Issue 6, 2015

Starch (Tapioca) to carbon dots: an efficient green approach to an on–off–on photoluminescence probe for fluoride ion sensing


Photoluminescent carbon dots of 4–5 nm size were prepared from starch (Tapioca Sago) through a solution method under mild conditions. The as-prepared carbon dots were used as photoluminescence probes for highly anion selective fluoride ion detection in aqueous solutions. A ready-to-use device is also demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Starch (Tapioca) to carbon dots: an efficient green approach to an on–off–on photoluminescence probe for fluoride ion sensing

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Article information

Article type
19 Dec 2014
03 Feb 2015
First published
03 Feb 2015

Analyst, 2015,140, 1837-1841

Author version available

Starch (Tapioca) to carbon dots: an efficient green approach to an on–off–on photoluminescence probe for fluoride ion sensing

A. Basu, A. Suryawanshi, B. Kumawat, A. Dandia, D. Guin and S. B. Ogale, Analyst, 2015, 140, 1837 DOI: 10.1039/C4AN02340D

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