Oleg V.
*c and
aCollege of Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Theoretical & Computational Photochemistry of Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, People's Republic of China. E-mail: runlong@bnu.edu.cn
bCenter for Advanced Materials Research, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai 519087, People's Republic of China
cDepartments of Chemistry, and Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA. E-mail: prezhdo@usc.edu
First published on 2nd September 2024
Photocatalytic water splitting has been a focal point of research to solve energy and environmental issues. However, the understanding of photocatalytic water splitting and coupled dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers at molecule/semiconductor interfaces is still limited. We have combined ab initio molecular dynamics, real-time time-dependent density functional theory, and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics to study the dissociation of water and capture of photogenerated holes on the pristine rutile TiO2(110) surface. Our simulations indicate that intermolecular hydrogen bonding (IHB) between water molecules facilitates water dissociation. The dissociation energy of water molecules in a pristine, non-dissociated structure is reduced by 15%, from 0.26 eV to 0.21 eV, due to IHB. In the semi-dissociated structure, the dissociation energy of a water molecule is only 0.13 eV, owing to proton transfer induced by IHB. In the semi-dissociated structure, IHB between H2O and terminal hydroxyl (OtH) stabilizes the dissociated structure. Furthermore, IHB promotes spatial isolation of OtH and bridging hydroxyl (ObrH) and inhibits their recombination. The stabilized dissociated structure activates high-frequency vibrational modes that increase the nonadiabatic coupling and promote hole capture on a femtosecond timescale, accelerating the capture rate by 36%. The findings provide important insights into photo-dissociation of water on rutile TiO2(110), particularly shedding light on the impact of key intermediates on the photocatalytic process.
Over the years, numerous experimental and theoretical studies have attempted to elucidate whether water molecules dissociate on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface, but the current conclusions remain controversial. On the one hand, some experimental and theoretical studies suggest that water molecule dissociation occurs only on oxygen vacancies of the TiO2(110) surface. For example, using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), Brookes et al. observed that only bridging hydroxyl (ObrH) is formed by the dissociation of water at oxygen vacancies on the rutile TiO2(110) surface.13,25 They did not observe terminal hydroxyl (OtH) adsorbed on five-coordinated Ti sites (Ti5c) formed by the dissociation of water at non-oxygen vacancies, and therefore they suggested that water molecules cannot dissociate on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations conducted by Liu et al. indicated that water molecules do not dissociate on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface at coverages of 0.5 mol L−1 and 1 mol L−1.31 On the other hand, some studies suggest that water molecules can dissociate on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface. Walle et al. utilized synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy to find that water dissociation at oxygen vacancies competes with dissociation in defect-free regions.26,29 Using STM, Yang et al. observed the appearance of OtH on the Ti5c site of p-rutile TiO2(110) under ultraviolet light exposure.30,32 Their work provides direct evidence for photoinduced water dissociation on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface. In addition to the experiments, quantum molecular dynamics (MD) simulations also revealed that the assistance of surface Obr contributes to the water dissociation on p-rutile TiO2(110).33
Although some studies suggest that water molecules can dissociate on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface, experimental results demonstrate that the efficiency of photocatalytic water decomposition on this surface is very low. Consequently, most studies conclude that surface-bridging oxygen vacancies are the key factor facilitating water dissociation. Du et al. observed through high-resolution STM that once ObrH and OtH occupy adjacent positions, they immediately disappear due to the reformation of water.34 This discovery provides a clue for explaining the low efficiency of photoinduced water molecule dissociation on p-rutile TiO2(110). It is hard for the OtH species generated by the dissociation of water to desorb from Ti5c and migrate along the surface, preventing separation of ObrH and OtH and leading to the formation of ObrH/OtH pairs, referred to as “pseudo-dissociated” water.35 Car–Parrinello MD simulations also indicated that ObrH/OtH pairs undergo rapid recombination on p-rutile TiO2(110).36 Thus, the rapid recombination of ObrH/OtH pairs in the pseudo-dissociated state may be the key factor limiting effective photoinduced dissociation of water. It is noteworthy that both experiments and theoretical simulations indicate that the adsorption of water molecules on rutile TiO2(110) in the form of dimers or one-dimensional water chains is more favorable compared to monomer adsorption, with these molecules interconnected through hydrogen bonds.15,37,38 Experiments show that water molecules adsorbed in the dimeric form exhibit a higher dissociation efficiency compared to monomer adsorption, which is attributed to cooperativity mediated by strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding (IHB).32 Up to now, the detailed mechanism of water molecule dissociation on p-rutile TiO2(110) remains unclear, particularly regarding how to overcome the recombination of the ObrH/ObrH pairs in the pseudo-dissociated state and effectively capture photogenerated holes. Further research is needed to address these questions.
