Issue 3, 2016

A side-chain engineering approach to solvent-resistant semiconducting polymer thin films


Side-chain manipulation of isoindigo-thiophene derived conjugated polymers was achieved by statistical copolymerization of two different isoindigo monomers decorated with t-Boc groups and polyisobutylene chains, respectively. The long polyisobutylene side-chains ensured solution-processability of the polymers while the t-Boc groups served as a cleavable H-bond inhibitor. By post-film-casting thermal treatment, the t-Boc groups could be removed efficiently to generate a H-bond cross-linked polymer network, which demonstrated excellent solvent resistance. Organic field-effect transistor devices made from these thin films demonstrated retained electronic properties after being immersed in organic solvents. By taking advantage of the post-annealing solvent resistant feature, multilayered films of the polymers could be fabricated using multiple “casting–annealing–casting–annealing” cycles.

Graphical abstract: A side-chain engineering approach to solvent-resistant semiconducting polymer thin films

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Article information

Article type
15 Oct 2015
09 Nov 2015
First published
10 Nov 2015

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 648-655

Author version available

A side-chain engineering approach to solvent-resistant semiconducting polymer thin films

Z. Guo, N. Ai, C. R. McBroom, T. Yuan, Y. Lin, M. Roders, C. Zhu, A. L. Ayzner, J. Pei and L. Fang, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 648 DOI: 10.1039/C5PY01669J

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