Issue 3, 2020

Electrospinning chiral fluorescent nanofibers from helical polyacetylene: preparation and enantioselective recognition ability


Chirality is ubiquitous in nature and closely related to the pharmacological effects of chiral drugs. Therefore, chiral recognition of molecular enantiomers becomes an important research theme. Fluorescence detection is highly sensitive and fast but has achieved only limited success in enantiomeric detection due to the lack of powerful chiral fluorescence detection materials. In this paper, a novel chiral fluorescent probe material, i.e. a chiral fluorescent nanofiber membrane, is prepared from chiral helical substituted polyacetylene by the electrospinning technique. The SEM images demonstrate the success in fabricating continuous, uniform nanofibers with a diameter of about 100 nm. Circular dichroism spectra show that the nanofibers exhibit fascinating optical activity. One of the enantiomeric chiral fluorescent membranes has chiral fluorescence recognition effects towards alanine and chiral phenylethylamine, while the other enantiomeric membrane does not. The prepared chiral fluorescent nano-materials are expected to find various applications in chirality-related fields due to their advantages such as chirality, fluorescence, and a high specific surface area. The established preparation approach also promises a potent and versatile platform for developing advanced nanofiber materials from conjugated polymers.

Graphical abstract: Electrospinning chiral fluorescent nanofibers from helical polyacetylene: preparation and enantioselective recognition ability

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Article type
23 12 2019
20 2 2020
First published
21 2 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2, 1301-1308

Electrospinning chiral fluorescent nanofibers from helical polyacetylene: preparation and enantioselective recognition ability

J. Yang, P. Li, B. Zhao, K. Pan and J. Deng, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 1301 DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00127A

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