Gaurav Sharma
Sergio Duarte
Qingyang Shen
ef and
Chalermchai Khemtong
aDepartment of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
bAdvanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
cDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
dDepartment of Surgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
eDepartment of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. E-mail:; Tel: +1 (352) 273-8646
fDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
First published on 27th November 2024
Metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases have become a global health concern due to their widespread prevalence and profound impact on life expectancy, healthcare expenditures, and the overall economy. Devising effective treatment strategies and management plans for these diseases requires an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology of the metabolic abnormalities associated with each disease. Mitochondrial dysfunction is intricately linked to a wide range of metabolic abnormalities and is considered an important biomarker for diseases. However, assessing mitochondrial functions in viable tissues remains a challenging task, with measurements of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ATP production being the most widely accepted approaches for evaluating the health of mitochondria in tissues. Measurements of cellular metabolism using carbon-13 (or 13C) tracers have emerged as a viable method for characterizing mitochondrial metabolism in a variety of organelles ranging from cultured cells to humans. Information on metabolic activities and mitochondrial functions can be obtained from magnetic resonance (MR) analyses of 13C-labeled metabolites in tissues and organs of interest. Combining novel 13C tracer technologies with advanced analytical and imaging tools in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers the potential to detect metabolic abnormalities associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. These capabilities would enable accurate diagnosis of various metabolic diseases and facilitate the assessment of responses to therapeutic interventions, hence improving patient health and optimizing clinical outcomes.
Metabolic diseases are associated with dysfunctional mitochondria.7 Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cellular metabolism and play a critical role in energy production, apoptosis, calcium homeostasis, and signaling.8 They are essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis and ensuring cell survival and proliferation. The primary role of mitochondria is to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), a process that involves electron transport chain (ETC) complexes I–IV and ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Fig. 1). Mitochondria also play key roles in other metabolic pathways, including the citric acid (TCA) cycle, β-oxidation of fatty acids, and amino acid metabolism.9 Last but not least, mitochondria play a critical role in the regulation and maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis.10 It is now well-accepted that mitochondrial dysfunction is an important hallmark of metabolic diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, MASLD, and inflammation (Fig. 2).11,12 Dysfunctional mitochondria are associated with alterations in mitochondrial metabolism and elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS).7 The underlying mechanisms for mitochondrial dysfunction are complex but generally involve impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, alterations in mitochondrial membrane potential, altered mitochondrial dynamics, and increased production coupled with ineffective removal of ROS. Dysfunctional mitochondria have been linked to reduced glucose uptake, impaired insulin signaling, and altered lipid metabolism, which all contribute to the pathophysiology of metabolic diseases.13
Obesity and type 2 diabetes, two of the most common metabolic diseases affecting millions of people worldwide,14 have been associated with impaired mitochondrial functions with decreased oxidative metabolism and impaired glucose metabolism (Fig. 2). This metabolic shift, coupled with insulin resistance, leads to fat accumulations in the liver and skeletal muscles, among several other phenotypic changes.15 Moreover, dysregulations of mitochondrial ROS production have been associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.16,17 Increased production of ROS impairs insulin signaling and causes oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA and proteins, amplifying mitochondrial dysfunction and increasing risks of metabolic diseases. Mitochondrial dysfunction has also been associated with cardiovascular diseases.18 As a highly energy-demanding organ, the heart can be greatly affected by reduced ATP production and impaired cardiac function caused by mitochondrial dysfunction.19,20 Additionally, increased ROS in dysfunctional mitochondria can result in oxidative damages to cardiac cells, increasing the risk of heart failure. In the liver, mitochondrial dysfunction induces impaired β-oxidation of fatty acids, reduced ATP production, and increased ROS production, which all contribute to the development of MASLD,21 a common liver disease characterized by fat accumulation in the liver.22
Mitochondrial dysfunction has also been associated with inflammation. Increased and unregulated mitochondrial ROS production caused by the activation of immune cells such as macrophages can contribute to the development of both chronic and acute inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and pancreatitis.23 Sepsis is an acute and potentially life-threatening condition triggered by an extreme inflammatory response to infection that can lead to end-organ damage and failure.24 Sepsis is characterized by a complex interplay between mitochondrial dysfunction and immune and metabolic abnormalities. A hypermetabolic state is developed at the onset of sepsis, activating several catabolic processes such as lipolysis, proteolysis, ketolysis, and glycolysis. As sepsis progresses, these major metabolic alterations cause damages to mitochondrial integrity and functions, exacerbating mitochondrial DNA stress, oxidative damage to key enzymes, impaired oxidative phosphorylation, fission and fusion imbalances, impaired mitochondrial quality control machinery, and altered hormonal signaling. The combination of these complex cellular processes results in dwindling energy generation, abnormal inflammatory responses, and dysfunctional immune cells that subsequently lead to severe damages to vital organs.25,26 Eventual recoveries from sepsis are contingent on mitochondrial regeneration and restoration of adequate and normal physiologic bioenergetic pathways.26
Given the strong association of mitochondrial dysfunction with a wide spectrum of metabolic diseases, novel tools that accurately assess mitochondrial functions are needed for establishing in-depth understanding of disease pathogenesis as well as for developing effective targeted therapeutic interventions.27 Several methods are currently available for assessing mitochondrial functions, including high-resolution respirometry, enzymatic assays, and imaging techniques.28,29 However, certain limitations exist, such as the requirement for invasive procedures and ex vivo assays, compromising the practicality and accuracy of the assessments. The need for robust analytical and diagnostic tools for characterizing mitochondrial functions remains unmet and continuous efforts to develop novel tools for this purpose are therefore necessary.
Different technologies and methods are available for HRR measurements. Some approaches rely on O2-dependent quenching of porphyrin-based phosphors (e.g. Seahorse XF Analyzer, Agilent Technologies Inc.) while others measure O2 consumption in viable samples with amperometric O2 sensors (e.g. Oroboros Oxygraph-2k, Oroboros Instruments). Seahorse XF Analyzers are a plate-based system with 3 fluorescent electrodes for measuring real-time O2 consumption and extracellular acidification.34 This approach was designed for high-throughput screenings with preserved samples' cellular integrity and generally requires a large number of cells or isolated mitochondria for reliable measurements.35 The Oroboros Oxygraph-2k is a widely used modular HRR instrument system that utilizes a polarographic O2 sensor to measure OCR over a range of O2 concentrations and temperatures. Oroboros Oxygraph-2k provides comprehensive, precise, and highly sensitive assessments of OXPHOS in isolated mitochondria, intact or permeabilized cells, and freshly prepared tissue slices.36,37 It is important to note that these approaches for assessing O2 metabolism in the context of mitochondrial function are primarily suited for in vitro and ex vivo analyses with limited practicality for in vivo measurements.
Another important hallmark of mitochondrial dysfunction is abnormal redox homeostasis, with unregulated production and release of ROS or imbalanced ratios of key molecular redox pairs such as NAD+/NADH, NADP+/NADPH, FAD/FADH2, and GSH/GSSG. Mitochondrial functions may therefore be assessed by analyzing the redox state of mitochondria.38 A variety of fluorescent probes have been developed over the years to measure NADH or NADPH concentrations. This strategy relies on chemical interactions between the fluorescent probes and the cofactors NADH or NADPH, producing a new fluorescent species with fluorescence emission distinguishable from the parent fluorescent probes.38,39 Examples of these probes include small molecular organic dyes (e.g. resorufin-based probes), genetically encoded protein-based probes (e.g. SoNar), and nanoparticle probes (e.g. carbon dots or metal complex-based probes).40,41 This technique is highly sensitive, both spatially and temporally, thanks to the excellent sensitivity of fluorescence spectroscopy. However, fluorescent probes face limitations in tissue penetration and therefore are most suited for smaller samples such as cultured cells and tissue slices (Fig. 3, top right). Autofluorescence originated from blood and tissues is another major drawback as significant signal interferences can be expected in highly perfused organs.40
ATP production rates are another index commonly measured for analyzing mitochondrial functions. In isolated mitochondria, cultured cells, and tissue slices, ATP production rates can be measured by bioluminescence spectroscopy in which firefly luciferase catalyzes the reaction between the newly produced ATP and luciferin to generate AMP, oxyluciferin, and quantifiable luminescent light (Fig. 3, bottom).42 Under the same principle, in vivo measurements of ATP production rates can be done in small animals such as mice and rats using bioluminescence imaging (BLI). Phosphorous-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) is another approach commonly used for measuring cellular ATP (Fig. 3, bottom).10 In this technique, 31P MR signal intensities of high-energy phosphates, e.g., ATP and ADP, phosphocreatine (PCr), and inorganic phosphate (Pi) can be quantified. Cellular bioenergetic states can then be analyzed from signal ratios of these metabolites such as ATP-to-ADP, ATP-to-Pi, and ATP-to-PCr ratios. 31P MRS also allows for measurements of these high-energy metabolites' concentrations, which are useful parameters for mitochondrial function assessments. Additionally, ATP synthesis rates can be measured using 31P MRS. This is achieved by measuring the rates of PCr depletion coupled with ATP resynthesis, and vice versa, following ATP consumption by metabolic stress events, e.g., exercise, immune activation, or drug administration.43,44 The PCr/ATP ratios measured by 31P MRS are also used as an indirect readout for mitochondrial oxidative capacity and cellular bioenergetic state.45 31P MRS is a non-invasive technique, making it highly suitable for longitudinal measurements of cellular and mitochondrial functions where repeated data acquisitions are required. 31P MRS is a relatively insensitive method, like most magnetic resonance methods, and often requires lengthy data acquisition times. This drawback reduces temporal resolution and therefore hinders measurements of true ATP synthesis kinetics. MRS in general also suffers from poor spatial resolution. Analysis of a specific region of tissues or organs without signal contaminations from surrounding tissues is often impractical.46,47 Last but not least, changes in ATP production are not entirely mitochondria-specific and can be induced by other factors such as blood flow or oxygen delivery, complicating the use of ATP production as an index for assessing mitochondrial function.47
While both MS and NMR are widely used in metabolic analyses, this review will be primarily focused on NMR-based investigations of cellular metabolism using 13C tracers. This approach provides unique insights into metabolic fluxes, making it an indispensable tool for gaining a comprehensive understanding of mitochondrial functions.
Despite its first use in organic chemistry in the late 1950s, 13C NMR was not utilized in metabolism applications until 1972 when it was used for analyzing the metabolism of 13C-enriched glucose in saccharomyces cerevisiae.52 About a decade later, Chance et al. proposed a method for estimating the TCA cycle flux in isolated perfused rat hearts using 13C fractional enrichments of glutamate as measured by 13C NMR of tissue extracts.53 Glutamate can be produced from the TCA cycle intermediate α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) via transamination, without altering the 13C labeling patterns between the two metabolites. It is more abundant than α-KG in tissues, making it an excellent metabolite for analyzing 13C labeling of the TCA cycle metabolites. Moreover, the five unique and distinguishable 13C resonances of glutamate appearing in a wide range on the NMR spectra (∼28–181 ppm) are also beneficial for the analysis of 13C multiplets arising from 13C–13C coupling. With five carbon centers in its skeletal molecular structure, glutamate has possible thirty-two isotope isomers, or isotopomers, as the number of isotopomers is equal to 25.54 The different isotopomers include glutamate with 13C labeling patterns ranging from no 13C labeling at all, to those with only one 13C labeling at any of the five positions, and to the isotopomer with all five carbons labeled with 13C isotope (uniformly 13C-labeled glutamate or [U-13C5]glutamate). Different glutamate isotopomers can be produced depending on 13C labeling patterns of the oxidized metabolic substrates and how the substrates are metabolized into the TCA cycle. For example, β-oxidation of uniformly 13C-labeled long chain fatty acids ([U-13C]LCFA) (blue circles in Fig. 4A) produces uniformly 13C-labeled acetyl CoA ([U-13C2]Ac-CoA that fuses with oxaloacetate and, through several metabolites, subsequently produces the glutamate isotopomer with two 13C centers at C4 and C5 ([4,5-13C2]glutamate) following the first turn of the TCA cycle. 13C NMR spectra of this isotopomer has detectable C4 and C5 resonances, both as a doublet due to the 13C–13C coupling (C4D45 and C5D45). The second turn of the TCA cycle produces [3,4,5-13C3]glutamate. The C3 and C5 resonances of this isotopomer appear as a doublet due to the C3–C4 (C3D34) and C4–C5 (C5D45) spin–spin coupling, respectively. The C4 resonance appears as a doublet-of-doublets or quartet (C4Q) resulting from C4 coupling with both C3 and C5 (Fig. 4A). Oxidation of [1,3-13C2]acetoacetate ([1,3-13C2]AcAc) or [1,3-13C2]β-hydroxybutyrate ([1,3-13C2]βHB) into the TCA cycle produces [5-13C]glutamate (red circle) with a singlet peak appearing at the C5 resonance (C5S). Finally, metabolism of [1,6-13C2]glucose via glycolysis followed by oxidation into the TCA cycle produces [4-13C]glutamate after the first turn (C4S) and [3,4-13C2]glutamate (C4D34) after the second turn. The lower right panel of Fig. 4A shows drawings of individual multiplets for C3–C5 resonances as well as the summed spectra, demonstrating how multiplets from various spin–spin coupling for each resonance would appear in a13C NMR spectrum. The lower left panel of Fig. 4A shows 13C multiplets spectra simulated using tcaSIM55 with 13C-labeled Ac-CoA originated from various sources of substrates as follows: 25% [U-13C]LCFA, 45% [1,6-13C2]glucose, and 20% [1,3-13C2]AcAc) or [1,3-13C2]βHB. As discussed, simple 13C NMR analysis of glutamate 13C multiplets is a powerful technique for calculating the fractional oxidation of 13C-labeled metabolic substrates and estimating metabolic fluxes in tissues.53,56
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Fig. 4 (A) A diagram showing production of various 13C glutamate isotopomers from different metabolic substrates and pathways. The 13C glutamate isotopomers along with a depiction of C3, C4, and C5 multiplets are shown in the lower right. For glutamate produced from glucose (black circles) and long chain fatty acids (blue circles), the isotopomer produced after the first and second turn of the TCA cycle are shown on the top and bottom drawing, respectively. The multiplets in the lower left were simulated using tcaSIM55 with 25%, 45%, and 20% of Ac-CoA originated from [U-13C]LCFA, [1,6-13C2]glucose, and [1,3-13C2]AcAc, respectively; (B) 13C tracer design for metabolic analysis of PAB-induced hypertrophied piglet hearts (top) and C5 glutamate resonance of tissue extracts (bottom);59 (C) C3 and C4 glutamate resonances of tissue extracts from lean or obese livers with and without PDK knock-out (left). A schematic showing production of 13C glutamate isotopomers from [U-13C3]pyruvate is shown in the right.60 (D) Analysis of hepatic metabolism in humans with [U-13C3]glycerol. Representative C2 and C5 resonances of glucose as well as C2 resonance of glycerol are also shown here.62 |
In one notable example, Jones et al. applied NMR analysis of 13C glutamate isotopomers to evaluate effects of oxidative stress on energy metabolism in isolated perfused rat hearts.57 Oxidative stress was induced by exposing the perfused hearts to hydrogen peroxide or tertiary hydroperoxide. Results from the study showed that peroxide treatments led to a reduction in developed pressure. Real-time 31P NMR analysis of the perfused hearts showed a decrease in the ATP/PCr ratio in hearts exposed to hydrogen peroxide but not in hearts treated with tertiary butyl hydroperoxide. By comparing data from hearts receiving either [U-13C6]glucose combined with unlabeled acetate and lactate or [3-13C]lactate combined with [1,2-13C2]acetate and unlabeled glucose as oxidizable substrates, analysis of 13C enrichment of C3 and C4 of glutamate by high-resolution 13C NMR revealed that tertiary butyl hydroperoxide increased glucose oxidation into the TCA cycle while hydrogen peroxide treatment did not affect glucose oxidation. However, hydrogen peroxide significantly increased oxidation of exogenous lactate by the heart. Both oxidants caused a significant increase in carbohydrate oxidation via pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) (lactate and glucose combined) while suppressing oxidation of endogenous substrates, i.e., triglycerides and glycogen, for energy production. In another example, Chatham et al. evaluated carbohydrate metabolism in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rat hearts.58 In this study, isolated hearts from ZDF rats were perfused with 13C-enriched carbohydrates; i.e. [U-13C6]glucose, [3-13C]lactate, and [2-13C]pyruvate, and unlabeled palmitate. Fractional oxidation of each 13C-labeled carbohydrate as well as nonlabelled substrates, palmitate and endogenous nutrients, can be estimated from 13C glutamate isotopomer analysis. Data from this study revealed a notable suppression of glucose oxidation into the TCA cycle through PDH in ZDF hearts, while oxidation of exogenous, 13C-labelled pyruvate and lactate between the healthy and diabetic hearts was comparable. Despite this shift in the metabolic phenotype, there were no detectable changes in systolic functions in the ZDF hearts compared with the healthy ones. This study highlights the premise that metabolic alterations often precede mechanical changes in cardiac functions and 13C tracers combined with high-resolution 13C NMR is a sensitive approach for evaluating these changes.
