Issue 10, 2011

Gas storage in porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs)


A series of porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs) were synthesized via a Yamamoto-type Ullmann reaction containing quadricovalent Si (PAF-3) and Ge (PAF-4). These PAFs are thermally stable up to 465 °C for PAF-3 and 443 °C for PAF-4, corresponding to a 5% weight loss according to the TG pattern. As PAF-1, they exhibit high surface areas (up to 2932 m2 g−1) and excellent adsorption ability to hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. Low pressure gas uptake experiments on PAFs show PAF-3 has the highest heat of adsorption (Qst) of hydrogen (6.6 kJ mol−1) and carbon dioxide (19.2 kJ mol−1), while PAF-4 has the highest Qst for methane adsorption (23.2 kJ mol−1) among PAFs. Gas molecule recognition at 273 K was performed and results show only greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane could be adsorbed onto PAFs.

Graphical abstract: Gas storage in porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs)

Article information

Article type
24 Feb 2011
14 Apr 2011
First published
14 Jun 2011

Energy Environ. Sci., 2011,4, 3991-3999

Gas storage in porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs)

T. Ben, C. Pei, D. Zhang, J. Xu, F. Deng, X. Jing and S. Qiu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 3991 DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01222C

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