b and
aUniversité de Lorraine, CNRS, LRGP, F-54000 Nancy, France. E-mail:
bUniversité de Lorraine, CNRS, IJL, F-54000 Nancy, France
cCEMHTI-UPR 3079 CNRS, Site Haute Température, 1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans, France
dUniversité de Lorraine, LIBio, F-54000 Nancy, France
First published on 9th January 2025
Water-dispersible core/shell CuInZnSe/ZnS (CIZSe/ZnS) quantum dots (QDs) were efficiently synthesized under microwave irradiation using N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and sodium citrate as capping agents. The photoluminescence (PL) emission of CIZSe/ZnS QDs can be tuned from 593 to 733 nm with varying the Zn:
Cu molar ratio in the CIZSe core. CIZSe/ZnS QDs prepared with a Zn
Cu ratio of 0.5 exhibit the highest PL quantum yield (54%) and the longest PL lifetime (515 ns) originating from the recombination of donor–acceptor pairs. The potential of CIZSe/ZnS QDs as photoabsorbers in QD-sensitized solar cells was also evaluated. An adequate type-II band alignment is observed between TiO2 and CIZSe/ZnS QDs, indicating that photogenerated electrons in CIZSe/ZnS QDs could efficiently be injected into TiO2.
I–III–VI2 QDs, like AgInS2 or CuInS2, and their quaternary derivatives AgInZnS or CuInZnS obtained after shelling and alloying with ZnS, have been demonstrated to be excellent alternatives to II–VI QDs for numerous applications including QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs), fluorescence bio-imaging and light-emitting diodes.4–7 I–III–VI2 QDs exhibit a narrow bandgap, high absorption coefficients, a broad light absorption ranging from the UV to the NIR and a high thermal stability, conditions required for any use of these nanocrystals in technologies related to the conversion of solar energy.7–9 Moreover, I–III–VI2 QDs exhibit a high tolerance to stoichiometric deviation and defects, allowing a composition-dependent band structure which can be used in particular when coupling with other semiconductors to promote the transport and the separation of charge carriers.10–13
Recently, CuInSe2 (CISe) QDs have attracted high interest for photovoltaic applications due to their small bandgap (1.04 eV), high light absorption coefficient (ca. 105 cm−1) and large Bohr exciton radius (10.6 nm).8,14–16 Hydrophobic CISe core QDs and core/shell CISe/ZnS QDs capped with oleylamine, dodecanethiol or oleic acid can be prepared by thermal decomposition of metal precursors and Se in a high boiling point solvent like 1-octadecene followed by the deposition of the ZnS shell.16–21 These nanocrystals can also be synthesized by the hot injection of a Se precursor into a mixture of metal precursors.22–33 The optical properties of the QDs are excellent with optical absorption covering the entire visible and near IR range and PL QYs up to almost 100%.33 However, the use of these oil-dispersible nanocrystals in QDSSCs requires an additional ligand exchange step, for example with 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA), in order to make them hydrophilic and allow their anchoring onto TiO2 films.
An alternative is the preparation of CIZSe core QDs in an aqueous medium. The synthesis processes in an aqueous medium use fewer toxic precursors and ligands than those necessary for synthesis in an organic medium and the reaction conditions are generally milder. However, the preparation of CIZSe and CIZSe/ZnS QDs in an aqueous medium has been significantly less studied than in organic media. Syntheses are most commonly performed at reflux or under microwave activation using a mixture of glutathione (GSH) and sodium citrate as ligands.34–37 The use of gelatin and thioglycolic acid (TGA) or of trithiocyanuric acid when the synthesis is carried out in an autoclave has also been reported.38,39 The nanocrystals produced using these methods are of very small sizes (between 2 and 5.5 nm). Except the Mn2+-doped CIZSe/ZnS QDs whose PL QY is 40%,37 PL QYs are between 4 and 23.3%.
Herein, we report a microwave-assisted aqueous phase synthesis of core/shell CIZSe/ZnS QDs using N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and sodium citrate (SC) as capping ligands. By varying the Zn:
Cu molar ratio from 5 to 0 in the CIZSe core, the PL emission can be tuned from the visible (593 nm) to the NIR (733 nm). Nanocrystals prepared with the Zn
Cu ratio of 0.5 exhibit the highest PL QY (54%) and the longest PL decay lifetime (515 ns). These nanocrystals exhibit a small diameter (2.2 ± 0.1 nm), indicating that the synthesis method developed allows a good size control. The potential of CIZSe/ZnS QDs as absorbers for photovoltaic cells was also investigated.
In a typical CIZSe/ZnS QDs synthesis, the metal precursors (Cu(NO3)2, In(NO3)3 and Zn(NO3)2) and the ligands (NAC and sodium citrate) were dissolved in water and the pH adjusted to 6. Next, freshly prepared NaHSe was quickly injected under stirring and the mixture transferred into a MW oven for 5 min. After the core growth, a ZnS shell was deposited on the surface of CIZSe QDs by adding Zn(NO3)2, thiourea and NAC and further heating under MW irradiation for 2 min (Scheme 1).
The presence of Cu in the core is essential to observe a PL signal. Core CIZSe QDs exhibit a low PL intensity due to high density of surface and intrinsic defects like In substituted Cu (InCu), which cause non-radiative recombination of the photo-excited carrier (see Fig. S3† for QDs prepared with a Zn:
Cu ratio of 0.5). The presence of the InCu-related absorption can be observed at ca. 1200 nm on UV-visible-near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra (Fig. S3†).39 The PL QYs of CIZSe QDs are lower than 2%. However, after ZnS shelling, the PL QYs markedly increase, reaching values up to 54% for QDs prepared with a Zn
Cu ratio of 0.5 (vide infra), through the effective passivation of CIZSe QDs surface which allows to remove some surface-related non-radiative centers and thus improve the optical stability. A significant blue-shift from 722 to 685 nm of the PL peak position is observed after the ZnS shelling, indicating the further incorporation of Zn2+ cations into the CIZSe core, resulting in an increase in the bandgap energy (Fig. S4†).
CIZSe/ZnS QDs absorb over the whole visible region and even in the near infrared for QDs containing little or no Zn (Fig. 1a). No distinctive excitonic peak can be observed for CIZSe/ZnS QDs due to their heterogeneous composition distributions that generate a wide distribution of vibrational states (intrinsic and surface trap states), which is a typical feature of I–III–VI2 QDs.41–43 A gradual red-shift of the UV-visible band edge is observed when decreasing the Zn:
Cu ratio, indicating a composition-dependent variation of the energy bandgap. Fig. 1b shows the plots of (αhγ)2vs. hγ (where α is the absorption coefficient and hν is the photon energy) used to determine the energy bandgap of CIZSe/ZnS QDs. Eg values were obtained by extrapolating the linear portion of the curve to the intercept with the x axis and were found to be 1.73, 1.80, 1.88, 1.93, 1.98 and 2.12 eV for Zn
Cu ratios of 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0, respectively.
As seen in Fig. 1c, the PL emission can be tuned from 593 to 733 nm when increasing the Cu content, is broad (full-width at half-maximum, fwhm, of ca. 125 nm) and shows a large Stokes shift. The broad PL emissions are associated to intragap surface states and intrinsic defect states involving donor–acceptor pairs (DAPs).41–43 The sample prepared with a Zn:
Cu ratio of 0.5 has the highest PL QY (54%) (Table 1). The PL QYs of other CIZSe/ZnS are between 21 and 33%. The excitation wavelength was tuned from 275 to 650 nm and the PL emission was found to vary as shown in the excitation-emission 3D map (Fig. 1d). The excitation-dependent PL likely originates from the different relaxations pathways previously mentioned. The highest PL emission intensity is observed at 644 nm when CIZSe/ZnS QDs are excited at 396 nm.
Zn![]() ![]() |
PL QY (%) | A 1 | τ 1 (ns) | A 2 | τ 2 (ns) | A 3 | τ 3 (ns) | τ av (ns) |
0 | 21 | 0.128 | 210 | 0.0059 | 674 | 0.0004 | 7080 | 252 |
0.2 | 31 | 0.169 | 229 | 0.0086 | 801 | 0.0013 | 10![]() |
332 |
0.5 | 54 | 0.116 | 268 | 0.0007 | 1120 | 0.0027 | 10![]() |
515 |
1 | 33 | 0.072 | 277 | 0.0024 | 1210 | 0.0010 | 11![]() |
455 |
2 | 24 | 0.201 | 225 | 0.0079 | 899 | 0.0012 | 10![]() |
310 |
5 | 24 | 0.185 | 271 | 0.0217 | 948 | 0.0022 | 10![]() |
442 |
The PL emission wavelength can also be regulated through changing the precursor molar ratio of Cu:
In or In
Se in the reaction. When increasing the Cu
In molar ratio, the PL emission of CIZSe/ZnS QDs was found to shift to long-wavelength region due to the bandgap narrowing (Fig. S5†).44 With the increase of the Se content in CIZSe/ZnS nanocrystals, the PL emission shifts to shorter wavelengths, indicating an increase of the bandgap (Fig. S6†). Besides, all CIZSe and CIZSe/ZnS QDs show a broad absorption from 250 to 650 nm.
The photostability of a colloidal dispersion of CIZSe/ZnS QDs (Zn:
Cu = 0.5) was also compared to that of Rhodamine B (RhB) under continuous irradiation of a Hg/Xe lamp (light irradiance of 50 mW cm−2), at 20 °C and under ambient conditions (Fig. S7†). A decrease in PL intensity of CIZSe/ZnS QDs (Zn
Cu = 0.5) of about 17% is observed after 90 min of irradiation before reaching a quasi-plateau after 240 min irradiation. This decrease likely originates from a photo-oxidation of QDs during the irradiation. Noteworthy is also that the fwhm of the PL signal is almost constant and that no additional PL signals related to defects could be observed. For RhB, the decrease in PL intensity is faster and regular throughout the irradiation and only 40% of the initial intensity is maintained after 240 min irradiation, indicating that CIZSe/ZnS QDs are more photostable than a conventional organic dye like RhB.
The PL emission mechanism of CIZSe/ZnS QDs was investigated by measuring their PL lifetime (Fig. 2a). The normalized PL decay curves were fitted by a tri-exponential function:
I(t) = A1![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements conducted on NAC-capped CIZSe/ZnS QDs prepared with a Zn:
Cu ratio of 0.5 and selected as representative are shown in Fig. 3b. The volume-weighted size distribution shows that the sample is composed of very small QDs with an average size of ca. 2 nm and that the colloidal dispersion is almost monodisperse (PDI = 0.2). The intensity-weighted distribution seems to indicate that the sample is more heterogeneous but this analysis gives a much greater weight to nanoparticles of larger size which only represent a very small fraction of the sample.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 (a) XRD patterns of CIZSe/ZnS QDs. (b) Hydrodynamic diameter and (c) ζ potential of CIZSe/ZnS QDs prepared with a Zn![]() ![]() |
The carboxylate group of NAC provides to CIZSe/ZnS QDs a zeta (ζ) potential of −47 mV at pH = 7 (Fig. 3c). This highly negative ζ potential will not only influence the colloidal stability of the dots in aqueous media but also their optical properties such as recombination dynamics.46
The diameter of CIZSe/ZnS QDs was determined using HAADF-STEM and TEM (Fig. 4a and b). Quasi-spherical nanoparticles with an average diameter of 2.2 ± 0.1 nm can be observed (inset of Fig. 4b). The lattice spacing of 0.33 nm measured on the HR-TEM image can be indexed to the (112) plane of CuInSe2. The HR-TEM image and the associated selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern confirm the high crystallinity of CIZSe/ZnS QDs (Fig. 4c and d). No interface can be seen between the CIZSe core and the ZnS shell likely due to the thin layer of ZnS covering the CIZSe core and/or the alloying of ZnS with the core. The EDS analysis and the associated elemental confirm the presence of Cu, In, Zn, S and Se elements as well as their homogenous distribution in CIZSe/ZnS QDs (Fig. 4e–j and S9†).
The presence of NAC at the surface of QDs was confirmed by FT-IR (Fig. S10†). The signals observed at 3374, 2574 and 1718 cm−1 for NAC correspond to N–H, S–H and CO stretchings, respectively. Compared to NAC, all QDs exhibit a broad signal at ca. 3300 cm−1 corresponding to the O–H stretching of the carboxylic acid group and/or to chemisorbed water molecules. The peaks with the highest intensity at ca. 1585 and 1380 cm−1 can be assigned to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of the carboxylate function, respectively. This high density of carboxylate functions at the surface of QDs allows QDs to be dispersible in aqueous media and of high colloidal stability, which agrees with ζ potential measurements. Fig. S11† plots the thermogravimetric analyses from room temperature to 800 °C of CIZSe/ZnS QDs. A first weight loss of ca. 7% is observed between 30 and 150 °C and likely corresponds to the removal of chemisorbed water molecules and of neutral ligands (L-ligands) from the QDs surface. A second weight loss of ca. 20% originating from the decomposition of organic ligands ionically bound (X-ligands) to the QDs surface occurs between 250 and 450 °C.47 These results show that ligands participate in ca. 25% of the mass of QDs.
XPS was further used to determine the chemical composition as well as the bonding state of elements composing CIZSe/ZnS QDs. The XPS survey spectrum of CIZSe/ZnS QDs prepared with a Zn:
Cu ratio of 0.5 indicates that Cu, In, Zn, Se, S, C, N, O and Na are present and that no other elements are detected, indicating the purity of the nanocrystals (Fig. S12†). C, N, O and Na elements correspond to the capping ligands (NAC and sodium citrate) of CIZSe/ZnS QDs. The HR XPS spectrum of Cu 2p3/2 shows a single signal at 932.08 eV corresponding to Cu in the +1 oxidation state in CuInSe2,30,32 confirming that the Cu2+ precursor is reduced into Cu+ during the synthesis (Fig. S13a†). The In 3d5/2 peaks at 444.34 and 451.86 eV are indicative of In(+3) (Fig. S13b†) while the Zn 2p3/2 signal at 1021.40 eV corresponds to Zn(+2) (Fig. S13c†).30,32 The signals of Se 3d5/2 appear at 53.61 and 54.46 eV and show the presence of Se(−2) (Fig. S13d and e†). The presence of two signals suggest that Se(−2) is involved in different bonds with In3+, Cu+ and Zn2+. The S 2p core level spectrum shows two signals at 161.70 and 162.90 eV, corresponding to Cu–S and In–S bonds, respectively (Fig. S13d†).48 The quantification of XPS signals indicates that the Cu/In/Zn ratio is of ca. 1/7.9/24.2 while the theoretical ratio is of 1/10/85. ICP-OES analyses carried out on CIZSe/ZnS QDs after purification show that the percentages in In and especially in Zn are lower than theoretical values (Table S1†). This deviation suggests that the Cu precursor reacts faster than In and Zn ones with Se2− in the reaction medium.
Finally, XRD, TEM, FT-IR and XPS analyses further confirm that CIZSe/ZnS QDs were successfully prepared by the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method developed in this work.
In QDSSCs, QDs anchored on the TiO2 photoanode act as light absorbers. Upon photoexcitation, electrons are injected from the QD excited state into the conduction band of the TiO2 layer that provides a fast channel for these electrons to transfer to the external circuit. Thus, engineering photoanodes of high stability and with high electrical conductivity is of high importance for enhancing the photoelectric conversion efficiency.50 As the electron injection rate from QDs into the conduction band of TiO2 plays a key role on photovoltaic performance, the interaction of CIZSe/ZnS QDs (Zn:
Cu = 5.0) with a TiO2 colloid was investigated by PL.51 As can be seen on Fig. S14a,† the addition of 50 μL of a TiO2 colloid to 3 mL of an aqueous dispersion of CIZSe/ZnS QDs leads to an immediate decrease of a factor two of the PL intensity, indicating that QDs strongly bind to TiO2 nanoparticles and that photo-excited electrons in QDs efficiently transfer to TiO2. The decrease in PL intensity is not linear and is less pronounced after adding a larger amount of the TiO2 colloid (up to 550 μL) (Fig. S14b†).
As previously shown, a suitable type II band alignment is observed for all CIZSe/ZnS QDs and TiO2, which should favor the charge transfer from QDs to TiO2.52 This has been demonstrated by deposition of a TiO2 layer with a thickness of ca. 125 nm onto FTO by magnetron sputtering followed by CIZSe/ZnS QDs via dip coating (Fig. 5i). The transient photocurrent responses of the TiO2/CIZSe/ZnS samples prepared with Zn:
Cu ratios of 5.0, 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 are about six times higher than that of TiO2, which confirms the improved carriers separation and transfer (Fig. 5j).
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm) on a Panalytical X'Pert Pro MPD diffractometer instrument.
X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) were recorded on a Gammadata Scienta SES 200-2 spectrometer. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) measurements were conducted on a Varian 720-ES equipment.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted under air from 20 to 800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 using a TGA/DSC1 STAR equipment (Mettler-Toledo).
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments and zeta potential measurements were carried out on a Zetasizer Nano ZS at 20 °C in water (green laser beam 532 nm) with a disposable capillary cell (DTS1070) (Malvern-Panalytical, UK). All measurements were performed in triplicate.
The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were recorded on a Bruker ALPHA spectrometer. The UV-visible absorption spectra were recorded using a Thermo Scientific Evolution 220 spectrometer. UV-visible-near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded a Shimadzu 2600–2700 spectrometer. The PL measurements were conducted using a SAFAS Xenius spectrophotometer equipped with a Xenon lamp as the excitation source. PL spectra were spectrally corrected and PL QYs were determined relative to Rhodamine 6G in ethanol (PL QY = 94%).
For the time resolved photoluminescence (TR-PL) experiments, the QDs were pumped by the 355 nm line of a frequency-tripled YAG (yttrium aluminium garnet):Nd laser. The laser pulse frequency, energy and duration were typically equal to 10 Hz, 50 μJ and 10 ns, respectively. The PL signal was analysed by a monochromator equipped with a 600 grooves per mm grating and by a photomultiplier tube cooled at 190 K. The rise time of the detector is equal to around 3 ns.
Mott–Schottky plots at 1–10 kHz frequencies were determined from EIS measurements in the dark, using 0.5 M Na2SO4 (pH = 7). The Mott–Schottky measurements are based on eqn (1):
![]() | (1) |
VNHE = VAg/AgCl + 0.197 | (2) |
For Mott–Schottky measurements, the samples were prepared as follows. The 125 nm thick TiO2 layer was deposited onto FTO substrates (fluorine doped tin oxide coated glass, TEC 7 Ω sq−1) by DC magnetron sputtering of a pure Ti target (80 W for 15 min 48 s) and next annealed for 2 h at 500 °C. CIZSe/ZnS QDs were deposited onto FTO by dip-coating (20 cycles) from the purified stock solution. The deposited sample dried for 12 h under ambient conditions and then heated for 5 h at 300 °C under nitrogen.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: UV-visible and PL emission spectra, FT-IR spectra, EDX analysis, TGA analysis, XPS spectra, ICP-OES analysis, TEM image and SAED pattern, PL quenching by TiO2. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |