Themed collection 2018 Sustainable Energy and Fuels HOT Articles

Hydrogen evolution catalysis by molybdenum sulfides (MoSx): are thiomolybdate clusters like [Mo3S13]2− suitable active site models?
Recent results concerning molecular molybdenum sulfido clusters as model systems for heterogeneous hydrogen evolution catalysis by molybdenum sulfides are summarized and also compared to the related chemistry of the active site of the enzyme Mo-nitrogenase.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1893-1904
How to determine optical gaps and voltage losses in organic photovoltaic materials
This perspective summarizes how to accurately determine voltage losses and optical gaps, aiming to facilitate comparisons between organic photovoltaic materials.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 538-544
Catalytic decomposition of hydrous hydrazine for hydrogen production
Highly efficient nanocatalysts which can selectively decompose hydrous hydrazine for hydrogen production are introduced.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 343-365
Molecular engineering of the bio/nano-interface for enzymatic electrocatalysis in fuel cells
The fascinating topic of converting chemical energy into electric power using biological catalysts, called enzymes, and sustainable fuels motivates a large community of scientists to develop enzymatic fuel cells.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2555-2566
Fullerenes: the stars of photovoltaics
This article highlights the most interesting discoveries concerning fullerenes in photovoltaics, which have contributed to advances in this field.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2480-2493
The quest for manganese-rich electrodes for lithium batteries: strategic design and electrochemical behavior
Manganese oxides, notably γ-MnO2 and modified derivatives, have played a major role in electrochemical energy storage for well over a century.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1375-1397
Encapsulating perovskite solar cells to withstand damp heat and thermal cycling
Glass and edge seal encapsulation of a perovskite solar cell to enable stability through damp heat and thermal cycling tests.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2398-2406
Glucose isomerization catalyzed by bone char and the selective production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in aqueous media
Glucose isomerization and selective production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in aqueous media, using combined catalysis of bone char and acidic ionic liquid.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2148-2153
Amino-fulleropyrrolidines as electrotropic additives to enhance organic photovoltaics
The synthesis, device fabrication, and electric poling of novel amino-functionalized fulleropyrrolidines in polymer solar cells is reported. Significantly improved device performances and retention stability were achieved with systematic variation in tether length, reaching PCE values in excess of 10%.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2143-2147
Proton coupled electron transfer from Co3O4 nanoparticles to photogenerated Ru(bpy)33+: base catalysis and buffer effect
Flash photolysis studies indicate general base catalysis by borate in photoinduced proton-coupled electron transfer from Co3O4 nanoparticles to Ru(III)(bpy)33+.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1951-1956
A strategically managed rechargeable battery system with a neutral methyl viologen anolyte and an acidic air-cathode enabled by a mediator-ion solid electrolyte
A “mediator-ion” solid-electrolyte membrane strategy enables the operation of methyl viologen–air batteries with a neutral anolyte and an acidic catholyte.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1452-1457

Poly(ionic liquid) binders as ionic conductors and polymer electrolyte interfaces for enhanced electrochemical performance of water splitting electrodes
A PIL blocks metals at the electrode, while it is permeable to water, hydroxy ions and the as-generated oxygen.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1446-1451
Improved visible-light activities of nanocrystalline CdS by coupling with ultrafine NbN with lattice matching for hydrogen evolution
Metallic ultrafine NbN with lattice matching to nanocrystalline CdS could replace the expensive platinum for efficiently trapping photogenerated electrons, enhancing charge separation and then activating the preferentially adsorbed H2O to produce H2.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 549-552
Potassium phosphotungstate spheres as an anode material for a solar rechargeable battery
Potassium phosphotungstate spheres, prepared by a simple coprecipitation method, are introduced for the first time as anode materials for a solar rechargeable battery.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 353-356
FeS2 microspheres wrapped by N-doped rGO from an Fe-based ionic liquid precursor for rechargeable lithium ion batteries
FeS2/N-doped rGO microspheres synthesized by a facile and green process show remarkable electrochemical performance for secondary LIBs.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 701-708
Computational design of biofuels from terpenes and terpenoids
Finding renewable energy sources as alternatives to petroleum-based fuels is a current global challenge.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 457-466
Phenol–TiO2 complex photocatalysis: visible light-driven selective oxidation of amines into imines in air
A new photocatalytic protocol utilizing surface complexation of phenol with TiO2 for the selective oxidation of amines into imines in air was presented.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 488-498
Ethanolic gasoline, a lignocellulosic advanced biofuel
Autoignition propensities of ternary mixtures of bio-derived ethyl levulinate/diethyl ether/ethanol are characterised to identify diesel and gasoline suitable mixtures.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 409-421
Physico-chemical elimination of unwanted CO2, H2S and H2O fractions from biomethane
It was possible to increase the biomethane content of raw biogas by removing CO2, H2S and water (H2O) by a physico-chemical method.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 166-172
Free-standing protective films for enhancing the cyclability of organic batteries
A free-standing protective film is developed, acting like a sandglass, which can inhibit the shuttle effect of electrode materials.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 142-147
The effect of electrode design parameters on battery performance and optimization of electrode thickness based on the electrochemical–thermal coupling model
Schematic of the lithium-ion battery and description of the P2D electrochemical model.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 148-165
Membrane-less photoelectrochemical devices for H2O2 production: efficiency limit and operational constraint
A membrane-less design with 100% catalytic selectivity enables H2O2 accumulation at a maximum solar-to-H2O2 conversion efficiency of 20.0–27.5%.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2019,3, 101-114
The thermoelectrochemistry of the aqueous iron(II)/iron(III) redox couple: significance of the anion and pH in thermogalvanic thermal-to-electrical energy conversion
The multi-faceted significance of the anion upon the thermoelectrochemistry of the iron(II/III) redox couple has been extensively explored.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2717-2726

Hydrogen production from formic acid decomposition in the liquid phase using Pd nanoparticles supported on CNFs with different surface properties
The development of safe and efficient H2 generation/storage materials toward a fuel-cell-based H2 economy as a long-term solution has recently received much attention.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2705-2716
Phenylene-bridged perylenediimide-porphyrin acceptors for non-fullerene organic solar cells
New perylenediimide-porphyrin acceptors, 4PDI-ZnP and 2PDI-ZnP, have been facilely synthesized by acid-catalyzed condensation of perylenediimide-substituted benzaldehyde with pyrrole and dipyrromethane, respectively, and subsequent Zn(II)-complexation.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2616-2624
Visible-light-active g-C3N4/N-doped Sr2Nb2O7 heterojunctions as photocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction
Visible light active photocatalytic performance of g-C3N4/NSON-X heterojunctions.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2507-2515
MOFs as an electron-transfer-bridge between a dye photosensitizer and a low cost Ni2P co-catalyst for increased photocatalytic H2 generation
Just like in the Chinese fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, where they meet each other with the aid of a magpie-bridge, photogenerated electrons can efficiently transfer from a dye to a Ni2P co-catalyst with the aid of MOFs, thereby leads to increased H2 generation.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2502-2506
Cooking with active oxygen and solid alkali facilitates lignin degradation in bamboo pretreatment
By using HSQC NMR, delignification of the CAOSA process was described, which paves the way for developing new eco-friendly pulping technology.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2206-2214
Uncovering the mechanisms of electrolyte permeation in porous electrodes for redox flow batteries through real time in situ 3D imaging
Results reveal counter-intuitive behaviors of the electrolyte flow whereby capillary driven flow is secondary to the primary wetting mechanisms.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2068-2080
Ion transport mechanisms in bipolar membranes for (photo)electrochemical water splitting
Electrolysis with a bipolar membrane induced pH gradient: the conditions for high energy efficiency (low membrane voltage) are explored.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2006-2015
Transient photocurrents on catalyst-modified n-Si photoelectrodes: insight from dual-working electrode photoelectrochemistry
Dual-working-electrode photoelectrochemistry experiments reveal how the most-prominent photocurrent transients are associated with catalyst oxidation/reduction.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1995-2005
Nickel-iron catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation – redox synergism investigated by in situ X-ray spectroscopy with millisecond time resolution
NiFe oxyhydroxides are prime candidates for efficient alkaline water oxidation; their redox chemistry is tracked by X-ray spectroscopy.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1986-1994
Portable smart highly proton conductive all inorganic gel paste electrolyte with optimum phosphorous to silicon ratio for enhanced durable operation of a fuel cell
A novel portable 3D gel paste electrolyte with an optimum P/Si ratio of 5 with trapped H3PO4 has been shown to have an enhanced conductivity and performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1737-1748
An optimal multistage charge strategy for commercial lithium ion batteries
Herein, an optimal multistage charge strategy for commercial lithium ion batteries is proposed to enhance the performance of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1726-1736
An option for stranded renewables: electrolytic-hydrogen in future energy systems
Our study integrates power sector modelling with hydrogen infrastructure analysis and life cycle assessment complementing research on power-to-gas pathway alternatives.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1500-1515
Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of Pt–Co/C bimetallic alloys for oxygen reduction in PEM fuel cells
The polarization study revealed the information on the electrocatalytic activity of Pt–Co/C cathodes in PEMFCs.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1491-1499
A bifunctional electrolyte additive for H2O/HF scavenging and enhanced graphite/LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 cell performance at a high voltage
A novel strategy for selecting additives is adopted and a bifunctional additive is investigated for H2O/HF-scavenging and enhanced cell performance.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1481-1490
Catalytic cracking of triglycerides with a base catalyst and modification of pyrolytic oils for production of aviation fuels
An efficient pathway to obtain aviation biofuels from triglycerides via thermal chemical conversion.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1206-1215
Highly-ordered silicon nanowire arrays for photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution: an investigation on the effect of wire diameter, length and inter-wire spacing
The influence of structural parameters of highly-ordered silicon nanowire arrays on their solar-driven HER performance is systematically investigated.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 978-982
Performance and failure modes of Si anodes patterned with thin-film Ni catalyst islands for water oxidation
Silicon photoanodes patterned with thin-film Ni catalyst islands exhibited stable sunlight-driven O2 evolution for over 240 h of continuous operation in 1.0 M KOH.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 983-998
High energy and high voltage integrated photo-electrochemical double layer capacitor
Harvesting–storage device composed of a dye-sensitized solar cell-based module and a high voltage supercapacitor with impressive discharge capacity (0.1 mA h cm−2).
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 968-977
Determining the uncertainty in microstructural parameters extracted from tomographic data
The procedure for binarization of X-ray tomographic data affects the quantitative analysis of microstructural parameters in lithium ion battery electrodes.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 598-605
Electrodeposition of hydrated vanadium pentoxide on nanoporous carbon cloth for hybrid energy storage
Electrodeposition is a simple and effective method for the synthesis of disordered hydrated vanadium pentoxide for energy storage applications.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 577-588
Stability enhancing ionic liquid hybrid electrolyte for NVP@C cathode based sodium batteries
Compared to organic electrolytes, C3mpyrTFSI based hybrid electrolytes enhance the electrochemical performance of the NVP@C cathode material by forming a stable SEI layer in sodium batteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 566-576
Cobalt hexacyanoferrate supported on Sb-doped SnO2 as a non-noble catalyst for oxygen evolution in acidic medium
Cobalt hexacyanoferrate on Sb-doped SnO2 as a non-noble catalyst for O2 evolution in acidic medium.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 589-597
About this collection
Welcome to our online rolling collection of the hottest work published in Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Here we feature all 2018 Sustainable Energy and Fuels articles highlighted as HOT by the handling editor or our referees. Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured.