Issue 42, 2022

Molecular dynamics simulation study of adsorption of anionic–nonionic surfactants at oil/water interfaces


Four anionic–nonionic surfactants with the same headgroups and different units of oxygen ethyl (EO) and oxygen propyl (PO) were adopted to investigate the influence on oil/water interfacial tensions in this article. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted to study the interfacial property of the four surfactants. Four parameters were proposed to reveal the effecting mechanism of molecular structure on interfacial tension, which included the interfacial thickness, order parameter of the hydrophobic chain, radial distribution function, and the solvent accessible surface area. In addition, the electrostatic potential of the four surfactants was calculated. The research results indicated that the interface facial mask formed by the surfactants, which contained three EO or three PO units was more stable, and it was easier for the surfactants of six EO or six PO units to form a microemulsion at higher concentrations. The adsorption mechanism of the anionic–nonionic surfactant systems at the oil/water interfaces was supplemented at a molecular level, which provided fundamental guidance for an in-depth understanding of the optimal selection of the surfactants in enhancing oil recovery.

Graphical abstract: Molecular dynamics simulation study of adsorption of anionic–nonionic surfactants at oil/water interfaces

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Article information

Article type
30 Jul 2022
10 Sep 2022
First published
27 Sep 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 27330-27343

Molecular dynamics simulation study of adsorption of anionic–nonionic surfactants at oil/water interfaces

P. Shi, H. Luo, X. Tan, Y. Lu, H. Zhang and X. Yang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 27330 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA04772A

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