Issue 47, 2024

Pathway control in metallosupramolecular polymerization of a monoalkynylplatinum(ii) terpyridine complex through competitive complex formation


Understanding the pathway complexity of supramolecular polymerization in biomimetic systems has been a challenging issue due to its importance in the development of rationally controlled materials and insight into self-assembly in nature. We herein report a kinetic trapping strategy as a new methodology on how to control the pathway of metallosupramolecular polymerization by employing secondary metal ions and/or ligands which form competitive complex species. For this, we proposed monoalkynylplatinum(II) metalloligand (Pt-L1) derived from a bis(amideterpyridine) receptor with one unoccupied terpyridyl terminal as a coordination site for the secondary metal ion (Ag+ or Fe2+). The inherent pathway complexity intrinsic to the Pt-L1-anchored supramolecular polymerization has been modulated through the incorporation of Ag+ or Fe2+. During the supramolecular polymerization of Pt-L1 in the presence of Ag+ and Fe2+, the added secondary ligand bpy (4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine) or DA18C6 (1,14-diaza-18-crown-6) form complexes as kinetic species, thereby inhibiting spontaneous polymerizations. The supramolecular polymer (SP-I), with a spherical structure composed of Pt-L1 in the absence of metal ions as a kinetic product, did not transform into the thermodynamic product, namely supramolecular polymer (SP-III) with a left-handed fiber structure, due to a high energy barrier. However, the supramolecular polymer (SP-II) with a left-handed fiber structure, which was formed by Pt-L1 in the presence of AgNO3, converted to SP-III upon the addition of NaCl. Additionally, SP-II transformed into supramolecular polymer (SP-IV) upon the addition of Fe(BF4)2, through an on-pathway process. Both the morphological and emissive characteristics of the resulting supramolecular polymers can be fine-tuned via the Pt⋯Pt or Ag⋯Ag interactions as well as through the changes of the coordination geometry depending on the existing Ag+ or Fe2+ ions. The present results have important implications in expanding the scope of pathway complexity to produce a variety of products via kinetically controlled processes involving secondary metal ions and ligands.

Graphical abstract: Pathway control in metallosupramolecular polymerization of a monoalkynylplatinum(ii) terpyridine complex through competitive complex formation

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Article type
Edge Article
09 sep 2024
01 nov 2024
First published
06 nov 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 19729-19738

Pathway control in metallosupramolecular polymerization of a monoalkynylplatinum(II) terpyridine complex through competitive complex formation

M. Kim, H. Choi, M. Kim, S. Kim, S. Yun, E. Lee, J. Cho, S. H. Jung and J. H. Jung, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 19729 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC06083K

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