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has become a central concern for both government and business organisations. To address this challenge, process integration tools such as pinch analysis have been widely applied for carbon management. However, existing tools do not consider CO2 emissions, operating costs, and capital costs alongside optimal scheduling for decarbonisation strategies. To address this gap, this paper aims to present a methodology for screening cost-effective decarbonisation strategies and planning these strategies to achieve net-zero emissions in chemical process plants. The effectiveness of the methodology is demonstrated through two case studies on refinery and methanol processes. In the refinery case study, the average carbon intensity was 18.81 t CO2 per k USD of operating cost, with a total CO2 emission of 3722.97 t CO2. Three main CO2 emissions reduction strategies were deployed to achieve a 32% reduction in CO2 emissions which include biomass combined heat and power, hydrogen recycling, and water electrolysis. In the methanol case study, the average carbon intensity was 0.72 t CO2 per k USD, with a total CO2 emission of 19678 t CO2 per day. To achieve a 49% reduction in emissions, strategies such as heat integration, compressor ratio adjustments, and recycle ratio adjustments were employed. The scheduling of these decarbonisation strategies was conducted to evaluate the respective economic feasibility of the payback period and loan required. The results indicate that implementing all strategies simultaneously results in the shortest payback period but incurs a high investment cost, leading to high financial risk. In order to lower the financial risk, the strategies are scheduled one by one by dispersing the investment costs.
Sustainability spotlightIn response to the call for emission reduction in the process industry, this paper presents a novel methodology that identifies and schedules CO2 emissions reduction strategies for process plants to transition towards net-zero emissions by combining the strengths of carbon emission pinch analysis and mathematical optimisation. The methodology is easy to adapt for non-specialists in the field and can be implemented for informed decision support. This work promotes sustainable industrial energy use and notable reductions in CO2 emissions, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). |
Carbon emission pinch analysis (CEPA) was developed initially by Tan and Foo8 as a tool to visualise and plan CO2 emissions reduction strategies for carbon-constrained energy planning for geographical regions. Its adaptation of traditional pinch analysis9 facilitates the evaluation of environmental impact and the identification of minimum low-carbon energy sources for achieving specific carbon emission reductions. With intuitive graphical tools, CEPA facilitates effective communication among stakeholders and decision-makers.10 Subsequent research has expanded CEPA's applications across various contexts. For instance, studies have been published to minimise carbon footprints focused on electricity planning in Ireland,11 India,12 New Zealand,13 Malaysia,14 Trinidad and Tobago,15 Canada,16 and Bangladesh.17 However, existing CEPA applications have primarily focused on macro-scale planning from a top–down perspective, overlooking process level carbon reduction planning. Knowing this, Tjan et al.18 modified the CEPA to cater to planning process retrofits or feedstock adjustments in chemical processes for CO2 emissions reduction. Qin et al.19 further extended CEPA for low-carbon chemical production planning to simultaneously meet the energy demand and carbon emissions limit. However, it was limited to single-product plants. Yap et al.20 addressed this limitation by adapting CEPA for multi-product plants, distinguishing emissions sources into shared and dedicated facilities to rank decarbonisation alternatives at the process level. However, the diverse costs and scalability of these options pose challenges, necessitating a careful evaluation of economic viability, environmental impact, and investment time. The existing methodologies have yet to fully consider the associated capital costs, operating costs, and CO2 emissions, highlighting a crucial area for further development. For instance, most studies at the process level only consider the operating cost for utility expenses. Operating costs must include aspects such as savings from efficiency measures, raw material expenses, and utility costs associated with the decarbonisation strategy. Moreover, the annualised capital cost of these decarbonisation options was not included in past studies (only one study conducted by Ramanath et al.21 has considered this aspect). Lastly, CO2 emissions resulting from these decarbonisation strategies were also omitted. This is vital because it provides a comprehensive understanding of the emissions, costs, and potential cost savings associated with these strategies. On top of that, the existing methodologies are unable to answer the question of “when the identified emission reduction technologies should be installed”. Scheduling, which concerns the timing and sequence of emission reduction strategies is crucial to ensure that the transition plan is economically feasible and can meet the set emission target.
Thus, this paper aims to fill these research gaps by developing a methodology that will consider CO2 emissions, capital, and operating costs related to CO2 emissions reduction strategies, as well as the time required for implementation. This is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of emissions, costs, potential cost savings, and the economic feasibility of transition plans, ensuring that emission reduction targets can be effectively achieved. The impact of deployment time has yet to be considered in previous studies and hence, serves as the key novelty of this research work.
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Fig. 2 Illustrative example of the initial CECC diagram (Yap et al.20). |
The carbon intensity of the corresponding facility is defined as the ratio of CO2 emissions to economic value (slope of the line segment). As a result, the facilities with the highest carbon intensity represent the main contributors of CO2 emissions in the process. Therefore, in order to mitigate the emissions effectively, the CO2 emissions reduction strategies were applied to these facilities with steeper slopes.
![]() | (1) |
0 ≤ fi ≤ bi, ∀i | (2) |
Additionally, the fi is also introduced to the CO2 emissions reduction capacity Ci and the utility demand Di,j. Ci refers to the ability of a CO2 emissions reduction strategy to reduce emissions, measured in terms of the amount of CO2 reduced. Di,j corresponds to the utility (i.e., electric, medium-pressure (MP) steam, high-pressure (HP) steam, and hydrogen), where j represents the corresponding demand utility.
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
These constraints (eqn (3) and (4)) ensure that the total CO2 emissions reduction equals the reduction target t, while the capability to produce utility is limited by the utility demand δj. The utility levels are constrained to be less than or equal to the demand since CO2 emissions are calculated based on the utility demand. Finally, the strategies selected in the previous section play a pivotal role in shaping the final CECC diagram shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) shows the final CECC diagram, focusing on reducing carbon intensity in dedicated facilities, while Fig. 3(b) focuses on shared facilities.
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Fig. 3 Illustrative example of the final CECC diagram: (a) reduced on dedicated facilities and (b) reduced on shared facilities. |
This diagram illustrates the reduction of CO2 emissions and operating costs, thus encapsulating the outcomes achieved. Following the plotting of the final CECC diagram, the dominant slope mentioned in Section 2.2 should be lowered. If the result is insufficient to meet the CO2 emissions reduction target, one should consider additional decarbonisation efforts for the second steepest slope. Then, the results were validated to ensure the data on emissions, energy usage, utilisation cost, and other relevant variables were accurate and up-to-date. Concurrently, the validation process scrutinised whether the outcomes led to reductions or escalations in emissions and savings or increases in costs. If the results are reasonable while the set emissions targets are met, the findings will be documented. Otherwise, if the results are found to be invalid, the data collection and analysis phase should be revisited. The CO2 emissions reduction strategy should be adjusted and refined as necessary. Next, the CECC diagram should be replotted to reflect the updated data and strategies, ensuring that it accurately represents the current state of emissions and potential improvements.
![]() | (5) |
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Fig. 4 Decarbonisation strategy scheduling (a) option 1 – all together, (b) option 2 – step-by-step, and (c) option 3 – generating revenue. |
The investment costs (CI) are calculated by assessing the capital cost associated with implementing the CO2 emissions reduction strategies. For example, it may include buying the equipment or rerouting the pipeline. Meanwhile, the annual cash flows (ACFs) are calculated by determining the operating costs associated with the utilisation expenses. This may consist of cost reduction due to a reduction in the need for fresh feed and grid electricity. As mentioned earlier, decarbonisation strategies have cost and revenue implications. These strategies can also be deployed in multiple ways based on the timeline to show the initial investment cost and the total payback period of the reduction planning. The following are three deployment strategies to implement the decarbonisation strategies, accounting for their implementation time.
• Option 1: Implement all decarbonisation strategies together at one time, as shown in Fig. 4(a). The line starts from a negative project cost due to the capital and initial operating costs associated with the CO2 emissions reduction strategies. The line then touches the x-axis at the payback period and continues upward, generating revenue.
• Option 2: Implement the decarbonisation strategies one by one after they reach the break-even point (intercept on the x-axis) shown in Fig. 4(b). Each slope on the graph represents a distinct decarbonisation strategy, with three strategies exemplified here. Similar to the 1st option, the line starts with a negative project cost and reaches the first breakeven point. Then, the second strategy is applied along the ongoing project timeline at the negative project cost (capital cost of the second strategy). This step is repeated until all targeted reduction strategies are implemented.
