Themed collection Energy Advances: Highlight UK & Europe

The role of graphene in new thermoelectric materials
This article highlights new and interesting research ideas that explored graphene's potential for thermoelectrics.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 606-614

Improving plastic pyrolysis oil quality via an electrochemical process for polymer recycling: a review
In this review we discuss the application of electrochemical hydrogenation for pyrolysis oil upgrading, thus facilitating a circular polymer economy and low-carbon fuel production.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 366-388

Synthetic approaches for perovskite thin films and single-crystals
Halide perovskites are compelling candidates for the next generation of photovoltaic technologies owing to an unprecedented increase in power conversion efficiency and their low cost, facile fabrication and outstanding semiconductor properties.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 1075-1115

Defect engineering in antimony selenide thin film solar cells
The complicated and unconventional defect chemistry of Sb2Se3 largely dictates photovoltaic device performance. This comprehensive review aims to increase understanding of defect engineering, which is essential for further efficiency improvements.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 12-33

The role of specific and active surface areas in optimizing hard carbon irreversible capacity loss in sodium ion batteries
The hard carbon irreversible capacity loss in Na-ion cells can be reduced by decreasing the total surface area and the active surface area (defects).
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 185-190

The impact of templating and macropores in hard carbons on their properties as negative electrode materials in sodium-ion batteries
Polystyrene spheres are used as sacrificial template in different contents to introduce additional pores into hard-carbon structures from glucose for the application as sodium-ion battery anodes.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 1342-1353

Steady states and kinetic modelling of the acid-catalysed ethanolysis of glucose, cellulose, and corn cob to ethyl levulinate
Ethyl levulinate is a promising advanced biofuel and platform chemical that can be derived from lignocellulosic biomass by ethanolysis processes.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 1439-1458

Practical potential of suspension electrodes for enhanced limiting currents in electrochemical CO2 reduction
Poor mass transfer in aqueous electrochemical CO2 reduction limits the achievable current density toward desired products. We introduce flowable suspension electrodes to spread the current over a larger volume and alleviate mass transfer limitations.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 841-853

Fluorine-free “solvent-in-salt” sodium battery electrolytes: solvation structure and dynamics
Most “solvent-in-salt” (SIS) electrolytes are based on heavily fluorinated anions. Here we create fluorine-free SIS electrolytes with many promising basic characteristics for future sodium battery application.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 564-573

Decal Ni mesh to enhance the conductivity of carbon back contacts in dye sensitized and perovskite solar cells
Decal of a nickel mesh prepared by photolithography-assisted electroplating on carbon counter-electrode of dye sensitized and perovskite solar cells improves the conductivity of the back contact and the performance of the devices.
Energy Adv., 2024,3, 307-315

E. coli-based semi-artificial photosynthesis: biocompatibility of redox mediators and electron donors in [FeFe] hydrogenase driven hydrogen evolution
Powering E. coli with sunlight: the optimization of a synthetic photocatalytic system allows E. coli to function as a robust and efficient platform for semi-artificial photosynthesis.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 2085-2092

Quantifying global costs of reliable green hydrogen
Assessment of the current and future cost of reliable green hydrogen production, accounting for the inter- and intra-annual variability of solar and wind renewables, using 20 years of hourly resolution from 1140 grid points worldwide.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 2042-2054

The rotating disc electrode: measurement protocols and reproducibility in the evaluation of catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
Elaborated and uniform experimental protocols are a prerequisite for OER catalyst evaluation via RDE. Still, individual sample preparation and variations in microenvironment can lead to a significant spread of results between different laboratories.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 1823-1830

On the water transport mechanism through the microporous layers of operando polymer electrolyte fuel cells probed directly by X-ray tomographic microscopy
Water distribution in the microporous layer (MPL) and the gas diffusion layer (GDL) substrate during PEFC operation at different conditions is quantitatively measured by X-ray tomographic microscopy (XTM) with time resolution down to a few seconds to probe the underlying water transport mechanism.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 1447-1463

Optimising the synthesis of LiNiO2: coprecipitation versus solid-state, and the effect of molybdenum doping
A detailed study on the optimisation of the synthesis of LiNiO2 is reported, with further preliminary results showing improved performance on Mo doping.
Energy Adv., 2023,2, 864-876

Alkaline hydrogel electrolyte from biosourced chitosan to enhance the rate capability and energy density of carbon-based supercapacitors
A green biodegradable hydrogel electrolyte was developed from chitosan biopolymer and KOH. This allows one to increase the energy density of carbon-based supercapacitors and to prevent the electrode degradation and current collector corrosion.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 1051-1064

Upcycling the carbon emissions from the steel industry into chemicals using three metal oxide loops
A new combined chemical looping process makes use of any gas stream containing CO2 and fuel to produce carbon monoxide without external energy input. Carbon monoxide can be used for producing a variety of carbon-based products.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 367-384

Technological innovation vs. tightening raw material markets: falling battery costs put at risk
This article sheds light on the combined impact of technological innovation and tightening raw material markets on future battery cost.
Energy Adv., 2022,1, 136-145
About this collection
Highlighting work in Energy Advances from the UK & Europe