Issue 43, 2022

Development of a new paper-based voltage step electrocoagulation technique and application to wine classification


This study developed a novel voltage step electrocoagulation (VSEC) technique on paper for analysis and classification of red wine samples. The concept relies on the electrode system applying voltage steps along a strip of filter paper soaked with a wine sample. The system employed a cathode array system (CAS) for voltage step application and an aluminium anode undergoing corrosion to form the green sludges responsible for wine color bleaching along the paper. The VSEC technique led to the shade of colors along the paper which can be observed by the naked-eye or using image processing software. The system was applied to classify 15 wine samples into different groups and to perform dilution and adulteration tests. In addition, the approach could be applied to approximate antioxidant properties of the wine samples as observed via the correlation between the results from VSEC and IC50 values obtained from the DPPH assay with an R2 of 0.76.

Graphical abstract: Development of a new paper-based voltage step electrocoagulation technique and application to wine classification

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Article information

Article type
08 Aug 2022
27 Sep 2022
First published
28 Sep 2022

Anal. Methods, 2022,14, 4344-4351

Development of a new paper-based voltage step electrocoagulation technique and application to wine classification

M. Phichi, P. Chobpradit, T. Nhujak, W. Aeungmaitrepirom and C. Kulsing, Anal. Methods, 2022, 14, 4344 DOI: 10.1039/D2AY01267G

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