a and
aSchool of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China. E-mail:;
bSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, China
First published on 6th March 2024
Developing novel materials with excellent nonlinear optical response and ultrafast carrier dynamics is of great significance for the development of optoelectronic devices. In this contribution, amorphous Fe-doped ZIF-67 (Fe-ZIF-67) was successfully synthesized and characterized in detail. Femtosecond-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) clearly revealed the ultrafast carrier dynamics of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67. The results showed that amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 exhibited a deeper photoinduced bleaching valley and a higher photoinduced absorption peak when compared with the crystalline ZIF-67. Meanwhile, the introduction of Fe ions promoted the charge transfer in ZIF-67 and significantly inhibited the photogenerated carrier recombination, thus greatly enhancing the nonlinear optical response of Fe-ZIF-67. This indicates its great potential in nonlinear optical applications. In addition, amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 displayed excellent nonlinear saturation absorption features at 1.5 μm, with a modulation depth of 3.1% and a saturation light intensity of 1.84 MW cm−2. Subsequently, Fe-ZIF-67 was inserted into an erbium-doped fiber ring cavity to generate conventional soliton mode-locking laser pulses with a pulse width of 1.23 ps and a wavelength of 1560.8 nm. Surprisingly, the harmonic order of mode locking could be tuned by adjusting the polarization controller (PC), which is different from the previously known method of adjusting the pump power. Finally, a 95th-order harmonic mode-locking pulse output was obtained with a repetition rate of 694.8 MHz. Compared to the crystalline ZIF-67 saturable absorber (SA), amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 SA increased the mode-locking frequency to the order of several hundred megahertz. Therefore, it is of great significance to synthesize amorphous advanced MOF functional materials by changing the crystal structure through doping and to further investigate their feasibility for application in the field of optoelectronics.
As a subclass of MOFs, zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are composed of a negatively charged imidazolate ligand (im−) combined with a tetrahedral coordination bivalent cation (M2+ = Zn2+ or Co2+).16 Due to their permanent porosity and remarkable thermochemical stability, they have been extensively explored in the fields such as gas adsorption/storage,17 batteries,18 sensors,19 molecular separations,20,21 and catalysts.22,23 In addition, the close structural similarities between ZIFs and zeolitic silica polymorphs make ZIFs an attractive candidate for amorphization.4,24,25 At present, inorganic zeolites can be transformed into amorphous structures under pressure or temperature.26 Moreover, amorphous counterparts have also been reported to be obtained by structural collapse or melt quenching of the crystal parent material.9 Among the many ZIF materials, ZIF-67 stands out because of its good thermal stability, large specific surface area, and excellent physical properties.27 On the other hand, ZIF-67 exhibits the prominent nonlinear saturation absorption effect and can exist stably in the aqueous phase and most organic solvents. Inspired by the above facts, we selected crystalline ZIF-67 as the precursor and successfully changed the crystalline ZIF-67 into amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 through Fe ion doping and high-temperature calcination. Because Fe ions and Co ions in ZIF-67 are adjacent in the periodic table, with similar physical and chemical properties, and the similar ionic radius leads to easier doping into ZIF-67. Besides, Fe ions have the polyvalent property, resulting in lattice defects and oxygen vacancies during doping.28 Therefore, it is regarded as an ideal doping material.
In this paper, the ordered structure and electron configuration of ZIF-67 were effectively adjusted via Fe doping, so amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 was successfully prepared. Then, we characterized the morphology, elemental composition, valence state, and crystallinity of Fe-ZIF-67. These results indicate that Fe elements were successfully doped into crystalline ZIF-67 to form the amorphous Fe-ZIF-67. Additionally, the carrier dynamics in Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 were investigated by using the ultrafast TAS. The fast response time of Fe-ZIF-67 demonstrates its great potential for generating ultrashort pulses in continuous wave mode-locking. Then, Fe-ZIF-67 was deposited on the tapered fiber, and the modulation depth of 3.1% and the saturable intensity of 1.84 MW cm−2 were measured. By inserting Fe-ZIF-67 into the erbium-doped fiber ring cavity and adjusting the pump power to 185.5 mW, the conventional soliton mode-locking with a wavelength of 1560.8 nm, a pulse width of 1.23 ps and a repetition frequency of 7.31 MHz can be achieved. When the pump power was increased to 387 mW, the soliton cluster pulse and the 95-order harmonic mode-locking with the highest frequency of 694.8 MHz appeared after optimizing the polarization state in the resonator. This work indicates that amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 with excellent nonlinear optical properties may serve as a new alternative material for ultrafast photonics in the future.
To prove the validity of the prepared sample, we performed a series of characterizations on it. Fig. 1(a) shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of Fe-ZIF-67. From the figure, we can see that some fine particles were attached to the rough surface of the sample. Although the sample maintains the morphology of ZIF-67, the regular structure of ZIF-67 has collapsed. The rough surface and collapsed structure of the sample are conducive to full interaction with the signal laser. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of Fe-ZIF-67 is shown in Fig. 1(b), and Fe-ZIF-67 generally retains the rhombohedral shape of ZIF-67, which is consistent with the SEM characterization. The energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) of Fe-ZIF-67 measured using a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) at a 250 nm resolution is shown in Fig. 1(c)–(f). Fig. 1(c) is the mixed element mapping diagram of Fe-ZIF-67. Fig. 1(d)–(f) show the element distribution mapping of the doped elements Fe, C and N in ZIF-67, respectively. The results indicate that Fe, C, and N elements are uniformly distributed in the sample, and Fe ions were successfully doped into ZIF-67.
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Fig. 1 (a) SEM image; (b) TEM image; (c) EDS element mapping images; (d) corresponding Fe element distribution; (e) corresponding C element distribution; (f) corresponding N element distribution. |
To analyze the crystal structure of Fe-ZIF-67, X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization was performed. As shown in Fig. 2(a), pure ZIF-67 has a sharp diffraction peak, indicating that ZIF-67 has excellent crystallinity. Under the condition of no calcination, the doping of Fe elements converts most of the crystalline ZIF-67 into amorphous Fe-ZIF-67, but still remains part of the crystallization of ZIF-67. All diffraction peaks of Fe-ZIF-67 obtained by calcination at 250 °C in a tube furnace disappear, so the prepared Fe-ZIF-67 is completely amorphous. This also fully indicates that it is an effective strategy to convert crystalline ZIF-67 into amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 by doping Fe and calcination to adjust the electronic configuration and destroy the original crystal structure of the material. The Raman spectra obtained at 532 nm emission are shown in Fig. 2(b), where the Raman peaks at 1316.8 cm−1 and 1461.9 cm−1 correspond to ZIF-67.29 These wide and weak Raman peaks further confirm that Fe-ZIF-67 was amorphous. The absorption characteristics of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 in the wavelength range of 200–2500 nm were measured by ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectroscopy. As shown in Fig. 2(c), the introduction of Fe ions changes the absorption peak of ZIF-67 into a wide unbiased absorption band, possibly because the charge transfer between Fe and ZIF-67 reduces the valence electron transition between different excited states in ZIF-67. At 1.5 μm waveband, Fe-ZIF-67 has an absorption coefficient (0.63) about twice that of ZIF-67 (0.37), which has the potential to generate ultrafast pulses as a SA in the Erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL). To further characterize the elemental composition, chemical state, and molecular structure of Fe-ZIF-67, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was implemented. Fig. 2(d) shows the XPS spectrum of Fe 2p, which can be decomposed into five peaks, among which the peaks at 710.6 eV and 723.38 eV correspond to Fe2+,30 the peak at 713.55 eV corresponds to the peak of Fe3+ 2p3/2,31 716.67 eV corresponds to the satellite peak,32 and the peak at 719.64 eV comes from elemental Fe0.33 This shows that the Fe element in Fe-ZIF-67 mainly exists in the form of +2 and +3. The Co 2p spectrum of Fe-ZIF-67 is shown in Fig. 2(e), where the Co 2p3/2 peak is the main peak and the Co 2p1/2 peak is the shoulder peak. Co 2p3/2 consists of Co3+ with a binding energy of 780.4 eV,34 Co2+ with a binding energy of 782.6 eV,35 and two satellite peaks with a binding energy of 785.5 eV and 788.8 eV.35,36 Co 2p1/2 is composed of Co3+ (796.18 eV) and satellite peak (802 eV).35 As shown in Fig. 2(f), the XPS spectrum of C 1s can be decomposed into three different components, corresponding to C–C (284.8 eV), C–O–C (286.2 eV), and O–CO (288.4 eV).37 Thus, according to the above characterization results, it was further confirmed that the Fe element was successfully doped into ZIF-67.
To better explore the carrier dynamics of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67, the carrier recovery process was measured by femtosecond-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy. Pump light with a wavelength of 400 nm efficiently excites electrons, and wide-band white light of 800 to 1200 nm is used to probe light. Fig. 3(a)–(f) compares the variation of ΔA with the pump–probe delay time τ of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 when the probe wavelength λ is 900–1150 nm under exactly the same pumping conditions. ΔA is the absorption difference of the sample with or without pumped laser excitation and is used to reveal the high/low excited state absorption intensity. As shown in Fig. 3(a)–(f), the whole transient absorption process of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 can be divided into three parts. Process I is a symmetric peak with negative ΔA and a duration of about 250 fs. ΔA rapidly drops to a negative valley value in process I, because the electrons of the ground state absorption pump light transition to the excited state, resulting in a decrease in the population of the ground state electrons, an increase in the population of the excited state electrons, and the absorption of the excited sample to the probe light is less than that of the unexcited sample to the probe light, that is, photoinduced bleaching (PB).38 In the subsequent II process in the range of about 0.5 ps, ΔA gradually increases to a positive value and a maximum peak appears. This maximum peak is called the photoinduced absorption (PA) peak and can be attributed to the hot carrier's relaxation and thermalization process or excited-state absorption.38–40 Subsequently, ΔA in region III dropped rapidly from its maximum and remained essentially constant thereafter. This long recovery process in region III is mainly attributed to the Auger recombination process.41 From Fig. 3(a)–(f), there is a strong PA signal at the probe wavelength of 900–1200 nm, which is consistent with the strong absorption of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 in the UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectrum shown in Fig. 2(c). On the other hand, the PB signal presented by TAS indicates the broadband saturable absorption characteristics of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67. Fig. 3(g) and (h) summarize the change of the PB valley and PA peak of the transient absorption response of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 with the probe wavelength. The PB valley and PA peaks of Fe-ZIF-67 and ZIF-67 showed an enhanced trend with the redshift of the probe wavelength. Compared with ZIF-67, Fe-ZIF-67 has a deeper PB valley and a higher PA peak, and the enhancement trend is more obvious, which indicates that Fe-ZIF-67 has stronger photoabsorption and photobleaching ability. This also indicates that the carrier density in Fe-ZIF-67 is higher than that of pure ZIF-67, its saturable absorption capacity is stronger, and then its nonlinear optical properties are better. The TAS curve shown in Fig. 3(a)–(f) is fitted with a three-exponential decay function in eqn (1):
ΔA = A1·exp(−t/τ1) + A2·exp(−t/τ2) + A3·exp(−t/τ3) | (1) |
The nonlinear absorption characteristics of amorphous Fe-ZIF-67 were measured using a self-built twin-balanced detector system. The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 4(a). The center wavelength of the self-made pulsed laser source is 1556 nm, the pulse width is 1.1 ps, and the fundamental frequency is 12.93 MHz. A variable optical attenuator (VOA) is used to adjust the power of the incident light that excites the saturable absorption response of the material. A 50:
50 output coupler (OC) divides the beam into two equal parts, one of which acts as a reference light and the other passes through the Fe-ZIF-67 SA, the power ratio is the transmittance T. Fig. 4(b) shows the experimental results of the measured transmittance varying with the laser intensity. With the increase of the incident light intensity, the transmittance increases rapidly and tends to saturation. The transmittance curve was fitted by eqn (2):46
T = 1 − ΔT·exp(−I/Is) − Tns | (2) |
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Fig. 4 (a) Installation diagram of Fe-ZIF-67 saturation absorption curve measurement system; (b) the nonlinear transmittance curve. |
Inserting the Fe-ZIF67 saturable absorber into the ring cavity, we carefully rotated the PC, and the CS mode-locking was achieved. Fig. 6(a) shows the optical spectrum of CS with a central wavelength of 1560.8 nm and a 3 dB spectral bandwidth of 2.6 nm. The Kelly sidebands are symmetrically distributed on either side of the central wavelength. Fig. 6(b) presents the mode-locking pulse train with a similar pulse intensity and pulse interval of 136.6 ns, corresponding to the length of the ring cavity of 28 m. The pulse width was measured by the autocorrelator, and the autocorrelation trace is shown in Fig. 6(c). Fitting the trace with the sech2 function, the pulse width was 1.23 ps, corresponding to the TBP (time-bandwidth product) was 0.393, which was slightly larger than the Fourier transform limit value (0.315), indicating that the pulse has a little chirp. To verify the stability of the mode-locking, we observed the radio frequency (RF) spectrum, as can be seen from Fig. 6(d), the central frequency was 7.31 MHz, which matched the pulse interval, indicating that the operation was in the fundamental frequency mode-locking state. Besides, the SNR of the laser can reach 50 dB, so the intracavity mode-locking state operated stably. Further increasing the pump power, the mode-locking operation was still maintained, and the optical spectra under different pump powers were recorded. We can see from Fig. 6(e) that the central wavelength was unchanged with the increase of the pump power, but the Kelly sidebands became apparent. With the increase of the pump power, the constructive interference between solitons and perturbed dispersive waves in the fiber laser cavity was enhanced, so the Kelly sideband became more obvious. What's more, the output power of the mode-locking operation under different pump power is depicted in Fig. 6(f). The output power increases linearly with the pump power, and the maximum output power is 3.152 mW at the pump power of 387 mW, corresponding to a single pulse energy of 0.43 nJ.
Carefully rotating the PC so that the intracavity birefringence was in the proper state, the phase relationship between the multiple solitons could be fixed, and the solitons were finally clustered together. When the pump power was kept at 387 mW, the solitons were tightly clustered together to form a large envelope, that is, a cluster of solitons was obtained. Fig. 7(a) shows a sequence of soliton clusters displayed on an oscilloscope. The interval between soliton clusters is 136.6 ns, which is consistent with the pulse interval of CS mode-locking at the fundamental frequency. Fig. 7(b) is a single soliton cluster magnified in Fig. 7(a). The soliton cluster contains five pulses, varying in intensity and time interval. Fig. 7(c) shows the spectrum of the soliton cluster. There is continuous light at the top of the spectrum, which is the result of the interaction between the nonlinear effect of Fe-ZIF67 and the birefringence effect in the cavity. Compared with the spectrum of CS, the spectrum of the soliton cluster features dip-sidebands. The reason for dip-sideband formation can be attributed to the destructive interference and four-wave mixing of solitons and dispersive waves in the laser cavity. With the pump power still at 387 mW, we continue to adjust the PC, and we regain the CS mode-locking at the fundamental frequency, as shown in Fig. 7(d), the pulse interval is still 136.6 ns, but compared to the CS mode-locking pulse train in Fig. 6(b), we can find traces of pulses below the baseline, which may indicate that the pulse is about to split. Surprisingly, without increasing the pump power, we only slightly changed the direction of the PC to achieve the pulse interval from 45.6 ns to 1.98 ns adjustable mode-locking operation, the corresponding repetition frequency of 21.93 MHz to 504.6 MHz, the corresponding harmonic order of 3 to 69. The 3rd and 69th-order harmonic mode-locking pulse sequences are shown in Fig. 7(e) and (f). By constantly adjusting the PC, we finally realized the 95th-order harmonic mode-locking with the minimum pulse interval of 1.44 ns, and the pulse train is shown in Fig. 7(g). The corresponding spectrum is shown in Fig. 7(h). The central wavelength of the mode-locking is 1561.1 nm, there is a continuous light component at the top of the spectrum, and the Kelly sideband is obvious on both sides. Fig. 7(i) provides the RF spectrum of 95th-order harmonic mode-locking, the center frequency is 694.8 MHz, corresponding to the mode-locking pulse interval of 1.44 ns, and the signal-to-noise ratio of mode-locking is about 40 dB, indicating that the mode-locking operation has excellent stability. Table 1 summarizes the mode-locking operation parameters based on some ZIF-67, iron oxides, and other materials as saturable absorbers. As can be seen from the table, at 1.5 μm, the mode-locking operation achieved based on ZIF-67 and iron oxides is the fundamental frequency, with a frequency of tens of MHz. By doping ZIF-67 with Fe, the mode-locking frequency was successfully increased to the order of several hundred MHz. The high repetition frequency laser has important applications in high-speed optical communication, spectroscopy, accurate measurement, and other fields. Table 1 also indicates that Fe-ZIF-67 has excellent saturable absorption effect, and provides a strategy to modify ZIF-67 with doping to achieve high repetition frequency mode-locking pulse output. In the future work, Fe-ZIF-67 can be combined with organic materials with excellent nonlinear optical properties,58 and the parameters of the fiber cavity can be theoretically simulated,59,60 and more advanced optoelectronics technology can be used,61,62 to achieve a pulse fiber laser with better performance.63
Material | λ (nm) | Integration method | Maximum repetition frequency (MHz) | Ref. |
ZIF-67 | 1557.2 | D-shape fiber | 9.02 | 47 |
ZIF-67 | 1559.7 | Ferrule | 12.65 | 48 |
ZIF-8@ZIF-67 | 1565.6 | Tapered fiber | 7.29 | 49 |
rGO-ZIF-67 | 1529.8 | Tapered fiber | 5.53 | 50 |
Fe3O4 | 1572.4 | Ferrule | 2.81 | 51 |
Fe3O4 | 1595 | Ex-TFG | 15.84 | 52 |
Fe3O4 | 1558 | Ferrule | 37.32 | 53 |
PbTe | 1569.9 | Tapered fiber | 6.25 | 54 |
γ-MnO2 | 1561 | Dual-core, pair-hole fiber | 600 | 55 |
Cu2O | 1556.8 | Tapered fiber | 980 | 56 |
Bi2O2Te | 1558.9 | Tapered fiber | 1780 | 57 |
Fe-ZIF-67 | 1561.1 | Tapered fiber | 694.8 | This work |
Footnote |
† L. K. and Y. S. contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2024 |