Similar approaches have also been applied to analyze mitochondrial metabolism in larger animals. Kajimoto et al. investigated metabolic reprogramming and altered carbohydrate oxidation in immature hypertrophied right ventricles in piglet hearts.59 Using a combination of [2-13C]lactate, [1-13C]glucose, and [U-13C6]leucine, the authors observed that immature hypertrophied right ventricle induced by pulmonary artery banding (PAB) favored oxidation of [2-13C]lactate as confirmed by the intense singlet peak compared to the doublet of glutamate C5 resonance (Fig. 4B, two left spectra) and 13C glutamate isotopomer analysis of right ventricle tissue extracts. In contrast, oxidation of [1-13C]glucose and [U-13C6]leucine into the TCA cycle was not different between the PAB and sham hearts. This study also revealed that infusion of dichloroacetate (DCA), a potent inhibitor of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDK), amplified [2-13C]lactate oxidation through increased oxidation of pyruvate via PDH in immature hypertrophied right ventricle under hemodynamic stress induced by atrial pacing (Fig. 4B, two right spectra). The DCA-induced lactate oxidation was also accompanied by improved function of the hypertrophied right ventricle during stress. 13C NMR has also been applied to evaluate hepatic mitochondrial metabolism. In a recent study by our group, we have demonstrated that PDK knockout resulted in increased carbohydrate oxidation into the TCA cycle via PDH in both lean and diet-induced obese mice.60 Carbohydrate metabolism was evaluated in isolated perfused livers from lean and obese mice, with and without PDK knockout, with [U-13C3]pyruvate and [U-13C3]lactate used as carbohydrate sources. NMR analysis of 13C glutamate isotopomers revealed a lower degree of carbohydrate oxidation in obese mouse livers compared to those from lean animals as confirmed by lower fractional enrichment of [4,5-13C]glutamate (lower C4D45, Fig. 4C). PDK knockout increased carbohydrate oxidation in the liver of both lean and obese animals. The increased carbohydrate oxidation in obese, PDK knockout livers is also associated with a much lower degree of hepatic steatosis, emphasizing the accuracy of high-resolution 13C NMR for analyzing metabolic alterations due to diseases or treatments. In another example, Shannon et al. evaluated hepatic metabolism in obese mice with and without treatments with an insulin-sensitizing drug pioglitazone using high-resolution NMR.61 Following an intraperitoneal administration of [2,3-13C2]pyruvate to fasted animals, 13C isotopomer analysis of monoacetone glucose (MAG) chemically derivatized from plasma glucose revealed that pioglitazone treatments significantly reduced pyruvate-driven gluconeogenesis in obese mice. These mice had much higher fractional enrichments of [1,2-13C]glucose and [5,6-13C]glucose resulting from direct carboxylation of [2,3-13C2]pyruvate to oxaloacetate by PC followed by subsequent metabolism through gluconeogenic pathway. 13C-glutamate isotopomer analysis suggested that pioglitazone did not alter the balance between pyruvate metabolism through PC and PDH as evidenced by fractional enrichment of [2,3-13C]glutamate and [4,5-13C]glutamate, respectively, and despite the pioglitazone-induced decrease in gluconeogenesis from pyruvate. These findings demonstrate once again the benefits of high-resolution 13C NMR in the analyses of mitochondrial metabolism in viable tissues.
In this small pilot study, the authors employed [U-13C3]glycerol to analyze hepatic metabolism in healthy volunteers.62 Their results demonstrated that metabolism of exogenous [U-13C3]glycerol via the TCA cycle is stimulated by fasting. Doublet peaks at the C2 resonance (C2D) of the triglyceride glycerol moiety were detectable in 13C NMR spectra of plasma samples from both fed and fasted individuals, but higher in the fasted group (Fig. 4D). The presence of C2D of glycerol confirms the metabolism of [U-13C3]glycerol into the TCA cycle via [U-13C3]pyruvate followed by cataplerosis of oxaloacetate to produce [1,2-13C2]glycerol and [2,3-13C2]glycerol. Analyses of glucose 13C isotopomers confirmed the metabolism of exogenous [U-13C3]glycerol in the TCA cycle under both nutritional conditions, but higher under fasting, as corroborated by the presence of doubly 13C-labeled glucose, i.e. [1,2-13C2]glucose, [2,3-13C2]glucose, [4,5-13C2]glucose, [5,6-13C2]glucose (Fig. 4D). Higher metabolism of [U-13C3]glycerol via the PPP was also observed in fasted individuals as demonstrated by a bigger difference between [1,2-13C2]/[2,3-13C2] and [5,6-13C2]/[4,5-13C2] ratios in 13C NMR of plasma glucose. In a follow-up study, the authors investigated the impact of empagliflozin on [U-13C3]glycerol metabolism in hepatic gluconeogenesis of obese individuals without type 2 diabetes. 13C NMR analyses of plasma samples revealed that empagliflozin stimulated glucose synthesis from the exogenous [U-13C3]glycerol as confirmed by higher 13C incorporation in plasma glucose from subjects undergoing daily oral empagliflozin treatments. Empagliflozin did not affect glycerol metabolism via the PPP or TCA cycle. Metabolism of [U-13C3]glycerol for gluconeogenesis was also affected by visceral adipose tissue (VAT) levels, with lower 13C-labeling of plasma glucose observed in individuals with high VAT. These two studies have demonstrated that simple oral administrations of 13C-enriched glycerol may serve as a suitable tracer for interrogating hepatic metabolism in humans.
In another example, Fletcher et al. employed a different approach by combining a number of 13C-labeled metabolic tracers to analyze hepatic metabolism in 40 human subjects with varying hepatic triglyceride contents following a 24 hours fasting period.63 Regular metabolic analysis of the study subjects revealed that plasma ketones, acetoacetate (AcAc), and β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), were lower in subjects with MASLD than in the healthy control individuals. Among the MASLD patients, suppressed ketogenesis appeared to be exacerbated in those with higher hepatic triglyceride contents. Interconversion between the two ketones, as evaluated by co-infusing [3,4-13C2]AcAc and [1,2-13C2]β-HB and quantifying production of their respective metabolites, namely [3,4-13C2]β-HB and [1,2-13C2]AcAc, by high-resolution 13C NMR of plasma extracts, was impaired in MASLD patients regardless of hepatic triglyceride content levels. These findings likely reflect abnormal mitochondrial redox state or impaired activities of β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH) enzyme in MASLD livers, both characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction. Metabolic fates of acetyl-CoA were also evaluated by analyzing fractional 13C enrichment of plasma glucose following oral administration of [U-13C3]propionate.64 Their results revealed an altered acetyl-CoA disposal pathway and impaired ketogenesis, with metabolism into the TCA cycle as the primary fate for acetyl-CoA metabolism in MASLD patients despite prolonged fasting. Results from this study suggested that lipid disposal via oxidative metabolism into the TCA cycle and gluconeogenesis is favored over ketogenesis in MASLD livers, leading to elevated plasma glucose levels. Restoring ketogenesis may offer therapeutic potentials for MASLD, addressing disrupted lipid catabolism and glucose regulation.
As highlighted by the studies above, 13C NMR analyses of 13C metabolic tracers have a significant role in assessing mitochondrial functions in various biological systems. These studies have identified specific metabolic pathways that are altered in response to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, providing valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of metabolic alterations associated with diseases. With continued advancements in 13C metabolic tracer technologies, high-resolution NMR is expected to remain a vital tool for achieving further breakthroughs in the understanding of these important biological processes in the years ahead.
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Fig. 5 A workflow for HP 13C MR studies is shown in the left panel. (Top right) Metabolism of HP [1,3-13C2]AcAc to [1,3-13C2]β-HB as a mitochondrial redox probe;71 (bottom right) analysis of cellular redox in rat livers using HP [1-13C]Ala.73 |
Since its introduction, HP 13C MR has been employed in the analysis of mitochondrial functions in metabolic diseases using various 13C-labeled substrates. In one example, Lee et al. used HP 13C MRI to determine changes in mitochondrial metabolism in a mouse model of high-fat diet induced type 2 diabetes by measuring real-time hepatic gluconeogenesis in the animals.70 The authors discovered that increased metabolism of HP [1-13C]pyruvate through pyruvate carboxylase (PC), as confirmed by increased signals of four-carbon metabolites [1-13C]malate and [1-13C]aspartate, is an important metabolic phenotype associated with increased hepatic glucose production in type 2 diabetes. This discovery suggests that HP 13C MRI enables the detection of metabolic changes during the development and progression of diabetes as well as longitudinal monitoring of liver function in diabetes. In principle, the metabolism of HP [1-13C]pyruvate via PDH can be analyzed as a readout for mitochondrial oxidative metabolism by quantifying signal intensities of the product of this metabolic reaction, 13CO2. However, 13CO2 signals are generally weak due to the extremely short T1 of 13CO2, coupled with the acid–base equilibrium that favors the enzymatic conversion of 13CO2 to its base-pair H13CO3− at physiological pH. HP H13CO3− is therefore a more suitable metabolite for this purpose and is generally analyzed as a readout for mitochondrial oxidation of HP [1-13C]pyruvate oxidation. Results from this study showed comparable normalized H13CO3− signals in the livers of control and high-fat diabetic mice, suggesting that PDH fluxes were not different between the two groups of animals.
HP 13C MR has also been evaluated in the direct measurements of mitochondrial redox as a marker for mitochondrial dysfunction. Chen et al. used HP 13C NMR to investigate abnormal redox associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in isolated perfused rat hearts.71 Conversion of AcAc to β-HB is catalyzed by mitochondrial enzyme β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH) and involves redox cofactors NAD+ and NADH. The authors hypothesized that the myocardial metabolism of HP 13C-AcAc to 13C-β-HB is sensitive to the mitochondrial NAD+/NADH ratio, a widely accepted measure for cellular redox (Fig. 5, top right). A higher conversion of 13C-AcAc to 13C-β-HB was observed in hearts subjected to ischemia or treatment with rotenone, a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, than in the control hearts. This high production of β-HB in diseased myocardium reflects excess accumulation of mitochondrial NADH, indicative of imbalanced mitochondrial redox and dysfunctional mitochondria, induced by ischemia and pharmacological disruption of the electron transport chain. This study highlights the potential roles of HP 13C MR in the characterization of cellular redox and mitochondrial dysfunction in functioning hearts. In a follow-up study, Sharma et al. investigated the possibility of analyzing redox states of both the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments simultaneously in isolated rat hearts using HP 13C MR.72 In this study, 13C-AcAc was co-polarized with [1-13C]pyruvate and injected into the perfused hearts. As discussed earlier, the metabolism of 13C-AcAc to 13C-β-HB is sensitive to mitochondrial NAD+/NADH ratios. Meanwhile, the production of [1-13C]lactate from HP [1-13C]pyruvate is catalyzed by the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), which requires cytosolic NAD+ and NADH, linking this process to the redox state of the cytosolic compartment. Simultaneous productions of HP 13C-β-HB and HP [1-13C]lactate as detected by 13C MR should therefore provide a readout for the redox state of both mitochondria and cytosols. Results from this study show that production of 13C-β-HB reflected changes in mitochondrial redox, consistent with the previous report, while metabolism of [1-13C]pyruvate to [1-13C]lactate was not sensitive to the altered redox state caused by ischemic and pharmacological interventions applied to the hearts under the conditions explored in that study.
In addition to the work discussed above, other 13C substrates and approaches have also been investigated as metabolic probes for real-time assessments of mitochondrial function by 13C MR. HP [1-13C]alanine has also been used to detect compromised mitochondrial function in rat livers following ethanol administration.73 Ratios of [1-13C]lactate to [1-13C]pyruvate were quantified in the liver of rats as a readout for mitochondrial redox for the organ (Fig. 5, bottom right). The authors reported that ethanol administration led to increased [1-13C]lactate/[1-13C]pyruvate ratios consistent with accumulated NADH and abnormal cellular redox in the liver induced by ethanol. While [1-13C]lactate/[1-13C]pyruvate ratios are thought to reflect the state of cytosolic redox, it is known that imbalanced cytosolic redox is linked to mitochondrial dysfunction74,75 and the authors correlated the increased [1-13C]lactate/[1-13C]pyruvate ratios in ethanol-treated animals to abnormal mitochondrial redox caused by metabolism of excess alcohol in these animals. Last but not least, a unique HP 13C probe [1-13C]dehydroascorbate (13C-DHA) was proposed as an imaging probe for evaluating cellular redox in vivo.76,77 HP 13C-DHA can be reduced to 13C-ascorbic acid (AA, vitamin C) requiring reduced glutathione (GSH) and NADPH. Both studies showed that HP 13C-DHA was readily reduced to 13C-AA in cancer cells and tumors. No oxidation of HP 13C-AA to 13C-DHA was observed in tumors when HP 13C-AA was used as the tracer, confirming a reduced redox state in tumor microenvironments.77 These studies demonstrated the benefits of HP 13C MR in interrogating mitochondrial function in real-time with 13C substrates. In addition to the HP 13C probes discussed in this section, other 13C agents have also been used to analyze various aspects of cellular metabolism and mitochondrial function. Review articles by Chaumeil et al.78 and Singh et al.,79 for example, are recommended for more in-depth discussions of this novel technology and 13C substrates for interrogating metabolic abnormalities in various diseases.
