Issue 47, 2022

Designing a ferrimagnetic-ferroelastic multiferroic semiconductor in FeMoClO4 nanosheets via element substitution


Exploring two-dimensional multiferroic semiconductors, combined with ferro-/ferrimagnetism and ferroelasticity as well as large spin polarization around the valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM), is highly desirable but remains a challenging task. Here, via first-principles calculations, we predict such a material based on the square phase FeMoClO4 nanosheet, which is experimentally accessible by exfoliating its layered bulk. Pristine FeMoClO4 nanosheets are a weak antiferromagnet with zero spin polarization. After substituting nonmagnetic Mo with magnetic Mn, the resulting FeMnClO4 nanosheet becomes ferrimagnetic with magnetic ordering temperature significantly enhanced from 14 to 127 K. Besides, the FeMnClO4 nanosheet is a half semiconductor with its VBM and CBM 100% spin-polarized in the same spin direction. Interestingly, the initial square lattice is distorted into a rectangular one, inducing an in-plane ferroelasticity in the FeMnClO4 nanosheet with a switching barrier of 27 meV per atom. Moreover, under ferroelastic transition, the orientation of the magnetic easy axis can be reversibly rotated by 90°, indicating a strong magnetoelastic coupling.

Graphical abstract: Designing a ferrimagnetic-ferroelastic multiferroic semiconductor in FeMoClO4 nanosheets via element substitution

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Article information

Article type
25 Sep 2022
13 Nov 2022
First published
14 Nov 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 17694-17699

Designing a ferrimagnetic-ferroelastic multiferroic semiconductor in FeMoClO4 nanosheets via element substitution

L. Yan, X. Liu, P. Gao, X. Li and X. Li, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 17694 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR05277F

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