Issue 8, 2024

Skin-adhesive and self-healing diagnostic wound dressings for diabetic wound healing recording and electrophysiological signal monitoring


Performing efficient wound management is essential for infected diabetic wounds due to the complex pathology. Flexible electronics have been recognized as one of the promising solutions for wound management. Herein, a kind of skin-adhesive and self-healing flexible bioelectronic was developed, which could be employed as a diagnostic wound dressing to record diabetic wound healing and monitor electrophysiological signals of the patients. The flexible substrate of diagnostic wound dressings showed excellent tissue adhesive (to various substrates including biological samples), self-healing (fracture strength restores by 96%), and intrinsic antibacterial properties (antibacterial ratio >96% against multidrug-resistant bacteria). The diagnostic wound dressings could record the glucose level (1–30 mM), pH values (4–7), and body temperature (18.8–40.0 °C) around the infected diabetic wounds. Besides, the dressings could help optimize treatment strategies based on electrophysiological signals of patients monitored in real-time. This study contributes to developing flexible bioelectronics for the diagnosis and management of diabetic wounds.

Graphical abstract: Skin-adhesive and self-healing diagnostic wound dressings for diabetic wound healing recording and electrophysiological signal monitoring

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Article information

Article type
01 déc. 2023
07 févr. 2024
First published
09 févr. 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 1997-2009

Skin-adhesive and self-healing diagnostic wound dressings for diabetic wound healing recording and electrophysiological signal monitoring

Z. Hou, T. Wang, L. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhou, Z. Zhang, P. Li and W. Huang, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 1997 DOI: 10.1039/D3MH02064A

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