Sara E.
John D.
Kristian H.
Samir P.
Nicholas J.
Henrik G.
Brian M.
c and
Paul O.
aDivision of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
cDivision of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
dDivision of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
First published on 20th March 2023
In this study we revisit one of the simplest reactions: the self-reaction of the ethene-derived hydroxyperoxy radical formed via sequential addition of ˙OH and O2 to ethene. Previous studies of this reaction suggested that the branching to ‘accretion products’, compounds containing the carbon backbone of both reactants, was minimal. Here, CF3O− GC-CIMS is used to quantify the yields of ethylene glycol, glycolaldehyde, a hydroxy hydroperoxide produced from
, and a C4O4H10 accretion product. These experiments were performed in an environmental chamber at 993 hPa and 294 K. We provide evidence that the accretion product is likely dihydroxy diethyl peroxide (HOC2H4OOC2H4OH
ROOR) and forms in the gas-phase with a branching fraction of 23 ± 5%. We suggest a new channel in the
chemistry leading directly to the formation of
(together with glycolaldehyde and an alkoxy radical). Finally, by varying the ratio of the formation rate of
in our chamber, we constrain the ratio of the rate coefficient for the reaction of
to that of
and find that this ratio is 0.22 ± 0.07, consistent with previous flash photolysis studies.
Environmental significancePeroxy radicals formed via oxidation of hydrocarbons in the troposphere play a central role in the radical cycling of the atmosphere. These compounds participate in reactions that terminate radical chemistry and in reactions that propagate the radical chemistry. Quantifying the relative importance of such reactions is important for understanding the impact of hydrocarbon emissions on tropospheric chemistry, including the chemistry that degrades air quality. In this work, we quantify the formation of a C4 accretion product from the self-reaction of ethene-derived hydroxy peroxy radicals. In contrast to previous studies, the radical terminating reaction producing the accretion product is significant. The formation of such accretion products offers a more efficient pathway for peroxy radicals to form secondary organic aerosol. |
The diverse reaction pathways yield products with differing effects on atmospheric chemistry and air quality. In environments with elevated NO˙,
react to form alkoxy radicals (RO˙) (Reaction (1a)) and alkyl nitrates (RONO2) (Reaction (1b)). Reaction (1a) generally propagates the radical chemistry leading to the formation of ozone (Reaction (2)):3,4
![]() | (1a) |
→RONO2 | (1b) |
![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3a) |
→RO˙ + ˙OH + O2 | (3b) |
![]() | (3c) |
The self- and cross-reactions include both radical propagating channels ((4a), (4b)) and radical terminating channels ((4c), (4d)). Reactions (4a), (4c), and (4d) have been observed or proposed previously,3 while Reaction (4b) is proposed here to explain the excess yield of R−H
O relative to that of ROH, even in the absence of O2:
![]() | (4a) |
→RO˙ + R−H![]() | (4b) |
→ROH + R−H![]() | (4c) |
→ROOR + O2 | (4d) |
The rates and products of Reaction (1) in simple peroxy radical systems have been studied in detail and are generally well known,3 while those of Reaction (3) are more uncertain. Reaction (3a) is the dominant channel for most simple organic peroxy radical reactions. In more substituted , other channels, such as Reaction (3b) and (3c), become non-negligible.3,6
The dynamics of Reaction (4) are complex as these pathways require significant electronic rearrangement and/or hydrogen shifts.7 The proposed mechanism of Reaction (4d) requires an intersystem crossing (ISC)7 and was previously believed to be unimportant to the chemistry of the troposphere1,3 (see ESI Appendix A†). Recent studies utilizing chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) techniques, however, have detected compounds with molecular weights matching the expected products of Reaction (4d), generating renewed interest in quantifying the formation of these peroxides (one of several compounds known as accretion products).1,8,9 In fact, several studies have found that for some , Reaction (4d) may proceed at rates approaching the collision rate, suggesting a drastic shift from previous assumptions.1,8,10 [While this manuscript was under peer-review, Yue et al. reported11 that a peroxide is produced in the
chemistry following H-abstraction from ethane at approximately 10% yield, using VUV photoionization mass spectrometry at 266 Pa and 298 K].
