Themed collection Nordic Collection

Low-concentration CO2 capture using metal–organic frameworks – current status and future perspectives
Metal–organic frameworks with tailored pore sizes, structures and surface chemistry are promising sorbents for CO2 capture from low concentration CO2 sources.
Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 1841-1856
New relativistic quantum chemical methods for understanding light-induced therapeutics
The inorganic platinum complexes currently in clinical use for cancer treatment have severe side effects, and complexes with fewer side effects are required. Here we discuss recently developed theoretical methods that can help in the search for new anti-cancer drugs.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16055-16064

Parahydrogen-induced polarization study of imine hydrogenations mediated by a metal-free catalyst
Imine hydrogenations with parahydrogen mediated by a metal-free ansa-aminoborane catalyst (QCAT) lead to nuclear spin hyperpolarization of amine products and catalytic intermediates. These observations provide mechanistic insights into the reaction.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 13606-13611
Dye encapsulation and one-pot synthesis of microporous–mesoporous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for CO2 sorption and adenosine triphosphate biosensing
One-pot co-precipitation of target molecules e.g. organic dyes and the synthesis of a crystal containing microporous–mesoporous regimes of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-8 (ZIF-8) are reported.
Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 2506-2517

Co-precipitation of Mg-doped Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)2: effect of magnesium doping and washing on the battery cell performance
Co-precipitation of Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)2 (NCM811) and Mg-doped (0.25 wt% and 0.5 wt%) NCM811 precursors is carried out from concentrated metal sulphate solutions.
Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 1413-1424
Texture formation in W-type hexaferrite by cold compaction of non-magnetic interacting anisotropic shaped precursor crystallites
Crystallites of the W-type hexaferrites, Sr(Ni1−xZnx)2Fe16O27 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) have been aligned through a simple synthesis process taking advantage of easy alignment of non-magnetic interacting, anisotropic-shaped precursor crystallites of goethite.
Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 281-289

Structural properties of mixed conductor Ba1−xGd1−yLax+yCo2O6−δ
Mixed conducting perovskite BGLC82 undergoes an order–disorder transition upon hydration. Crystalline phases in BGLC have been identified and quantified with respect to volume percent and cation occupancy vs. La fraction.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 18667-18677

Laboratory-scale X-ray absorption spectroscopy of 3d transition metals in inorganic thin films
Ex-situ and in-situ x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and ex-situ extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies of CuI and CuO thin films with laboratory-scale X-ray absorption spectrometer in fluorescence mode.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 18593-18602

Tailoring a bio-based adsorbent for sequestration of late transition and rare earth elements
A bio-based adsorbent material with enhanced selectivity towards late transition metals was constructed via grafting a poly-amino ligand on a nano cellulose matrix.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 17978-17986

CO2 capture from ambient air via crystallization with tetraalkylammonium hydroxides
Aqueous solutions of tetra(n-alkyl)ammonium hydroxides, [Nnnnn][OH] with n = 2: n-ethyl, 3: n-propyl, 4: n-butyl are effective in direct air carbon capture (DAC) with high CO2/[Nnnnn][OH] ratio.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 17724-17732

Characterisation of intergrowth in metal oxide materials using structure-mining: the case of γ-MnO2
A methodology for characterisation of γ-MnO2 intergrowths has been developed. By combining supercell modelling, structure-mining and machine learning, both qualitative and quantitative information on intergrowth domain distributions are extracted.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 17150-17161

Real-time regeneration of a working zeolite monitored via operando X-ray diffraction and crystallographic imaging: how coke flees the MFI framework
X-ray diffraction is used to investigate regeneration of an H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst used in the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16845-16851

On the compatibility of high mass loading bismuth anodes for full-cell sodium-ion batteries
The rate capability and cyclability of high mass loading metallic bismuth anodes are studied in full-cell sodium-ion batteries, using Prussian white cathodes.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16852-16860

Improved emission of Yb(III) ions in triazacyclononane-based macrocyclic ligands compared to cyclen-based ones
Yb(III) complexes were synthesised from ligands with a 1,4,7-triazacyclononane (tacn) macrocyclic core. Tacn-based compounds equipped with 2 picolinate arms were more emissive than their tricarboxamide-cyclen analogues carrying the same antenna.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16596-16604

Structural principles of cation ordering and octahedral tilting in A-site ordered double perovskites: ferroelectric CaMnTi2O6 as a model system
Quantum chemical methods have been used to study systematically all relevant combinations of cation ordering and tilting in A-site ordered AA′B2O6 double perovskites.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16508-16516
Analysing the role of anions in the synthesis of catalytically active urea-based MOFs
Urea-based MOF synthesised in the presence of sulphate anion yielded a versatile catalyst, but MOFs derived from other anions were catalytically inactive, indicating that sulphate anion act as a reaction template to generate catalytically active MOFs.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 16316-16324

Texture evolution in rhombohedral boron carbide films grown on 4H-SiC(000
) and 4H-SiC(0001) substrates by chemical vapor deposition
Boron carbide in its rhombohedral form (r-B4C) is grown epitaxially by chemical vapor deposition on 4H-SiC.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15974-15982
Invisible strings. The first single crystal of the cTSAP form of [Eu(DOTA)(H2O)]− has an electronic structure similar to one of the reported cSAP forms
Counter ions can be used to tune the solid state structure of Eu·DOTA between the cSAP and cTSAP form, but the electronic properties does not match the observations seen in solution.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15725-15733
Polymorphism and solid solutions of trimethylammonium monocarboranes
[NH(CH3)3][CB9H10] and the solid solution [NH(CH3)3][(CB8H9)0.26(CB9H10)0.66(CB11H12)0.08] exhibit polymorphism as a function of temperature. The weakly coordinating carboranes may play an important role as electrolytes for all-solid-state-batteries.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15806-15815

Gold nanoparticle-based supramolecular approach for dye-sensitized H2-evolving photocathodes
Light-induced hole injection from a NiO-bound molecular dye provides electrons that are channeled through gold nanoparticles to molecular catalysts for hydrogen evolution.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15716-15724

Computational thermochemistry: extension of Benson group additivity approach to organoboron compounds and reliable predictions of their thermochemical properties
Thermochemical data were calculated for 116 boron compounds using high-level composite methods. The results allow the extension of Benson's group additivity approach to organoboron compounds.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15816-15829
Pinpointing basic sites formed upon incorporation of iron in hierarchical SAPO-11 using catalytic model reactions
The vapor phase isomerization of cyclohexanone oxime and methanol-to-hydrocarbons model reactions were utilized to pinpoint the pore topology and topological location of Fe3+ isomorphously substituted into the mesopores of a hierarchical SAPO-11.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15251-15262

Atomic layer deposition of PbCl2, PbBr2 and mixed lead halide (Cl, Br, I) PbXnY2−n thin films
We describe six new atomic layer deposition processes for PbCl2 and PbBr2. Two processes deliver high quality uniform and conformal PbCl2 and PbBr2 thin films fit for semiconductor devices.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15142-15157

Achieving enhanced peroxidase-like activity in multimetallic nanorattles
Controlling the nanoparticle morphology enables multimetallic nanorattles to achieve an increase of 152-fold in the peroxidase-like activity relative to Au nanoparticles.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15133-15141
Guest water hinders sodium-ion diffusion in low-defect Berlin green cathode material
Removal of H2O from BG significantly improves the cycling stability. The least hydrated electrode has the fastest DNa+ of 7.30 × 10−12 cm2 s−1 and capacity of ∼60 mA h g−1, compared to 2.92 × 10−12 cm2 s−1 and ∼40 mA h g−1 for the more hydrated one.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 14712-14720

Low-temperature ALD/MLD growth of alucone and zincone thin films from non-pyrophoric precursors
Novel atomic/molecular layer (ALD/MLD) deposition process for alucone and zincone thin films based on non-pyrophoric precursors are reported.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 14508-14516

Bismuth gallate coordination networks inspired by an active pharmaceutical ingredient
By taking inspiration from the long-used metallodrug bismuth subgallate, two new coordination networks were developed. Structure determination by electron crystallography revealed a highly flexible MOF and a catalytically active layered material.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 14221-14227

Oxidative addition or Werner coordination complex? Reactivity of β-diketiminate supported main group and first-row transition metal complexes towards ammonia
A series of neutral LM and L′M compounds including a main group 13/14 or first-row transition metal complexes and their reactivity towards ammonia were studied computationally by density functional theory (DFT).
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 13444-13450
Scrutinizing particle size related bond strengthening in anatase TiO2
Variations in the crystal structure and bond lengths of three anatase TiO2 samples with average crystallite sizes of 6 nm, 19 nm and several hundred nm, respectively, are due to hydroxyl defects rather than nanosize effects.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 13515-13526
Cytotoxic effects of halogenated tin phosphinoyldithioformate complexes against several cancer cell lines
An organotina compund based on phosphonyl-dithioformate inhibits cancer cell proliferation and induces programmed cell death depending on cell type and shows greater selectivity and potency than cisplatin, affecting DNA in a different way.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 13119-13128
Effect of yttrium content in the La2−xYxMgNi9 battery anode alloys on the structural, hydrogen storage and electrochemical properties
The work studies influence of yttrium on the crystal structure, hydrogenation properties and electrochemical behaviors of the PuNi3-type La2−xYxMgNi9 (x = 0.25 – 1.00) intermetallic alloys used as anodes of the Ni–MH batteries.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 12986-12995

Experimental and computational investigation on the formation pathway of [RuCl2(CO)2(ERR′)2] (E = S, Se, Te; R, R′ = Me, Ph) from [RuCl2(CO)3]2 and ERR′
The formation of the series of [RuCl2(CO)2(ERR′)2] (E = S, Se, Te; R, R′ = Me, Ph) complexes from [RuCl2(CO)3]2 and ERR′ have been investigated experimentally in THF and CH2Cl2, and computationally by PBE0-D3/def2-TZVP calculations.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 11747-11757

Thermodynamics of metallocene catalyst activation: alignment of theory and experiment
Reliable computation of solution free energy for reactions relevant in metallocene catalyst activation requires specific consideration of solvent interactions and separate study of vibrational, rotational and translational contributions to entropy.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 11152-11162

A low-temperature thermal ALD process for nickel utilizing dichlorobis(triethylphosphine)nickel(II) and 1,4-bis(trimethylgermyl)-1,4-dihydropyrazine
Novel precursors enable the low-temperature ALD of metallic nickel thin films.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 10898-10908

Factors influencing stoichiometry and stability of polyoxometalate – peptide complexes
The effects of concentration, acidity, salinity and temperature on the composition and structure of Keggin POM peptide complexes have been investigated.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 9511-9521

Solubility of Ca(II), Ni(II), Nd(III) and Pu(IV) in the presence of proxy ligands for the degradation of polyacrylonitrile in cementitious systems
The solubility of Ca(OH)2(cr), β-Ni(OH)2(cr), Nd(OH)3(s) and PuO2(ncr, hyd) was investigated in cement porewater solutions containing glutarate, α-hydroxyisobutarate and 3-hydroxybutarate as proxy ligands for the degradation of polyacrilonitrile.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 9432-9444

Selective modification of hydroxyl groups in lignin model compounds by ruthenium-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation
A robust ruthenium-catalyzed methodology converts lignin diols into hydroxyketones under mild conditions.
Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 6587-6596
About this collection
Putting a highlight on Inorganic Chemistry that is performed in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, this themed collection covers all areas of inorganic chemistry. It reflects the rich history of inorganic materials chemistry in the Nordic countries, and also includes organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry, synthesis, and applications in e.g., catalysis, energy conversion/storage, electronic devices, and medicine. This themed collection showcases the collective strength and vitality of inorganic chemistry in the Nordic countries to a global readership.
This collection is guest edited by Professor Krishna K Damodaram (University of Iceland, Iceland), Professor Mari-Ann Einarsrud (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Professor Torben R Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark), Professor Markku Leskelä (University of Helsinki, Finland), Professor Sascha Ott (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Professor Henrik Pedersen (Linköping University, Sweden).