Issue 4, 2025

Visualizing fiber end geometry effects on stress distribution in composites using mechanophores


Localized stress concentrations at fiber ends in short fiber-reinforced polymer composites (SFRCs) significantly affect their mechanical properties. Our research targets these stress concentrations by embedding nitro-spiropyran (SPN) mechanophores into the polymer matrix. SPN mechanophores change color under mechanical stress, allowing us to visualize and quantify stress distributions at the fiber ends. We utilize glass fibers as the reinforcing material and employ confocal fluorescence microscopy to detect color changes in the SPN mechanophores, providing real-time insights into the stress distribution. By combining this mechanophore-based stress sensing with finite element analysis (FEA), we evaluate localized stresses that develop during a single fiber pull-out test near different fiber end geometries—flat, cone, round, and sharp. This method precisely quantifies stress distributions for each fiber end geometry. The mechanophore activation intensity varies with fiber end geometry and pull-out displacement. Our results indicate that round fiber ends exhibit more gradual stress transfer into the matrix, promoting effective stress distribution. Also, different fiber end geometries lead to distinct failure mechanisms. These findings demonstrate that fiber end geometry plays a crucial role in stress distribution management, critical for optimizing composite design and enhancing the reliability of SFRCs in practical applications. By integrating mechanophores for real-time stress visualization, we can accurately map quantified stress distributions that arise during loading and identify failure mechanisms in polymer composites, offering a comprehensive approach to enhancing their durability and performance.

Graphical abstract: Visualizing fiber end geometry effects on stress distribution in composites using mechanophores

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Article information

Article type
12 8 2024
13 11 2024
First published
14 11 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 573-584

Visualizing fiber end geometry effects on stress distribution in composites using mechanophores

N. Haque, H. C. Chang, C. Chang and C. S. Davis, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 573 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00967C

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