Themed collection 2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship shortlisted candidates

32 items
Open Access Perspective

Introducing porosity into metal–organic framework glasses

Here we document the reduction in porosity observed in MOFs upon their glass formation, propose routes to improve this porosity, and speculate on prospective future adsorptive applications.

Graphical abstract: Introducing porosity into metal–organic framework glasses

Transport tuning strategies in MOF film synthesis – a perspective

Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), sometimes also known as coordination polymers, are a very versatile group of materials consisting of metal nodes and organic linkers forming a tunable porous structure that can exist in different structural phases.

Graphical abstract: Transport tuning strategies in MOF film synthesis – a perspective

Colorimetric metasurfaces shed light on fibrous biological tissue

Fibrotic diseases affect all human organs (left), yet the selective visualization of tissue microstructure remains challenging in clinical and industrial settings. Colorimetric metasurfaces (right) address this challenge with an on-chip platform.

Graphical abstract: Colorimetric metasurfaces shed light on fibrous biological tissue

Pathway of transient electronics towards connected biomedical applications

The review discusses triggering strategies for transient electronics. Connected biomedical applications with diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of transient electronics have been summarized.

Graphical abstract: Pathway of transient electronics towards connected biomedical applications
Review Article

Polymers and interfacial modifiers for durable perovskite solar cells: a review

This review focuses on the advancements in stability of perovskite solar cells under stress from ambient moisture, high temperatures, and UV light exposure.

Graphical abstract: Polymers and interfacial modifiers for durable perovskite solar cells: a review
Review Article

Bulk halide perovskites as triplet sensitizers: progress and prospects in photon upconversion

We summarize the recent utilizing bulk perovskites for photon upconversion in the solid-state, including areas of optimization and future promise.

Graphical abstract: Bulk halide perovskites as triplet sensitizers: progress and prospects in photon upconversion
Open Access Review Article

Ordered polymer composite materials: challenges and opportunities

Polymer nanocomposites are an important class of materials whose properties are generally tuned as a function of their composition. New opportunities for controlling these properties lie in manipulating the 3D organization of their nanofillers.

Graphical abstract: Ordered polymer composite materials: challenges and opportunities
Open Access Communication

Biohybrid plants with electronic roots via in vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers

Conjugated oligomers polymerize in vivo on the root system of intact plants forming an extended network of tissue integrated conductors while the plants continue to grow and develop. The conducting roots are used to store energy in the plant.

Graphical abstract: Biohybrid plants with electronic roots via in vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers

Novel gas sensing platform based on a stretchable laser-induced graphene pattern with self-heating capabilities

Laser-induced graphene based gas sensor conformable to skin with low detection limit at low temperature.

Graphical abstract: Novel gas sensing platform based on a stretchable laser-induced graphene pattern with self-heating capabilities
Open Access Paper

Air-stable bismuth sulfobromide (BiSBr) visible-light absorbers: optoelectronic properties and potential for energy harvesting

Phase-pure thin films of BiSBr are shown to have an optical efficiency limit of 43.6% under indoor lighting, with improved environmental and photo-stability over lead-halide perovskites, and have band positions well suited to a range of charge transport layer materials.

Graphical abstract: Air-stable bismuth sulfobromide (BiSBr) visible-light absorbers: optoelectronic properties and potential for energy harvesting

Distinct anharmonic characteristics of phonon-driven lattice thermal conductivity and thermal expansion in bulk MoSe2 and WSe2

Machine-learning molecular dynamics simulations pave the way to completely treat the anharmonicity of phonons. Low-energy anharmonic modes in transition-metal dichalcogenides drive the thermal and transport properties.

Graphical abstract: Distinct anharmonic characteristics of phonon-driven lattice thermal conductivity and thermal expansion in bulk MoSe2 and WSe2

Interfacial defect healing of In2S3/Sb2(S,Se)3 heterojunction solar cells with a novel wide-bandgap InOCl passivator

A novel wide-bandgap InOCl passivator incorporated between In2S3 buffer layer and Sb2(S,Se)3 absorber enables high performance fully environment-friendly solar cells.

Graphical abstract: Interfacial defect healing of In2S3/Sb2(S,Se)3 heterojunction solar cells with a novel wide-bandgap InOCl passivator

Temperature invariant lifetime based luminescent manometer on Mn4+ ions

Lifetime of the 2E state of Mn4+ can be used as an efficient manometric parameter.

Graphical abstract: Temperature invariant lifetime based luminescent manometer on Mn4+ ions

Elucidating the oxygen reduction reaction kinetics on defect engineered nanocarbon electrocatalyst: interplay between the N-dopant and defect sites

For oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the active sites of a defective N-doped graphene are predicted by a quantum mechanics/machine learning approach; the synthesized catalyst shows exemplary ORR activity that was further confirmed by a DFT study.

Graphical abstract: Elucidating the oxygen reduction reaction kinetics on defect engineered nanocarbon electrocatalyst: interplay between the N-dopant and defect sites

Stretchable superhydrophobic elastomers with on-demand tunable wettability for droplet manipulation and multi-stage reaction

We report a facile approach to fabricating stretchable superhydrophobic surfaces with different microstructures (arc-shaped or V-shaped air pockets) for multi-stage liquid droplet micro-reactors.

Graphical abstract: Stretchable superhydrophobic elastomers with on-demand tunable wettability for droplet manipulation and multi-stage reaction
Open Access Paper

Negative solvatochromism and sign inversion of circularly polarized luminescence in chiral exciplexes as a function of solvent polarity

The properties of chiral donor–acceptor systems displaying CPL sign inversion are investigated in solvents of different polarity. The solvent enables control of their deexcitation pathways favoring either locally excited or charge-transfer states.

Graphical abstract: Negative solvatochromism and sign inversion of circularly polarized luminescence in chiral exciplexes as a function of solvent polarity

Tailoring stability, catalytic activity and selectivity of covalent metal–organic frameworks via steric modification of metal nodes

A novel and efficient strategy was developed to enhance the stability, control the catalytic activity, and improve the selectivity of Cu(I) cyclic trinuclear unit (Cu-CTU)-based metal–organic frameworks by steric modification of copper nodes.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring stability, catalytic activity and selectivity of covalent metal–organic frameworks via steric modification of metal nodes

Electronic structure manipulation via composition tuning for the development of highly conductive and acid-stable oxides

Our combined computations and experiments suggest the Mg-Ti-O chemical spaces for novel ternary oxide compounds that can offer high conductivity and corrosion stability to be used in fuel cell applications.

Graphical abstract: Electronic structure manipulation via composition tuning for the development of highly conductive and acid-stable oxides
Open Access Paper

Green light-emitting electrochemical cells based on platinum(II) complexes with a carbazole-appended carbene ligand

Cyclometallated N-heterocyclic carbenes with an appended carbazole and chelating diphosphines brought together to achieve the first simple solution-processed green-emitting iTMC-LECs based on mononuclear Pt(II) complexes.

Graphical abstract: Green light-emitting electrochemical cells based on platinum(ii) complexes with a carbazole-appended carbene ligand

Synthetic control of structure and conduction properties in Na–Y–Zr–Cl solid electrolytes

In this study, the relationship between structure, cation disorder and Na-ion conduction properties is elucidated in a series of Na3−xY1−xZrxCl6 solid electrolytes.

Graphical abstract: Synthetic control of structure and conduction properties in Na–Y–Zr–Cl solid electrolytes

Semitransparent near-infrared Sn–Pb hybrid perovskite photodetectors

We report semitransparent NIR perovskite photodetectors based on tin–lead hybrid perovskites, by using very thin film perovskite layers and transparent indium tin oxide electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Semitransparent near-infrared Sn–Pb hybrid perovskite photodetectors
Open Access Paper

Metal-phenolic networks as tuneable spore coat mimetics

Bacillus subtilis are probiotic microbes that are difficult to formulate when they are not in their spore form. Using self-assembling coatings, these cells were successfully protected during the freeze-drying process.

Graphical abstract: Metal-phenolic networks as tuneable spore coat mimetics
Open Access Paper

Efficient harvesting and storage of solar energy of an all-vanadium solar redox flow battery with a MoS2@TiO2 photoelectrode

Solar redox flow batteries are an emerging technology that provides a smart alternative for the capture and storage of discontinuous solar energy through photo-generation of the discharged redox species employed in traditional redox flow batteries.

Graphical abstract: Efficient harvesting and storage of solar energy of an all-vanadium solar redox flow battery with a MoS2@TiO2 photoelectrode

The origin of capacity fluctuation and rescue of dead Mn-based Zn–ion batteries: a Mn-based competitive capacity evolution protocol

We propose an objective Mn-based competitive capacity evolution protocol and a recusing strategy for dead Mn-based Zn-ion batteries. The findings would provide new insights to understand the electrochemical behaviors more comprehensively.

Graphical abstract: The origin of capacity fluctuation and rescue of dead Mn-based Zn–ion batteries: a Mn-based competitive capacity evolution protocol

Fast Na diffusion and anharmonic phonon dynamics in superionic Na3PS4

Strongly anharmonic low-energy phonons enable the fast diffusion of Na ions in the solid-state electrolyte compound Na3PS4.

Graphical abstract: Fast Na diffusion and anharmonic phonon dynamics in superionic Na3PS4

Controlling the Co–S coordination environment in Co-doped WS2 nanosheets for electrochemical oxygen reduction

The impact of Co–S coordination environment in pH 7 ORR catalysis is evaluated using dilute Co atoms adsorbed on WS2 nanosheets. Optimal reactivity is achieved when Co is coordinated to both sulfur atoms on WS2 and labile solvent ligands.

Graphical abstract: Controlling the Co–S coordination environment in Co-doped WS2 nanosheets for electrochemical oxygen reduction
Open Access Paper

Melt-quenched porous organic cage glasses

The melting and glass-forming behaviour of a range of organic cages was investigated, with quenching of melted liquid states providing molecular glasses, one of which exhibited improved gas uptake compared to the starting amorphous cage.

Graphical abstract: Melt-quenched porous organic cage glasses

Silk fibroin photo-lyogels containing microchannels as a biomaterial platform for in situ tissue engineering

Silk photo-lyogels fabricated by di-tyrosine photo-crosslinking and ice-templating silk fibroin on 3D printed templates toward in situ tissue engineering applications.

Graphical abstract: Silk fibroin photo-lyogels containing microchannels as a biomaterial platform for in situ tissue engineering

A scalable top-down strategy toward practical metrics of Ni–Zn aqueous batteries with total energy densities of 165 W h kg−1 and 506 W h L−1

The bias of Ni–Zn batteries between practical applications with gravimetrical limits and scientific research with volumetrical shortages has been corrected.

Graphical abstract: A scalable top-down strategy toward practical metrics of Ni–Zn aqueous batteries with total energy densities of 165 W h kg−1 and 506 W h L−1
Open Access Paper

pH-Responsive nanocomposite fibres allowing MRI monitoring of drug release

pH-responsive nanofibres containing iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and a model drug demonstrate on-demand dissolution, triggering release of both drug and NPs and allowing magnetic resonance imaging-guided therapeutic delivery.

Graphical abstract: pH-Responsive nanocomposite fibres allowing MRI monitoring of drug release
Open Access Paper

Enzyme-assisted in vivo polymerisation of conjugated oligomer based conductors

The conjugated oligomer ETE-S is enzymatically polymerized in vitro, in the presence of peroxidase and H2O2. This polymerization route occurs also in the plant cell wall where ETE-S polymerizes and forms conductors along the plant structure.

Graphical abstract: Enzyme-assisted in vivo polymerisation of conjugated oligomer based conductors

The effect of structural dimensionality on carrier mobility in lead-halide perovskites

Changes in perovskite structural dimensionality brought by mixing A-site cations play an important role in determining the measured charge carrier mobility, and in the solar cell performance.

Graphical abstract: The effect of structural dimensionality on carrier mobility in lead-halide perovskites
32 items

About this collection

The Journal of Materials Chemistry annual lectureship, established in 2010, honours early-career scientists who have made a significant contribution to the field of materials chemistry.

The 2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship was awarded to Dr Jovana Milić (University of Fribourg, Switzerland).

To recognise some of the excellent candidates that were shortlisted for the 2023 Lectureship award, this collection showcases some of their recent articles published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry family of journals.

Please note that we have only included articles by individuals who have opted in to having their names published in this recognition.

Discover our shortlisted candidates on our blog

Why not check out our collections celebrating our

2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship winner Dr Jovana Milić

and our

2023 runners-up Kwabena Bediako and Laure Biniek

