Issue 30, 2005

Shape and size control of Ag2Se nanocrystals from a single precursor [(Ph3P)3Ag2(SeC{O}Ph)2]


Monodispersed Ag2Se nanocubes and faceted nanocrystals have been synthesized by hexadecylamine (HDA) induced thermolysis of [(PPh3)3Ag2(SeC{O}Ph)2] in a mixture of TOP (tri-n-octyl phosphine) and HDA in the temperature range 95–180 °C.

Graphical abstract: Shape and size control of Ag2Se nanocrystals from a single precursor [(Ph3P)3Ag2(SeC{O}Ph)2]

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 May 2005
27 May 2005
First published
27 Jun 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 3820-3822

Shape and size control of Ag2Se nanocrystals from a single precursor [(Ph3P)3Ag2(SeC{O}Ph)2]

M. T. Ng, C. Boothroyd and J. J. Vittal, Chem. Commun., 2005, 3820 DOI: 10.1039/B506203A

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