Numerous first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulations of the water-splitting process focused on the electronic and thermodynamic aspects. These simulations are based on the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, and thus, are conducted in the ground electronic state. More advanced methods are needed for studying the dynamics of photogenerated hole capture at the surface, which is important for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of water splitting on surfaces. Time-domain ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) simulations can investigate excited-state charge transfer, relaxation, and recombination processes at photocatalytic interfaces at the atomic level, providing new insights into the mechanisms of photocatalytic surface reactions.39 Using NAMD simulations, Kaxiras, Meng et al., studied the photo-driven oxidation and dissociation of H2O and CH3OH on the rutile TiO2(110) surface.40,41 Their work revealed the reaction intermediates, adsorption structures, and timescales of photogenerated carrier capture. Zhao et al. discovered through ab initio NAMD simulations that the activation of the bending and asymmetric stretching vibrational modes of CO2 molecules is key to capturing photogenerated electrons, a process that can be completed within 100 fs.42 The capture of surface photogenerated charges has become an essential aspect of studying photocatalytic reaction mechanisms.
In this study, we employed DFT, time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT), and nonadiabatic (NA) MD methods to investigate the dynamics of water dissociation and capture of photogenerated holes on p-rutile TiO2(110). Ab initio MD (AIMD) simulations reveal that the water monolayer undergoes spontaneous partial dissociation (semi-dissociation). Strong hydrogen bonds (HBs) between ObrH and OtH in the semi-dissociated system stabilize the dissociated structure and inhibit recombination of ObrH/OtH pairs. Moreover, the dissociation of water with a lowered reaction barrier, induced by HBs, leads to spatial isolation of the ObrH and OtH species, further preventing their recombination. NAMD simulations show that capture of photogenerated holes in the semi-dissociated system is significantly accelerated compared to in the monolayer system and occurs on a femtosecond timescale. This is primarily attributed to the enhanced nonadiabatic coupling between adjacent states. The electron-vibrational interaction analysis reveals that hole capture is mainly promoted by high-frequency vibration modes that are activated after the initial semi-dissociation. The stronger electron–phonon coupling and enhanced high-frequency vibrational modes accelerate energy relaxation leading to the photogenerated hole capture. Our study emphasizes the importance of intermediates during the photocatalytic water dissociation process on metal oxide surfaces.
The geometry optimization, electronic structure calculations, and adiabatic molecular dynamics simulations were performed using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) software.44 The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE)45 functional was employed to handle the electronic correlation and exchange energy, and the interaction between valence electrons and atomic cores was described using the Projected Augmented Wave (PAW)46–48 pseudopotentials. The energy cutoff for the plane wave basis was set to 500 eV. The DFT-D3 method49 was employed to describe the weak van der Waals interactions. Geometry optimization and electronic structure calculations were performed using 3 × 3 × 1 and 6 × 6 × 1 Monkhorst–Pack k-point grids,50 respectively. The search for the minimum energy paths and transition state optimizations for the dissociation of water molecules were performed using the Climbing Image Nudged Elastic Band (CI-NEB)51 method. In all calculations, the energy convergence criterion for the electronic self-consistent field was 10−5 eV, and the structures were fully optimized until the ionic forces were less than 0.02 eV Å−1. After obtaining the optimized geometry at 0 K, the system was heated to 200 K using velocity rescaling. Subsequently, a 12 ps adiabatic molecular dynamics trajectory was obtained in the microcanonical ensemble with a time step of 1 fs. To simulate the quantum dynamics of the capture of photogenerated holes by H2O, 1000 structures were selected from the 12 ps trajectory as initial structures for the NAMD simulation. The NAMD simulations were carried out using fewest switches surface hopping (FSSH) implemented within the time-dependent Kohn–Sham theory.52–54 This method has been proven to be reliable in simulating the dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers in various condensed-phase materials and systems.55–70
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Fig. 1 Top and side views of water molecules adsorbed on the p-rutile TiO2(110) surface in (a and b) monolayer and (c and d) semi-dissociated forms. The two water molecules are labeled as H2O_1 and H2O_2 in part (a). The side views in (b) and (d) only show the top two O–Ti–O layers. Fig. S1† presents 2 × 2 supercells to demonstrate the adsorption structures more clearly. The light blue and red balls represent the Ti and O atoms in TiO2, respectively, while the pink and green balls represent the O and H atoms in water molecules, respectively. The visualization is achieved with the VESTA software.71 |
In practical TiO2 photocatalytic water splitting systems, the TiO2 surface typically has multiple layers of adsorbed water molecules, forming a more complex HB network. In such cases, the monolayer adsorption structure on the TiO2 surface is augmented by additional IHBs. We chose monolayer water adsorption on the TiO2 surface as our study model for the following reasons. First, stable monolayer water adsorption structures have been observed experimentally on both rutile and anatase TiO2 surfaces.72,73 This provides a direct connection between our work and the experiment. Second, the monolayer water adsorption model provides a simple and efficient model to study the effect of IHBs on the dissociation of water molecules and hole capture on TiO2.
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Fig. 2 (a) Minimum energy pathways for water dissociation on p-rutile TiO2(110) for a non-hydrogen bonded system (monomer adsorption system) (red line) and monolayer water molecule adsorption (blue line). (b) Two pathways for H2O_2 molecule dissociation in the semi-dissociated system. One pathway is the dissociation of H2O_2 to form OtH and ObrH, and the other pathway is induced by IHB between OtH and H2O_2. Fig. S2† shows enlarged views of the initial state (IS), transition state (TS), and final state (FS) structures. |
As shown in Fig. 2b, there are two possible water dissociation pathways in the semi-dissociated system. One pathway leads to the formation of ObrH on Obr, with a dissociation barrier as high as 0.37 eV (red line). The other pathway involves dissociation of the H2O_2 molecule induced by the HB between OtH and H2O_2. The dissociation barrier for the second pathway is much lower, 0.13 eV (blue line), making the dissociation of water molecules much more likely. Importantly, the dissociation of H2O_2 induced by the IHB leads to spatial isolation of ObrH and OtH, effectively preventing their recombination.
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Fig. 3 Probability distributions of ObrH bond lengths in (a) a single water molecule and (b) monolayer systems, and IHB lengths (c) after and (d) before water dissociation in the monolayer system. |
In contrast, the distribution of the ObrH bond lengths in the semi-dissociated structure, as shown in Fig. 3b, formed after dissociation of a water molecule in the monolayer system, ranges from 0.96 Å to 1.04 Å, which is typical for the hydroxyl bond length. Thus, the H atom produced after water dissociation can be stably adsorbed on Obr. The evolutions of the ObrH and OtH bond lengths during the AIMD trajectory are shown in Fig. S4,† indicating that the dissociated water molecule in the monolayer system did not undergo recombination. The lengths of the IHBs reflect the bond strength: as the IHB length decreases, the IHB strength increases. Compared to the monolayer system, as shown in Fig. 3d, the IHB in the semi-dissociated system is significantly shorter, primarily distributed at around 1.75 Å, as shown in Fig. 3c. This indicates a significant enhancement in the IHB strength between OtH and H2O_2. Although the strengthening of the IHB between OtH and H2O_2 in the semi-dissociated system did not induce a permanent intermolecular proton transfer, the increased HB strength stabilized the ObrH/OtH pairs and suppressed the ObrH/OtH pair recombination in the pseudo-dissociated state.
As shown in Fig. 3c and d, the dissociation of H2O enhances the strength of IHB, which in turn promotes the dissociation of H2O_2. The dissociation energy barrier induced by IHB is only 0.13 eV. Fig. S5† shows the evolution of the H–O bond length in H2O_2 in both the monolayer and semi-dissociated systems during the MD process. It can be observed that the H–O bond length increases in the semi-dissociated system due to the enhanced IHB. An increase in the bond length indicates a weakening of the bond, making the H–O bond more prone to dissociation, rationalizing the significantly reduced energy barrier for dissociation of H2O_2 induced by IHB. Additionally, Fig. 3 demonstrates that the O–H bond length fluctuates more in the semi-dissociated system compared to the monolayer system. The enhanced movement of H atoms is accompanied by a stronger electron-vibrational coupling in the system, accelerating relaxation and capture of holes by H2O_2. Chu et al. discovered through both theoretical and experimental studies that methanol molecules adsorbed on the TiO2 surface significantly enhance the ability to capture excited state holes due to the quantized motion of protons, thereby improving the efficiency of the photochemical reaction.75 Overall, the increased IHB strength in the semi-dissociated system leads to higher efficiency of water dissociation, according to our thermodynamic analysis, and accelerated capture of photogenerated holes, according to our kinetic analysis.
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Fig. 4 PDOSs for (a) monolayer and (b) semi-dissociated systems. The PDOS of water is doubled for clarity. The purple, blue, and red arrows indicate the high (E1) and low energy (E2) photogenerated hole states, and the HOMO energy level. The charge densities are visualized with the VASPKIT and VESTA software.71,76 |
The hole capture process involves transitions between adiabatic electronic states, induced by nonadiabatic coupling (NAC). NAC induces energy exchange between the electronic and vibrational subsystems, and the rate of electron-vibrational energy exchange leading to hole capture is determined by using the NAC magnitude. NAC is defined as dij = −iℏ〈φi|∇R|φj〉·Ṙ, and it is a scalar product of the electronic matrix element of the atomic gradient vector operator, 〈φi|∇R|φj〉, and the atomic velocity, Ṙ. Therefore, the magnitude of NAC depends on the overlap of wave functions between orbitals and the extent of atomic motion. Fig. S5† demonstrates that H atoms fluctuate much more in the semi-dissociated system than the monolayer system, rationalizing the larger NAC and faster hole capture.
Fig. 6a and b present two-dimensional heat maps of the average absolute NAC between electronic states involved in the hole capture process for the monolayer and semi-dissociated systems, respectively. The deeper the color, the stronger the NAC. The NAC is the strongest between adjacent states, followed by the next nearest states. The stronger NAC between adjacent states implies that hole relaxation and capture is a sequential process, i.e., the hole hops down in energy through the manifold of TiO2 states before being captured by the water HOMO. The NAC is stronger in the semi-dissociated system than the monolayer system. This is because the vigorous movement of H atoms in the semi-dissociated system generates larger NAC (as shown in Fig. S5†). Table 1 summarizes the energy ranges and the averaged absolute NACs for the hole capture processes starting from the higher, E1 and lower, E2 energies in TiO2 to the water HOMO. The larger NAC in the semi-dissociated system explains the faster hole transfer (E1 to HOMEO: 14.19 meV vs. 16.75 meV and E2 to HOMO: 23.06 meV vs. 30.13 meV), quantitatively rationalizing why water molecules in the semi-dissociated system can capture photogenerated holes more quickly, Fig. 5.
System | E1-HOMO | E2-HOMO | ||
Energy range (eV) | NAC (meV) | Energy range (eV) | NAC (meV) | |
Monolayer | 1.06 | 14.19 | 0.54 | 23.06 |
Semi-dissociated | 1.11 | 16.75 | 0.51 | 30.13 |
Spectral density plots, shown in Fig. 6c and d, identify vibrational modes that couple to the electronic subsystem, accommodate the excess energy released during hole relaxation and facilitate hole transfer. The spectral densities corresponding to the hole transfer process are obtained by Fourier transforms (FTs) of the unnormalized autocorrelation functions of the energy gap fluctuations between the hole donor and acceptor states. The locations of the peaks in the spectral densities identify frequencies of the active vibrations, while the intensities of the peaks represent the strength of the electron–phonon coupling to the vibration at the corresponding frequency. At a given temperature, higher frequency vibrational modes generate faster atomic velocities, creating larger NAC, and larger NAC accelerates electron-vibrational energy exchange and hole capture. The spectral densities demonstrate that the hole transfer is primarily coupled with high-frequency vibrations, and that low-frequency vibrations have relatively small contributions to hole transfer. The peak at around 150 cm−1 corresponds to the B1g vibration of TiO2 and the vibration of Hbr,84 while the peak at around 400 cm−1 represents the Eg mode arising from the stretching vibration of O–Ti–O.85,86 The peak near 900 cm−1 corresponds to the bending motion of water molecules.87 As shown in Fig. 6c for the higher initial energy TiO2 state E1, the semi-dissociated system exhibits a stronger high-frequency electron–phonon coupling, especially near 900 cm−1, enhancing the NAC between E1 and the acceptor state. For the lower initial energy state E2, as shown in Fig. 6d, hole transfer is driven only by the high-frequency vibrations near 400 cm−1 and 900 cm−1. Low-frequency contributions are insignificant in this case. The signals at both 400 cm−1 and 900 cm−1 are stronger for the semi-dissociated system than the monolayer system. The stronger signals seen in the spectral densities correspond to the larger NAC, and rationalize faster hole relaxation and capture in the semi-dissociated system. Overall, for the relaxation of high energy (E1) and low energy (E2) initial excited state holes, the stronger high-frequency vibrational modes coupled to the hole relaxation process in the semi-dissociated system generate larger NAC. This accelerates the capture of photogenerated holes by water molecules, thereby improving the oxidation efficiency of water.
NAMD simulations reveal that the capture of photogenerated holes is significantly accelerated in the semi-dissociated system compared to the pristine system. The hole capture time is reduced by 36%, primarily due to the enhanced NAC between neighboring electronic states. The fast hole capture implies a higher dissociation efficiency for subsequent water splitting, which is a key factor for improving the yield of photocatalyzed splitting of water on TiO2. Stronger coupling of holes to high-frequency vibrations and additional active high-frequency vibrational modes in the semi-dissociated structure contribute to the accelerated capture of photogenerated holes as well. None of these effects are observed for isolated water molecules on TiO2.
The findings reported in this work are expected to apply to other metal oxide surfaces, such as RuO2 and SrTiO3, especially for recognizing the importance of IHB in the hole capture and water dissociation processes. Water adsorption structures in other classes of materials, such as metal nitrides and carbon nitrides, are likely to differ from those in metal oxides. Still, IHB should play a key role there as well. Related phenomena can take place in other cases, such as the photocatalytic oxidation of CH3OH on TiO2 surfaces. Capture of photogenerated holes depends on the properties of the CH3O− intermediate formed after CH3OH dissociation, and the HB should also be a significant factor influencing the capture of photogenerated holes in CH3OH. Future theoretical studies can focus on modeling ultrafast chemical reactions induced by photogenerated holes. For this purpose, one can employ the impulsive two-state method.39,42 Additional modeling studies on other classes of material systems and with other molecules are required in order to establish the generality of the conclusions reported in this work, and to formulate common theoretical principles underlying atomistic dynamics of photocatalytic reactions. Experimental studies combining spatial and temporal resolutions, e.g., using scanning tunneling microscopy and time-resolved spectroscopy, can provide important data to test and verify theoretical work and create new insights for constructing a detailed and comprehensive picture of water photolysis and related photocatalytic reactions.
Our work offers a detailed investigation of surface reaction kinetics and photogenerated hole capture dynamics during the dissociation of water adsorbed on p-rutile TiO2(110) surfaces. By exploring the role of special intermediates in photocatalyzed water splitting, our work deepens understanding of the complex reactions occurring on metal oxide surfaces.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta04750h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |