Issue 1, 2024

Ball-milling for efficient synthesis of pyridine-containing iron(ii) photosensitizers


Photoredox catalysis is becoming more and more prevalent in the 21st century as a new tool for organic and polymer synthesis. In addition, this domain clearly fits the expectations of the twelve principles of green chemistry. However, access to metal containing photosensitizers is not always straightforward and can require long reaction times, the use of toxic solvents and multi-step synthesis. These are definitely drawbacks that could be overcome with the use of novel technologies. In this report, we develop a one-pot two-step synthesis of iron(II) photosensitizers using ball-milling. Overall reaction times were drastically reduced, no solvent was needed during the reaction, and ten complexes could be isolated in high yields (73–99%). Using a transparent milling jar, the formation of the complexes could be followed using in situ Raman spectroscopy.

Graphical abstract: Ball-milling for efficient synthesis of pyridine-containing iron(ii) photosensitizers

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Article information

Article type
18 dec 2023
05 feb 2024
First published
20 feb 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Mechanochem., 2024,1, 116-122

Ball-milling for efficient synthesis of pyridine-containing iron(II) photosensitizers

E. Rastoder, T. Michel, F. Lamaty and X. Bantreil, RSC Mechanochem., 2024, 1, 116 DOI: 10.1039/D3MR00033H

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