Issue 49, 2024

Applications and interventions of polymers and nanomaterials in alveolar bone regeneration and tooth dentistry


Inflammatory diseases exert a significant influence on the periodontium, serving as a primary contributor to the development of periodontitis. The advancement of periodontitis, characterized by manifestations, such as gingival recession, increased periodontal pocket depth and resorption across the alveolar bone, cementum and periodontal ligaments, poses a significant risk of dental detachment. Untreated or delayed treatment further worsens these deleterious outcomes. This emphasizes the critical importance of timely and effective interventions in reducing the consequences associated with periodontitis. Addressing these challenges requires to focus on the fabrication of bioactive materials, particularly scaffolds, as pivotal elements in tissue engineering processes aimed at alveolar bone regeneration. The incorporation of natural polymers, particularly their amalgamation with clays and clay minerals, such as montmorillonite and LAPONITE®, has been identified as a prospective pathway for advancing biomaterials in the realm of dentistry. This amalgamation holds significant potential for the production of biomaterials with enhanced properties, underscoring its relevance and applicability in dental research. This review paper explores the current advancements in natural polymer-based biomaterials employed in various dental applications, including oral caries, regenerative medicine and alveolar bone regeneration. The principal aim of this investigation is to briefly compile and present the existing knowledge while updating information on the utilization of natural polymers in the formulation of biomaterials. Additionally, the paper aims to elucidate their applications within contemporary research trends and developments in the field of odontology. This article extensively delves into pertinent research to assess the progress of nanotechnology in the context of tissue regeneration and the treatment of oral diseases.

Graphical abstract: Applications and interventions of polymers and nanomaterials in alveolar bone regeneration and tooth dentistry

Article information

Article type
Review Article
22 ágú. 2024
27 okt. 2024
First published
12 nóv. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 36226-36245

Applications and interventions of polymers and nanomaterials in alveolar bone regeneration and tooth dentistry

P. Sharma, S. Saurav, Z. Tabassum, B. Sood, A. Kumar, T. Malik, A. Mohan and M. Girdhar, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 36226 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA06092J

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