Issue 1, 2025

Chemical characterization of polymer and chloride content in waste plastic materials using pyrolysis – direct analysis in real time – high-resolution mass spectrometry


The increasing global demand for plastic has raised the need for effective waste plastic management due to its long lifetime and resistance to environmental degradation. There is a need for rapid plastic identification to improve the mechanical waste plastic sorting process. This study presents a novel application of Temperature-Programmed Desorption-Direct Analysis in Real Time-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (TPD-DART-HRMS) that enables rapid characterization of various plastics. This technique was applied on four commercially available reference polymers (polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride) as well as three “waste” plastic samples of mixed origin. These waste plastic samples were obtained as discards from various industrial processes with limited analytical characterization data. Through the application of CH2 Kendrick mass defect (KMD) grouping, characteristic trends in the mass spectra of each sample were identified, allowing for a simplified numerical comparison. This approach utilized a robust statistical approach using the Tanimoto coefficient, allowing for the quantitative measures of similarity between standards and unknown samples. The application of this mathematical evaluation methodology was used to identify plastic types and to distinguish structurally similar polymers. Additionally, we report that a chloride ion clustering effect with copper substrate can identify chlorinated polymer PVC (polyvinyl chloride) utilizing pyro-(−)DART-HRMS mode. PVC polymer is of particular interest in recycling due to its high chloride content, which can present technical challenges for some types of recycling. We found that chloride ion clusters are a good screening marker for the presence of chlorinated polymers in mixed waste plastic samples. This study can possibly help advance rapid and accurate analytical techniques for identifying the composition of waste plastics to advance the effectiveness of the waste plastic sorting process.

Graphical abstract: Chemical characterization of polymer and chloride content in waste plastic materials using pyrolysis – direct analysis in real time – high-resolution mass spectrometry

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Article type
23 aug 2024
27 dec 2024
First published
30 dec 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2025,27, 104-118

Chemical characterization of polymer and chloride content in waste plastic materials using pyrolysis – direct analysis in real time – high-resolution mass spectrometry

E. Halpern, L. Heirty, C. West, Y. Li, W. M. Kim, A. S. Mennito and A. Laskin, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2025, 27, 104 DOI: 10.1039/D4EM00501E

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