• Option 3: Implement the decarbonisation strategies one by one after accumulating sufficient revenue to cover the investment cost of the subsequent strategy, as shown in Fig. 4(c). Unlike option 2, upon reaching the first breakeven point, this option continues with the same set-up for a longer duration in order to collect sufficient revenue to cover the budget needed for the next strategy. Subsequently, the second strategy is applied along the ongoing project timeline, starting with a zero-project cost. The same mechanism will then be applied for scheduling of the remaining emissions reduction strategies.
In fact, the specific sequence in each applied strategy would significantly impact the economic feasibility. Note that the negative project cost shown in Fig. 4 indicates a potential need for bank loans, which can lead to economic losses due to interest payments. Therefore, the strategy's sequence must consider loan requirements and the actual payback period. In order to visualise the capability of each strategy scheduling option in meeting the emission reduction targets, the resultant emission reduction graph is plotted as shown in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5 Illustrative emission reduction performance of strategy scheduling, where the emission reduction target is (a) satisfied, and (b) not satisfied. |
CO2 emissions reduction is plotted against the project timeline, with the red line representing the emission reduction target and the expected completion year for decarbonisation efforts. The step line represents the deployment of each CO2 emissions reduction strategy over the implementation years. When the step line is above the red line, it implies that the strategy scheduling has met the criteria for completing the project within the targeted timeline and achieving the reduction target, as shown in Fig. 5(a). Conversely, if the step line is below the red line, the corresponding strategy scheduling does not meet the reduction target in the expected completion year, as shown in Fig. 5(b).
The effectiveness of the aforementioned methodology is demonstrated through two case studies, i.e., the refinery case (Section 3) and the methanol production case (Section 4).
Sections 3.1–3.4 present the results, discussion, and analysis of applying the step-by-step procedure outlined in Section 2 to the refinery process case study.
• Natural gas combined heat and power (NG-CHP): CHP systems, also known as cogeneration systems, use a single energy source to produce heat and power. In the NG-CHP system, NG is burned as fuel to drive turbines or reciprocating engines, powering electricity generators. The heat generated by the engine or turbine is captured for heat recovery through devices.28
• Biomass-CHP: Similar to NG-CHP, this system converts heat into thermal energy that may be used to produce steam. Utilising waste heat for heating can reduce CO2 emissions by decreasing the need for additional utility inputs.28
• H2 recycling: H2 recycling involves reusing H2 produced during the process as a raw material for the hydrogen-consuming units. For example, the catalytic naphtha reformer in the refinery process produces H2, as shown in Table 4; this H2 can be recycled back into the gas oil hydrocracker process unit. This recycling reduces emissions by minimising the need to generate fresh H2 from coal gasification.
• Water electrolysis: Water electrolysis contributes to CO2 emissions reduction by producing carbon-free H2 using renewable energy sources, such as solar power. This process splits water into H2 and O2 using electricity, thereby reducing CO2 emissions compared to generating H2 by heating natural gas. Water electrolysis leverages renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on coal gasification.29
• Waste heat recovery: Heat integration involves reusing heat energy that would otherwise be wasted or released into the atmosphere. Recovering this waste heat lowers energy costs and CO2 emissions while enhancing energy efficiency.30
The calculations for CO2 emissions reduction capacity, associated costs, and emissions are detailed in the ESI,† with the data summarised in Table 1.
Strategy | CO2 emissions reduction t CO2 per year | Saving cost Mil USD per year | Capital cost Mil USD |
NG-CHP (S1) | 47![]() |
18.85 | 45.51 |
Biomass-CHP (S2) | 83![]() |
2.95 | 15.49 |
H2 recycling (S3) | 84![]() |
1.33 | 1.13 |
Water electrolysis (S4) | 306![]() |
12.18 | 40.72 |
Waste heat recovery (S5) | 2047.42 | 0.12 | 0.19 |
The data, equations, constraints, and objectives are input into Excel Solver. Based on the five proposed reduction strategies, a 32% reduction target is set as their maximum reduction capability has been reached. In case if a higher reduction target is needed, one can consider adding more emissions reduction strategies. The results indicate that the most cost-effective CO2 emissions reduction strategies were selected to achieve the 32% reduction target with minimal TAC. Table 2 presents the outcomes of this analysis, wherein it is observed that S2, S3, and S4 have been selected, with fractional factors fi of 1 for S2, 0.70 for S3, and 0.83 for S4. Besides, the results were found to have a minimum TAC of −1.99 Mil USD (=12.04 + (−14.03) Mil USD), which meets the 32% reduction target (397911.2 t CO2 per year). The negative value of OPEX signifies generated revenue or cost savings as the utility cost of the CO2 emissions reduction strategy is lower than that of procuring fresh utility demand, thereby implying cost savings. Moreover, the selected strategies supplied 3.77 MW of power, 844.46 tons of MP steam, 48.95 tons of HP steam, and 126.61 tons of H2. In summary, three CO2 emissions reduction strategies were ultimately selected as the most economically viable: biomass-CHP, H2 recycling, and water electrolysis. The results indicate a full capacity allocation for biomass-CHP, 69.7% capacity for H2 recycling, and 83.4% capacity for water electrolysis.
Strategy | b i | Annualised CAPEXa Mil USD | f i | OPEX Mil USD | CO2 emission reduction t CO2 per year | D i,j | |||
Power MW | MP t | HP t | H2 t | ||||||
a Calculated by multiplying the CAPEX with annual capital charge ratio (ACCR). Note: ![]() |
S1 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | — | — | — | — |
S2 | 1 | 3.25 | 1 | −2.95 | 83![]() |
3.77 | 844.46 | 48.95 | — |
S3 | 1 | 0.24 | 0.70 | −0.93 | 59![]() |
— | — | — | 21.07 |
S4 | 1 | 8.55 | 0.83 | −10.15 | 255![]() |
— | — | — | 105.54 |
S5 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | — | — | — | — |
Result | 12.04 | — | −14.03 | 397![]() |
3.77 | 844.46 | 48.95 | 126.61 |
These results were then applied to the refinery case study to visualise the decarbonisation efforts by plotting the final CECC diagram shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 shows that the initial slope and length have decreased, reducing CO2 emissions from 3722.97 t per day to 2531.63 t per day and decreasing the economic value from 197.93k USD per day to 156.00k USD per day. Shared facilities contributed 23% CO2 emissions reduction to the total emissions, while dedicated facilities contributed 9%, achieving a total CO2 emissions reduction of 32% in the refinery process. These reductions have saved 27k USD per day and 15k USD per day from shared and dedicated facilities. Thus, this result is feasible as the reduction target has been met and the economic cost has been decreased, resulting in a decrease in carbon intensity from 18.81 to 16.23 t CO2 per k USD.
As shown in Fig. 9, the line commences at the negative side of the y-axis, denoting the initial investment cost (IIC) of 57 Mil USD to implement all the strategies, which also represents the maximum potential loans required. As time progresses (i.e., along the x-axis), the line ascends, indicating a growth in savings generated from reduced purchases of fresh utilities, reaching around 224 Mil USD by year 20. Ultimately, the graph underscores the efficacy of implementing all strategies simultaneously, highlighting a payback period (PBP) of 4.1 years. However, requiring an enormous loan (i.e., 57 Mil USD) may expose decision-makers to a higher business risk. Thus, other strategy scheduling options are considered. For instance, financial risk can be lowered by progressively implementing each strategy (see Fig. 9). The investment cost is spread across the project lifespan, therefore minimising the maximum potential loan needed for a given time.
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Fig. 9 Strategy scheduling in option 2 – refinery process, with (a) and (d) S2 deployed first, (b) and (e) S3 deployed first, and (c) and (f) S4 deployed first. |
Fig. 9(a) and (d) show the schedule beginning with the implementation of biomass-CHP (S2); Fig. 9(b) and (e) show schedules that start with H2 recycling (S3), while those in Fig. 9(c) and (f) start with water electrolysis (S4). As an example, the scheduling option in Fig. 9(a) begins with the deployment of S2, which incurs an initial investment cost of 15 M USD with a payback duration of 5.3 years. Subsequently, S3 is implemented, starting with an investment of 1 Mil USD and generating returns by year 5.5. Finally, S4, with an investment cost of 41 Mil USD, is implemented last, reaching the payback period for this schedule by year 8.5. This implies that this scheduling began to generate profit after 8.5 years, with a revenue of 161 Mil USD by year 20. Among all six results, Fig. 9(c) and (f), which deploy S4 first, result in the shortest payback period of 5.3 years and 5.2 years, respectively. This is due to S4 having the steepest slope, indicating a higher profit rate (10.15 Mil USD per year). Conversely, Fig. 9(a) and (d), which deploy S2 first, result in longer payback periods of 8.5 years and 8.4 years, respectively. This is due to its relatively lower profit rate of 2.95 Mil USD per year compared to that of S4. Besides, by comparing Fig. 9(a) and (d) (and Fig. 9(c) and (f)), one can observe that the deployment sequence of S3 does not significantly impact the payback period. This is different from S2 and S4, where their deployment sequence plays a critical role in the duration of the payback period (see Fig. 9(b) and (e)), which are 8.1 and 6 years, respectively. This is due to the fact that strategy 3 has a lower investment cost (0.237 Mil USD) and profit rate (0.93 Mil USD per year). Besides, option 2 has the lowest maximum investment at a time compared to option 1, indicating lower financial risk. However, options 1 and 2 have the same requirement of total investment costs, potentially leading to high loans. Therefore, other strategy scheduling options are considered. For instance, high loans can be minimised by generating revenue from the reduction strategy, as shown in option 3 (see Fig. 10).
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Fig. 10 Strategy scheduling in option 3 – refinery process, with (a) and (d) S2 deployed first, (b) and (e) S3 deployed first, and (c) and (f) S4 deployed first. |
Fig. 10 shows another six scheduling alternatives based on option 3. Taking Fig. 10(a) as an example, S2 is introduced at the beginning. It incurs an initial investment cost of 15 Mil USD, which is the only loan required for this scheduling. It takes 5.3 years to payback the cost and start generating revenue, which is sufficient to cover the cost of the second strategy. S3 was implemented in year 5.6, with zero economic value, as all revenue was used for the S3 investment. From year 5.6 onwards, it begins generating revenue to cover the investment cost for the third strategy from saving costs achieved by the first and second strategies. The results show that sufficient revenue is generated for S4 deployment by year 16.1, which is deemed as the payback period for this scheduling. Finally, S4 is implemented, initiating profit generation for this scheduling. Among all six results, Fig. 10(c) and (f), which deploy S4, first incur the highest loan needed of 41 Mil USD but result in the shortest payback period, occurring at years 5.6 and 5.5, respectively. Apart from this, S3 does not have any significant impact on the payback period in option 2 but differs in option 3. Fig. 10(b) and (e) show that deploying S3 first results in a significantly longer payback period, spanning across 28.4 and 46.4 years. This is because S3 with a lower profit rate, requires more time to generate revenue for the second strategy, resulting in the longest payback period. Lastly, comparing options 2 and 3, option 3 generally exhibits longer payback periods, as it relies on revenue generation to cover subsequent capital costs rather than taking out loans, posing a lower financial risk than options 1 and 2.
Fig. 8–10 illustrate the potential total loan required and payback period for the various strategy schedules. In order to determine the feasible strategy schedule that meets the reduction target within the desired timeframe, CO2 emissions reduction is plotted against the project timeline, assuming that the reduction target must be achieved within 5 years. Fig. 11 shows that option 1 met the 32% reduction target in the initial year as the selected reduction strategies were implemented simultaneously. The dotted line indicates the year in which the reduction target must be achieved, which is set as 5 years for this case study. However, decision-makers can adjust this timeline by shifting the dotted line to consider shorter or longer targets.
Apart from this, Fig. 12 shows the results of the option 2 strategy scheduling that achieves the 32% reduction target within 5 years. Only two schedules under option 2 have achieved this target within 5 years, as shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b). In contrast, schedules from option 3 have yet to meet the reduction target within 5 years.
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Fig. 12 Targeted CO2 emissions reduction and completion in 5 years for option 2: (a) result from Fig. 9(e) and (b) result from Fig. 9(f). |
The remaining strategy schedules that cannot meet the 5 year target are checked further to evaluate their capability to meet the emissions target if it is set at a later period, e.g., 10 years. Among them, only four results from option 2 strategy scheduling (see Fig. 13) and two results from option 3 strategy scheduling (see Fig. 14) can achieve the 32% reduction target within 10 years.
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Fig. 13 Targeted CO2 emissions reduction and completion in 10 years for option 2: (a) result from Fig. 9(a), (b) result from Fig. 9(b), (c) result from Fig. 9(c), and (d) result from Fig. 9(d). |
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Fig. 14 Targeted CO2 emissions reduction and completion in 10 years for option 3: (a) result from Fig. 10(c), and (b) result from Fig. 10(f). |
To determine the most optimal strategy scheduling, the capability to meet emissions reduction goals serves as a deciding factor. If the goal is set to be met within 5 years, none of the option 3 alternatives are eligible. In this scenario, option 2, which deploys S4 first (see Fig. 12(b)), provides the most effective scheduling for achieving the reduction target within the 5 years' timeframe. Only if the CO2 emissions reduction target is relaxed to be met within 10 years two of the option 3 alternatives become eligible for consideration. In this case, option 3, which also prioritises S4 (see Fig. 14), proves to be the most optimal strategy scheduling to achieve the reduction target within the 10-year timeframe.
These categories allow decision-makers to select the optimal strategy based on the shortest payback period and the lowest maximal investment at a time considering the timeline for achieving reduction targets.
• Heat integration (HI): Maximising heat recovery through heat exchange across each process stream to reduce the need for external heating and cooling utilities.
• Compressor ratio (CR): Changing the compressor ratio alters the process stream outlet temperature, which can help optimise energy usage and reduce the overall carbon footprint.
• Recycle ratio (RR): Changing the recycle ratio impacts the process components by recycling unreacted gases, thereby increasing the efficiency of the reaction and reducing waste and associated CO2 emissions.
The HI strategy is performed using P-HENS,36 a software used to perform heat integration and determine the optimal heat exchanger network design. Moreover, optimised compressor and recycle ratios are determined through case studies conducted in Aspen HYSYS (version 14).37,38 Unlike the strategies proposed in case study 1, the strategies suggested here have synergetic impacts that affect the overall performance. For example, the changes in the recycle ratio would result in changes in the stream data, which then impact the maximum achievable heat recovery through HI. With this, the additional performances of applying HI and CR on top of the RR are computed and tabulated in Table 3.
Strategy | CO2 emissions reduction t CO2 per year | Saving cost Mil USD per year | Capital cost Mil USD |
a Additional benefits or cost contributed by implementing HI in addition to the RR. b Additional benefits or cost contributed by implementing the CR in addition to the RR. | |||
HI (C1) | 682![]() |
14.58 | 234.33 |
CR (C2) | 247![]() |
30.54 | 189.76 |
RR (C3) | 1![]() ![]() |
4371.40 | 7.99 |
RR + HI (C4) | 1![]() ![]() |
85.08a | 393.34a |
RR + CR (C5) | 354![]() |
44.85b | 199.70b |
In this case study, only binary variables are introduced to indicate strategy selection, as the proposed reduction strategies are designed with fixed operating capacity to achieve CO2 emissions reduction. The model does not allow partial implementation of the strategy (e.g., HI is assumed to achieve maximum heat recovery). In addition, constraints are added to the model to reflect the exclusivity of these strategies. For instance, C4 and C5 can only be implemented if C3 is opted. It is worth noting that the benefit of the hybrid strategies (e.g., C4 that conduct HI and RR simultaneously) is not the same as the sum of individual strategies (C1 and C3) since the change in the recycle ratio would affect the potential savings obtained from HI.
Table 4 shows the selected results to achieve a maximum of 49% CO2 emissions reduction with a minimum TAC of −4375.11 Mil USD (=126.22 + (−4501.33) Mil USD). Additionally, it is important to note that strategy C3 has a significantly lower OPEX of −4371.40 Mil USD than other strategies. This is because C3 involves adjusting the recycle ratio to eliminate the recycling of unnecessary inert gases, thereby increasing reactor efficiency and reducing the energy required to recycle large amounts of waste.
Strategy | b i | CAPEX Mil USD | OPEX Mil USD | CO2 emissions reduction t CO2 per year |
a Additional benefits or cost contributed in addition to C3. b Additional benefits or cost contributed in addition to C3. | ||||
C1 | 0 | 49.21 | −14.58 | 682![]() |
C2 | 0 | 39.85 | −30.54 | 247![]() |
C3 | 1 | 1.68 | −4371.40 | 1![]() ![]() |
C4 | 1 | 82.60a | −85.08a | 1![]() ![]() |
C5 | 1 | 41.94b | −44.85b | 354![]() |
Result | 126.22 | −4501.33 | 3![]() ![]() |
Fig. 15(b) shows that the initial length of the shared facilities have decreased, reducing CO2 emissions from 19677.96 t per day to 10
069.12 t per day and decreasing the economic value from 27
391.89k USD per day to 13
914.86k USD per day. Shared facilities contributed 48% to the total CO2 emissions reduction, while dedicated facilities contributed 1%, achieving a total CO2 emissions reduction of 49% in the methanol process. These reductions have saved 13
469.95k USD per day and 7.08k USD per day from shared and dedicated facilities. Thus, this result is feasible as the reduction target has been met and the economic cost has been decreased; however the slope of the overall process carbon intensity still remains the same.
In the presence of budget constraints, the strategy scheduling with a lower IIC is plotted as shown in Fig. 17. Among all six results, Fig. 17(a) and (d), which deploy the RR first, result in the shortest payback period. This is because the RR has the highest profit rate (4371.40 Mil USD) and requires the least IIC. Conversely, Fig. 17(c) and (f), which deploy HI, show the longest payback, as HI has a lower profit rate and the highest investment cost.
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Fig. 17 Strategy scheduling for option 2 – methanol process where, (a) and (d) RR is deployed first, (b) and (e) CR is deployed first, and (c) and (f) HI is deployed first. |
Apart from this, Fig. 18 shows the scheduling of option 3 for the methanol process. It highlighted that deploying HI first (Fig. 18(c) and (f)) also results in the longest payback period, similar to option 2. Additionally, deploying the RR first in option 3 (Fig. 18(a) and (d)) yields the shortest payback period, similar to option 2.
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Fig. 18 Strategy scheduling for option 3 – methanol process where, (a) and (b) RR is deployed first, (b) and (e) CR is deployed first, and (c) and (f) HI is deployed first. |
The strategy scheduling for the methanol process aims to determine the feasible strategy schedule that meets the reduction target within the desired timeframe. Fig. 19 shows that option 1 met the 49% reduction target in the initial year, as the selected reduction strategies were implemented simultaneously.
Fig. 20 and 21 show the results for determining a feasible strategy schedule to meet the 49% reduction target within 5 years. For options 2 and 3, three strategy schedules successfully achieved the 49% reduction target within this timeframe. The remaining strategy schedules are set to reach the target within 10 years. Among the remaining three strategy schedules for each of options 2 and 3, only two met the 49% reduction target within 10 years, as shown in Fig. S3 and S4.†
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Fig. 20 Targeted CO2 emissions reduction and completion in 5 years for option 2: (a) result from Fig. 17(a), (b) result from Fig. 17(b), and (c) result from Fig. 17(d). |
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Fig. 21 Targeted CO2 emissions reduction and completion in 5 years for option 3: (a) result from Fig. 18(a), (b) result from Fig. 18(b), and (c) result from Fig. 18(d). |
The capability to meet emissions reduction goals is critical in determining the most optimal strategy schedule. If the goal is set to be met within 5 years, both option 2 (see Fig. 20) and option 3 (see Fig. 21) are eligible. In this scenario, option 3, which deployed the RR first (see Fig. 21(a) and (c)), provides the most effective scheduling for achieving the reduction target within the 5 years' timeframe. Therefore, option 3 proves to be the most optimal strategy schedule for achieving the reduction target within 5 years while also minimising potential loans and ensuring a short payback period.
However, this work assumes that no lapse time and no profit losses occur during the scheduling of the CO2 emissions reduction strategies, which can introduce uncertainty. Lapse time refers to the downtime during retrofitting, potentially causing profit losses. The economic evaluation focuses on capital and operating costs, without considering factors such as carbon tax, carbon credit, or loan interest rates. To address these limitations, future work can extend the framework presented in this study, by incorporating these cost indicators, including carbon tax and carbon credit mechanisms, alongside the lapse time taken between retrofitting to provide a more comprehensive economic analysis.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4su00636d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |