Issue 7, 2023

A simple monoselective C–H oxygenation approach for the synthesis of ursane triterpenoids


Herein, we presented a simple approach for C–H oxidation in the C23 or/and C24 of ursane triterpenoids without any protection of a Δ12,13 double bond. As a result, from commercial ursolic acid (UA), six naturally occurring ursane triterpenoids were synthesized in overall yields of 3.4% to 36.8%, which implied the importance of this approach for the derivation of natural products and their application in biological activity.

Graphical abstract: A simple monoselective C–H oxygenation approach for the synthesis of ursane triterpenoids

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Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2023
12 Jan 2023
First published
13 Jan 2023

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023,21, 1395-1398

A simple monoselective C–H oxygenation approach for the synthesis of ursane triterpenoids

W. Mei, S. Fan, Y. Han, C. Shi, L. Qiu, Y. Shen, Z. Zhao, Y. Xu and H. Li, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 1395 DOI: 10.1039/D3OB00016H

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