Molecular-scale in-operando reconfigurable electronic hardware


It is challenging to reconfigure devices at molecular length scales. Here we report molecular junctions based on molecular switches that toggle stably and reliably between multiple operations to reconfigure electronic devices at molecular length scales. Rather than static on/off switches that always revert to the same state, our voltage-driven molecular device dynamically switches between high and low conduction states during six consecutive proton-coupled electron transfer steps. By changing the applied voltage, different states are accessed resulting in in operando reconfigurable electronic functionalities of variable resistor, diode, memory, and NDR (negative differential conductance). The switching behavior is voltage driven but also has time-dependent features making it possible to access different memory states. This multi-functional switch represents molecular scale hardware operable in solid-state devices (in the form of electrode–monolayer–electrode junctions) that are interesting for areas of research where it is important to have access to time-dependent changes such as brain-inspired (or neuromorphic) electronics.

Graphical abstract: Molecular-scale in-operando reconfigurable electronic hardware

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19 Aug. 2024
26 Nov. 2024
First published
27 Nov. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, Advance Article

Molecular-scale in-operando reconfigurable electronic hardware

Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, C. Nickle, Z. Zhang, A. Leoncini, D. Qi, A. Borrini, Y. Han, E. del Barco, D. Thompson and C. A. Nijhuis, Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00211C

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