Issue 1, 2025

Preceramic polymer-hybridized phenolic aerogels and the derived ZrC/SiC/C ceramic aerogels with ultrafine nanocrystallines


Phenolic and carbon aerogels have important applications for thermal insulation and ablative resistance materials in aerospace field. However, their antioxidant ability in long-term high-temperature aerobic environments faces serious challenges. To solve this problem, Zr/Si preceramic polymer hybridized phenolic resin (PR-ZS) aerogels were prepared via a facile sol–gel method. Compared with pure phenolic aerogel, the hybrid aerogels possess similar porous microstructure but larger specific surface area, better thermo-oxidative stability, and higher compressive strength. After carbonization at 1700 °C, the hybrid aerogels can be transformed to carbide ceramic aerogels with ultrafine nanocrystalline ZrC and SiC particles embedded in the carbon matrix. Ceramic aerogels exhibit good thermal insulative and anti-ablative properties in a butane torch simulated high-temperature and aerobic environment. The linear ablation rate is as low as 0.017 mm min−1, and the backside temperature is below 330 °C at a 20 mm in-depth position after 300 s of burning test, when the front temperature is approximately 960 °C. This work provides a facile approach to fabricate hybrid phenolic aerogels and derived ZrC/SiC/C ceramic aerogels, which target on applications for extreme environments in aerospace field.

Graphical abstract: Preceramic polymer-hybridized phenolic aerogels and the derived ZrC/SiC/C ceramic aerogels with ultrafine nanocrystallines

Article information

Article type
24 aug 2024
06 nov 2024
First published
08 nov 2024

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 230-242

Preceramic polymer-hybridized phenolic aerogels and the derived ZrC/SiC/C ceramic aerogels with ultrafine nanocrystallines

D. Nie, H. Zhong, H. Hu, Z. Luo and B. Zhang, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 230 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR03470H

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