Issue 21, 2019

Crystal structures and luminescence properties of a D–A type CIEgen and its Zn(ii) complexes


A D–A type organic luminogen single crystal (CIE-C) and its two Zn(II) complexes [Zn(CIE-P)(C4H4N2)·CH3OH] (1) and [Zn(CIE-P)(4,4′-bipy)·1.5CH3OH] (2) (CIE-P = 2,3-bis(2,4-dihydroxybenzylideneamino)maleonitrile, C4H4N2 = pyrazine, 4,4′-bipy = 4,4′-bipyridine) have been synthesised and studied. The single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the molecular structure of CIE-C is well planar and the good co-planarity is maintained in the 2D structure; 1 and 2 are all mononuclear complexes. The photoluminescence properties of CIE-C and its Zn(II) complexes have been investigated in the solid state and solution. The novel crystallization-induced emission-enhancement (CIEE) behavior of CIE-C and unusual fluorescence selectivity for THF of 1 and 2 were found.

Graphical abstract: Crystal structures and luminescence properties of a D–A type CIEgen and its Zn(ii) complexes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Apr 2019
25 Apr 2019
First published
26 Apr 2019

CrystEngComm, 2019,21, 3322-3329

Crystal structures and luminescence properties of a D–A type CIEgen and its Zn(II) complexes

J. Song, G. Liu, L. Hao, F. Zhang and H. Li, CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 3322 DOI: 10.1039/C9CE00534J

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