Accelerating protein aggregation and amyloid fibrillation for rapid inhibitor screening†
The accumulation and deposition of amyloid fibrils, also known as amyloidosis, in tissues and organs of patients has been found to be linked to numerous devastating neurodegenerative diseases. The aggregation of proteins to form amyloid fibrils, however, is a slow pathogenic process, and is a major issue for the evaluation of the effectiveness of inhibitors in new drug discovery and screening. Here, we used microdroplet reaction technology to accelerate the amyloid fibrillation process, monitored the process to shed light on the fundamental mechanism of amyloid self-assembly, and demonstrated the value of the technology in the rapid screening of potential inhibitor drugs. Proteins in microdroplets accelerated to form fibrils in milliseconds, enabling an entire cycle of inhibitor screening for Aβ40 within 3 minutes. The technology would be of broad interest to drug discovery and therapeutic design to develop treatments for diseases associated with protein aggregation and fibrillation.