Issue 6, 2025

Advancements in biomass-derived cellulose composite electrodes for supercapacitors: a review


Renewable and sustainable biomass nanomaterials have garnered significant interest in developing green and renewable supercapacitor devices with cost-effective, flexible, and lightweight features. Biomass-derived cellulose-based composites are favorable as electrode materials due to their renewability, hydrophilicity, high aspect ratio, biodegradability, low weight, high surface area, and impressive mechanical behavior. Furthermore, there is growing scientific interest in biomass-derived cellulose composite electrode materials and other conductive materials for supercapacitors, as they exhibit high conductivity and favorable electrochemical properties. In light of this, the goal of this review is to investigate the state of the art and the historical development of cellulose composite materials in supercapacitors, with a particular emphasis on the influence of construction and chemical composition on the corresponding flexible electrodes' electrochemical behavior. Various cellulose composite electrode materials' effectiveness in developing sustainable energy storage devices and artificial intelligence and machine learning is emphasized. Subsequently, the importance of modulated dynamic simulation and artificial intelligence and machine learning approach aspects in cellulose-based electrodes is also discussed. Furthermore, this review article concludes by highlighting challenges, current trends, future directions, and strategies for improvement, including life cycle assessments, computational approaches, and addressing lab-to-application discrepancies in cellulose-based biomass composites.

Graphical abstract: Advancements in biomass-derived cellulose composite electrodes for supercapacitors: a review

Article information

Article type
Review Article
05 aug 2024
03 dec 2024
First published
10 dec 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 4012-4042

Advancements in biomass-derived cellulose composite electrodes for supercapacitors: a review

N. Choudhary, A. Tomar, S. Bhardwaj, J. Ćwiertnia, D. Just, D. Janas, R. Chandra and P. K. Maji, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 4012 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05470A

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