Issue 44, 2024

Modeling the ionization mechanism of amorphous solid particles without an external energy source coupled to mass spectrometry


Ionization via desorption of charged analytes from the surface of solid amorphous glutaric acid particles, without the assistance of an external energy source, has been shown to be a promising method that can be coupled to mass spectrometry. We conduct mechanistic studies of the later stages of this ionization process using atomistic molecular dynamics. Our analysis focuses on the hydrogen bonding, diffusion, and ion desorption from nano-aggregates of glutaric acid. These nano-aggregates exhibit an extended H-bonded network, often comprising H-bonded chains, linear dimeric assemblies, and occasionally cyclic trimeric assemblies. These local structures serve as centers for proton transfer reactions. The intermediate hydrocarbon chain between the proton-carrying oxygen sites prevents proton diffusion over a long distance unless there is significant translational or rotational movement of the proton-carrying diacid molecule. Our calculations show that diffusion on the surface is an order of magnitude faster than in the core of the nano-aggregate, which aids effective proton transfer on the particle's exterior. We find that ionic species desorb from the aggregate's surface through independent evaporation events of small clusters, where the ion is coordinated by only a few glutaric acid molecules. Near the nano-aggregate's Rayleigh limit, jets capable of releasing multiple ions were not observed. These observations suggest a more general ion-evaporation mechanism that applies to low-dielectric particles of various sizes, complementing the original ion-evaporation mechanism proposed for aqueous droplets with an approximate radius of 10–15 nm. The combined evidence from molecular modeling presented here and the thermodynamic properties of solid and supercooled liquid glutaric acid indicates that the stronger signals of glutaric acid observed in the mass spectra, relative to other experimentally tested diacids, can be attributed to its significantly lower melting point and the reduced enthalpy of vaporization of its amorphous state compared to other tested diacids.

Graphical abstract: Modeling the ionization mechanism of amorphous solid particles without an external energy source coupled to mass spectrometry

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Article information

Article type
17 Sep 2024
23 Oct 2024
First published
23 Oct 2024

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 28220-28233

Modeling the ionization mechanism of amorphous solid particles without an external energy source coupled to mass spectrometry

S. Consta, L. M. Wingen, Y. Qin, V. Perraud and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 28220 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03597F

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