13C-Tracers combined with NMR or MRI have been demonstrated as a novel technique for characterizing cellular metabolism through both invasive and noninvasive means, thus presenting a potential method for assessing mitochondrial functions in tissues. Following administration of 13C-labeled metabolic substrates such as carbohydrates and fats, downstream metabolites of the injected substrates can be labeled with 13C isotopes. It is important to note that while the metabolites of interest may be found in various cellular compartments as well as in the extracellular space, their production from the selected 13C-enriched tracers occurs specifically in the mitochondrial matrix. Therefore, the information on metabolic production of these 13C-metabolites is uniquely specific to the mitochondrial metabolic activities. Extracts of tissue or blood samples can be analyzed by high-resolution 13C NMR to obtain information on the metabolism of those substrates. This approach generally requires a relatively large sample size, several hundreds of milligrams, due to the inherently poor sensitivity of traditional 13C NMR. The technology has therefore been used mainly for measuring the metabolism in rodents, with only a select handful of studies carried out in humans focusing on analyses of plasma samples. This drawback is a major hurdle in the translation of this technology to the clinics. However, 13C NMR analysis of plasma is feasible and could present an ideal application for this technology, especially for metabolites that enter circulation in relatively high concentrations. One could envision a metabolic test that involves patients ingesting or being infused with a13C-labeled tracer cocktail followed by blood collection for 13C NMR analyses (Fig. 6, left). If an appropriate tracer that is sensitive to mitochondrial metabolism and produces downstream metabolites detectable in plasma can be established, a diagnostic assay using this approach could potentially be developed for assessing mitochondrial functions in the clinics.
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Fig. 6 Potential applications of 13C tracers for metabolic analyses in humans. Workflows for metabolic analysis by high-resolution 13C NMR of blood samples (left) and HP 13C MRI (right). |
Real-time metabolic analyses with HP 13C MRI have also been demonstrated in subjects ranging from rodents to humans over the past decade. HP 13C MRI offers a safe and rapid means to noninvasively assess mitochondrial function, potentially allowing for the detection of metabolic abnormalities associated with many diseases (Fig. 6, right). With the ability to detect metabolic changes, HP 13C MRI could be used to assess disease progression or monitor therapeutic responses given that these processes generally involve changes in cellular metabolism and mitochondrial functions. Despite the promise of HP 13C MRI, some limitations exist. One of the major hurdles to its clinical implementation is the complexity of data analysis it entails, necessitating specialized expertise in metabolic flux analysis and computational modeling. Moreover, special hardware is required for generating HP 13C substrates and for MRI acquisitions. Importantly, to date only [1-13C]pyruvate has demonstrated clinical applicability as a probe due to its favorably long HP 13C MR signal lifetime and rapid metabolism in vivo. Research on several other probes is underway, with results from human imaging studies expected over the next few years. The future clinical utility of this innovative technology will rely heavily on the diagnostic capabilities of HP [1-13C]pyruvate across various pathologies, as well as the development and emergence of new probes that are both clinically feasible and diagnostically valuable.
In conclusion, 13C metabolic tracing by MR is a powerful approach for measuring mitochondrial metabolism in living organelles. Much work remains to be done to establish important metabolic biomarkers that are assessable by 13C MR tracers for effective translation of these novel technologies to the clinics and establish them as valuable tools for the management and treatment of metabolic diseases.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |