Issue 26, 2023

Photoexcited cobalt catalysed endo-selective alkyl Heck reaction


Herein, we report an intramolecular endo-selective Heck reaction of iodomethylsilyl ethers of phenols and alkenols. The reaction leads to the formation of seven- and eight-membered siloxycycles in excellent yields, which could be further converted into the corresponding allylic alcohols upon oxidation. Thus, this method could be used for the selective (Z)-hydroxymethylation of o-hydroxystyrenes and alkenols. Rapid scan EPR experiments and DFT calculations suggest a concerted β-hydrogen elimination event to take place in the triplet state.

Graphical abstract: Photoexcited cobalt catalysed endo-selective alkyl Heck reaction

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Article information

Article type
22 Dec 2022
23 Feb 2023
First published
24 Feb 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 3862-3865

Photoexcited cobalt catalysed endo-selective alkyl Heck reaction

C. Wang, L. M. Azofra, P. Dam, E. J. Espinoza-Suarez, H. T. Do, J. Rabeah, A. Brückner and O. El-Sepelgy, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 3862 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC06967A

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