Investigation of the production of peroxides via Reaction (4d) is of additional importance due to their potential to form secondary organic aerosol (SOA).12 Organic aerosols play an important role in climate forcing and have a negative impact on human health, but many routes leading to their formation are poorly quantified. Accretion products formed in Reaction (4d) are much higher in carbon and oxygen numbers than the reactants and therefore have much lower volatility, increasing the likelihood that they condense from the gas phase to the particle phase.4 In both laboratory and field experiments, compounds with masses assigned to such accretion products have been observed in the aerosol and in the gas phase,1,8,9,12 confirming that their production can play an important role in the formation and growth of SOA. However, their identity and mechanism of formation remain unclear.
In this study, we revisit the self-reaction of the ethene-derived hydroxyperoxy radical, . Previous studies have suggested that the formation of accretion products in this reaction is minimal.13 In contrast, we find that the branching fraction, α4d, is 23 ± 5%. Using H/D exchange experiments, GC techniques, and synthesized standards, we provide evidence that the accretion product is dihydroxy diethyl peroxide (HOCH2CH2OOCH2CH2OH). We propose a new channel leading to direct
production, Reaction (4b). Finally, we constrain the rate coefficient for Reaction (4) from the ratio of products produced in this reaction to ROOH produced via Reaction (3a).
![]() | (5) |
˙OH is produced via the photolysis of H2O2. Eight Sankyo Denki G40T10 254 nm lamps illuminated for 2 min yield a mean photolysis frequency for Reaction (6) of 3.0 ± 0.5 × 10−4 s−1:
![]() | (6) |
To determine the fraction of ethene reacted, we measured the ˙OH exposure ([OH] × time) from the decay of 2,3-butanediol during the oxidation period in several of our experiments. The primary product of this reaction, 2-hydroxy-3-butanone, is not made elsewhere in our reaction system. The rate coefficient for the reaction of ˙OH with 2,3-butanediol has been reported by Bethel et al. using the relative rate method to be 2.4 ± 0.6 × 10−11 cm3 molecule−1 s−1.14 Bethel et al. measured this rate coefficient relative to that of ˙OH + n-octane, for which they assumed a value of 8.67 ± 0.17 × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1.15 Current recommendations suggest that the rate coefficient of ˙OH with n-octane at 298 K is somewhat slower (8.11 × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1)16 so we use 2.25 ± 0.6 × 10−11 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 for the ˙OH + 2,3-butanediol rate constant in this analysis. Approximately 500 ppbv of butanediol was injected during these experiments. When 2,3-butanediol was not injected, we used a photochemical kinetic box model to determine the ˙OH exposure. For the experiments with added butanediol, the modeled and measured ˙OH exposure agree to within 30%. The total ˙OH exposure during our experiments was between 0.8 × 109–4.3 × 109 molecules s cm−3. To minimize secondary chemistry, the lights were turned off before 10% of the initial ethene had reacted, usually after 2 minutes. Specific experimental conditions for each experiment used in this analysis are given in Appendix B of the ESI (Table S1).†
The branching fractions for Reaction (4) are determined from the formation of the products. Note that in this study, we use the following definitions, where j is the total number of possible pathways of Reaction X, αxi is the branching fraction of pathway i of Reaction X, and kx is the rate constant of a Reaction X:
To quantify the ratio of the radical terminating branching channels, , we measured the yields of ethylene glycol (EG) and dihydroxy diethyl peroxide (ROOR). In the absence of secondary chemistry, the ratio of their concentration is equal to the ratio of their branching fractions. Secondary losses of the products by reaction with ˙OH is calculated to be minimal due to the small fraction of ethene oxidized during the experiment, and the main loss is photolysis. As described in the ESI (Appendix C),† we measured upper limits to the photolysis loss rates for EG, ROOH, glycolaldehyde (GA), and ROOR and find that these losses are also small (negligible for EG, less than 1% of GA, and less than 6% of ROOR and ROOH in a typical experiment). Additionally, we measured the wall loss rates for these compounds as a function of time and find that, over the time period of our experiments, these losses are negligible.
GA is produced in excess of EG in these experiments, consistent with significant additional sources beyond Reaction (4c). In 993 mbar of air, we attribute approximately half of the excess to the reaction of oxygen with the alkoxy radicals formed in Reaction (4a) and (4b):
![]() | (7a) |
![]() | (7b) |
The fraction of the excess GA that results from Reaction (7b) is well-explained using results from Orlando et al.17 for experiments performed here under both much higher and lower [O2] as discussed in Appendix C of the ESI.† Theoretically, direct hydrogen atom elimination from the initially produced hot alkoxy radical could also explain the excess glycolaldehyde production at low O2, but it is expected that C–C bond scission will be much faster. Thus, we tentatively attribute the remaining excess GA to Reaction (4b).
To further constrain the branching fractions and kinetics of Reaction (4), we perform a series of experiments varying the ratio of the formation rates of and
. In the absence of external sources,
is produced directly in Reaction (4b) and indirectly via the subsequent chemistry of alkoxy radicals, e.g. decomposition (Reaction (7a)) or via their reaction with O2 (Reaction (7b)). We increase the formation rate of
relative to
by adding CH3OH to the chamber, which provides an external source of
independent of
![]() | (8) |
A small amount of additional is also produced in our experiments in Reaction (9):
![]() | (9) |
As our independent variable, we define Fexternal, the ratio of the produced externally to Reaction (4)via Reactions (8) and (9) to the amount of
produced via Reaction (5), where the kR are the relevant reaction rate coefficients:
![]() | (10) |
![]() | (11) |
![]() | (12) |
To further constrain the kinetics of Reaction (4), we explore the ‘high limit’, where Fexternal ≫ 1. In this limit, nearly all the ˙OH produced from the photolysis of H2O2 reacts via Reactions (8) and (9) to produce
. Because the formation rate of
greatly exceeds that of
, the
self-reaction is its main loss,
![]() | (13) |
Because, as follows from eqn (11):
![]() | (14) |
![]() | (15) |
![]() | (16) |
In our experiments, Fexternal ranges from 0.04 to 4.5. The lower limit results from the use of H2O2 as the ˙OH precursor—some external is produced from its reaction with ˙OH even in the absence of methanol addition—while the maximum Fexternal is limited by insufficient production of
products and the resulting poor quantification of Q.
The limiting behaviors described by eqn (12) and (16) are useful for designing the experimental methods, for quantifying initial estimates of our parameters, and to perform sensitivity analyses to estimate uncertainty. However, to formally estimate the branching fractions and the rate coefficients, we use a box model that includes all the reactions described above. The complete set of reactions and rate constants used in the box model is given in Appendix D of the ESI (Tables S4, S5 and S6).† The difference between the box model output (the value of Q as a function of Fexternal) and our data is minimized using a least-squares Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm to optimize the relevant branching fractions and the ratio of the rate coefficients of Reaction (4) to (3). The LM constraints used are provided in Appendix E of the ESI (Table S7).†
The GC consists of a 1 meter fused silica column (Restek RTX-1701) cooled via evaporation and expansion of liquid CO2 and warmed with resistive heating elements connected to a Watlow temperature controller. The sample is diluted by a flow of dry N2 before being cryotrapped on the head of the column at a temperature of −40 °C or below for between 5 and 10 minutes. The specific trapping temperature, time, and dilution for each experiment are chosen to optimize the amount of analyte collected while minimizing the water trapped. When trapping is complete, 5 sccm N2 flows through the column while the temperature of the GC steadily increases at a predetermined ramp rate chosen to best separate analytes of interest in the minimum amount of time. The elution stream from the GC oven is combined with a 200 sccm flow of nitrogen and routed to the mass spectrometer flow tube. Specific conditions for the experiments discussed in this paper are given in Appendix F of the ESI (Table S8).†
Ethene (≥99.5%, Sigma-Aldrich) and methanol (≥99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich) samples were prepared in 500 mL glass bulbs using manometry. The bulb was attached to a vacuum/N2 system and reagent source, and the desired concentration of ethene and methanol was obtained via serial dilution measured with pressure sensors (MKS 1000 and 10 torr Baratron pressure transducers). Concentrations were also determined using FTIR measurements by fitting spectra to absorption cross sections from the PNNL IR Database.20 The manometry and IR determinations agreed to better than 10%.
Compound | Measured sensitivitya (cts pptv−1) | Calc. CF3O−-molecule collision rateb |
a Signals are normalized to the signal of the 13C isotope of the reagent ion (m/z 86 + m/z 104 + m/z 120). b Relative to ethylene glycol. c The ratio of sensitivity to ethylene glycol is lower than the ratio of the ion–molecule collision rate coefficients due to incomplete stabilization of collisions.19 | ||
Ethylene glycol | 2.5 ± 0.2 × 10−4 | 1 |
H2O2c | 1.65 ± 0.06 × 10−4 | 0.94 |
2,3-Butanediol | 2.8 ± 1.6 × 10−4 | 1.02 |
2-Hydroxy-3-butanone | 1.29 | |
Glycolaldehyde | 2.7 ± 0.2 × 10−4 | 1.08 |
HOCH2CH2OOCH2CH2OH | 1.05 | |
HOCH2CH2OOH | 1.08 |
To determine the sensitivity of the CIMS to ethylene glycol, we used two methods to produce gas phase standards. In the first, ethylene glycol (Sigma-Aldrich) was evaporated into a 200 L Teflon bag, which was then attached to an FTIR and a flow dilution system in series with our GC-CIMS. The concentration of EG in the Teflon bag was quantified using the FTIR and cross sections from the PNNL IR Database as air from the 200 L bag flowed through a 19 cm pyrex FTIR cell with CaF2 windows at a rate of 484 sccm. The uncertainty in the FTIR cross sections is estimated to be ≤7%. Following the FTIR cell, a subsample (34 sccm) was diluted into a 2 SLM nitrogen flow yielding EG concentrations of approximately 1 ppmv which was directed into the CIMS instrument. In the second method, we prepared a known concentration of EG by flowing 20 sccm of air over a diffusion vial maintained at 30 °C. The diffusion vial containing EG was regularly weighed. The mass loss rate of EG over time, and the flow rate in the CIMS flow tube were used to calculate the mixing ratio of EG in the flow tube. The sensitivity calculated using these two methods agrees within 8%. The sensitivity using the diffusion vial method was repeated often and the average is listed in Table 1.
To estimate the sensitivity for the other reaction products, we calculate their ion–molecule collision rate relative to that of EG. CF3O− binds strongly to most multifunctional organic compounds21 and as such, the fraction of each product ionized depends linearly on the ion–molecule collision rate. For some analytes, such as H2O2, the ion–molecule complex binding energy is small, and not all collisions lead to stabilized product ions. This dissociation is diagnosed by evaluating the sensitivity as a function of temperature and water vapor. For weakly bound clusters, the sensitivity decreases as a function of temperature and generally has a complex behavior as a function of water—sometimes increasing at low concentrations as the water chaperone increases cluster formation, before decreasing at high water concentrations due to ligand switching.19,21 For the product clusters described in this work, we find that the sensitivity is largely insensitive to temperature and both water and H2O2, consistent with high stability for the ion clusters. Even for well bound clusters, the efficiency of formation of CF3O− clusters following collision can be less than unity if they fragment into smaller ions. The data obtained with the GC enables us to quantify this fragmentation for each analyte, and we observe very little such fragmentation for the species reported here. The hydroxyhydroperoxide (m/z 163) produces a very small signal at m/z 145 (<2%) and m/z 63 + 81 (2–3%). (The latter two ions are diagnostic of organic hydroperoxides.22–24) Given the size and stability of the ion products and the lack of significant fragmentation, we expect that for all the
reaction products, the sensitivity of each for its CF3O− cluster will scale with the ion–molecule collision rate to within ±20%.
To calculate the ion–molecule collision rate, we use the method of Su et al.25 together with calculated dipole moments and polarizabilities using quantum calculations.26 The calculated ion–molecule collision rates, relative to that for ethylene glycol are listed in Table 1.
Unless otherwise stated, reactions were performed in flame-dried glassware under ambient conditions using dry, deoxygenated solvents. Solvents were dried by passage through an activated alumina column under argon. Reagents were purchased from commercial sources and used as received. Reaction temperatures were controlled by an IKAmag temperature modulator. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was performed using E. Merck silica gel 60 F254 pre-coated plates (250 μm) and visualized by UV fluorescence quenching, potassium permanganate staining, or p-anisaldehyde staining. Silicycle SiliaFlash P60 Academic Silica gel (particle size 40–63 μm) was used for flash chromatography. Preparative HPLC was performed using an Agilent 1200 HPLC system equipped with an ACE C18 column (5 μm, 21.2 mm × 250 mm). 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Inova 500 (500 and 125 MHz, respectively) spectrometer and are reported in terms of chemical shift relative to CHCl3 (δ 7.26 and 77.16 ppm, respectively). Data for 1H NMR are reported as follows: chemical shift (δ ppm) (multiplicity, coupling constant, integration). Abbreviations are used as follows: s = singlet, d = doublet, t = triplet, q = quartet, m = multiplet. IR spectra were obtained from thin films deposited on NaCl plates using a PerkinElmer Spectrum BXII spectrometer and are reported in wavenumbers (cm−1). Optical rotations were measured with a Jasco P-2000 polarimeter operating on the sodium D-line (589 nm) using a 100 mm path-length cell. All of the spectral data can be found in the ESI† (Appendix G).
The clear residue was purified via preparatory TLC (5% methanol/ethyl acetate, visualized with p-anisaldehyde). All major bands were collected and were subjected to GC-CIMS analysis. Only two compounds were observed via GC-CIMS analysis: one major compound at m/z 163 and one major compound at m/z 207 (Fig. 2). The chromatograms of both of these compounds contain daughter ions characteristic of –OOH functional groups (m/z 63 and m/z 81).
The two isolated products were identified to be hydroxyhydroperoxide 1 (20.0 mg, 3% yield, colorless oil) and ether 2 (5.4 mg, less than 1% yield, colorless oil). We believe that peroxide 3 forms under the reaction conditions, as a second peak at m/z = 207 is observed in the crude reaction mixture, but is not stable to isolation. Additionally, compound 3 elutes at the same temperature as the putative accretion product in our oxidation experiments.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 ROOR and glycolaldehyde formation vs. ethylene glycol. Dashed and solid lines are linear fits to the data, with slopes of 0.56 ± 0.02 and 1.50 ± 0.03 for ROOR and glycolaldehyde, respectively. |
Shown in the first panel of Fig. 2 are gas chromatograms of the products formed in our ‘high ’ experiments. Due to its high vapor pressure, glycolaldehyde is not efficiently trapped on the column. All the other products – ethylene glycol, the hydroperoxide, and the accretion product – are efficiently collected, separated, and detected at their CF3O− cluster m/z. The average GC transmission efficiencies of all of these species is between 90–100%.
Three plausible molecules with the formula C4O4H10 can be postulated to form in the gas-phase chemistry of HOCH2CH2OO˙, and in the condensed-phase synthesis, considering the starting materials: a hydroperoxyhydroxyether, a dihydroxyperoxide, and a triol ether. The last compound can be distinguished from the first two by the number of readily exchangeable hydrogens. To rule out the triol ether, we added D2O to the GC effluent and, as shown in panel b of Fig. 2, ethylene glycol and the C2 hydroxyhydroperoxide shift up 2 m/z, consistent with two exchangeable hydrogens. Likewise, the accretion product shifts up 2 m/z. No +3 m/z isotopologues are observed. As such we eliminate consideration of the triol as a plausible structure for the accretion product.
Also shown in Fig. 2 (panels c and d) is the chromatograph of the synthetic products from the liquid phase condensation of the hydroperoxide (as described above). Two compounds at the m/z of the accretion product (m/z 207, mw 122) are observed in the crude mixture, while only one C4O4H10 compound is stable to prep TLC separation. The isolated compound eluting at approximately 65 °C is identified as the hydroperoxy hydroxy ether, HOCH2CH2OCH2CH2OOH, based on the 1H and 13C NMR spectra (see ESI†) and on the observed fragmentation of m/z 207 to m/z 63 and m/z 81 in CF3O− CIMS, fragments characteristic of hydroperoxides.22,23 The first peak, the peroxide, elutes at the same temperature as the accretion product formed in the gas-phase experiments. Therefore, we conclude by elimination that the accretion product formed in the gas-phase ethene oxidation experiments is likely the dihydroxyperoxide (ROOR).
Shown in Fig. 3 are the concentrations of ROOR and glycolaldehyde as a function of the concentration of ethylene glycol. The points are colored by the value of Fexternal. The observed yield of ROOR relative to EG is 0.56 ± 0.02. In 21% O2 at 993 hPa, the yield of GA relative to EG is 1.50 ± 0.03. The ratio of the ROOR to EG is independent of Fexternal. The ratio of GA to EG increases at the highest Fexternal as a result of secondary chemistry of the ROOH, and therefore we do not include these points in the above fit (see ESI Appendix C†).
Absent secondary chemistry, the ratio of the product yields equals the ratio of their production. To accurately determine the ratio of their production, however, secondary losses must be considered. Here, this potentially includes the photolysis of the peroxide product (ROOR), the hydroperoxide (ROOH), and glycolaldehyde. We measured the upper limit of the photolysis rate of these compounds in our chamber as follows: after synthesizing them in the gas phase via an ethene oxidation experiment in the high limit, we evacuated the chamber through a coil of Teflon tubing submersed in an ethanol/liquid nitrogen bath maintained at approximately −30 °C, trapping the low volatility products while allowing the remaining ethene and high volatility products to be pumped away. We then flushed out the chamber with clean air and returned the contents of the trap to the Teflon chamber by flowing dry air back through the trap at room temperature (294 K). Finally, we added 50 ppmv methanol to convert any ˙OH produced by subsequent photochemistry to
, thereby isolating the loss due to photolysis. We then turned on the UV lights and measured the loss rates of the relevant compounds (Table 2). During a typical 2 min photolysis experiment, we calculate that 1% of the GA is photolyzed and at most 6% of the ROOR was lost. Photolysis of the hydroxyhydroperoxide (ROOH) results in a maximum loss of a few percent. However, these measured photolysis rates are an upper limit to the loss via photolysis, as there may be additional secondary losses during these photolysis experiments – we expect that the true photolysis rates of ROOR and ROOH are likely closer to that of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, in our subsequent analysis, we assume that over the 120 s time period of our experiments, the average photolysis frequency for the ROOR and ROOH is 3.0 × 10−4 s−1. If instead we use the upper limit to the photolysis frequencies, the estimated branching ratios to ROOR and ROOH increase by approximately a factor of 1.05. We observe no significant photolysis of ethylene glycol over the experiment timescales. In addition to secondary losses, GA is also formed via the reaction of ˙OH with ROOH and EG and via photolysis of ROOH and subsequent reaction of O2 with the generated RO˙. This chemistry is only significant when ROOH is much larger than GA (e.g. at high Fexternal (see ESI Appendix C†)).
Compound | Average photolysis frequency (10−4 s−1) | Literature cross section30 (cm2 molecule−1) |
HOCH2CH2OOCH2CH2OH | <6.1 ± 0.8 | |
HOCH2CH2OOH | <5.2 ± 0.9 | |
HOCH2CHO | 1.7 ± 0.05 | 4.0 ± 0.3 × 10−20 |
H2O2 | 3.0 ± 0.5 | 7.0 ± 1.0 × 10−20 |
Accounting for the photolysis losses and glycolaldehyde production, we find that the ratio of the production of ROOR and GA to ethylene glycol are 0.57 ± 0.10 and 1.55 ± 0.20, respectively, where the uncertainty is derived primarily from the uncertainty in the relative calibration of the CIMS for these compounds. In the first-generation chemistry of this reaction system, Reaction (4) is a unique source of the accretion product and EG, so the ratio of their production is equal to the ratio of the branching in Reaction (4). GA, however, is also produced in the subsequent reactions of the alkoxy radical and O2 (Reaction (7b))17 and, speculatively, via a radical propagating reaction, Reaction (4b). There may be additional GA formed via Reaction (3). The formation of GA in these experiments is discussed further below.
There is no previous estimate for α3c or α3b, both of which would yield glycolaldehyde from the Reaction of with
. Shown in Fig. S5† is the ratio of modeled and measured GA to ethylene glycol as a function of the ratio of
steady state concentration (as simulated by the box model). Using this comparison of the box model with the data, we find that a branching fraction to the formation of GA of more than 1% from the RO2 + HO2 reaction is incompatible with the observations over a wide range of RO2 fate. This in turn suggests that α3c + 5 × α3b is less than 0.01, where the factor of 5 accounts for our determination that in 1 atmosphere of air at 294 K, approximately 20% of alkoxy radicals react via Reaction (7b). In our subsequent analysis we assume both α3c and α3b are zero, producing no GA in our experiments, and attribute excess GA with low partial pressures of O2 to Reaction (4b). We quantify the importance of this reaction pathway by assigning all GA produced in excess of EG in our low [O2] experiments to this reaction channel. It is also a theoretical possibility that this excess GA is formed by the loss of a hydrogen atom from alkoxy radicals with excess energy—however, we do not expect such a reaction to be competitive with C–C bond scission or Reaction (4b). From our experiments, we determine that the branching to pathway (4b) is 26% of the branching to Reaction (4c)
. The large uncertainty in this result reflects the fact that this ratio is determined by the difference between the yield of GA and ethylene glycol at 0% O2 and, as such, is highly sensitive to error in our knowledge of the relative sensitivity of the CIMS to these compounds.
Finally, the extent of Reaction (7b) to the formation of glycolaldehyde is quantified by comparing the relative concentrations of GA and ethylene glycol at varying O2 partial pressures. Fig. S4† shows as a function of [O2], which we determine from
as described in ESI Appendix C.† This figure also shows this ratio as determined from the data of Barnes et al.13 and Orlando et al.17 Direct comparison of these data is complicated by the difference in total pressure between our experiments and those of Orlando et al. and Barnes et al., which may change the relative branching to decomposition and reaction with O2. Additionally, the alkoxy radicals in the experiments of Orlando et al. were generated by the reaction of
with NO˙. In this system, a temperature-dependent fraction of the alkoxy radicals have excess energy, and undergo prompt decomposition, whereas the rest of the alkoxy radicals are thermalized and can then either undergo decomposition or reaction with O2.17 The fraction of thermalized alkoxy radicals generated in Reaction (4) may differ from that generated by the reaction between
and NO˙. The analysis of our data, as presented in ESI Appendix C,† indicates that approximately 20% of the alkoxy radicals in our system react with O2, whereas 29% of the alkoxy radicals in the system studied by Orlando et al. react with O2 at 298 K. While this difference is well within the uncertainty of our quantification of EG and GA, it may reflect either the difference in pressure or a difference in the fraction of thermalized radicals in our system. The comparison between our data to the data of Orlando et al. and Barnes et al. is discussed further in ESI Appendix C.† In our subsequent analysis, we use a value of 20% for branching to Reaction (7b) in air.
![]() | (17) |
Shown in Fig. 4 is Q plotted as a function of Fexternal. The y-intercept, (Fexternal = 0), is 1.07 suggesting that about half of the reacting via R4 yields
. The solid line shown in Fig. 4 is our box model results optimized to fit these data. The model includes external production of
, estimates for the loss of
via its self reaction, and photolysis losses of both ROOH and the accretion product. The optimized model suggests that the ratio of the radical recycling channels (αR4a + αR4b) to the radical terminating channels (αR4c + αR4d) is 0.54 ± 0.11. Independent of the subsequent fate of the alkoxy radical, under our reaction conditions two
are produced in each of the chain propagating channels. The uncertainty in this ratio represents error in the relative sensitivity of the CIMS to ROOH vs. ethylene glycol and ROOR (±25%) and uncertainty in their photolysis frequencies (±28%). As an additional check on the quantification of ROOH, the box model suggests that in the ‘high
’ limit, the formation of ROOH should be within a few percent of the reacted ethene. After accounting for the small photolysis losses, we find that the ratio of ROOH to ethene reacted is on average 90% for the high
experiments (see Fig. S12†).
Quantity | Constraint | Sources of uncertainty | Value |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
0.57(±0.09) |
α 7b (in air) |
![]() |
![]() |
0.20(±0.1) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Fit Fig. 2 (10%), ![]() |
0.54(±0.11) |
α 4a | 1 − α4b − α4c − α4d | α 4b (29%), α4c (25%), α4d (18%) | 0.27(±0.10) |
α 4b |
![]() |
4c (25%), ![]() |
![]() |
α 4c |
![]() |
4d (18%), ![]() |
0.40(±0.10) |
α 4d |
![]() |
Fit Fig. 4 (10%), ![]() |
0.23(±0.05) |
![]() |
![]() |
Fit Fig. 4 (20%), ![]() |
20.2(±6.1) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
2.4(±1.0) |
Our estimate of the ratio of radical propagation to radical termination in Reaction (4) is lower than several recent studies.13,36,38 The study most similar to the work presented here is that of Barnes et al.,13 a product study conducted with FTIR, which reports equal contributions of radical propagating and radical terminating channels. In that work, the concentrations of ethylene glycol, glycolaldehyde, and formaldehyde are compared to determine that α4a and α4c are approximately equal (eqn (18)):
![]() | (18) |
This expression assumes, however, that additional glycolaldehyde is only formed as a result of alkoxy radical chemistry from Reaction (4a) and that no accretion product is formed. Barnes et al. did observe excess GA at low O2 conditions similar to our findings, suggesting an additional source of GA beyond alkoxy chemistry. After accounting for this channel and the formation of ROOR, our optimized box model is fully consistent with the yields of ethylene glycol, GA, and formaldehyde reported by Barnes et al.
The rate coefficient for the title reaction (k4) has been measured in several previous studies (Table 4). These have all been flash photolysis experiments where the decay of HOCH2CH2OO˙ has been monitored by UV spectroscopy. In addition to requiring knowledge of the UV cross sections of this radical, knowledge of the yield and formation timescale of is also needed as the reaction of
contributes significantly to the observed decay rate of
. While the ratio of the decay rate of the
to the assumed
cross sections have been similar in these experiments, the reported rate coefficients have varied due to differences in the inferred cross sections and
chemistry. Most of these studies determine the absolute rate from the observed decay rate of
by assuming a steady state of
, whereby the following equation holds:
k4,obs = k4(1 + αradical) = k4(1 + α4a + α4b) | (19) |
Study | (105 cm s−1)a | α radical | k 4 | T (K) | k 4,recalc |
![]() |
This study |
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2.4 ± 1.0 | 294 | 2.4 ± 1.0 | |
Jenkin et al.37 | 6.5 ± 0.4 | 0.18 ± 0.2 | 1.4 ± 0.2 | 298 | 2.3 ± 0.6 |
Murrells et al.34 | 6.6 ± 1.1 | 0.36 ± 0.07 | 2.2 ± 0.5 | 296 | 2.3 ± 1.3 |
Jenkin et al.38 | 7.1 ± 0.6 | 0.50c | 2.1 ± 0.5 | 298 | 2.5 ± 1.4 |
Boyd et al.36 | 0.47 ± 0.04d | 2.4 ± 0.2d | 303 | 3.0 ± 0.2e |
The experiments reported here provide an entirely different constraint on the kinetics. Here, we quantify the relative reaction rate of the with itself vs. with
under conditions where the ratio of the production rates of
is known, and obtain a value of k4 (294 K) = 2.4 ± 1.0 × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1. Despite the very different approaches and entirely different error sources, our inferred rate coefficient for Reaction (4) is remarkably similar to the kinetics measurements by flash photolysis.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ Currently at AbbVie. |
§ Currently at Terray Therapeutics. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |